“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestIt's Been a Hard Day's Night
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestIt's Been a Hard Day's Night

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

It's Been a Hard Day's Night
February 7, 2023

Vladimir Putin

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Dear President Putin,
"It's been a hard days night. And I've been working like a dog. But when I get home to you…" Was that nineteen-sixties Beetles hit a complaint? I work hard, and then I come home and; work harder.


Yes, the Whole World is now in Jesus' Hands when you host His Ark, Me.

Epistle's Erudition

Based on infidelity and abstinent marriages, not to mention how many beds are to blame in the commercial world for a bad nights sleep, the Beetles were complaining big time! How the Beetles understood Americans' were their bread and butter. Take television out of bedrooms. And that was a period. The March Madness article approacheth.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

English, in its contracted form, is a pain in the ass. It has becomes it's. It is even worse than that. It has, is a sentence in unto itself. Becomes it's, is a fragment. The transition word becomes creates a fragment. So joining two sentences with a comma is not the punctuation rule to follow. It is, would be a stand alone sentence otherwise. Becomes, however, queues the reader for a list. It's, in the placement of the sentence, is the singular list item. Therefore, I will punctuate the sentence thusly. It has becomes; it's. Its good. That too is a sentence. If it has good, is that different than it is good? What is the thing that is good in the sentence, its good? With the placement of the apostrophe there should be clarity.

I Am closer to My mega reveal of letters and correspondence on herald.macdukes.com, and this, of course, is early edition correspondence that has abridged March Madness content. I need to lose more weight, again, off My upper body before more comes off My thighs so My thinner jeans fit. I Am frustrated with the slow size reduction on the dimensions that matter. Gaining slimness is incentive for Me to work harder. The LORD controls every morsel and when I consume said morsel, as well as where. My body is still recovering from the Spirit shut-down against it that no human ever has survived, before. And none other will.

Intelligence is scraping My google email. And I use My google email to print My correspondence at a self service commercial printer, like FedEx Kinko's, or Office Depot. So the postage stamp, is of course so a dim whit like Wray, can go after interstate commerce violations for My prophet gig. Certainly Berlin, and the Kremlin, would have no motive to neglect delivering My full message. So sending letters in the mail serves purpose for Team God. That Wray keeps piling on his witchcraft in response to his glancing at My work, is just bonus. And of course he is not forced to do one thing to protect Me. Let alone simply protect the law. The LORD protecting Me accomplishes His kingdom. My protecting others accomplishes the kingship the LORD has to bestow on one fleshly king, to become a Star, Spirit.

The LORD protects Me. Mary McRae has set herself up to be shot by the Corpus Christi Police Department. This is what the LORD has to protect Janet Henderson of Hamlin, My neighbour. Mary has decided to murder. Janet is not the female Mary wants sexual congress with. Murdering Janet is her personal solution to what she has decided is Janet's sexual advances against her. Of course Mary has many tools for murder, because the CCPD refuses to enforce the law with regard to Mary's perverse deeds at large in the community. None of Mary's tools would be self defence. Mary will keep allowing Janet to get closer until Mary could murder her as she did Charles Van Artsdalen or Mr. Brown, both of Oahu, or Roger Doucette of Big Bear City, California. The CCPD of course are doing nothing to serve and protect Janet because they would need to be willing to agree with My testimony under Janet's scrutiny that Mary is a murder. The LORD wants Mary shot by CCPD. And you people hated My private military solution as unjust.

Writing these letters is trust building. I like building trust. What better way to build trust than I say, then you see fulfilment. The CCPD, in actions that will be perceived as trigger happy incompetence, will shoot and kill Mary McRae of 4622 Dody Street in the line of duty. Her being such a "defenceless" senior citizen. The lethal force is the only tool the LORD has to protect Janet. Disobey an American police officer, stirring his fear of survival, and get shot. That lethal solution the LORD has, is only part of the witchcraft -- against all that is Holy -- Mike Markle built with his high priest-hood.

With My letters, you, flesh, receive from flesh the Message from the Divine as immortal flesh interprets all the shit that has been done against Spirit, and further; what is being corrected. With that list of one -- what is being corrected, had I stated who or what was doing the correcting, that would have been the active, stronger voice. That was omitted.

The time I have at large within the community, the Corpus Christi Police Department keep doing according to the debaucheries of Mike Markle, and Peter Zanoni. My global notices keep coming because the LORD is keeping Me alive. Because I offered peace to the world, there was a time the LORD was destroying his own slave. I was living all of the penalties niggers like Markle and Zanoni forced the LORD into doing against the Christ. Spirit needed Me alive.

Where niggers like Markle and Zanoni get themselves into trouble is building class distinctions for applying law. Markle and Zanoni are narcotic and human traffickers. The Department of Justice is protecting the criminal activity of these niggers. Amsterdam understood the need to avoid class distinctions, where drugs were concerned, for a long time. So giving out AIDS reducing measures with free hypodermics, and accepting public drug parks was a kinda solution. In America making drugs legal means FDA approval. Unless of course drugs are sold at the health food store purely as a food and called supplements. While on the topic of altering substances, alcohol is regulated. A good many steeped beverages are medicinally potent. A steeped beverage. Is not that called tea? How about regulating tea? Regulation, does that mean a tax? That didn't go so well in America when the British went after that.

This letter is not about the aforementioned idiots. The tangent was necessary for continued hunting against Bonnie king Charley. Flesh went after forcing God Almighty to bless flesh, and take from Spirit. Then when flesh refuses to deliver the obedience due, flesh is called to account. Of course you know I Am the Exchequer. More against the British Common Wealth warlocks and witches to come.

I Am sitting at Starbuck's on South Staples. It is the Doddridge store. Two fat, presumably, divorced women - females - vacated the table to My left. They were clearly desperate to attract the attention of Wade - male - who I typically sit left of while sipping morning coffee. It is before six in the morning. A little early for this type of female to be up. He and Me comfortably ignore one another while equally focussed on our respective laptops. We also take a moment or two to exchange pleasantries, and learn a little about one another, every so often.

He regrets, now that he suffered from mild COVID, taking the COVID vaccines. I was neutral as he lamented his bought of illness over Christmas. I simply received information. I told him about My nursing Gurgevich prevented Me from enjoying My usual routine. Wade was exuberant about our fist bump greeting this morning, and he was obviously glad his wing-man -- in this case a female deflector -- arrived, sitting down between he and the two bitches dressed in typical genitalis advertere Americano. Fat could be replaced with; sturdy, matronly, athletically-obese, or chunky.

There is another English rule that comes into play. Is it, he and I, or he and Me? I wrote We and then realized that the sentence began with ambiguity over who was ignored. I referenced two females in that paragraph other than Me and Wade. The English rule over Me, I will read over later. For now, I Am leaving he and Me, because I could easily replace he and Me with Wade and H*****r as if I were writing in the third person.

However this is written as first person. I have no accurate recollection of that English rule of pronoun replacement based on first, second, or third person. Who and whom are the other big stickler to use correctly as well. Clearly a Harvard Ph.D. has the intellectual acumen to identify their own usage foibles, and do something better than a shitty dodge in the desperate need to put something down on paper. Vonnegut at least got the title of his book right when he wrote, pity the reader. Calling Me H*****r is a violation of My person. The good thing about Me is that I Am kind to personal violators. As in, I Am good to My enemies.

The nation that hosts Me, and of course America is not hosting Me -- America is holding Me hostage -- takes the entire World, and unifies the world under one massive kingship. I of course make the path straight for military action, and the law of the incoming king as he conquers. Mr. Putin, without hosting Me, and that means as the Christ, the stalemate against all the power of Russia's military will baffle the world. How many more dead are the mothers of Russia going to endure before your life is delivered in retribution?

Taking the entire world was not on the table when I started My pathetic ministry efforts. My pathetic ministry outset being the starving on Coronado bit. The LORD was forced to kill his faithful slave. The State of Texas was hotly building a case to incarcerate Me, illegally. Worse than that, the FBI was desperate to hang on Me all of the witchcraft trials due others. For the FBI to execute Me using Heaven, they would have needed to execute Me for being the Christ. This means Wray would have been required to testify before the whole world, "This is the Christ, and I Am murdering her." First I had to prove to Spirit I Was and Am, indeed, the Christ. Once Spirit could not refute that I was the Christ, neither could I be destroyed. That is the significance of the three tests from Spirit Jesus endured. Did Jesus have outstanding lessons in his answers? Yes, then he ended up hung on a stake, and the breath of God was removed from him. What was more, the charge was blasphemy.

Now that Spirit has their King, Moi, the FBI has an even bigger dilemma, in that I Am not allowed to be destroyed. Because, viola! I Am the Christ. I Am also physically incapable of witchcraft. This is why every soul on this earth is impotent against My declarations making the path straight for the king of My hosting nation. You built your laws and technology on witchcraft, dumb-asses! The LORD has a phenomenal gift to give flesh in becoming a Star. To be that Star means going after kingship. To be that king, you host the Christ.

All of you niggers were given the opportunity to be the Christ! You had to do the obedience to God Almighty to gain that prize. What you did was hate the Lamb!

I Am not backing a nation that does not host Me as the Christ. That too is against the rules. Until I Am hosted, and Mr. Putin, I Am waiting, but of course I have a first come first served policy, you will simply do the deeds of destruction. More than that, you are the tool to wipe the LORD's Holy Church clean. Boldly engage and go to conquer. Your warfare efforts are accomplishing the LORD's will. You want to accomplish being the king over the entire world? You need Me. The problem is all you wanted was Ukraine. What the hell do you have against the French? Even the Vietnamese put up with them, some.

For America to Host Me, they put My title "the Christ" boldly on My Pentagon office door. Further, I Am lavishly spoiled with gifts from the tax payers. Mary and Terry are incarcerated. They can even be executed, now. The LORD's Holy Church then goes about conquering the entire world. You know the spielen.

What is required for this kingship? Holy warfare. The world over, the process of bleeding souls into the soil, simply wiping out everyone who runs into the street to kill the Christ receives their reward for running out to kill Me, is the Holy war process. This means soldier losses are minimised, even among fornicators, and the chief in command of the host nation, typically the president, has a grand heavenly prize. In United States the President of the United States no longer holds that power in Heaven. This Means only under martial law established under the Senior Joint Chief can America go after the king prize.

What you will be watching on the world stage with American soldiers and apostates, is the consequence of flesh going after violating the one Spirit, the LORD, who is the God of gods for preserving flesh. The LORD holds being God of gods for flesh until all Spirit is empowered as Satan was. Spirit having their own God of Gods status for its own flesh is when God Almighty is living the Glory of His Eighth Day. For that I Am honoured with being the future mother of humanity. (I Am told that is not all that bad of a gig -- motherhood that is.) The deeds of military command that held Me as a slave, since I was eighteen years old, to preserve the LORD's Holy Church -- because the Church too needed to remain in existence, even when only one soldier, Me, remained -- is now due.

The apostate is the surviving United States Military veteran who is no longer active duty. United States reserves and Space Force, are too, apostates. The apostates that found safety as civilians doing law enforcement -- even American intelligence operatives -- commonly identified as fighting terrorism, narcotics, and human trafficking will themselves be slaughtered on the foreign soil they invade. Active duty and apostate American's are invaders. The impotence of soldiers and apostates on the world stage will enrage even their former allies. The consequence of going after a Ba'al means you are shit employees. Inaccurate, careless, derelict in following orders, and a liability to host nation peers. The ravenous fornications and brutality in warfare will make the world readily forgive Russia, and Xi. America built itself a Ba'al, and by a Ba'al, they will prove themselves worthy of extinction. Live by fornication, die by fornication.

Keep fighting Putin. Your soldiers' war crimes will scarcely find room even in the law courts. America's brutality will sicken even the members of congress spending billions to feed them. Even the Soldiers of the British Common-Wealth will shake their heads in horror at the self seeking demands these sex starved, porn-addicted, wife-beating, drunkards, and drug addicted, Americans unhappy with their wages. "These foreign civilians owe me something more", cry's the American soldier. The priceless sacrifice of time fighting war on foreign soil can not be compensated by money alone, is his obsessive reasoning for putting his life on the line. The females will be worse in brutality than the males. This is because these soldiers and apostates are not satisfied with their wages. They demand extra, will get extra, and will die brutally, even in -prisons because battlefields were low on ammunition for getting their extra. That is retribution from the LORD. The headlines will be a challenge to write for the brutality and number of crimes. But they will be written.

The twelve weeks of trial are upon you, Mr. Putin. No, you will not conquer the Middle East. That belongs to Me. Yes, even Israel will be horrified at the price America's troops are extorting against the sons and daughters of even Israel. Israel being mostly Jew. To have avoided trial, you would have wanted to be king of the whole Goddamned world. Too bad all you wanted was Ukraine.

What else? The Star gift, the LORD has to give, can only be given after the LORD's Church is cleaned out. At present, this means, when I have cleaned out North America's military or the LORD has wiped them off the world stage, invisibly -- because I sure have no authority to execute them -- there will be a soul of this world to begin marching for that Star that wants kingship. This is why Trump needed to pick up the check on that, rid eight-hundred US bases of fornication service offering I posted a few years back on My website. That is of course why I harp on the $8.5 million price tag. Trump wanted to be "that Star" He ain't.

How about some good news? I have the authority to build the LORD's Church anyplace I choose. First come, first served y'all. Of course this means working together in person. Not across Spirit is the LORD's new Israel built. The Church on this soil, thus far, has demanded its own destruction. So, Putin I close this letter on the positive note, we can build the Holy Church on Russian soil, and after conquering North America, with Holy Warfare, as long as you stay alive for the cleansing of North America, you can become a Star. Milley did indeed throw away a great deal. He too, however, can take My hand, and see that God is Good.

Hitler bound for Germany My warfare authority future. What should have been mine, had been squirrelled away prior to My birth. So, We at Team God, reclaimed the Star prize. Militarily, Germany I look at with respect. America I look at with, at best, infatuation with a heavy sigh that follows a sentiment of, "I guess there is some fine quality here. At face value it exists." Russia, I look at with worry. I hate the inefficiency of the military action. Too many bodies Putin! The Middle East is just a head shaker. While Americans are falling in Iraq, because they are a burden, the Iraqi's will get the point, and find their Divinity. That is the legacy of being what belonged to Joseph. I can wait. I have more hunting ahead.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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