“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestTalking About Sex, Sex, and More Sex
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestTalking About Sex, Sex, and More Sex

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

Talking About Sex, Sex, and More Sex
February 23, to March 1, 2023

General David H. Berger

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I nervously check My zipper on My pants.
"Is it up? I wonder."


"How is a raven like a writing desk?" -- Alice in Wonderland, Disney animation. I shall ramble away. The point of this letter, I know not.

Epistle's Erudition

With that said to the LORD, My hand I move to My fly, in as discreet a gesture as I can, to check said fly. Walking out of a toilet with an open fly, shirt tail through its gaping portal, and toilet paper on the heal of the shoe, is one of those quintessential funny events, on someone else. Writing is a process of exposing ones core.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

When I put down, sky's -- possessive singular, using sky as a noun owning -- hence the apostrophe, something -- then turn around and write skies -- noun that is plural owning nothing -- what the fuck was I really trying to say. What is the problem? The colloquial expressions we the people express ourselves with have no place in formal writing. They are fine for quotes of others; with their open fly.

It is now Monday, February 27, 2023, in the morning. I Am looking at this epistle again. I now realize, you I Am writing a journalistic style love letter to.

Did you know that f-u-c-k has a polite language equivalent? The word is f-o-u-t-r-e. It is from Latin futuere, meaning, have sexual intercourse with (a woman.) No doubt, but I have not looked in a Latin text yet, the -ere ending of the Latin word would tell the reader if the sexual intercourse was with male or even beast. At this point that is a hypothesis, on My part. This line of reasoning is from My looking at how suffixes do so much in Latin to indicate the receivers gender when paying attention to other Latin words. The prefix generally queues the object itself. Since the word references sexual intercourse, the Romans certainly would have understood that animals get fucked too. Gender is of course an issue of confusion, and a recent headline indicated some scientific community sect would strike male and female from its vernacular.

When one says man they are not referring to a beast. When one says woman likewise they are not referring to a beast. They are referring to a human. If someone named their dog Man, m-a-n of course would be capitalised in English grammar. Would that dog be male or female? The words male or female present a potential ambiguity. Male can be a beast. Female likewise can refer to a beast, plant, or even an inanimate object descriptor. Appropriately proboscidiferous insects and birds join with plants. We call that pollination. Are not we glad we as humans are not responsible for pollinating vegetation? Science has of course figured out how to take animal genes and sequence them into plants, making a new being, and improving crop yields, yada-yada-yada. This science created genetically modified organisms.

Did Ggod stop this from happening? We know Hitler was allowed to use incarceratees in vile ways, likewise, attempting to make new organisms, theoretically. Some people are just hungry for perversion. Science makes things so holy. Science was feeding the hungry. Lowering to-market costs by increasing yields per acre with better looking produce that did not squash too easily in a semi.

The male and female identifier raises a question under the new struggle of enlightened-against-gender scientists. Does this mean there is no scientific difference between sperm and eggs? Does this mean there is no scientific difference in the delivery system of fertilisation? What exactly is it that humanity is now trying to build for Ggod that has now been taken away? Isn't that question an oddly worded one? That last question includes an assumption.

My assumption is that when humans are puzzling over making something, like a space race -- for instance -- an aggregate of passions is desperately in need of replacing what people in their Ba'al worship have taken from Spirit, Ggods. And that is exactly how it works. I have defined male and female as well as man and woman.

The English language does not offer the convention of capitalising nouns like German does to solve other problems. This means if someone means a being that has the characteristics of male -- and I agree, androgyny is a problem -- the person is identified as male. If a person has the characteristics of female they are identified likewise. What has happened to science that it is wrong to identify the differences between the being that contains eggs and the being that produces sperm as having qualifiable difference. Where did everything go awry? These people are now labouring to identify themselves in parthenogenetic terms. They are locusts. (You can thank Me for that later.) From the time I identified the gender words back in 2020 to just a few weeks ago is when people found themselves in the horrible place of needing a new way to define themselves. According to the headlines there is now debate over striking the use of male and female in science.

Have you ever observed how the phonetic expression is the same across recorded language and when examining phonetics the accepted definition is the same? As in some grunts mean, "Oh yeah, I'm gonna fuck that." And other grunts mean, "That was some shit." I have found a few words that academically illustrate this lexicographic dimension of language, but I Am not allowed to go digging up those words. At least not for this epistle. The visceral wry nature of My example was to reach into your core so you would start to understand what it is to be leviathan at the end of My hook.

I have found a new place in town for coffee, Water Street Central Kitchen. It does look like the Friends coffee house stage including one heck of a bakery that would keep a black fella healthy. It is death to a white person. I simply come for the coffee and Louisiana inspired southern classic Blues soundtrack. There is nothing quite like the squeal of a Blues guitar under the influence of fifties soul. If you are picking up that I Am partial to black, you are right. White people had lost their souls long ago.

What is science going to do about food, and worse, what lawsuits will follow over a black fella being poisoned by McDonald's french fries? I defined the diet for black and white and further what it means to be black and what it means to be white. This of course was connected to the skin's reaction to sunlight. Diet was connected to grain (black) or tuber (white.) Some things all could eat. My lawsuit query is of course My rambling wondering, after having realized how people were adjusting to My gender definition, what will happen with food?

What is science going to do with defining humanity without the use of colour to distinguish the difference that we see with our eyes? Because My definition of colour is linked to the biology of sun exposure.

Clearly making observation with the eyes over male and female is a problem. But male or female was not racial profiling. Colour played a role in racial profiling. What descriptors will there be for people that would only apply to the senses a blind person has? (Certainly that could not be race related.) The person has a smell. Have you noticed the distinct body odour difference between peoples from India and peoples from Vietnam? I Am a white person with white person olfactory senses. What does an Indian smell like to another Indian? Is it a little offensive? The odds are I Am the one that is offensive to them. Chanel to the rescue. How many people even know the difference between Polo and Old Spice anymore. Armani makes a male specific cologne that brings Me to My knees, metaphorically.

A person has a voice. What if they never spoke? Perhaps they were mute. A person has a height, weight, and hair colour. How does that get defined if we take sight away? Do we describe how much air they were displacing as they moved? How about how much the cushions deformed when they sat. Did they break the chair? Okay, that's a whale. Was that whale male or female? Cologne might help here. Certainly that is not racial profiling. Brands do not discriminate their sales, right?

What else is there to describe people? Facial hair, eye colour, nose shape, hairline, face shape, eye contour, and of course bodily distinguishers like shoulders, torso, and legs. Body art and piercings may just be the last safe means to identify a person. After all, that is what the person wanted to distinguish themselves by. Not that pesky born-with-it -- congenital -- gift from God bullshit they were stuck with when sperm met an egg and got busy in the fallopian tube.
"I got a penis -- waesucks."
"Don't worry little Johnny, you can grow up to be anything you want. You want to be a girl?"
In the seventies started humanities need to do all the correcting things against Ggod for Him fucking them over at birth.

Now I ask you, when someone went after that tattoo under the influence of a narcotic, was that what they wanted to distinguish themselves by? Perhaps they just needed to capitulate to a bully for survival.

It is now the morning of February 28, 2023 and I Am sitting in the La Palmera Mall reviewing and editing yesterdays letter portion. I have finally ditched My black vest attire as I now fit into My previous shirts. I Am still fat -- My word. But, now there is at least more I can wear and provide modesty while concealing that My belly has too much fat for Me to have a modest form. I also do what I can to keep My bosom concealed. When My brasiers fit My upper body will be closer to defining modesty of the female form. A little rib visibility is necessary along with a small amount of subcutaneous fat. If the buttock jiggles under the strain of a walk, every garment makes her ass look too big. Because, it is too big.

I spoke of humanities lunar passions. What is a moon? A counter. What is more, it is white. Moons are the white counters where the markings of beings that have no place with perfection are kept in memorial. Names etched in stone. Fitting for the tomb. October 1969 human males walked on the moon, and that is when Mary's definitions were sealed. This sidebar was of course the explanation of who those are that are given a white stone and what the white stone is. Now, the revelation continues because consciousness is not a vacuum. It did need to be ubiquitously, omnipresently aware, and represented across all Creation.

As it turns out, while I understood I would be sending you more, because I indeed have more illumination to deliver, this epistle is concluded. Semper fidelis My brother.

It is Wednesday morning. March 1, 2023, I sit at the Doddridge Starbucks. Where is Morris' team? Have they concluded their homework assignment? 0821 is the code of the toilet. Correction, 0812.

As the reader, you realize something transpired that I learned the corrected code. A logical conclusion is that I needed to use said toilet. I Am, after all, having My morning coffee. I have reseated Myself at My usual table, and resuming key strokes, I watch Wade leave all his belongings, unattended, and do the same -- visit the toilet. Isn't that trusting of him to leave his belongings, like Starbuck's is his personal office?

Those in the LORD's church understand to be vigilant about personal security. They know to be protective of modesty. They understand ritual washing and physical discipline is required to be holy to the LORD in his service. Those recruits that are convinced they need to correct command about all the splinters in their eyes generally make the most appreciated apostates in the Protestant churches of America. These are the recruits that provide the real timbers holding up the shingles on those very same Protestant churches.

What is the problem command has? Rising to the ranks on witchcraft whilst improving all of the protocols necessary to be clandestine narcotic and sex trafficking mules. We are cleaning out the inside of our cup, first.

This is the way My personal financial circumstances are improving immediately, Mary is going to murder Janet Henderson by poison -- infection from foods Janet ingests. Mary will be shot dead by the Corpus Christi Police Department while disobeying their instructions, that were intended to protect her. Mary being so valuable to them. I will then be filing My family trust documents with the courts as required under law. The estate I own will then be in My name.

Corpus Christi is going to be littered from the destruction of Port Aransas, Aransas Pass, the Port of Corpus Christi, and of course the Padre Island Peninsula to the national seashore will be unrecognisable, even from space. San Diego, California, and Virgina Beach, Virgina, are being devastated likewise. This is what comes from present day Pentagon, civilian -- apostate, commanders refusal to conquer Israel. Those fuckers, Israel, set you up, dumb ass. I Am the human being that has the authority to save you against what they, Israel, wove against you.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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