“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestHoly Warfare in North America
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestHoly Warfare in North America

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

Holy Warfare in North America
August 25, 2022

Alejandro Mayorkas

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone


This letter introduces you to the deeds of deliverance the Pentagon has established to address the crippling social woes tax payers cannot bear, and the Department of Homeland Security is too corrupt to amend.


Holy Warfare in North America to end civil disobedience. The Pentagon has God's back. The Department of Homeland Security is an abomination. Your hypocrisy with the DOJ ends you.

Epistle's Erudition

My task force readiness planning team is ending homelessness, human and drug trafficking, and civil unrest through Holy Warfare. Ending climate altering gluttony, is just bonus.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

Holy warfare was first recorded in Biblical history by Moses in Exodus on a national level. The end of My warfare campaign, that commences November 2023 in Los Angeles California, ultimately unifies all of North America as a singular nation. The population of the continent will be significantly reduced over the first full campaign duration of approximately fifty years. Mexico City in its entirety, with all living organisms to the best of our current destructive ability will be levelled and dead, as will Tijuana.

Warfare along with explaining the changes to American soil for economic and social stability with the present collapse of all democracies, including those franchised to Europe, as a form of governance is a privilege of My office as the Christ. It is My authority, and the Pentagon is forced to make changes for My Holy office, that prevents the destruction of the nation. North America may not and will not fall to the British.

The Pentagon hedged to "save" the Heavens. Betting against Me the way they did meant that when I won, and I did win, the Pentagon is forced to eliminate women from its ranks and only combatants will be employed. There are other wonderful deeds for war horses like Milley who will enjoy how I send him to hell. Enjoying the trip to hell is what making things Holy to begin with is all about.

In the near future look for a glut of qualified former department of defence personnel to replace what dies in your office from disease, moderate spontaneous acts of civil unrest masked as accidents and domestic terrorism, and of course Acts of God. The Pentagon's trash is your employment treasure.

Like Biblical Israel's two profound recorded periods of desolation, as well as Greece and Rome's democracy destruction, divination is why Jehovah is dealing the United States as He did Egypt. I Am why there will be civilisation during the shutdown. My warfare reestablishes civilisation from the meltdown.

My Holy Warfare campaign provides safe haven for citizens who obey the law. All will be notified of My simple instruction to remain at home the nights of warfare operation. High density urban areas are prepared in advance by My elite team of operatives with minimal collateral damage during warfare. Very often My warfare will be during high impact Acts of God shielding My battle grounds in vacant city regions. The Pentagon seizes with eminent domain resulting warfare abandoned, and civilian decimated structures, to regrow the urban region.

The campaign you can begin to reduce population depletion in your high density regions is asking people to obey weather warnings and treat them with respect.

In less than ten years My warfare campaign will be interrupted to terminate all non military commercial activities in Texas. This begins climate balance and ends Mexico's commercial leverage trafficking drugs around the globe. Texas, will be laid waste to out of mercy for the balance of the world's population saving them from pathogen perversions that Governor Greg Abbott desperately implemented in disobedience to Jehovah to destroy South America.

War with Mexico will commence with My Texas offensive. Border patrol officers I protect as My own soldiers at the Pentagon. As far as I Am concerned, individuals who seek crossing the wall can be executed regardless of crossing without visas from Mexico, Canada, or any one of the waters surrounding or in North America. Panama is claimed for North America and the canal is closed. Shipping traffic will be accommodated overland with two docks. I will be doing the same at Suez when wiping out Africa's invading European populous and unifying the Middle East terminating non military oil production.

Hawaii, the island chain, is being handed over to Beijing, for a while.

Returning to establishing domestic tranquility, individuals preferring disobedience during My campaign periods, demanding their opportunity to murder Me the Christ, run into My cannon fire. It is that simple. Ten thousand people a night will perish this way out of greed to murder Me. Those living or partying on tax funded streets are harvested for hell before warfare commences. My instruction is simpler than putting the blood of an animal over a door post. For Abraham's children through Issac, a population of millions escaped across the Red Sea. To escape being harvested for hell by My gunfire, stay indoors when asked by My office.

Those that remain indoors wake up to a quieter urban environment with less urinators on the walls angry in the streets for handouts. The Pentagon will host a conference August 2023 to provide state governors assurance of maintaining civil authority through My warfare operations across America. The populous at large My office and the Pentagon are not educating.

This notice assures you the collapse of democracy the world over is in Heavenly Hands along with deliverance. As long as tax dollars are allocated by elected officials to employ you, you will have work. When the population of North America is below ten million, elections will not be relevant for governance any longer.

When Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego, have experienced this Heavenly solution the nation will be at a higher place of economic output. That reason alone will have Detroit asking My office to intervene ahead of entering New York. Detroit can ask as others will. My analysis and findings for quelling civil disobedience are established thorough statistical metrics and take precedence above political requests.

In anticipation of the few that might wonder how some shooting star comes from nowhere and says "Hey, the shit show of terror against God Almighty is over" I Am the Christ, an economist, an engineer, and My PhD is in Theological Studies from Harvard.

I have no criminal record because I do not break the law to begin with. I Am clean. College athletes would kill for My blood and urine. I lead a team of professional soldiers. They do not make headlines. Soldiers that make headlines in My Pentagon are executed.

Hell is a place in the Heavens. It is where creation, birthplace of stars we see, happened. I have written at length about God Almighty, the Lamb as well as the Sun, Jehovah aka Jesus, and Moon that bowed before Joseph. Your mockery or ignorance does not change you are going to hell. How you get there is up to you. My office has no use for either the DEA or DHS. My writings are in plain sight at herald.macdukes.com. This letter will be posted as others are and will be.

Stay in contact with the FBI at your choosing to learn of My transmittals regarding commercial stabilising during My Holy Warfare campaign. Commerce is next to receive notice.

Corporations that can move operations entirely to Asia, Europe, and Africa, I encourage now to do so. At present persons who have been educated in the United States, Lawrence Bacow of Harvard has rendered their degrees meaningless on foreign soil. Commerce needs to leave America unless it serves agriculture or warfare. Obama, Winfrey, Sharpton, and Woods unleashed other hells on flesh. Me, I clean up flesh and the Heavens.

Americans abroad need to learn how they are forcing the nations who host them to go about naked, and the nations need to force those worthless expats home. These future former expats are people most likely desperate to run into My line of fire to go to hell. I Am starting to wax poetic like the Prophet of God Almighty and Jehovah I Am. Ultimately in the next hundred and twenty years there will be two periods of population depletion and warfare. The first fifty years will of course claim your life and the life of your children.

This is the only correspondence I will send the Department of Homeland Security before My seminar is announced.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

