“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestLipstick on a Pig
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestLipstick on a Pig

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

Lipstick on a Pig
August 27, 2022

André Schwämmlein

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone


What manner of hidden illicit activities Greyhound has kept off the books to induce a German company to invest in America, I Am not about to count. What I Am making clear is Dave Leach is a fraud. He owes Me personally $1,000,000.00 US and you will be held accountable to personally pay this debt as the CEO of the parent company over Greyhound.


The LORD, Jehovah, is forcing Greyhound's delinquent invoice payed to H. L. MacRae Dukes that Leach incurred by practicing witchcraft against Heaven.

Epistle's Erudition

You are welcome to use this information in any legal manner that serves FlixMobiliy's interests as the purchase of Greyhound continues.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

Leach as CEO incurred this debt. You are inheriting it. Right now you are in the place of cutting My check. The funds are mailed to Me, H. L. MacRae Dukes, 4622 Dody Street, Corpus Christi Texas, 78411. Put this letter in Leach's hands by any means technology allows and the force from the Heavens to pay falls against him as long as FlixMobility is purchasing Greyhound or any of its assets the weight of force will be held to the acting CEO insuring payment is made.

My previous letter of legal notice returned to Me by the post office, unopened, on an address technicality of "not at this address", presumably due to the sale of the corporation, I have copied for your convenience.

“David Leach Greyhound CEO...
Re: 10 hours "nancyannmower@ gmail.com" Greyhound incident of 8:10 p.m. October 8, 2021 1415 bus Dallas to LA at the Treat and 22nd intersection failed transmission for erroneous email address. I have the video along with the F.B.I. You owe Me $1,000,000.00 US.”

Leach, David, Greyhound Bus Lines

Your corporations owes Me, $1,000,000.00 US. This is for ten billable hours I spent diffusing your vile demonic ambitions of destroying the Black Lives Matter movement on behalf of Barack Obama, launching the nation into early civil war to destroy the United States Military.

You fucking bastard!

Make the check payable to, H. L. MacRae Dukes. Forward Me an email with that cashiers check for unencumbered funds and I will electronically submit the video footage stored on My cell phone that the F.B.I. has on file.

My address is 4622 Dody Street, Corpus Christi Texas 78411.

Dave Leach is fully aware of the October 8, 2021 bus incident that ended with the Highway Patrol of Arizona escorting the driver away from her bus after her rapidly bailing off the highway into a dirt shoulder. The Pentagon also had My trip under drone surveillance. The video will be released from Me when the unencumbered, guaranteed, funds, clear My account.

I spent a week on the road to be on that bus and return home. Ten hours I bill to Greyhound due to the drivers obedience to Leach's witchcraft and demonic alliance against Holiness with Barack Obama. I babysat "Nancy" the driver, as she violated highway traffic directions, and attempted to get lost in the desert under the stars with the rattlesnakes, for ten hours. Preventing her by My divine Force, from murdering a bus full of people. By My divine power, forced against her murderous objectives, influenced by narcotics and her Grateful Dead lifestyle, the Heavens are due the glory through My endurance preserving a full bus of occupants alive. That is not a free service.

You will be personally verifying this invoice is paid or paying this invoice in a timely manner. Your current German President rose to power on the, lie to Jehovah, the LORD, plan. He did not invent nor perfect this strategy. Even as the world's population is shrinking, public transportation is valuable infrastructure. The American population is not a value add. My military is on My bad side at present. General Mark Milley knows this.

I Am the Christ. You are in trouble for investing in America. This nation is being shut down. The United States Military needs to leave all of its foreign occupations. Its navy is, well, the navy. I can't very well terminate their wanting to rule the seas, but I Am favouring Xi in the Pacific. England needs to be destroyed. I Am a fan of Putin. Zelenskiy is an idiot. Fire your American labour and send them home. My PhD is from Harvard. It is worthless anywhere but America just like every other American degree.

My sympathies and hatred of America's treasonous political actors is well documented. Yes, Xi is a partner for longevity. He knows this. When I say longevity I Am referring to fifty years, in Xi's case I give his legacy of government to Asia when he has gone the way of his ancestors one hundred years.

My flesh is immortal. As if I have not imparted enough oddities of Truth your way, the woman who's vagina I passed through to enter the world is the antichrist flesh whose spirit is the miracle producing Lord of Protestantism, Luther planted the seeds for, that Catholics went after like a zebra sniffing the wind.

My time bills out at $100,000.00 an hour. I do give away dumb looks. My dumb looks are the spontaneous reaction I experience as a human being dealing with dumb people.

The Pentagon labours under the idea that I Am free, because to them, I Am not essential. The Pentagon has been stealing from God Almighty, the Lamb, the Sun - Jehovah the LORD - and Moon. This is how they have a pot to piss in and a vessel to throw it off of. My flesh is the being constructing God Almighty in the Heavens. The LORD is who ya'll built and lied to. I Am the collection agent.

The Heavens honour what North America is. This continent belongs to God Almighty. When Europeans claimed North America for them, Protestantism was the faith structure of beliefs that the United States built its government to be its god, democracy. My appointment as a general in the USMC is honoured by the LORD with all authority over the entire nation as the military's High Priest defending national security with force from the Heavens. The witchcraft of the Senior Joint Chiefs until Milley means the lives they were sacrificing to grow commerce and democracy are crimes against the Heavens.

Like I have said, America has earned destruction. Its military's present latitude is a function of the more skirmishes they enter, the more flesh dies in battle and the world can do without them, extra flesh, that is. As far as I Am concerned, Milley can lead the charge personally in Ukraine. That is what We at Team God call being on My shit list.

I Am destroying Mexico and Canada, unifying North America into one nation. Panama will be mine as well. When Milley has experienced the humiliations the LORD is dealing him, I might agree to meet him face to face. He would have his hat in his hand, and be bowing low to the earth. All others can simply pay cash and this includes the USMC. I Am a capitalist that is pro life. I Am also bride to the Lamb of Heaven. Until I can agree to meet Milley, I simply put up with what My duty assignment throws My way, even if that means looking as his kisser; without socking it.

Human and drug traffickers I destroy. That people look around them and say, "It takes all kinds." Bull shit. The kinds excuses get made for need to hit the soil with their blood pouring back into the earth. I don't make excuses for Biden. The press does that. Send the expats home. Germany is for Germany, and you are no longer unified as of this writing.

Germany already understands that with Me they can rise to power over the earth. So can Putin. No one wants to rule the world. Greece, Iran, or even Israel, could have built on their ambitions to rule the world when I offered. They needed to end the campaigns against the Heavens they were building. Their campaigns are ended. They decided if a Heavenly campaign meant backing the Christ, no fucking way are we doing a damned thing. That ended the Heavenly powers vested in them all, each and every one.

Simply enjoy that with the information in this letter your life can benefit for its remaining short duration on this earth. No, I Am not cutting you short nor cursing you. I do not curse. I use the words of profanity. There is a difference. You are not being charged for this letter. I understand there is a series of dumb looks being exchanged over this letters contents. Manna that fed Abraham's seed is what this letter is to readers that profit.

The information in this letter is intended to allow Germany to rise to greatness that it could not capture in Luther's time. It was a good uprising against Catholics though, and the legacy King James left behind means England needs to be destroyed. India with Pakistan is also being destroyed.

This letter under My perfect information policy will be posted in My Herald. What is wonderful is, that unless an individual will only bring about Jehovah's will because they gained cognitive understanding necessary for them to act in a new manner to bring about Jehovah's kingdom, intelligence I deliver just entertains or mesmerises an audience as if the words and Me are both invisible and humorous. In other words the whole world of mankind is set to bring about Jehovah's kingdom, mostly. When flesh goes about doing deeds to pervert the Heavens, I war with that flesh. My legal means of payment is money. When I have an army and I can legally war against a Dave Leach putting his blood in the soil, that is how this bill would have been paid. I could not legally take his life.

When witchcraft is performed by flesh against the Heavens, the Heavens make sure by force this is paid. If you were not bound to fuel hell, your life or Leach's would be a sacrifice. An act like hara-kiri would suffice. Your blood needs to enter the soil. What is your problem? The Heavens would need your blood. This means you belonged to the Heavens to begin with. You are going to hell. So is Leach. The only way even your life would pay a debt is if you were not bound to hell. This is why a passer-by spilt Judas' blood when found hanging himself. Since I Am the only being allowed to collect debts in blood on behalf of the Heavens it would need to be legal for Me to do this. Paying cash is what legally remains.

It is Ggod that makes the words I write come to pass because I Am making Jehovah, the LORD true. The LORD is who the presidents of the world wanted to make into a liar. At some point people will be able to look at what I was required to do, conducting Holy warfare around the globe and say, "Well I understand why Hitler couldn't get away with that." Millions will die under My hand of warfare in the coming decades before even 2076.

The African continent and the Middle East are not sources of longevity. I Am not about to fight for kingship at this time over any region. I make kings. My reign is in the Heavens. I Am flesh of this earth. The souls of America and England are among the most useless wicked lot of this world. Avoid cannabis products intended for any form of ingestion or inhalation. Transdermal or intravenous application is also ingestion.

If I were to give you one tip for survival other than the advice about cannabis, marry and be monogamous with your spouse. Male to male, male to female, female to female, according to human kind. I write about what flesh needs to do to be one with their Spirit. My articles are posted at herald.macdukes.com. I Am rebuilding My website. Articles under development will be posted in September.

My recommendation to you, as you move forward in your strategic planning, pay attention to obtaining American interest land holdings in Europe in imminent domain takeover. As in, if you see lands or assets belonging even to the US Government, and you say, this would be wonderful for Germany if... that prayer has weight. I back seizing what is within Germany's boundaries for Germany, from the Heavens. This does mean Russia for Russia, and France for France, likewise. Dave Leach is a nigger, in the Biblical sense, not a strategic planner under any sense. He like Barack Obama is going to hell.

You have just now read the demand and the planning of the Prophet. You have learned some of what Jehovah is due. You are also in a special place of being allowed to profit. Democracy is being ended, the world over. The United Nations and NATO are also being destroyed.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

