“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestJW Closure
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestJW Closure

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

JW Closure
April 3, 2023

General Mark A. Milley

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General Milley


It is Done

Epistle's Erudition

My letter to the Jehovah's Witnesses only demanded monetary compensation because Putin was still holding onto a card in this particular poker hand. I sent Berger another one of those, "I am sick of this shit" letters relating honest narrative of My life, and with that last line directed to Putin set the hook. (The poker hand analogy is in that last correspondence.) Now, the Jehovah's Witnesses are indeed over as a legal entity.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

Putin was required to retrieve Me from Corpus by April 1, 2023. Clearly Putin did nothing. In My last letter to Berger I explain how intertwined parties are for God to answer prayers. The shit I Am sick of, as if the letter reader gives a fuck, is having to explain these things to you or any of the other smug fuckers that warm stools at the Pentagon.

I did the dirt pile moving in this fuck hole to understand Putin, like Trump, made a promise he refused to keep. Why so much revolves around Me, as in why I was the one made into Tinker Bell is My genetics. Circumcising My heart, the deed Satan -- whenst god of this world performed -- isolated Me from the rest of humanity. Further, it prevented any way I had of interfering or contributing to humanities demands of Heaven. In other words, Heaven experiences no conflict of interest complications when I do the deeds of forward motion required for prayers being answered. Adam, Eve, and Saint Paul, before Me held the same quality in their flesh and blood that meant they could not curse. What they could do was bind God because of being normal hearted. (Jesus was another issue, the no sin in the blood bit mapped to the Light twin of Allness at resurrection. Mumsy is of course the black contrast.) The importance of circumcision I have written at length about, and that My heart was circumcised is why I Am the proof that flesh has been doing shitty deeds against their own Spirit for the power of Heaven to move mountains.

Once Mary murdered the Camp Pendleton marine proof of what flesh of her generation had done was needed, in Heaven. Even I understand little can be demonstrated to the flesh of this earth that means flesh will repent of, at the very least, fornication or even giving up the shit schwag that infringes on Spiritual power. What I mean by this last remark is that everything I do is just an exercise in some kind of busy work that at least keeps Me in mental practice and professional discipline where people are concerned.

Putting Heaven in a place of power over flesh is what I Am working on so flesh can get its ass out of a ditch. With God Almighty's Sabbath completion on March 8th this started the events necessary in Heaven to do the ass saving work. Clearly none of you were going to participate in ass saving on the Sabbath, but y'all wanted that th'ar saving you did not have to do any work for. (Now in My edit cycle of this epistle I started to wax poetic.) When Heaven has power, I will be seeing flesh do a little to save its own ass.

I have a Groundhog Day existence because, what else is there to do to fill My time? I, as the LORD -- My Master also, had been turned into an idol existence. I Am flesh. This means use it or loose it. So I keep busy, like a person moving one pile of dirt from one place to another and back to the previous location over and over again just so My muscles do not deteriorate.

The pile of dirt analogy is actually a good one. Moving a pile of dirt back and forth requires Spirit to keep on that horrid task that is never finished. What is worse? I Am not paid to move that dirt. There is no food because I moved that pile of dirt. There is no meaningful physical interaction, the intimacy that promises fulfilling Heaven with Worship, sex, because worse the pile is moved under an audience of accusers who are thirsty for My death. The accusers deride the uselessness of the work, "Get a real job" I Am told. Spirit, Allness in My case, rallies My belief system. I realize My arms or back are stronger, that perhaps I improved how I used My shovel over the previous time I Moved the pile. These points of perspective are part of My finding ways to enjoy the suck of doing what has no visible reward other than the doing. And it certainly does not gain friendships. When the shovel handle broke, did I use My feet or hands to move that pile of dirt? Spirit needs to keep Me going, that is what Allness does for Me. I map to Allness being made into Allness, because mumsy was worse than a Jonah.

The problem that you have, Milley, is that what all the military commanders and soldiers have presented the LORD from their interpretations across self, genetics shaping Spirt, were a vile pandering to the worst of what flesh could possibly present. In other words, I was the only flesh who interpreted all of the divining relative to military operations and lived the suck that presented the LORD with a Holy Church provided the Church, did it My way. This has us at loggerheads. Because you love what is vile.

What is good is that you can continue your vile circus. That is freedom of religion. Being human, of course I resent sending letters to ingrates. Of course I understand you are not parting with pay to support Me. Of course I understand Berger will do nothing. All I do is tell you what you can do to be glorified in the LORD's service because of all the payers made against you. That you did not do the righteous deeds to prevent the curses from being binding against you fell to Me so salvation was indeed possible -- still. You kept digging yourself into quicksand while I kept digging a tunnel to retrieve you. Not only do you hate the tunnel, you hate Me for digging it, and you hate more that you can't be forced to use it. I don't hate the LORD that My life is what it is.

Sir, the horror of being marooned spiritually, as I have previously explained, is My now enduring living the proof requiring My understanding cognitively the events I endured over My lifetime would not put Me in the place of cursing either God Almighty nor the LORD, even if I could curse. My circumcised heart means that cursing is moot. What I demonstrated by about May 14, 2019 -- the seven year anniversary of the car wreck -- is that I would not have cursed God Almighty nor the LORD even if I could. My hat was entered into the Christ prize ring, for Me -- I was nominated. When Ted was killed Spirit were desperate. It is not anywhere in My body, nor My blood to cognitively produce a deed or even a thought of doing something that puts a curse on Allness or the LORD. This no cursing means I cannot curse even being. In short, I cannot kill. The Lamb works with Mine and Mary's deeds and brings about fulfilling resurrecting His twin. This I will save for My text. But to astute readers that just might answer a question, "astute readers" would be Spirit. Flesh are just cursers on the world stage, at this time, hating Me for moving mountains. (It must have been the to-and-fro that made them hate My mountain moving.)

As far as I Am concerned these letters I send are put straight into a shredder or the trash without them being opened. (If I were a fly on the wall in your office I would know what you do with this information -- provided as a fly I recognized it -- Ha Ha.) You the flesh are irrelevant. I keep reminding Myself this informs Heaven, Spirit -- all the gods. I do for who is invisible, feeds Me nothing, blah blah blah. When I experience death -- as I have previously explained -- it is the process of Allness, himself learning what Sprit has promised from all your divining and the alliances that have been made. (Spirit like children in trouble do not necessarily fess up -- it's a process) Allness learns through My flesh and then much is reconciled with the LORD, then how destruction is delivered to this nation is a function of assembling all curses people have forced Heaven to do against others. Me, I lived the life that preserved a military body, for the LORD. The LORD is not under obligation to preserve you. By the time I was born you had done everything to destroy yourself as a military and as humans.

Ridding this nation of the Jehovah's Witnesses quells the furry of the LORD making room for martial law. The only way you can rid this nation of the JW's is with Me because I own everything -- you do not get to steal it-- and in order for other flesh the world over to hold onto being nations the JW's need to be destroyed in their lands blah, blah, blah. No, destroying them does not preserve this nation from the destruction that is upon it without Me and you only have until April 14, and you must build the Gideon unit at NASCC starting from MCRD-San Diego as I wrote Morris. For you to have been able to move in against the JW's you would have needed to retrieve Me by April 1st as well, but you knew this. For Me to maximise My slavery to the LORD, I made sure that even though you did nothing, destroying the witnesses was still game on. Failing to move Me to Russia or the Middle East, you dumb fuck.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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