“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestFreedom of Religion
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestFreedom of Religion

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

Freedom of Religion
April 17, 2023

Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein

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Great King of Jordan, Abdullah II, the LORD's slave petitions your patience in answering your inquiry.


Answering the meaning to, "The Ggods are infuriated at what that Ba'al has stripped them of receiving from their own flesh."

Epistle's Erudition

I Am assured by the LORD not to rush through this explanation. I held a moment of consternation with My hands poised above this Romanised alphabet considering how in only a paragraph I might answer your question, so, with the slightest interruption on your time the Mystery of God is revealed to you.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

It is true across many web articles and letters I have written the pearls of truth that reveal God Almighty to humanity.

Indeed the last four years My work has been received by swine. Until, of course, I reached your notice. The oyster bed of articles had much to do with the inability of people to connect with Godliness, Spiritual things. Only a few pearls could be made available a trickle in each Herald article while I hunted out the enemies to righteousness. The Anglo swine had no ability to understand they held even an oyster.

Your kingship grants you blessing beyond what your own blood holds in perpetuity [Offspring supply perpetuity of Ggod in humanity.] inherited of your patriarch's Ggodly construct running in your veins -- produced in your femur. (The femur's importance to blood cell production in the marrow is why Jacob took an injury in his hip socket after wrestling with the angel of the LORD.) Kingship means you understanding beyond what even your flesh can bear witness, testimony, to. (Forgive Me making known that your majesty holds a fleshly limitation. I hold one too. I Am female -- I cannot produce seed.)

The swine I have been engaged in battle with had no means, according to them, of taking the pearl from My Herald article, oyster. The LORD grew hot with rage over their lies. The United States of America has yet to receive even a tenth-part of the LORD's anger.

Your highness shucking a thousand oysters is; beneath your office. A rope of pearls I now deliver for your notice, because in a paragraph you can receive the honour of understanding God Almighty. As I Am female, many paragraphs I must write to explain Myself.

This morning I set out of My house on foot at dawns first light. Suspended in the east just above the roofline of the single story homes skewed against north to favour southwest; the moon was rising only a few degrees ahead of the sun. I pondered how astronomers would have learned God's truth about earth; orbiting the sun, rotating on an axis, and having even its own satellite rotating it.

Once man understood the earth was part of a celestial family, of course the definition of a day would have meaning relative to the orbit of Venus or Mars. The obviousness of planetary and solar bodies with the predictability of heaven opened the earth for exploration regardless of standing in a vast sea away from fixed terrestrial contours such as monoliths and mountains. Barren stretches of desert sand, or water with stars as aid to navigation placed the traveler in his space. Walking around a mountain, while its shadow upon the earth changed and its contour against the firmament revealed new character with each days travel, knowledge of self space, relative location, was maintained by the traveler.

Is the sun rising? Pray in that direction for salvation-- deliverance. Lunar observation is a treacherous element with no means of sustaining humanity. Lunar calendars have no solar integrity with the seasons. What is more, from one observation to the next the face of the moon is never the same in a persons lifetime. A full moon is obvious, and it persuades water to follow it. What is not obvious is time relative to the moon. Observing the common-day-named new moon event would require checking that a sliver of the moon was not rising first thing in the morning so a calendar could be used. A full moon at least offers a gross benchmark for time.

What was Moses told? This is a new moon for you; in two weeks you are delivered. Then the passover preparations were made by the faithful for their own deliverance out of Egypt. Christendom has perverted the calendar of the LORD to serve the South. The LORD is proving his hatred of Christendom's many deeds of mapping Him to darkness. Who did the most to defile the LORD? Those on the soil dedicated to Him, through slavery of God Almighty, the Protestant seeded inhabitants of North America.

The wisdom of God can be seen when we go to the ant for observation or even when we ponder the heavens seeking to understand who we are, even individually to God. Consider Me as only a lowly ant. The question My enemies, the LORD's enemies, need to consider is the consequence to them of My being Africanised.

Measuring time in harmony with the speed of light was the universal declaration of Ggodliness across humanity to bring forth Light. The field of engineering relies on dimensional analysis to determine "real world" results or outcomes. Modern hull and wing design, for example, is subjected to a scaled interpretation of the forces that it would endure relative to it being constructed full size. Molecules of matter, are of course not shrunken in these demonstrations (that is not possible for man) but the materials chosen to replicate a titanium alloy subjected to the ocean are dimensionally scaled to increase the predictability of what the full scale invention would do subjected to real world forces. This topic of dimensional analysis is frequently taught with fluid mechanics topics, and it explains why styrofoam can be used with only a weak current to model a ship in a tsunami.

The relative smallness of humanity and its terrestrial inventions are compensated for by the greatness of the earth. This relativity is why shrinking molecules can be avoided in dimensional analysis with a Godly factor of safety. Most terrestrial inventions modelled to scale have reasonable success rates. Humanity does not have a means of invention that models the impacts of exceeding mount Everest. It is true your majesty, mechanical marvels that exceed Everest without harming the earth are the mechanical marvels I can perfect, and, yes, the cure to COVID in in My blood. Curatives for many other perils of humanity are in My blood as well. Satellites from earth need to balance against the dynamics of seemingly wanton meteors passing earth's orbit. It means, two satellites of mass, da da da, and orbital inertia, such and such, could be fine for a decade in location "a" above the earth. Then these orbital sails may need to be reefed to weather the meteor storm so the earth is not sent to its doom -- presumably outside of the satellite building traveler's lifetime. Please forgive that this paragraph needed to pierce Biden. We at Team God hate him. As the prophets have spoken, hate what is bad, and love what is good.

What problem leaders like Biden have, your majesty, is that I Am the sole owner of the knowledge needed to preserve the earth in the heavens because I Am the one who unites all Spirit to their former greatness within Allness. Allness, the God Almighty, before humans were arguing about God Almighty. My being a slave to the LORD is just bonus, for Him. Imagine a "great leader" like Biden needing to pay attention to an ant. How dare Spirit put salvation in the hand of a lowly one. In the words of Daniel your highness, May the bitterness of My message be for your enemies. His hatred actually stems from being required to pay for this knowledge. Shooting down satellites and retrieving the pollution suspended above the firmament is why I required the world's most powerful military body to perform My duty. As America has defiled itself so badly, it requires the power of Heaven through the LORD. I have the power of the LORD. The United States does not. No nation has this.

Recall the narrative of Moses explaining to Pharaoh,"We must journey away form Egypt to the wilderness because we would be sacrificing to our LORD in worship in a way that would offend Pharaoh." While males like Musk, and Bezos it would be wonderful to simply execute and retrieve their technology, what military would stand behind this action? What is more, Heaven was bound to make Musk and Bezos (like others) very wealthy because witchcraft is the tool of the age that puts preserving flesh in a place of weakness.

Consider Heaven, with the capital "H" as being the body of individual Spirit consciousness, the gods of the ages in view to humanity by looking at the stars, unified. Are these Spirit Angels? Many are indeed devils when it comes to preserving flesh. Why has to do with the deals made by Spirit to preserve and raise through the ranks of humanity fuckers like Biden.

Consider Spirit in a place of fulfilling the wish, prayer, of its host, flesh -- Biden in this case -- against the prayers of other flesh. Notice, "against". When Spirit experienced injustice against itself in heaven for Biden's vile deeds working in harmony with his prayers, Spirit was defrauded so righteous gifts it could not give even to its own genetics deserving gifts. The "deserving" hosted fellow Spirit that did not necessarily agree gifts should be given. With billions of souls, those with the breath of God each pangene mapping to Spirit, the disagreements over gifts mean war.

The rage of Heaven is great your majesty, and I was required to prove I was innocent of depredations. As in, I did not do one thing to build the LORD into a Ba'al even though it was My existence that meant the Ba'al could be built because antichrist refused to grant the LORD power. When Israel was scattered across the landscape of the earth as a people -- by Nebuchadnezzar with Heaven's authority over the ark -- this ended the LORD's authority as a unified body. In other words the LORD went through a blown to bits period of existence, until Jesus walked the earth, and was resurrected to Glory -- the LORD [As in, "in three days" the Temple was rebuilt -- the Temple with the Light that shines in the middle of it.] was restored on Jesus sacrifice.

I Am the flesh fighting for restoration. Wickedness means by God's definition using witchcraft, and is why "against" happens. America built itself a Ba'al out of the LORD. This is why the children of Eurasia have been so defrauded by American capitalism (there are few jobs for Arab children even in their own oil fields, and drug and sex trafficking are part and parcel of humanities woes.) Pharaoh of Egypt -- the one who notoriously met his end swallowed by the Red Sea -- was doing the same shitty deeds of capitalism with witchcraft building Heaven into a Ba'al. The LORD saved Israel.

Is not a fractal a curious work of art? The atomic model is a fractalised vision of solar systems.

My regards to you and your household. Like Joshua, May you always have the freedom to worship the LORD your Majesty. That is the glory and Eternity of perfected flesh. The United States Military refuses to allow Me to worship the LORD in its ranks, therefore I remain ostracised for their protection.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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