Grecian Urn
(oops, Urna, and it is Roman)
“What do you mean, oops?”Troy's Partner
“You know, oops-a-daisy.”Troy
On a Trojan box is there a guarantee, or a set of disclaimers? What is the willingness to pay for an unbreakable Trojan? In the world of flesh where male has an easier go at being a man, it is obvious why the oops is paired with the creation of a daisy and not a donny. Unless of course you were a Trump. Because, the male you created is an incurable woman.
mac, a not so oops, but a daisy, was not allowed to be destroyed. Mary learned this when she attempted to murder her child in her belly. Her mother, Lucille, would not perform an abortion. So Mary turned to drugs and excessive behaviours that finally burst her water. Mary's body does not metabolise the same as normal flesh. Mary needed spirit to murder her child because flesh was not allowed to that. What did she do? Created a first born, thing, spirit, forcing an orgasm on her infant, H*****r L**i, as she nursed. mac's flesh being immortal was a necessity once the thing was created, because of what Mary had already lost. Being the child of Mary, immortality naturally comes about, the ugliest way possible. Spirit knew, we can't touch that. Enter the perversions of the Lord's Mary cloud ignoramuses to Mary's rescue.
Flesh that presumes to use the name H*****r or L**i to address mac is one that feels the burn of hell for eternity.
Mary's rape of her nursing infant daughter was a twofer act. The Lord was put in the place of giving Mary's blood across all humanity. How is this reflected? Peoples adaptation of democracy as acceptable government the world over even sliding monarchy out of legislative strength so the people can rule themselves.
Why did God Almighty allow this? Democracy is the system that Mary McRae perfectly established by the time mac was born so only one being would be in existence for eternity and completely content with itself. Democracy is the system of equality that does not do the work of bringing about what He loved first and foremost Light, Righteousness. The first born of Sun and Moon needed to learn those lessons too.
This spirit, thing, of course was used to power witchcraft's gains. mac Dukes is the Christ. She is the immortal flesh that makes gods, Spirit, of flesh and Spirit who are due. mac has bestowed on Putin his heavenly reward upon him. Three days after his death is his ascension. Putin has the Banchee and of course the thing. Satan of course has Apol'lyon, and Abad'don. More on hell's populous to come.
The thing of spirit, Terry did physical abuses against mac using that "potato" growth she had surgically removed to add to the thing's powering fleshly gains repertoire. The growth's significance was explained in an earlier article. The thing, wife, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Governing Body used to rape mac. Then of course the thing was out there for exploitation. Right, how could "Old School" resist. Restraint was no where in his decision making process. He did not invent presumptuousness, just perfected an aspect of it, like Trump.
Returning to a discussion of the spiritual, fictional Troy, at articles introduction illustrates, stimulating his genitals is worship. When orgasm is achieved there is creation, under certain circumstances for flesh, and by Spirit in all circumstances achieving orgasm means creation. What did Mary go after? Proving she could destroy life meaning she was the god greater than all creation ever. Satan* was not after saving diddly-nor-squat, simply invalidating God Almighty's word destroying "inferior" life.
*Satan has earned the her, fleshly status -- female. mac's hatred of female genitals is useful here as well as the sin in her blood making it impossible for her to ever look upon the Lamb let alone touch a female sexually. These are useful qualities of mac's being when You are God Almighty hanging onto your Woman under the obvious perils.
Worship is why there were and are temple prostitutes. This is also why the pagans used a pole to dance about in ceremony. Flags are properly hung from poles and trees host a circular soil bed landscaping design in so many low class neighbourhoods desperate to demonstrate unity with Spirit. Cities have round pools surrounding fountains. What about a totem, that is to say, a bead?
Holding the thought on the bead, recall the seven day cycle of Biblical Israel provided stationary land holding while never out of season for food. Biblical Israel held harmony with the seasons without the use of a pyramid. Food of course is necessary to sustain flesh. God Almighty provided a mnemonic for Israel to survive. As in, they held the earths calendar for migration. Now, another bead of truth.
The sons of Noah in South America who migrated northward, southward, eastward, and westward, learned to move across the landscape with the seasons paying attention to high ground. Following moon cycles, while migrating, roughly harmonised with the seasons for planting. These native North Americans did not have a solar calendar. The lunar calendar meant after counting twelve moon events for about six years they would need to migrate significantly north or south to have warmth for growing based on their point of beginning as paternal house started against waring tribes. Did their Ggod want that tribe to die off from starvation or war?
You thieving mother fuckers are on the hook for this one. The Indian uprising the world over for exploiting peoples Holy deeds of extreme labor that were used to steal their inheritance is brutal warfare. Did you trade em [Trade them in native. The contraction might properly be trad'm, but who would get that?] bag of beads for land Washington? Is it stupid to value spiritual gifts from the gods over land one could not possess? Australia just got served some just desserts on this one with Washington. Hawaii will be ugly on an epic scale as Asia is due rights to the islands in reparations for world wars one and two.
The bead, in spiritual context, resembles seed. For those who desire greater clarity, seed represent sperm to Spirit. Where does a person store seed while moving about? Sew the seeds into ones dress. Ah, the white man cometh to America. What did he bring? Seed that did not perish so the Indian now had a valuable commodity of unperishable worship to sew together. Them doing a deed of sewing bead work for their immortal heavenly gifts the bag of beads for trading represented.
The white man loved claiming land in the name of God and country. What they claimed held the blood of millions, before their measly presence on the land, and God was going to be found true though every human a liar. The white man paid attention to gaining rights for a commodity. That beads were worthless to the white man is the trash to treasure argument.
Indigenous people said, "Yes, we are giving up what we know you do not own either. We give our lives to prove our point to our gods that our prayers are eternal. What is more, you are here for a little while too, and our reward is with the gGods, as well as retribution." Retribution and the prayers of beading being eternally contracted with Spirit, meant white man would meet his end the way he dished it. Vengeance is Mine sayeth the LORD. Semper-Fi!
Just a note on fashion. Is the white woman so classy for her measly string of pearls over the "gaudy" beading art of lucite? mac appreciates wearing her string of pearls left to her by her Eastern European grandmother who married a Blackfoot. mac touches her beads when wearing them, and that reminds her not to throw them to the feet of fucker fuckers. Impromptu touching of an object like a pearl necklace or earring, under spirits cues might mean, "shut your pie hole." What does it mean playing poker? Are you feeling lucky, now, punk?
Democracy is not a saved institution. Kingship is saved because a king is worshipped by his people to thrive in his kingdom. What is democracy? The god that makes Satan's office impotent and builds a one God being that can live with itself in perfect harmony. mac was allowed to offer peace because she pitied the populous on the whole, and every one individually. Those tears are a matter of record, July 2, 2019 ante meridiem.
Being a prophet was the super power Saint Paul told all to seek, and as far as mac was concerned, that was too grand for Her. The Prophet makes gGod true. And who was the mega gGod to make True, GGod, Jehovah. mac is still reeling from the buzz-kill; she is the Christ. Jesus says so. mac is the Christ that is. Buzz-kill is her word like "crap" in a previous article.
Even mac was waiting for the Christ to materialise somehow from his presence not being seen physically in the clouds and establish his kingdom. mac had no idea of how an event like that would come to pass. What mac could not get over was, why Jehovah designated her the Jehovah's Witnesses chamber pot. She was furious over being the shit eater in exchange for all her honest work growing up in the kingdom hall. All mac ever went after was the American Dream of a house wife raising children being the fine wife Lemuel's mother described.
By the time mac was twenty-two her being the shit eater was global, and because her Godship was weakened to being less than a toad struggling for breath after being squashed. Ah, the smouldering flaxen wick that all Spirit knew, you did not extinguish that. Why mac never understood she was shut our of even the basic the American Dream she did not even begin to understand until her forty-nine years of slavery was up.
mac's slavery needed to end for her to learn the wicked of the world had built plays that could not be fulfilled as they were Heavenly black holes of policy. Every six years God Almighty made petitions for mac to be in a place of her slavery ending. Then Mary and Terry made the ultimate play of sending mac to destroy the Lord. There is total destruction and there is identifying what destruction took place. What was destroyed appurtenant for Jehovah's kingdom is establishing the Lord Jehovah's slave. Then there was what Mary "sacrificed" to save the Lord because mac was succeeding. Go ahead and understand, yep, there were two lords.