“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenTell Aviv
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenTell Aviv

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Tell Aviv

September 5 and 12, 2022


The United Nations, when formed after the infamous League of Nations experiment, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society scholarship determined that duo was the fulfilment of Revelation's beasties, and needed some Heavenly power. They were in luck. Mary McRae was in the house. Even as a bun in the oven, her spirit was the Lord of the firmament.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Tell Aviv

Make Any Damn King You Want

Ah, "Someone needs to start cashing in on heavenly vessels reserved from Nebuchadnez'zar's sacking of Jerusalem" sayest the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. By the time Jesus was walking the earth all of the treasure Judeans held was in Heavenly treasure. The Lord had the intel for modern day, and the flesh was greedy.

To the Moon, Gladys

At the turn of that very same UN forming century, the diviners were learning through numerology what to go after in Heaven to better build Satan's identity. The womb of creation was ready to build mega democracy, and the race to build Satan as the identity of God Almighty was on. The Lord to unify Satan's seed needed to appear.

The newly formed nation of returned prisoners of Hitlers regime, this would be the surviving Jews of the Holocaust, invaded the old homestead, and had money rolling in in reparations to fund their new kingdom. Was the Lord wrong to hand those that went through hell treasure? By no means. The treasure holders of the third generation, what a bunch of Jews. The United Nations needed this placement of populous with a military to gain more power and grow on the world stage. What did that new Israel formed by the UN seize upon? What existed for the United States of America.

The United States of America was required to be the United North America. The heavenly powers tied up with the new Israel meant the games were afoot to be the biggest asshole against Holiness, because the formation of only part of a more perfect union was the engine driving the Christ's arrival to sort out the mess. Israel failed to use their Heavenly vessels to take North America and form God's Land. The North American Free Trade Agreement, did not a United North America make.

One Potato, Two Potato

Mary and Terry divined using some serious non-sequitur shit for ritual to form Heavenly power. Mind you, this was a function of their personal lust at being the biggest looser against God Almighty, mac, in the flesh. What the duo used to build power for General Milley to divine upon with others as they were rising in office, is psychotic. It is a total unnatural use of the objects themselves. This is worse than deciding arbitrarily to start calling a table a chair. mac did not know the divining existed.

mac can not believe she is going to write this example of craziness as fact. mac developed a skin tag on her left thigh below her buttock. Terry squeezed that skin tag in the night tormenting it, while mac was dead asleep, into what he called a "p-o-t-a-t-o" not a "p-o-t-ah-t-o" This "potato" of blood filled tortured tissue surrounded by skin, hung snugly to mac's thigh by a few hairs thick of skin. It would wiggle if it was flicked. It was about the size of a gold fingerling potato. Terry made that mac's wife. That was his answer to diviners needing a physical deed to power spiritual gifts. mac was not about to power anything. mac was still a slave to Mary. Mary and Terry's fucking made them a union. You want to call that a more perfect union?

The "potato" was the placeholder the United States Military has been using since about '07. mac had that thing surgically removed. Diviners take these gifts of heavenly power without learning their source. This is why mac has been in debt, as it were, just doing the basic necessities of caring for her person. Even do so in accordance with law. This skin tag, prayer of heart, Terry formed, is what "Old School" was building his career upon after he should have been incarcerated for embezzlement. The Lord covered for "Old School's" embezzlement.

General Milley, if you knew a skin tag was your source of power, and Israel had stolen an inheritance that belonged to you, would you have hastily exploited the power you received, or questioned its source demanding better? mac does not give away the Heavens, ever. mac does give a person an opportunity to rewrite their own future when they are presumably blindsided by how fallible the tokens were that provided Heavenly power.

Even Mary knew to build on better than the skin tag. She did ritual over Terry's ritual, silly boy, so the trashed "potato" that the doctor removed held power. mac is dealing with that bio-hazard booger now. Mary went after the puss from a zit too. An extracted blackhead was bonus. The power of things like boogers, is because of the stuffed toy mac used like a pillow and carried every where as a toddler. Her grandmother, Lucille, called it "booger." It was a rainbow colour spotted turtle low pile plush. Where Lucille found it is unknown to mac. What is known, there were two. Both "boogers" Mary did ritual over for Heavenly power, and to be able to trash the stuffed plush at the time that suited her witchcraft against mac.

Knowledge is Costly

What was difficult? mac learning that was shit that was used. How is this much different from toad stools, lizard blood, and horse hair? It isn't. What is the difference? It was Holy power that is abused as opposed to Spirit providing a miracle by a witchdoctor building the immunity of a village from things uglier than coprophagy. Peter knew to avoid creepy crawlies.

What is different now is mac demands the natural use of things. If something contains a pathogen, fine that can build the body too. mac would not use a vile growth to define a spouse. Individuals seeking power from Heaven now run up against mac's algorithm, set of logical controls, for calling a spade a spade. She also does not issue blanket, boilerplate, applications for Heavenly power. She is a punster, however. It had better be a damn good pun.

mac Accounts

Mary, daughter to Lucille and Erskine, built a good many witches brews that brought the twofer, the Christ. Had Satan chosen Putin's mother, Putin would have held Mary's inheritance. This was not a comparison of flesh. This was a comparison of where was there more freedom to be shitty.

Putin received Spiritual gifts because he has been doing the work. Not squandering even his own flesh as Mary has in hatred is an example of good stewardship. Putin now has what mac calls the Banshee. The Banshee is Mary and Terry's united presence of spirit that the Lord formerly held in the firmament. The Banshee resides in the firmament. Putin also has the thing that mac identifies in another article. The thing also resides in the firmament. The Banshee and the thing are analogous to Satan's Apol'lyon and Abad'don. mac has restored other gifts to the Heavens bestowing godliness, eternity, to Spirit as well.

Paying the Bill

The "potato" wife is why mac experienced the polygamy of wives through Spirit that flesh was required to honour to hold the United States Military's power. Not honouring the source of Heavenly power on the part of the military meant mac was abused to death, tormented like the levite's concubine in Gib'e-ah. Had the "suitors", "Navy Nurse", "Solomon" or "Old School" honoured marriage the military would have held its power until mac's death.

The continuing difficulty with divination dealing with Christ, mac, is the obvious circular argument. If divination meant her death, God Almighty allowed the reasoning a person held that accomplished mac's survival and furthermore her mortal flesh even if she endured torments. This is why endurance matters of the part of the Saints. Putin has firmament "gifts" to offer. He does not squander. He knows how to grow wealth. And he delivers enforcement against his foes. He is welcome to set his rates how he pleases and what is more? He has no authority over the virgin.

"Old School" decided he would prove mac was just a whore so he could build a replacement ritual to maintain the Heavenly power. So he set out against her in February 2020 when she was starving, to seduce her. How is seduction played out is in a previous Herald article. All these people, flesh, mac was in the face of, and dealt with both antichrist's presentation of them as well as demons at the later interval that resulted in the Cadillac Midnight Romeo saga. Even after the flesh bailed on fulfilment the torments came from Spirit and spirit.

What did mac prove to the LORD? You can't cleve her and "Timmy."

Wimpy, Wimpy, Wimpy
Hefty Hefty Hefty

Let us return now to General Milley's inheritance, because it is a humdinger of an inheritance, centred on faith, and what is more, it is an offer open the highest bidder, now.

Heavenly Jerusalem is recruiting a military force. These are individuals that in slavery to the Lamb would participate in warfare, materialise when needed, serving during God Almighty's Eighth Day. The existence they would live is as a discrete being of Spirit in Heaven, spirit in a planetary firmament, waters of atmosphere or ocean, or even as flesh just as the Lord that wrestled with Jacob. Jesus lived this existence when resurrected to the Heavens and returning to earth.

This inheritance, as it were, is what flesh can look forward to. It is literally open to the national military body that joins the Christ to bring about Jehovah's kingdom. Who is eligible? The greater Israel -- Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Palestine and the modern Israeli military (yes, that requires work to bring those parties together, enough) Egypt, Iran, and Greece.

What does this enslaved to the Lamb military body do? It enforces the grander of Heavenly Jerusalem by ending the practices of flesh, or ending the flesh, that would bind the power of Spirit that destroys the Heavens.

Why call this General Milley's inheritance? Because without mac on payroll under her full rank his military body of soldiers in the army, navy, airforce, marines, and separately boarder patrol agents, are going to be doing the work of shutting down this nation and unifying North America without any significant blessing. Just bloodbath and decay. In mac's opinion slavery to the Lamb is a shit-ton better than hell. Milley ought to jump at it gleefully.

To have the glory of usurping Egypt, storming the desert, or maintaining civilisation during the shutdown of the United States, even having military success in Mexico and Canada, Milley would need the Christ on payroll just as another military unit would be required to honour. The United States Military does not get to rise against the Christ.

Israel, the not Biblical one, just got dished its last supper.

Aviv Kohavi's refusal meant the power in the Heaven's the UN was holding is over. mac's Israeli Defence Force, not quite volunteerism, end to the United Nations. Israel was required to support mac's High Priestly office to maintain the Heavenly authority vested in them from their Wimpyesque commitments or the UN ended.