“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenShe Needs A Spanking
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenShe Needs A Spanking

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

She Needs A Spanking

January 12, 2021


Dealing that witchy woman.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

She Needs A Spanking

“You missed me. You missed me. Now you have to kiss me.”

In a biblical context, this jeering children's rhyme akin to, "Ring around the rosy, pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down" is just as chilling as the origin of the latter rhyme, televised by Ripley as a jeer of plague symptom holders. The then famous Ripley narrator, who isn't even mentioned in the Walmart sold book under the same title, delivered the rhymes origin in a manner that stood up the hair on the back of your neck. This actor was also famous as Curley, delivering the line, "I crap bigger than you." (No. You don't want the Lord of Hosts reading that to you. Better to remember City Slickers.)

Can you hear the opening rhyme pitched by children against a game opponent? Satan had attempted numerous times to utilise the demon network to capture the Christ, Jesus, and have him killed by a frenzied mob. Those attempts failed. Satan chose Judas carefully. Betrayal with a kiss was Judas' hallmark.

It is apparent that hanging Judas' suicide attempt, passing individuals cutting him down in mercy, botched. Judas stumbled and his guts rent open spilling out in his field. Without God's intervention, a demon(s) in a human remain until the human dies or is brokered to another. When a demon cries out to God that the wickedness is too much the Christ rides to free the one that cried out for freedom.

The wicked one is the individual with a corrupted heart. During Christ's reign demons may not be hosted by God's children, humans, who refuse to host demons. This means a demon may not be forced onto an individual during Christ's reign. Recall the swine? That was a caution. Satan is abyssed during Christ's reign. Demons that dwell in people when Christ's kingdom is established are exorcised provided that individual chose to seek doing God's will before Christ's kingdom. With this population that seek God's shepherding there is a also the last major die off of the bitrubamaton at the beginning of Christ's reign for those that refused to abandon union with demons but lived through witnessing Satan's abyssing.

Speaking with Authority

Daniel, a Hebrew child of the Chaldean's, understood the divining powers Protestantism unleashed today. Abraham and Sarah came from Nebuchadnez'zar's land and Daniel was administering to the needs of government when plenty of shitty little gods wanted power. During the time, Daniel prophesied, Satan would be god of the world and during our seven weeks of the time, Satan is rounded-up with all her clones. During the times are the sixty-two weeks. During the half a time is the final week of the seventy weeks.

Toward the end of Christ's reign on earth, during the times, those wicked that died at the beginning of the times are born again, genetically perfect with no memory and sin is their blood. This means those that lived to see the spectacle of Satan's abyssing don't even remember it.

Other wicked individuals born during the time Christ resurrected with their memories in tact at the time of God and Christ's choosing during the times. These are people that lived during Satan's period as god of the world, the time, and get a do over with knowledge of their identity a grown individual. These people are resurrected earlier rather than later during Christ's kingdom. Genetic perfection is a gift all person's enjoy in Christ's kingdom. Youthful longevity is a function of obedience to God.

The demons are human, with no sin in their blood, during the half-a-time. There will be some surviving persons alive during the end of the times interacting with these sinless persons at that time. These sinless persons will be after serving themselves.

Trading gods

The maximum life of a civilisation once it begins the decay process taking on demons is four-hundred years. At this point the viral mutations that wipe out people who do not listen to God for direction to survive have matured. At maturation if the demons are not removed from their host the population listening to demons is extinguished. Because a demon cried out some from Protestantism will survive. Some of Egypt's population survived. While they did not evacuate with the Israelites, they participated in the Passover meal as invited and instructed for salvation.

The reason a witch doctor came into existence is because this person would deliver a service to the demon hosted by another welcoming and entreating the demon to enter them. The witch doctor was a demon broker. The perversion of Scooby-Doo was reducing the spirit being world to a place of humour and concocted mechanical explanation. The hair standing up on the back of your neck was not a symptom of watching cartoons.

People spend years seeking demons. They incorporate every tool of following false gods to their credit to earn the demon they profit from. Fornication, murder, stealing, lying, coveting and the inability to dedicate anything Holy to God are by-products of listening to the sin in the blood. When an individual creates a home within themselves for demons they have made a god out of that demon appeasing and serving it with every possible deed of heart. This human is now an alien of the bitrubamaton kingdom, choosing relations with Satan, sinning against God. This is sin with malice of forethought, not unwitting sin. A king repenting at the Word of God's prophet saved that king and their kingdom.

Parasympathetic Sin, Not Enough

Just following sin from the impulses of the parasympathetic nervous system cueing the brain from the heart on a one-off deed of perversion and being counted as righteous, like David, is the answer to the question, how does an individual hold the title lover of God in Bible record after gross wrong doing? This is how David ended up in grave sin with Bathsheba murdering her husband to hide adultery. God's prophet, Nathan, dealt with that. David's house was poised to sin against God. Then they listened to God's prophet, instead, cleaning up their act blessed David's legacy. During David's reign his kingdom God could have divided. Abner certainly made his play.

When A King Rends His Garments

David's life was in contrast to Ahab. Ahab, a lifelong bitrubamaton repented. He rent his garments and petitioned God. A king who is a repentant biturbamaton delivers powerful prayers of heart to amend their wrong doing. The king's acts of repentance accomplish God's word and free God's slaves voluntarily, as in without the Christ annihilating the connection and jailing the demons of the kings people. That does not mean a king keeps his dishonestly gained legacy. In the case of Ahab and Hezekiah the destruction of their legacy they did not live to see.

In the days of the classical world the acts of worship the demons sought was horrific. The church deemed everything pagan and then found ways to appease the crowds and influence governments' laws so that demon worship, witchcraft, was an obvious offence. At least a human sacrifice, unless of course it was abortion, was outlawed. The progression of demon hosting is how people work loopholes in laws to effect their same demands for worship from people in a legal manner. Enforcement of these laws becomes just as corrupt.

The demons that sponsored Dagon are in a place of correction, heavenly jailing. Poor Paul, how many times he was on the receiving end of the Guantanamo Bay of his day. Give you some idea of his duty assignment with the Christ, God's enforcer? Paul rejoiced in his suffering because he was sustained in a way that glorified the Christ. He also enjoyed seeing many who served God and then experienced the challenges of writing the shut-down letters for the children of Christ's true Christians who where turning away from God. The gospel and letters to the congregations of the apostles day provided the church, something to protect them from the backsliding. Jerusalem was sacked as the Christ prophesied.

Before Jerusalem's sacking, the Christ came in the flesh to prophesy against the birtubamaton kingdom in existence. Do you remember a scribe or ruler that rent a garment then? Rending a garment is symbolic of rent open intestines. Why the intestines? The parasympathetic nervous system response feedback system from the demon registers in the gut. Hara-kiri was a divine act for a reason.

What Now?

God's ark was exiled to Christ's Body Texas. This was the choice Biden, Trump, Obama, and Clinton made to destroy the United States of America. God was left no choice but to take back his land now. mac has fought to expand her borders. She has won. Not only is she keeping her home in Corpus Christi Texas, God is removing from all Holy held objects' divining powers the churches' leaders have been using and bestowing them on mac and her chattels.

The Ten that Were Dead to God

An individual who seeks wealth is particularly vulnerable to hosting demons. Demons deliver knowledge to their host across God's proprietary spirit consciousness network. You can call Him the master slave drive if you wish. Network architects understand.

Christ holds the keys to death. Sin entered God's perfect creation because in God's creating life beyond His first-born creation meant sin would exist until all creation learned to abandon sin. A person spends years giving themselves and their children over for the demons to have an individual to occupy in order for their network to flourish among humanity. Yes, demons pass though families. That is how God got His dog in the fight. It is just as Peter said, what is born of God is perfection. This is the Christ and man, Adam. What is born through another would be sin. This is woman, of man, or of the firstborn spirit son of God and His Christ.

For those of you that made it out of Nam, just because picking up a whore meant you missed being blown-up in a bombing action does not mean God blessed your whoredom. What it means is, you lived to learn the consequence of your whoredom another day. This is that day. You are learning the cost of whoredom because ten people that God entreated many times to be gracious to His ark sought to satisfy their personal demons and be the hands that murder her using God's spirit consciousness network.

Amanda Knuteson, Lori Taylor, Robin Tausch, Mary McRae, Mark O'Neil, Kerri Parr, Peter Hall, Ozziel Lopez, Steve Mullin, and Ellen Gold, public acclaim from God is yours for the way you lived your life to take ownership of so many demons. God approached all of you many times to demonstrate compassion, mercy, and hospitality towards His ark. You hated your gods for not being able to crush her God. And you didn't want to make an inkling of room for Him even though all He asked of you was for the aroma of your coffee.

The Payoff that Brings the Prophet

Understand, a human being lives the perversion of the demon(s) that they want to invade their lives to share their life with them. A human proves through all the perverted deeds they condone, deliver, and develop, that they the person wants that demon to give them access to the demons world of knowledge to excel in our physical world.

Demons along with Satan (fuck) require an individual's seeking them to host them. Demons are hosted by individuals who dedicate their lives to pandering to them after first demonstrating their loyalty to the causes of those demons. These humans are patrons of the demonic arts. The sad truth is there are people who would nuke an entire population with a barrage of dirty bombs to get Jehovah when Biden kicks the bucket. Listen to God make it clear, all of the demons of the bitrubamaton kingdom are headed straight to Saint Paul when the human hosting them dies.

When an individual chooses to take psychotropic medications to eliminate the symptoms of wickedness and never risks abandoning their meds, they are seeking righteousness. When an individual seeks to destroy themselves abandoning their meds they are pandering to the demon they host by pursuing the wickedness the meds prevent them from indulging in. This woman requires a spanking from God to abandon ritual wickedness. This is why God told Moses, I will make you a God to Pharaoh.

You offer much to demons Biden. However, God's remnant that has never bent its knees to the Ba'als' of our modern world you will not prevail over. Biden, you represent the last of your kind. Every person that lives inviting demons is going to die impoverished and bankrupt without legal protection for bankruptcy. Under no circumstance may a demon hosing party utilise government, the law, to profit through any means in the nations under God.

God makes things easy on His physical creation. The aroma is what belonged to God when His people sacrificed. He had Moses record that fact every time Moses wrote about the offerings. Why the aroma? A simple riddle, really. The aroma reminds us of what imparts health or consequences from the world of the heavens we can not see. Aroma is why public flatulence, body odour, and halitosis are so damned offensive and a mark of ritual wickedness on the bearer.

God's Sex Semaphore Riddle

January 30th of last year the question was, where in the bible is rulership dished to the feminine one? The feminine one of a marriage held the position of rulership, as in leadership that is accountable to God, only while the masculine one in the marriage was learning obedience to God that surpassed their feminine spouse. In God's sex semaphore riddle fulfilment occurs when the masculine one has learned obedience to God to take responsibility for suffering the consequences of disobedience to God. That is what a ruler ultimately does or God takes away their kingship.