“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenDog in the Manger
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenDog in the Manger

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Dog in the Manger

February 5, 2021


The six by six matrix of wickedness. God's Ten letter semaphore. Know your signs.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone Ten Letters

Dog in the Manger

“If you are not using this exactly the way I would, you may not have it.”

Walmart is the big commercial violator here forcing their profit maximizing strategies for profligate ritual waste of precious resources to impoverish Shem and Japheth. Don't worry Costco you are not being left out. The thirty-six points of wickedness evidenced by ritual behaviour in the legal entity God exposes in HellLINK. The nxm matrix components cross law against righteousness with fornication as their products. All God's servants are taught by Him to avoid ritual wickedness, perversions of their home and work outputs. Headquarters provides lessons in removing ritual wickedness.

Why should wickedness receive Eternity? It does not. Righteousness does. A righteous person is one who keeps listening to God to correct them. A wicked person has swallowed a demon. A person who is in limbo is not sure who they are listening to and God is working to save them from wickedness.

Limbo Not A Gateway to Nirvana

The reason individual's face terror from the Lord of Hosts when telling white-lies, cheating on, lovers or exams, shoplifting, and an assortment of pranks, is because a person in limbo will say, that was too close. I need to, return this, turn myself in, pay for this, say I'm sorry, work off the debt, do something to make amends.

And then they spend their life looking to avoid that Lord of Hosts and reach out to God. The super sinner does not want to turn back from sin. To them the Lord of Hosts is a game. Then they get their first demon. Nirvana.

Understand this, God with His Lord of Hosts prevents all individuals and entities in limbo from turning to wickedness. A wicked individual or entity can turn back from wickedness.

The Eternity of god

The super sinner, bitrubamaton, feels eternity and at one with their god because the communication center between them is what Eternity built for His eternal spirit conscious children's communication. It is where they pray to God.

The eternity of these spirit children is why demons spend time walking the earth during the infamous Gog of Magog mayhem with their life backed-up on God's slave drive. They will face death and learn righteousness. You may not pray to your god without the consequence of God's prophet revealing the perversion of your contracts, cults, and deeds to the glory of the coming of the Christ.

The Supper Sinner

The supper sinner, if they escape the consequences of their folly avoiding death or law, meets with God's prophet. Woe to sea and Earth. The horror of Nirvana has spread until an entire population is wiped clean. That is what faces North America and the Extended United Kingdom, now. God's prophet put before all you super sinners the opportunity to be God's servant, His woman.

The super sinner, (Bezos you are not running out on culpability for the electronic demon image you created) hated that an act of worship, to the being God's woman loves more than any in existence, (that's God you dipshit,) was the requirement. You used your invitation period to murder what God loves more than any being in existence. (God says, "mac still sits in awe I mean that.") You refused to understand the greatest currency in existence, Love. Then you murdered Ted who God set in place to live the love He has for her.

Now enter the Christ. This is when Nirvana becomes Mortality. The Christ experienced death as a man. God's prophet, first born of creation, and powerhouse of wisdom, turns eternity to mortality. The Christ as king in heaven united with God enforces the law of the prophet, that is HellLINK. Those experiencing HellLINK their sin is being brought to light and their legacy of sin is being put to death.

The Gog of Magog Brothers Meet

The times have concluded. Christ's kingdom has given way to Trump, Biden, Obama, and Clinton. None remembers the time. What they have is genetics decimated by seeking demons. Then the demons God forms of earth into flesh with mortality as a consequence. The half a time has begun. How Trump will scream his love for Jehovah. The four women will compete for the love of this Ba'al only one will prevail. This one could not play a game of tic-tac-toe with God but how he could defraud with the help of a pretty face. When the abuses of Ba'al are too costly, and the winner has been resurrected from decapitated remains seventy times seven times, he will seek; righteousness, God, for salvation, and eternity. Being gog became too costly. The other three already learned (oops, earned) their eternal reward in righteousness.

Magog's are the shepherds of earth who pick off their gogs like vermin on their coats. Prophecy is relative to when you are standing.

Vengeance Belongs to God

God is the one who brings about vengeance against the wicked because the ones who act in righteousness He moves against the wicked at His time to defeat their rituals. Yes, mac is defeating Peor's rituals in her own home taking down Mary's places and means of worship. Mary may not do an act of worship to God prescribed in, Are You Fast Worthy? to rid herself of Peor. Peor will be violent with Mary for failing to abuse God's woman as Peor demands. mac is untouchable.

Hell is about the balanced scales dilemma. Demons have absolutely no desire to get the human doing obeisance to them to balance whatever contract they have concocted. What the demon enjoys is all the ways an individual succeeds in steeling, murder, and fornication without enforcement. The matron demon knows to find the person who draws the line in the sand over some issue. The individual who evades getting caught and ignores the Lord of Hosts for their abuses is the most prized, bitrubamaton. When the contracts have no legal foundation, HellLINK is unleashed. The prophet straightens the path.

Using the law unlawfully is the big symptom of demon worship. God has to step in and enforce the consequences of their own sick contracts. Enter God's prophet. God is not in a place of tolerating theft. He however knows the currency of the one who used demons to rise to the top of the food-chain. When a vendor's solution to theft is, just be my loyal customer, God can save a person from starving to death with bi-weekly meals and then have that person be the vendor's loyal customer provided they are a merchant.

In America, at present, taking down places of ritual perversion gets a person fired. Brian Busser ran Aker Solutions ritual place of waste and perversion and they could not hide it from stockholders be-cause of the work mac performed. She took her job description and duties lawfully. That is how a righteous person reads a contract and applies wisdom to the meanings of all the words.

More "Family" History, Because Trump Can't Get Enough of the Pneumatic Nail'r

The greed of qngmic exploded in the seventies to destroy God's woman. Divining with her was what empowered the Watchtower Society when they were in decay. As Trump continued to demand God kill mac God placed mac in Peor's domain. God needed to reveal to Trump why he had no contractual claim to promote mac to his personal prophet with her fulfilling the sex he was due that rewarded her for her promotion. God's prophet is ending drug and human trafficking. So many reasons to be in the Middle East for her.

Mary, Peor, demonstrated the ritual pieces of the qngmic cult that mac did not have time series memories of. Carpe diem, the needed opportunity for the nearest qngmic cult member, Salvador Dali's demon, was the break-down of Mary's Volkswagen Bus near Waimea Park. mac the distressed orphan, was Mary's currency. The problem with not being able to enforce the contract? Mother, Mary is the bigger demon and greedier opportunist.

The later gang rape under the jungle gym on mac's first day of kindergarten at Sunset Beach Elementary School, all in portables, was always such a distinct memory. There is nothing quite like vaginal penetration from filthy sticks, while screaming and kicking in the sand, under the hands of five shouting bullies. Right, contractual "Virginity" was gone that time. Mary hated mac for refusing to wear a dress without denim shorts everyday thereafter. That was the first battleground of mac fighting for her life irritated by her only parent.

Yes, Trump, had you backed away from that deal on Oahu, God would not have been allowed to expose you. Are you going to claim God entrapped you? God will try your case for you and publish it. Before the trial understand this; when you chose to pull rank over God's prophet you failed to ask why God allowed it. Against God you insisted. Ted died because he insisted on being mac's husband. He saved his own life by earning that rank with God.

Trump, when you used mac in a sexual act, she was your concubine in God's eyes, thereafter. Then you demanded headship. Fine, you always had that. What you did was accuse God of being a liar. God allowed you to abuse her as you have others. Moving God's ark against Him means death.

The high priest understood the poison he rubbed on the ark with seal skins for its defense. You didn't even stop understand God's point, just like Rebekah. Everyone who used mac in a sexual act did so against her will, she understood keeping her word, and capitulation for survival. Death is what all these persons earned for failure to repent. The Christ resurrected mac from her death bed the morning of February 2, 2021.

How God Enforces the Law and the Prophet

During HellLINK artful Dodgers God and the Christ discipline. No other means of enforcement is available. People have no way to bring them to justice without God. Denial is in everyone involved with enforcement. Unlawful use of the law builds up over time by a progression of law suits against police. The demon becomes angry and wants to leave their occupied territory, human. That is hell in the time for the human.

The Line in the Sand Example

Peor chose Mary because Mary is an "honest" woman. God has to use His prophet to set the stage for Mary to put herself in jail by announcing to the police, who came to her porch about midnight, to learn her tricycle was stolen out of the inside of her house at 9:00 PM, just so she announces her own name to an officer of the law and he can learn how God is helping him when he google's her name. When an individual lives the life of the artful Dodger, like Mary McRae, God can't let her steal a car because that is the crime that should get Mary incarcerated for at least one of her crimes.

The Corpus Christi Police Officer, helped by God, is laughing his ass off at mac's writing and Mary runs free again in North America because he was late for a fucking appointment. That is denying God. Demons infest God's own land. God had to keep Noah's sons Shem, and Japheth, as safe as possible for as long as possible.

Pope you are one hell of a fucker. Your baby market God's prophet is staking out. Wow, you have profited from cheap signage feeding, real estate, unwanted pregnancy, and child pornography. You didn't like abortion clinics cutting in on your profit center.

Conception Not the Issue

Conception is not the beginning of consciousness. Gametes of each individual share consciousness with the individual. This is why God hated men spilling their seed. Conception is when the consciousness of two become one forming a new individual consciousness. A woman shedding an egg in menses and a man releasing sperm are equivalent. The key is avoiding fornication.