“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenWhat god Built
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenWhat god Built

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

What god Built

October 28, and November 10, 2021


The two years mac spent saving your kingdom. Exposing antichrist was the only gig God had left in America to keep His woman alive until Christ's kingdom was established. December 31, 2020, during Trump's five month fuck-fest of hate, the Herald announced eleven men existed. Later, mac announced her work continued.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

What god Built

The Babylon the Great God Destroys

Ten repentant, righteous, spirit beings meant mac's work could move forward. With Ted's death, that included fellow crew, all but nine living souls who would join the Christ had died. Who was left? Spirit to save humanity because nine righteous souls were not enough. Not all spirit endured purgatory in souls passing their time equitably. These spirit are those that like Christ (with Saint Paul) want to be counted as angels, men. (mac still grins deeply through her soul thinking of Christ as the greatest of men.) Men are spirit that want no part of antichrist.

All rebellious spirit have been trapped in purgatory since Satan was god of the world and the Pope was Satan's godly fleshly, soul, very united with her demon. From angels, men, mac's fleshly army is raised to join her, in the flesh uniting with their spirit, against wickedness. When spirit reach out across God's network to assault mac with their spirit-shit offers it is a bastardisation of the flesh. When the flesh denies spirit it is an abomination against their very own existence. This is against Christ.

Spoils of War

Apple you are done for. Want global domination without international charges of patent infringement and war crimes? Just come to mac. She has your back. As God of Christ's kingdom what do you have with her? The One, Her, protects all, technology, intellectual property, warfare, and creative endeavour, you can imagineer to grow in Christ's kingdom. She is your protection against every legal action and would-be opposing force in two realms.

What does mac want? A sexy Unix, Surface equivalent with sidecar and a software writing platform open for non-antichrist loving souls, these are angels, men; male and female. Apple sure has some hot hardware technology. To bad Apple and every other nigger built technology on antichrist's rules of destroying Righteousness.

The Demon Pipeline Bitrubamatons Fuck

Building god for everyone was antichrist's collective endeavour pulling from fiction, artefact, and deeds, acted on from premonition. The premonition feed is from God's network. (This topic is covered.) What did mac call time of death on? antichrist's composite construction of god for everyone. Was that fair? You refused to make room for Christ to gain equally in your system. You refused to acknowledge the Christ in the construction. You went after building god not God and god meant the only being in existence would have been Satan. Creating Light, Christ, is why life happened and happens. (Brilliant) You basically destroyed your own sun creating god. You stupid blackhole building mother fuckers.

The Miracle of the Fucking Womb

mac has added a Bowler and an Elster two books joining her Ehrlich accessory dictionary and Latin collection. Nothing like a composium [Is that a word? Symposium is and compilation is.] of words in a topical thesaurus. God thinks the same of Nave's Topical Bible. mac has one. Great dust. If evangelicals had stopped there and ended their fornications with Satan and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society with Nave the Americas' would have had room for Christ, somewhere.

You hated our term "suck Jesus." You shouldn't have been doing it. Doing it to "Christ" with your vibrators or claiming virginity whilst dating using fellatio, cunnilingus, or anal penetration that were, wink-wink, not sex is sucking Jesus. Are you a holy roller? You are a Jesus sucker. We have no room for these souls in Christ's kingdom.

The Christ first was created as perfect light, righteousness. Two beings existed, Ggod and Christ. Creation of more was as a result of Christ taking Ggod's womb of creation after the Christ made the sacrifice of his life resurrected with Ggod's womb.

God's womb after escaping the Christ needed jailing. The womb itself was a spirit consciousness. This spirit Satan would have loved to have given Jesus. Satan had a problem. Satan was not god of the world at that time. Israel had divined a shit ton of problems against humanity and prophecy with a change in leadership God resolved with Jesus Christ. The escaped womb nurtures all of the behaviours against all that is Holy, God's Name. Mary McRae is the soul born with the spirit consciousness of God's womb that escaped the Christ. (mac thinks of Mary as the lining shed at menses). Her birth was the first time her genetics ever came into existence. She was born with spirit from a sperm and an egg.

Bumpkins Profit

Joseph and Mary named their miraculous [It was great that the neighbours bought the immaculate conception bit.] child Jesus according to Biblical testimony. Jesus received Christ's identity at his water emersion baptism. Jesus genetics were king David's genetics born again. (Christ's genetics actually mapped to king Saul, who has not walked the earth since his kingdom of Israel.) David's genetics born again with the name Jesus hosted the Christ. The spirit consciousness that mapped to David must have been an extraordinary lover of God because Jesus was an outstanding student of the Hebrew scrolls and understood Mary's witchcraft even before his transfiguration.

Who will hold that womb when Mary McRae, antichrist, is destroyed by God? Saint Paul. The city of heavenly Jerusalem breaks ground after Mary McRae, antichrist, dies. What is Mary's spirit consciousness running amuck doing? Loving all you fucking holy rollers as, Jesus (among other things.) She serves as the LORD you dip shits are receiving miracles from as she abuses the power vested in her.

What was the spirit consciousness Satan wanted to give to Jesus genetics? That very same womb that makes antichrist, anti (against) christ. What did Satan scream to God, "You cheated." when God provided Christ's identity for humanity and not the womb at that time. The show bread incident was why David needed to be saved with Christ. Even Satan understood David's genetics was going to receive the Christ. This is yet another twinkle in antiquity where Satan set the stage for righteousness to happen by pursuing God's servants to their death.

All your profits included perversion (Saint Paul delivered the list.) These perversions are stored in antichrist and are banked because of her existence. All living souls built their fortunes on a divided house. Even beggars owe their life to antichrist. How vile the spirit consciousness of the womb of creation once it escaped the Christ is, is proved. Satan built his woman, antichrist, while god of the world and that is who is destroyed twice by God. In the Apol'lyon article the larger fulfilment is covered.

The Fight for Two Billion Served

With Korean war the wheels were coming off the cart at the Pentagon. Warhorses knew the Department of Defence was on a downward spiral during Korea. The victory of entering peace time with a destructive force that did not end war was crestfallen by; bastard orphans, dead peasant tweens who minutes before the G.I.s' without condoms delivered both bullets were virgins, and hatred at large from the American public against individuals who die for God and country.

The draft left this nation glutted with veterans whose only contribution to the battle was showing up for chow and finding ways to conceal in heat of battle narcotic wonders. These villains, (oops veterans) who would have better served Canada as draft dodgers (like Clinton) moved through their required duty only to extort every favour from the public they can claiming their year was a lifetime of service.

God provided whom He could to answer the prayers of warriors who knew, life can't be protected and sustained this way. Righteous warfare you could not have without the Christ. Ending fornication is the key. It does not make warriors wrong for wanting to fight righteously and wanting war to be over once and for all. You simply needed the Christ and God has given you that, now.

The Twinkle Twinkle

mac faced proving her character against antichrist's slander to demons with accompanying pleas of antichrist on her own network that she was indeed the Christ to souls with divining powers. These souls with divining powers use antichrist's network and are the fifty enemies of Christ's kingdom. That womb is now contained to protect God from not self, Righteousness. This containment is why mac thinks of Mary as the shed lining of the uterus. One or the other god or God was going to come to birth. With god no flesh survives.

Antichrist is the only soul, living today, mapped genetically to her spirit consciousness and she lived forty years of her life claiming to be a devout Jehovah's Witness. Once mac was born Mary was god of Satan's kingdom. The pope lost his god contract. God powered his Godship from mac.

Apart from antichrist the demon (spirit consciousness) their soul's genetics map to is not hosted in their genetic match, at this time. (The resurrection, oops water baptism is the event that matters.)

Mary McRae, like all souls, apart from mac, makes prayers of heart. A prayer of heart that Mary makes is wiping down surfaces with a mixture of brown sugar, Windex (with ammonia), and excrement to attract flys and roaches to surfaces. This mixture with baking soda she used on the floors for worms to bloom. Outdoor vegetation received the same abuses but bleach was added to the mix. What is the problem? Because obviously, Biden is laughing his ass off at the filth mac lives with. (Trump fucked the woman so we are all just laughing at him.) These acts of hers are prayers of heart to destroy her own kingdom. What is the problem with her destroying her kingdom? mac fought to save two billion out of her kingdom. Mary was never allowed to destroy Abraham's seed but all souls, sans mac, have polluted themselves with her.

Greg Abbott you stupid mother fucker. You are the asshole that actually stole every cent mac worked for that she was saving your sorry lily white nigger ass with keeping herself alive and cleaning up after Mary's destroying everything. Now what fucker? mac will survive the tribulation coming on the whole world. How do you want to die? mac wants Nueces County wiped clean with disaster and weapons of mass destruction. Sifting through a holocaust of wreckage is honest employment for her and property rights would be moot. mac is going to break your whip hand Abbott. You can think of mac as the wolf that gnaws off its paw to be rid of the trap for survival.

“Please, in Jesus name, God Almighty, wipe this fuck-hole, Nueces, off the map.”
mac to God
No on "composium"

-ium or -um would not form a legitimate suffix with the word compose.