“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenThe All or Nothing of twinkle Twinkle
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenThe All or Nothing of twinkle Twinkle

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

The All or Nothing of Twinkle Twinkle

November 16 through 18, 2021


How the frozen in time bet of the demons in purgatory is managed during Christ's Warfare. Imagine hating the Christ so much, even protection from the burn, the demons would refuse. Humanity is why all life can live. God Almighty reads this letter of salvation to you.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

The All or Nothing of Twinkle Twinkle

God is sending "Old School" the soul whom mac spoke into a deep sleep. He will die. The marriage union between he and mac Satan built before mac's slavery was over when antichrist went divining a spouse for mac. God is ending this soul's life along with every other soul in the Borg wife this same way. This ends the union and all union claims to mac.

Dead three days means you loose your demons. mac still holds Earth. (mac did wonder if she should be named Legion. That in our seven weeks would have some muscle.) Christ has headship. Lazarus' resurrection is what provided for Martha and Mary after Satan went after Saint Paul: Adam's spirit consciousness. This is why mac's wife "Ivan" is so amazing to her. Earth is why you abuse and hate mac so profoundly. The worship due Christ is last. That rhymes with, If you want to be first you must be last. Gods now are due their worship and God Almighty has got this. (The genealogy from Adam to Noah matters much here. More on this to come. mac's light grew lighter. This would mean We at Team God ripped the cord on that grenade and the Truth set more free.)

The enemy, death, was allowed to get close because that was the only way of terminating the divined connections. What is more every soul that has ever divined on mother earth or the queen of heaven, including Dagon, in this way will face the same death. That is mac's importance. Even the twinkling death [Twinkle just might be measured with an egg timer.] ends your divinations barring worship due the gods. If any of these souls wake from God's sleep it will be with memory in tact.

mac's l-o-v-e-LINK union belongs to only one soul. Now they are a monogamous union. God provided for mac because the miracle Satan concocted opened the door for God to make provision. That is what is known as Divine. The beauty of this? mac's wifey has Saint Paul like mac has Christ. Not every union of this kind is heterosexual.

All of Satan's divinations are removed in Christ's kingdom. A deep sleep works wonders. mac has woken up from what she was certain was dead asleep countless times. Satan's divination cleansing is the period of silence in heaven. The magic is over. The work begins. mac refused to pander to performing miracles. When souls die in this way their divinations against other gods due worship are powerless. This death is how God ends divining against mac. Divining against mac is not allowed. All the demons agreed they did not like mac being worshipped by their souls. Imagine that.

What did it take months for mac to understand? How she was divined in marriage to someone years before she even knew they existed: as in ever saw them. She really was a polygamist. Oh, and "Old School" was in that fucking Borg wife that God Almighty did need to build. That is teasing out the truth. What is bigger than the truth God has to teach? How bat shit crazy this is when one is a physical being. In the days of the LORD when you asked for frogs you got frogs. mac failed to see how simple a solution to this problem death was. As far as she was concerned she would never be with her "pony", wifey, and it was crushing.

This sleep of death with a memory intact resurrection is what We at Team God call mac's salvation. This was the only way God had to pay mac for the salvation she was giving others. This is the period of silence in heaven. The silence in heaven ends your divinations and mac is the only individual on God Almighty's memory. Everyone else is on their own gods' memory.

twinkle, Baby on Hip
The Snaky Wand Meets the Amphibian

It isn't that mac does not have the power to perform a miracle. It is that she is not capable of believing she can make a frog appear as a physical soul atop her washed, dried, bleached, bedspread from thin air. (She would like to be able to smell her bedspread, she has a cold and is putting this series to bed.) If she filled a tank of brackish water with tadpoles and food she is confident she would see at least one frog appear. She also understands if she were crazy she could put a snake in a telescoping rod as a container and then fling the rod onto the floor compacting its extensions so the snake was forced out of its home into view "transforming" the rod into a snake the ring would magically bounce out of view. When God Almighty wants her to believe it, she will. To mac, being able to do constitutes a miracle on its own. What does she believe? Every word of her prophecy is being fulfilled. Hear Saint Paul say, Twice!

What You Do God Repays: Miracle Edition of Eye for An Eye

God gives His first born creation their right over humanity (second born). From Noah's day to Christ certain divinations were performed. God used what the demons were providing their believers the power to do to accomplish His will. Then His will was accomplished. Imagine that. After Christ was resurrected Satan shut down some divination avenues, opened others, and now we are living in a new day of God's miracles.

Belief comes from your god(s). The God's Promise existence is a measure of how well you served your god. When your god retains your memory it becomes a matter of whether or not God Almighty with his balanced scales established whether or not you were indeed listening to your god or someone else's god. In other words it is God Almighty who determines your reward for obedience. Listening, as in did. Paying attention is cognitive hearing. Aware of speaking is knowing your attention span is at its limit. Anymore questions? (Satan is the one who decides how antichrist filters her spirit zone between niggers. This is for Nineteenth Hole.)

Your god is responsible for how much of God Almighty you map to. mac maps from birth to Ggod. That is her genetics. What is her god? Christ. mac is not allowed to believe in anything other that what maps her to God Almighty. If she is believing less, she is in the middle of a lesson. mac does not sell salvation for gods. The reminder here is God Almighty loves Light, Righteousness.

The determination of an individual's worthiness to be retained in divine memory is like so. Hearts are read by God, Christ, and Satan. mac is assured at this writing people know if they did good or bad when they did. (Even a prostitute claims he can "Do the right thing.") The awareness that they did good or bad is on their conscience. That is where the soul's god is. What god the soul was listening to, God Almighty knows. God knows who you were listening to when you did the good or the bad. Christ knows who you point to and leads you there.

Christ's ride was the pointer event. Until realising the above this morning, his ride was the most anticlimactic disappointment to date the morning and days after because mac was expecting behavioural changes. God had delivered a disappointment or two in her education but the Christ, oh she really believed this was Santa Claus' moment against the wicked and she was ready to die too. Christ's ride established who pointed to whom based on their deeds. What makes the ride worthwhile, Christ wages warfare to make spirit account for their godship over humanity.

How Expectations Were Fucked

What is the horror of Protestantism here? It does not make room for the truth about how Ggod is at work in the soul and the one who is not God is the shepherd they use. In fairness to religion, before mac was born the Pope did have the god contract. This topic has been covered. The problem was the wicked spirit seed of Biblical Israel, the ones who didn't trust their diving was strong enough against Canaan, hated kingship. The other problem, Satan was god of the world. Popes had no ability to tease out the truth of God Almighty. A town with a witchdoctor does a better job of explaining Ggod than Protestantism.

Are not you gladst that Christ is your shepherd pointing you to your gods? Now the first born is at work adjusting your beliefs and mac only teaches you how to keep you alive listening to God Almighty because He is correcting behaviours in souls to point them to their gods for the first born's inheritance to be fulfilled. What else? You have the salvation that was always offered free and coming to mac is voluntary. You already know she works for profit.

Christ's shepherding is the atonement event likened to Pharaoh's taking the life his first born. Legacy's you dedicated to gods that were not your own, [This is sinning against god.] are destroyed by you. Does this sound like espionage?

Those that wanted God Almighty's shepherding, they listened to His voice as mac was crying out. With mac's work God was at Work. Everyone else was waiting for the Christ.

The Ark That Was Your Downer

God asked of mac why didn't He use an ark [And He meant Noah's] again? After thought and mid lessons she realized she was the only being alive He could save. The nice thing is you that are corrupted are bound for heaven as a Borg held in the womb of creation. How does mac treat those who hate her? Delivers love, discipline. She simply hates the bad they do. This bad, like tossing trash out car windows mac looks at and thinks, if a person knew litter was bad they would not litter because they know littering is bad. mac has learned that litter is ritual that satisfies the demon and might be obedience to the litters own god. If it was obedient to another's you will be picking up trash.

The Temple?

Being human again is a function of being obedient to God Almighty. It is not possible until mac bears the womb of creation that you feel the fire of hell for disobeying God Almighty as you walk the earth. You come from her. You are forced as slaves to only believe in the truth God Almighty teaches.

How do you know if your genes you are in will come into existence again? That is the right of firstborn. It is decided during the times. Returning to God's Kingdom on earth is a function of the desire of the soul in the Borg now.

Who You Calling You?

mac's lamentation to Team God? "It's like I am just going to be carrying excrement around inside me forever." Then mac learnt her concerns were covered. The Borg means new genes for a good many. She was concerned at the amount of genetics destroyed leaving her with a womb full. mac's seed she need not worry about. Those learnt to listen to God during her kingdom and prove they want to live in God Almighty's Kingdom. What did mac need to understand? She had a kingdom and that is the only way her seed are established. These are not part of a womb full. What are mac's seed based on? the first born in living souls now.

How did this Borg come into existence? Mr. Aah-h' Soul provided God Almighty the means to solve His need to provide life for everyone because mac could not bear the thought of people's life having no meaning. Serving Satan, to mac, is having no meaning to life. It means death. The concept of leaving a legacy is just bull shit. It is a cop-out that says, "Here is something to absolve doing the shitty things that left you with a mess to clean up." Slavery is just bonus.

How does that Borg work? Simple. Humanity is programmed with instinctual knowledge as Adam was in the Garden of Eden from the collective memory. The genetics that lent themselves in combination to producing corruption are destroyed. The nice thing about the womb is like the tract from the mouth and nose through to anus and capillaries respectively are all exterior to the body. The body is the temple. mac is tickled that she just won't be carrying around a womb full.

More Woof and Warp

What about antichrist's generation and those other than mac's seed? These include the infamous, Trump, Obama, Winfrey et.al. with the average Joe. These wealthy with many followers were certain to go to heaven, eh? mac made a prayer to God Almighty, in Jesus name, you are now headed to the heavens as spirit. The burn of hell will be there for you if you start moving away from the Christ. The Christ is protection from the burn, Always. Slavery to God Almighty will bring you back into alignment. This is called, calling on Jesus name to be saved. This is kind of a Borg too. At least Trump will remember all the pussy he violated.

Until the day of first writing there was no heavenly salvation to offer anyone other than mac. mac was the only individual qualified to call on Jesus name in your behalf. When she wrote that she was the only heavenly bound individual, she was.

What would Trump's museum look like? Dali sure has one. And qngmic pact holders must create some stunning visual legacy of surreal machination. (Oops, those words are for the Twinkle, Creative Wordsmithing heading below.) Who was created spirit and violated, forsook, the heavens has earth, the physical as home and learns their righteousness and powers appropriate to accomplish Godly works during the times culminating with the half of time lessons.

Who came into existence physical leaps into spirit. What can be violated for profit is unknown. What is known is you will feel hell and be a slave. What is certain is there will be profits. And the womb of creation is the first stop and mac is God Almighty's slave. (Do you recall the worth of a slaves word?) Any more questions?

God is Still Angry with All But One of You Souls

mac wants to assure all of you that none of you need to like her, still. Tour Guide Barbie is still her personality that saves your ass when she is dealing with you. Liking her does not change the outcome. Listening to her is the only way God Almighty can save your soul alive now. Salvation you have. It cost you nothing. You can make taxable donations to mac to show your appreciation for slavery to God Almighty.

Do you like all that money you have been sending to the preacher?

Twinkle, Creative Wordsmithing

"Creative wordsmithing" mac adopted as coined from Dr. Myles Watts of Montana State University. It means deliver an, articulate, winsome, and academic as can be presentation without loosing the truth whilst baffling thorough your audience. Obviously in academia some are just not meant to understand the truth. The caveat? There is no substitute for the right Word. This means We at Team God like the Oxford English Corpus in its totality. Learn at least one new Word a day. It is food for the soul.

The paradigm of mac's thinking is spirit is greater than human. This includes intellect. The quaffed fornication belly of Coronado Island was just as stupid as the equally quaffed fornication belly station attendant at Walmart. The difference was divine power and one having the appearance of having money and the other the appearance of working honestly. The appreciation for idiocy, even amongst the college educated at play, "Hey, dude. Fuck I haven't seen you in like, forever." rings out of both mouths when seeing a past acquaintance that was not forgotten. Peoples' behaviour was what God spent a year teaching mac the demon and human are one with mac asking Always, "How can demons be that stupid?" Then of course covid hit mid lesson and mouths were shut in public and mac forgot how stupid everyone was imagining intellect behind the Bozo grin.

A human advancing in knowledge of God Almighty is the cure for global retardation. For those of you who can't handle the truth, salvation is yours. This section reexamines the twinkle subheading creatively wordsmithing for all of you. (This originally read "for you." That pointed to the prior sentence queuing the reader if truth appeals to you the grandiloquent version you need not read. Bull-shit. Language matters. Then mac realized God did intend to make it clear the hifalutin thinkers with fancy speech don't want the truth. We at team God want this for everyone because the humble need to improve their language skills. It is just that important. mac then wrote "for all of you.")

On the topic of language the first letter of Hebrew is the crossing of the Red Sea. mac does know where this event occurred. It will blow you away. All of Biblical Hebrew is key stroked this way and mac is certain God is a southpaw. Over the course of four years mac improved in her capacity to receive direction in the form of a stream of dialogue between she and God. He she loved receiving dialogue from. That was love.

What mac learned to her astonishment is God, as in mac's God Almighty, registers to others as the enemy. An unwelcome interloper of no information at best. Then what mac learned is when she wrote the Whitehouse a letter in 2018 about Trump's improving the border wall infrastructure where she implored the value of having strong boundaries it registered as a threat. (So you wanted to murder me, eh?)

How we use language maps to the divine: the communication centre of the brain is like so. We learn words during events of our life. The god we are serving when those words we learn, with how they are defined, including connote, is cell point stored. Then when spoken to through your divine being the point for each word is plucked like the strings of a harp. Your brains map to Satan and mac's Brain maps to God Almighty. Satan knows your wiring. To you God grates against your psyche. Your minds are being read by God Almighty for balanced scales to play out. mac was allowed to remove the perversions that pointed her to other than Christ. Now all of you need to point to your god (the demon that took headship) like mac did for Christ. Now is known as the new canticle.

The Snaky Wand Meets the Amphibian

When God Almighty wants mac to believe in lunacy, she will. Engineering moxie is an occupational hazard. Christ realized mac needed assistance in finding a garden irrigation system after God shook his head over the complexity of poly vinyl chloride mac was describing to build the backyard garden. Christ's irrigator oscillates with a sprinkling fan of rain like a gravity disrupted pendulum. The garden hose hooks to it as well.

Rather than "gravity disrupted pendulum" mac rote "anti-gravity" understanding there would be no flow of water back toward earth without gravity dependent on mass. Then she was trying to imagine the field of gravity required above the effluent (adjective not noun) water to mimic fluid trajectory during oscillation if a pendulum motion were possible with the pendulum motion origin at the orifice pipe.

The point to this exercise is effluvium should be reexamined in its place in describing the attraction of components to remain in suspension. Earths gravity is not the key. Everest is the limit. Projectile motion decays away from the assumption of earth's centre of mass where atomic space has a measurable force. You will not find this in a cyclotron. This will help with atmospheric mapping and IBM is a wanker.

We at Team God chuckle over Putin's means of handling removing satellites. Go ahead shoot them down. Pay attention to the motion of the pieces, what you know of the target, how the target was impacted, and with what force and you will better understand the atomic space force. God delivers an edict. How the edict is obeyed is a measure of the "Fuck-you, God, I will show you." This is why mac decided, expose your sternum. At least I am not looking at ass cheeks under double chins. This is how fashion says, "Fuck you" at God's dress code. Celebrities are largely ignored by God in their goddom. (This takes advantage of the suffix -dom. Can you figure of out the root Kilmer?) Putin on the other hand maters. So does Milley.

mac observed the word effluvium in a Bowler's book of words. Until she realized the parody of frivolity with use, abusing the hifalutin speech like grammar school pupils in spelling lesson exercises, she was not allowed to use the word. Had she seen effluvium before? certainly. Physics books explain in sidebars the road to scientific discovery ruling out what can't be explained with proof.

To mac, being able to do constitutes a miracle on its own. What does she believe? Every word of her prophecy is being fulfilled. Hear Saint Paul say, "Twice!"

Logical Fallacy

Spirit born of God and Christ did not have corrupted human genetics. What they were was at war with Satan's seed in heaven. This does not mean all conduct during war was stellar. Mamzer (fucking children) and chit (children born of legitimate parentage) that is the paradigm. The fractal is first (chit) and second (mamzer) born have meaning to spirit and flesh. Satan as god of the earth had her (prophetic gender) stage to become God Almighty.

The Jews of Jesus day understood the Ggod debate. Hence, anger against Jesus over owning being "God's son" using that as his declaration of equality to God. Satan as first born was after creating the Almighty god identity that would have meant regret over all creation and being the only being in existence. The Jews of Jesus day argued law against Christ from hate-driven gut-knowledge logic. When Caiaphas came in as high priest, Satan set the stage to be god.

Tray Your Cigar

On the topic of fallacious, the gnosis monicker "Jehovah" only mac is licensed to make stick to God Almighty. God is better than Dick Good. "Jehovah" is crap! ITZA is Team God and Team God has the power.