“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenShoe Leather
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenShoe Leather

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Shoe Leather

October 26, 2021


The self-explanatory title hides the meaty discussion of being the soul, uniting with demons, and how the promise to who is living and how the sulphur fumaroles God promised the wicked work. More magma is on the way.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Shoe Leather

Surviving the Shitty Little gods Walking with God

The self-explanatory title hides the meaty discussion of being the soul, uniting with demons, and how the promise to who is living and how the sulphur fumaroles God promised the wicked work. More magma is on the way.

Standing at Staples Street Walmart register four mac observed the line order behind her changed. A presumably homeless, unkempt male, of pungent distinction, made his way into line directly behind mac cutting in front of the now four people stacking up behind her. "You cut in line didn't you." mac addressed the financial hypochondriac without actually making that a question. "Well, she said it was ok." Was his startled reply with jittery gestures to the woman directly behind mac. His body odour rose to the ceiling in worship to his shitty little god, the Walton heiress Alice, with the wave of his arms.

mac needed a moment to pack her shopping bag with her fifteen pounds consisting of two kitty litters and two other assorted goods. She peripherally watched him humming and hawing over the eighteen dollar register total he was struggling to dig from his bill-bulging gapping pockets. This niggardly bastard was doing everything he could to stall the only line open to cash paying customers to get anyone he could to pay on his behalf. mac was his target. It was all mac could do not to say to the woman who was fool enough to let him cut because he was acting like an incompetent, [This stunt of wickedness Mary has perfected.] "Don't pay for his things for him. That is what he is trying to force you to do." mac refrained that time. She is not likely to refrain again.

Yesterday outside of the H E B market, also on Staples Street, mac was asked by an equally grungy attired to Walmart's male but younger dude, who managed to shave, if she would give him a few dollars because he ran out of gas. mac asked first where his car was because she was willing to walk with him to his car and get him some fuel. Then after he motioned away out yonder she asked, "Do you have a gas can?" He said he had a jug and nothing would stop him from getting gas. mac turned her heals to him after remarking, "You need a legal gas can."

The Mass Extinction, for Alice Too

mac's script to beggars asking her for a few bucks, "Two dollars, what a great idea. I'd like two dollars. Hand it over." The male outside of H E B actually looked like he would draw a gun on mac for making that statement so she refrained. It was in his eyes. That assessment of character on mac's part is called judgement. Judgement is required to act with caution. Every decision mac makes begins with be cautious as a serpent innocent as a dove.

With the male in Walmart the threat of him drawing a gun did not exist. (mac does not posses, own, maintain, keep, hold, or have a gun.) It was simply a matter of anything she stated was casting pearls before swine. Don't waste isn't exactly in the caution-innocence axiom but mac likes frugality that allows her to share with everyone who isn't a pig.

The swine begging for money like what they do and how they live. Put simply these are souls bound for Gehenna. Their genetics will never be in combination again. That human is done away with and the spirit consciousness that maps to that persons genetics is a slave.

What has mac fought for? If you as a soul want to live you do not get to do it as a ward of the state. This means if you paid into a system of pooled funds for the goodnesses of civilisation you benefit. If you like living on the street making others pay your way you are exterminated. Are you the nigger who chose not to repent from being a shitty little god? You are exterminated.

What is the generation of perversion Mary McRae is lover to all the demons of Satan's world powering their rights to knowledge with everyone denying the Christ? The worst of the born again genetics this world has ever seen since Adam and Eve. None of this generation is mapped to the spirit conciseness that maps to their genetics, sans Mary. They worship some twinkle twinkle, suck Jesus, and host some array of Sigma Deltas.

The Engineer Makes It Clear

An example of how spirit genetics works is mac. She maps to God as His one flesh spouse. His spirit consciousness certainly can't dwell with her. That is the sin bit. mac had Earth forced on her. The Christ (with Saint Paul) was a provision because of her mother's dirty deeds. Since February mac only has two "demons" [This is Christ with Saint Paul. This is the last time a clarity like this is being provided. Yes there is a reason for this bracket inclusion of October 29, 2021 and, no, mac is not the least bit curious.]

mac's genetics is born again Eve. mac's consciousness has eternity as she sits a soul with all the memories that accompany her human experience. Christ will not dwell with mac forever. God will get His turn. mac says, "You can unload you condolences on God in prayer."

What is another example of spirit genetic mapping? "Davy." "Davy's" genetics map to Pegasus. "Davy" does not host Pegasus. "Davy" did not worship Pegasus twinkle twinkle either. "Davy" hosts the demon mac's aunt Edna hosted. He also hosts the demon Ronald Reagan hosted even throughout his presidency when Jehovah joined them. "Davy" was one of the rare souls who fought for headship over his demons. He is a male, man, as rare as Ted was. The other few remaining are simply not in the America's. Dog Paddle was written to draw out these few for salvation while convicting antichrist. mac had no way of understanding how many swine there where.

Because of the choices "Davy" makes as a soul Pegasus learns to serve Christ. What is even more extraordinary? "Reagan" (mac won't name him a Sigma Delta) is taking that headship too and worshipping God serving Christ. This means because of "Davy" the genetics that map to "Reagan" will enjoy life as a soul in God's Kingdom. This mans "Davy" Pegasus as a soul enjoys life as a soul in God's kingdom.

What about Edna's Sigma Delta? It gets its own kingdom time. That is what gog and magog establish. For those souls that refuse to take action and join Christ or host a demon that refuses to take headship over the soul to join Christ its the Borg concept explained as God's Promise. And gog and magog are for these to war against Christ.

To Philosophical Engineers

The soul walking about this earth is doing all the things that map to what their consciousness is. The perversion of all Mary McRae's deeds to support her prayers of heart against Christ are proof that Satan's corrupted hearted boomers of this land only have a place as slaves and in the fire. This means thought, awareness of existence, came before language. Language grew from belief and on earth a "need" to exclude. The demons have invested a great deal in demonstrating all the ways they show God, its not right that one have more than another. What does God make clear? Do not muzzle the bull as he is threshing out the grain.

The heavens are torn rolling up away from one another because antichrist, Mary McRae, is hosting communication for the elite fifty [Alice Walton is one like Reverend Tok Pisin, Mr. "Chip" Cooper as well as Governor Greg Abbott.] against those that are not part of the elite fifty's exclusive communication system being torn asunder by two channels of communication. Souls lives reflect the conflict of partial information. The article What god Built elaborates on antichrist's existence.

The soul that refuses Christ now is simply one that proves how all the spirit consciousness that align with it have earned God's Promise and that soul's genetics, unless it maps to a gog and magog star, is done away with forever. Antichrist is the network of information, power, and prayer that is against the Christ. And other than three people mac has met face to face, no demon in America has proved wanting God's or its own power over Mary McRae, antichrist.

Holy War Begins

Alluded to in previous articles were; the preciousness of Abraham's seed, and how the resurrection comes about. The gog and magog bit is covered in the Apol'lyon article. Trump simply set the stage for two Revelation fulfilment periods with the war between God's servants and mammons'. Two Holy wars were not in the plan, per-see, God and Christ did understand two wars could not be avoided because of the spirit elite Satan named. mac learned how right she was writing more than once Bible prophecy is fulfilled. We are living the day of minor fulfilment of Revelation. These topics in writing are interrupted to return to the Daniel consequences that Obama, Winfrey, Sharpton, and Woods, are on the hook for.

Trump does not get his war until after mac is housed with the military that will rule under her. Bush did not win the desert sponsoring Lucille's death following 9/11. He only exploited Satan's greed to steal from God. The first of Abraham's seed that come first for mac are served first. Abraham was a mighty warrior.

Mary McRae enjoys controlling information it is her game. She sulked in a room pretending to be dead for a week Biden. The evening of this writing she started a new series of thrashing fits and public appearances. Alice Walton missed her favourite shoplifter.