“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenNot Being Found in Her Anymore
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenNot Being Found in Her Anymore

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Not Being Found in Her Anymore

October 21 and November 22, 2021


The five W's of the being not Christ. Evidently the description of the works of the flesh described by Saint Paul has all of you so damned baffled because you limp on two opinions. This article is being allowed because Greyhound has a 1M dollar outstanding invoice. Pay up Buttercup.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Not Being Found in Her Anymore

Who, What, When, Where, Why

The antichrist is Ggod's repository of his existence that is controlled by the rules Mary McRae created with Satan's wisdom to build both democracy and communism to make everyone the same. mac has learned Mary's rules. This knowledge from shoe leather, sweat equity, and personal sacrifice is future money in her coffer. This is why Trump is going broke. He refused to learn why he became filthy rich. Mary's cellular wisdom does not require she have acumen of any discipline only living off her mischief from her Satanic gut. Terry Smart was the spouse genetically engineered for her. He is just as stupid as well.

The Happy Buddha

mac is not a Buddha whose belly is rubbed for luck. That happy Buddha sure makes an ugly idol. Are there any beautiful idols? On that note, what does it mean when the prophet of God lamented they make themselves gods that neither, hear, nor speak, nor walk? Does that not sound like a Nike, Apple, Walmart, or Greyhound? The NASDAQ has hundreds listed does it not? Under mac, trading is a once monthly twenty-four hour duration occupation. If a corporation holds a colophon name or name other than of its top founding demons (think Hewlett Packard) The founding documents need to identify the characteristics of the personality their idol, corporation, embodies. Making public ownership of corporations Holy is more revenue for mac. Ah, to be God of Christ's kingdom.

Not only will mac not allow her belly to be rubbed she does not allow herself to be fucked. The huntress that mac is means she is extremely patient for the kill. She also hones in on her quarry for the health of as many as possible. Two billion being allowed to survive does extend the seven weeks. It also means work is spread across more individuals. Building corporations on antichrist's rules is why there are at present no corporations, globally, that survive the extinction.

A reminder. In 2076 is when Satan with all her clones is rounded into the abyss. Do not expect to profit from the wind-down. None of you traded corporate entities will survive it regardless of public status. Greyhound Bus Lines is a prime example of one who will not profit. They plotted the murder of a bus load of people to loot their corporation out of existence.

When mac goes to the grocery she looks for beans (dried), rice, minimally processed canned concentrates, spices, fresh produce, and is flexible with animal protein. With sixty dollars she can keep herself alive eating a fresh meal once a day for five weeks. Is this meal beans or rice? Yes. Is it flavourful? Yes. Would everyone like it? No. In truth she can survive a year on sixty dollars of dried beans. Is she content to show Nueces how it is a model county while the extinction and weather events strike its oil barrens and citizens fiercest? Of course. If she moves, she will be well distracted with building Christ's Righteous Warfare curriculum. This advances global domination. Team God is very angry with Texas, Jehovah, and the "Justice" Department.

Drinking Blood and Eating Flesh

Let us speak of something really gross. Christ made clear, after getting five-thousand deadbeats to feed themselves and then they had the audacity to beg for food from heaven, drinking his blood and eating his flesh was the only way to be in God's Kingdom. He was speaking to souls, flesh, and they very well understood he was speaking of this in a literal way. How does this come about? Christ's genetics are the branding humans receive that mean their cells are now programmed to go about doing their own thing in a Righteous way. These are souls that live in God's kingdom on any one of His earths.

Those Resurrections

How is the half a time populated? Spirit consciousness is resurrected on earth. Christ with Saint Paul are also walking about the earth at this time. mac is united with Ted at this time. Saint Paul and mac are still two witnesses and smiting the earth with plagues and fire coming out of their mouths is a function of what the gog and magog crowd are concocting against their own souls to hurt one another.

How are the times populated? Individuals are born again and with Christ's Church opened in the heavens spirit is united with its genetics at its water baptism. "Iron Man" died after August 21, 2021. His genetics are born again and he is united with his spirit consciousness. He and mac are then united in matrimony.

What about the remaining duration of the time? Genetics are born again. When the soul mac sketched "Timmy" is born again his spirit consciousness (Reagan's life long demon resides in the womb of creation) and "Timmy's" memories God restores to him. His mind receives his previous knowledge of his life before his death and he lives his life free to be a living soul without spirit counterpart. "Timmy" died before August 21, 2021. (mac had to learn from God when "Timmy" died with his spirit mapping and who of the Borg wife construction lingered exploiting her l-o-v-e-LINK.)

What Happens Now?

God shepherds Paddlers into the body of the Christ. The body of the Christ is not open until the walls are constructed. When the walls are constructed the seven weeks have concluded. The Office of RighteousWarfare opened in February with mac's resurrection to king of kings status. As God of Christ's kingdom worshipping mac is how the spirit beings of this earth survive the present decay/extinction with their souls. Those souls that die, their spirit consciousness is imprisoned with Saint Paul.

Treating mac like a comic book character is the most costly move you niggers instituted. Why? that stupid mother fucking Lee never bothered to meet mac. You had no way of understanding Holiness because you ran after Satan hating God. You never took the time to understand what powers be real and what be phoney and why what looks phoney has very real expression and power from God. The only human beings God could shepherd into the body of the Christ, pre-times, was mac and two of her spouses.

With Trumps demand for war, God shepherds the shutdown of the United States as mac prescribed. God, the Almighty, replaces mac's place for the armed forces of the United States. Because the armed forces of the United States will not join Christ (this means they refuse all interaction with mac as a soul) mac will not be engaged with this warfare. (You see the Pentagon would need to feed and house a soul.)

Christ's kingdom establishment could have been after every stake-holding government of the earth signed articles of peace petitioning Christ's kingdom. Instead, mac is king of kings, "Davy" is Lord of Lords and warfare is how she builds Christ's kingdom. Now is the shut-down period and Righteous warfare is refused earth-wide. (Putin is still lukewarm.) The warfare that does exist is part of eliminating the present population. With Righteous warfare mac with "Timmy" builds Christ's kingdom.

Who is "Davy"? The demon Ronald Reagan hosted for the duration of his life. Why did mac code name him "Davy." The "Timothy" equivalent to "David." Think king David of Biblical Israel.

Nabisco Rules

When antichrist goes to the grocery she spends forty dollars buying perishables to feed herself an expensive picnic for one each day with no left-overs. The processed foods industry is the only demon lobby left to her to buy food from for her personal consumption. (She does buy raw chicken livers for prayers of heart.) Bluebell ice cream really built an empire off of antichrist. Do you get it? She buys from her children who have supported her growing; pollution, perversion, obesity, and disease.

Mary can't even buy Camilla pinto beans or Lucky Elephant rice. mac can. What was the toughest thing for mac to learn? There is no peace and she could not fulfil her dream of Christ's body being open to creation now. It would have been looted to death.