“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenRosie the Riveter
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenRosie the Riveter

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Rosie the Riveter

October 20 and 21, 2021


Sitting aboard the USS Lexington mac considers scrapping every inch of museum to expand the fleet. We don't need a "bang" vending machine. We need "Boom Baby." mac sits at her turret. Incoming; Satan's god, the power of women, the skeletoned legend of the time times and half a time, and the importance of her wife "Davy". Rosie may know how to rivet but the power of women is ending. Christ's Church will not be looted. That was the importance of "Timmy". "Timmy's" death did not stop the promise. Christ's Secretary builds Christ's war machine. War begins.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Rosie the Riveter

Returning to Paddler focus We at Team God begin with; the power of a woman is the individual using God's supreme power to make themselves into a shitty little god using divine gifts to warp souls into perversion and acting against their very own existence to do what the shitty little god wants. Do shitty little gods cooperate and form alliances? For course they do. This it how the bitrubamaton foursome of Biden, Obama, Trump, and Clinton, demolished democracy and vanquished what little America built before Eisenhower that was, until mac was born, holding a nation together to preserve its own souls.

Team God builds men. Paddlers' leave the deeds that pervert God's divine power trusting in Christ to make the prayers of heart necessary to eliminate wickedness. The High Priest in Biblical Israel was performing these prayers to keep the land clean. What time are we living in? We are still early in the seven weeks. Christ's kingdom is established and we are living during the time still. The times do not begin until the seven weeks have concluded. With the times begin the resurrection.

What is the challenge in thinking here? That Christ's kingdom could be established during the seven weeks. Do we see Christ walk the earth during the seven weeks as a human? Yep. That is mac and her one flesh union wife. Doing to mac is the same as doing to the Christ. Is God angry at y'all? Yep. To put a period on the article title, we hate women. When some committee of women (Dick's and all the rest) decided to create a "women in the navy" exhibit at the Lexington that ended luxury liners in the navy. If it floats it is for warfare.

Ooo-u Dreee-am' Weav'r

Putin now that you have tangled yourself up in mac's web understand it was the prayer of the Tsar to preserve his people mac needed to honour. The nation you perverted in Gorbachev's wake competing for biggest nigger with Jehovah is disintegrating before your eyes. The male who enters Christ's School for Righteous Warfare is the one who will unite Russia during Christ's kingdom. Using God's power for wickedness (i.e. abusing the ten commandments) is supplied through antichrist.

Antichrist is now laying on her room floor on a leaking blow up mattress sulking whilst pretending to be dead. Mary is going to decide to leave her room. Not because she filled what ever vessel she concocted into a toilet giving away her position as living. But because she is convinced all the moves necessary to get the Corpus Christi police department to storm her house and machine gun the converted garage murdering mac she is ready to implement.

Putin, do you remember how Romanov was executed? Even a little bullet tears through souls. Do you still think you were funny offering mac ballet tickets? mac has never seen a ballet performance live: musical theatre off Broadway, yes. Lincoln was assassinated by Booth in a theatre. mac has read Persian cuisine recipes and is convinced she should be implementing more lamb in her cooking. Sheep's milk yogurt is a dietary must.

Jesse the Gelding

Let's return to the significance of mac and her wives. Cadillac's Midnight Romeo was a Missouri Foxtrotter gelding that mac leased, before learning to sail, until Mary found a way to end that happiness. The Coronado Island (obviously a prophetic name) police department went after mac's life when she was learning to sail. This is why God put her under their noses. It was the legal place He could to keep her alive. Walmart and Costco made donations ($36.00 and $212.00 respectively) to keep mac alive because they were antiChrist's willing tool to murder mac in earlier years. Trump is the one who established how little a human soul is worth.

Has this information been shared before? Yes, the soul is now reading it. mac as a living soul is God's bullshit detector. She genetically maps to Him. (Imagine God's woman mapping to anyone else genetically. This is what contributes to mac's loving the Christ (with Saint Paul) so very much.) What does mac categorically refuse? To put Christ (with Saint Paul) in a place of poverty. Her cells have instinctual knowledge that maps to God, Almighty. Every human soul maps genetically to a spirit consciousness. Those born with corrupted hearts are the lineage of the Bible to Christ. Binding with a Spell will cover this topic in greater detail.

mac's mind learns to articulate with language what her cells understand as truth. She experiences a good deal of death, hell, being corrected away from the false notions that are in her body when she is assaulted by demons. mac, with sin in her blood, cannot host God. Hosting Christ means no room for bullshit in her belief system. It is from what the body, cells instinctual programming, that thugs understand they like pressed clothes and throwing their litter on the streets through their Mercedes window. It is how an individual turns tricks whilst two hundred pounds saying, "I'm a really good person, and god loves me, I can feel god in my heart."

The thug is simply fodder for the birds of heaven to feast upon. Trump decided to orchestrate a war with Christ that would have otherwise only happened during the half a time. Apocalypse, Revelation is fulfilled twice.

With Christ, God Makes Men

The beginning of the times is when the resurrection happens because Christ's church is opened. The resurrection is the provision that allows for those corrupted hearted individuals to be mapped to their demon, spirit conciseness, that maps to their souls.

"Timmy" died in service to God. He is Christ's church opener spouse to mac hosting the spirit conciseness that maps to his genetics. Right now it is the one called Navy Dress who hosts "Timmy's" genetic match demon mac code named "Donny".

Are there souls that will be born again during the remaining time and God unites them with their match spirit consciousness? Yes. The spirit consciousness is first waiting for their soul in God's womb of creation. Who now mapped to their spirit consciousness? antichrist. She was built by Satan as his god for all the shitty little gods to have power doing dirty deeds.

Mary filling a receptacle in her room closet, plastic Rubbermaid tub with the word t-a-x-e-s Sharpied upon it, with; broken ceramics, urine, excrement, and clothing is a prayer that pollutes mac's home inviting disease through bacteria and worms that means, "Go ahead and obey most of the law in paying your taxes but understand raising money for the government is a contemptible occupation at best." This prayer is the reason tax aversion is tolerated even in the way tax law is written and why mac will implement a flat tax on gross earnings. We at Team God like fifteen percent. (In Israel it was ten. Yes, we are still relating to Biblical Israel.) The secondary component of this prayer is why government undermined itself with lobbies perverting even well intended law against Righteousness and put enforcement in the hands of thugs.

mac understands your need, Putin, to understand your power supply. She does not give a shit about what Trump thinks he understands. More on the corrupted generation, born again's, world war two spawned worshipping antichrist against God follows this article. It is mac's hour to walk to the grocery gleaning change from the street gutters. The Sate of Texas put mac's slavery earnings in Mary McRae's "care." Stealing from God you will regret this very day.