“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenMeet on the Bone (God's bad mac Meant Meat)
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenMeet on the Bone (God's bad mac Meant Meat)

 Putting -- A New Stroke 

 from God's Woman on the Green

Meet on the Bone (God's Bad mac Meant Meat)

October 2, 2020


Concocting your own ritual from the works of God's prophet bears a death sentence. You will wish for one before the twenty-four points of shepherding God concludes and you will be crying at mama mac's door for the recipe needed to fix the mess you are in with God.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Meet on the Bone (God's Bad mac Meant Meat)

Homophones are individuals with an intense aversion to homosexuality and homosexuals. (Oops, homophobes.) Some individuals have no capacity to imagine themselves in sexual company with an individual with identical sex identifying genitals. Male to male, female to female is abhorrent to homophobes. What is abhorrent to God is imagining yourself sexually with anyone other than your spouse, your legal marriage mate. The Christ and his perfection, domestic partner, are both male. One is the leader and one is the obedient one. How many times did Paul discuss being obedient to the Christ? (God asks, Did y'all hear what mama said?)

This does mean that when you are single, you do not get to imagine. Tool discusses this in greater detail.

You can petition God and He will be in your corner as you walk decently, and with modesty, forging His path to Christ's kingdom. This means putting you in the place where your mate He brings to you is. Discuss with God in open and direct dialogue what you understand you want in a marriage mate. If you just want sex or conquest you can still pray through your heart to go after god. (As a soldier of armed forces, government servant, or employee, God intervenes first.)


Opposite mac a grey-three-piece suited coiffed man, dapper and tall, sat down. They were at a stylized fifties restaurant, middle-of-the-room booth, Formica-marbled-yellow-diner-table with corrugated metal rim. Her nose was in her MacBook. He greeted her with winsome words and she extended her legs under the table to put her feet in his lap to rub them. He sneered and his incisors became fangs.

He slapped her feet to the floor and slid away her laptop shoving in her face his digital pop-up-book creation with green background Sesame Street scenes on the left page of the animated holographic book. The right page was a militaristic looking junk-yard. The detail of the page in the middle was red undiscernible upright-flat objects. His clothing and hair morphed as he boasted over his creation from her work. God ended the dream apologising to mac for what the imposter cost her. She still loved him.

Buttercup, Listen-up!

Concocting your own ritual from the works of God's prophet bears a death sentence. You will wish for one before the twenty-four points of shepherding God concludes and you will be crying at mama mac's door for the recipe needed to fix the mess you are in with God. Yellow and Blue (Not Green) Cornbread is the only recipe in this message you will get for free. (See God showing you the Pope tangoing with bags spilling doubloons to mac's door.)

Yellow and Blue (Not Green) Cornbread

These are two distinct loaves that slice well down the middle (like filleting a salmon) for sandwich bread. The sweetness is great as English coastal cheddar cheese toast and with fish. How about a fish sandwich Friday?

Basic Batter Two Loaves
...QuantityIngredientPreparation OnePreparation Two
.l.1-1/2 cupMilkMix together milk, honey, and eggs.
.l.4EggsMix the liquid and dry ingredients together with no lumps. This is a viscous batter. (Think new motor oil.)
.l.1/3 cupHoney
.d.1 cupSugar
.d.1/2 cupRice FlourMix together all dry ingredients in a bowl large enough for the entire mix.
.d.1/2 cupCassava Flour
.d.1/8 cupCultured Buttermilk Powder
.d.2 Tbls.Sugar
.d.1/2 tsp.Salt
Yellow Loaf
.l.12Basic Batter
.d.1 to 1/4 cupYellow Corn (Ground)Mix together.This batter is more like dough than liquid.
Blue Loaf
.l.12Basic Batter
.d.1 to 1/4 cupBlue Corn (Ground)Mix together.This batter is more like dough than liquid.

Lay the dough out in a parchment lined baking pan with origami folded barrier between the two loaves. Bake for 30-35 minutes at 350F.macDukes.com figure, Cornbread Picture OnemacDukes.com figure, Cornbread Picture TwomacDukes.com figure, Cornbread Picture Three

Headship Bearing Catholics, Buttercup, this is Your Life

It was a hoot when you went and declared the international year of world peace in the face of false prophet number one. (God says, but damn you. You ignored Me to steal the work of My prophet.) Theft means repayment. This is how God is making you repay for your corruption and putting you into His service. That is right Buttercup, Judah is not a part of this. You pay-up. You do not get to die.

The 24 Points of Shepherding, Begin October 2, 2020 18:00 Norfolk, VA

All assets belong to God.


God directs commerce for His purpose.

Strategic Fire

Expansion ends.


God's objectives and new language.


God's standards.


God ends promulgating god's teachings.

Health Safety and Environment

God's global enforcement.

Privacy and Security Policy

God's data planning.


Competition ends.


God's management.


Save and spend only as God directs.


Protecting what matters to God.


God cleans the church for the state.

Quality Management

God teaches managing change and change management.

Force Majeure

God orphans your subordinates for their protection.

Value Chain

God ends waste and corruption.


God tears down predation.


God wipes out doctrine.


God teaches humility.


God teaches quantitative theology.


Live the consequences of the god you are serving at God's hand.


God ends destructive commercial collusion.


God implements new measures.


God directs preservation and disclosure.

Buttercup Cries at the Door

You will not understand by any means what God is remedying with His shepherding. You will not understand His meaning and your operations will grind to a halt. This full-stop is when mac will consult with you. Until then you will be crying for her help without her acknowledgement. God is getting one religion on this earth. Unfortunately for all living, it will not be fully implemented until God's Kingdom.

The Fat Lady Sings

Old Frauen boasted, the size of a man's penis is as plane as the nose on his face. (Oops, plain.) Well, someone had to give a man with a proper Schnauze a chance. If you asked God when He created the caribou, He said shape. (See God point to the obvious.)