“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenDo Not Thy Have A Stroketh
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenDo Not Thy Have A Stroketh

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Do Not Thy Have A Stroketh

December 2, 2020


Every person experiencing slavery to God endures hell. This is the torture the body and mind experience while God purges varying amounts of sin from their blood.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Do Not Thy Have A Stroketh

mac woke before 4AM to Barack Obama matter-of-factly asking her, "Why didn't you just get a job computer programming?" ITZA allowed Barack to interrupt her remarks to His reminders of her imminent departure from Christi. ITZA wants to know why He is not hearing thanks acknowledgements from Barack for His preventions to the country's delayed bankruptcy to Obama Care? You, Barack, must be angry that TRUMP didn't take the hit. Stay tuned Barack. You are going to enjoy your honourable mention among gods of niggers with President Donald Trump. In answer to that question Barack, she did. It just is not her only job function. And she has many to train to replace her in that job function, among others.

Pillow Talk with God

Being a prophet is a logic puzzle akin to the Rubik's Cube. For instance,

“Two nations are in your womb, two peoples are separating while still within you; But one will be stronger than the other: and the older will serve the younger.”

Another reads,

“two peoples, born of you, shall be divided;”

Wasn't the Edomites and Israelites (Jacob didn't even get to keep his name his mama gave him) the obvious fulfillment to Rebekah? No. She knew she carried twins and hated their fighting in her womb. She went to God, before she ever saw them, who told her the obvious. She had twins at war in her. After being barren, this comes under the heading, careful what you wish for. mac wonders, how does a woman get an answer to the obvious and then not keep inquiring of God what understanding she is missing.

The Consequence Maps to the Source

Rebekah, contented to have a mama's boy, assured Jacob the deception would be on her and forced him to steal his bothers blessing to seal the birthright affair. God made sure her death and burial Moses did not note. And Isaac was the one who petitioned God for offspring with Rebekah. Ishmael, Isaac's half-brother, fathered twelve tribes. It was not until Jacob, Israel, that twelve tribes sprang forth for Isaac. These were certainly younger than Ishmael's tribes. Asking of God means be willing to solve the puzzle or runoff facing the consequences of being half-cocked.

Recall how Sarah's burial, and even Rachel's burial Moses records? Sarah denied laughing at having a child. Rachel sat on the idols she stole from her father's house and blamed menses for her not getting off the stash of stolen gods Laban hunted Jacob down for. (What man hasn't figured out PMS?) When you inquire of God, it means you learn and work for His blessing. Concocting your own set of solutions does not work.

Learning from Judas

Rebekah ignored that separating twins have an identical conception (birth) and to top it off, Jacob held onto Esau's ankle coming down the birth canal. (At least they were not breech.) Why is this even important? Recall the birth of Judah's twins and the arm that shoots forth long enough for a midwife to tie a red string on his wrist?

Tamar had a fight on her hands with Judah and she was mother to the Christ. Ruben evidently hung himself on the homosexual smokescreen Lot judged the men of Sodom for and figured fucking his father's wife was fine, her being female. Ruben lost is right of first born. (This how a man hangs himself one place and spills his guts in another.)

Now that the biblical anecdotes are in place, a reminder. God made it clear with the events at Babel, His separating the language of people, was segregating the DNA so that individuals born, looking different, would congregate together far enough apart that they formed dialects and customs appurtenant to their new home. (Home certainly wasn't Shinar anymore. (Toto understands.))

Finding A Man that Listens

God also realized that in building that great city in Shinar, humanity was now capable of everything necessary to bring forth Christ's kingdom. Humans sought leadership and were content to toil under one for greatness. The challenge now? Learn to toil for Him not seen by His creation. And you, poor bastard, God sends a female, man. Worse she hates her own genitals. Her husband appreciated a fellator. (He just hated her.) She required vaginal penetration.

Judging Sodom

Where the men of Sodom went afoul with God was going after what belonged to Him. Lot, totally defrauded by those amoral wealth generators of Sodom, once held chattels God deemed His. Every person employed by Lot. Lot offered his daughters knowing full well those men beating at his door did not favour women. (Lot knew two girls were safe in that hood.)

A new face in someone's home, big deal. But, angels of God Lot made over with a feast, that draws attention. God had made it known He was destroying those cities. God decided to tell Abraham. Abraham petitioned God humbly. He knew God was sharing privileged information and needed to move with caution entreating God. Especially begging God save what He dedicated to destruction. (God says, Boom Baby!)

Offering children up for fornication does not earn any brownie points with God. While Lot knew to bake unleavened bread for the angels of God he did not instil in his daughters a fear that prevented them from fathering the Moabites and Ammonites. Evidently fornication was a lesson Lot did not understand. Virgin daughters mattered.

A Pillar for the Churches

To make matters even more appealing to the fundamentalists seeking interpretations of the Greek scriptures without God, they had Lot's wife as a pillar. There she was the standing testimonial for looking back. Lot's wife did not even bother to keep pace with her two daughters. She wasn't even in much of a hurry to leave her home. The citizen's refused to believe that God's angels were there to carry out God's words. They wanted something more than two beings that looked like people bringing about destruction on their city.

The question then becomes, who in the hell was she looking at? She was looking in disbelief and judgement at and against (respectively) God's judgement. How do we know this? Abraham went and looked at the smoldering cities. What he knew was not even ten righteous men lived there. Jonah pitched a fit because God didn't bring about destruction as he sat on the hill to see Nin'eveh incinerated.

Nin'eveh's king rended (oops rent) his garments and humbled himself to God and saved his land. Bera and Birsha (both turned and ran in defeat) simply sought to leverage what belonged to God. To them, even faced with knowledge of their destruction from God, it did not mean repentance. (Hear God tell Obama and Trump to look up rend.)

Enslaving What Belongs to God

Sodom's defeated king needed Abraham's, God's, warriors. Abraham understood that the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah were defrauders of wealth. Any money received under their offering had so many favors attached to it that Abraham needed to remind them, a legal share they owed to all the warriors. The king of Sodom tried to cut a private deal of favoritism with Abraham leveraging what belonged to God into corrupted service.

Trump the week of that damned Sharpton march, mac secured the National Landing and Pentagon City. You know full well how you benefited from the gifts God demonstrated to you that week and you further enjoyed God's later council to Joe, not-to-mention the suppressing of hysterical malcontents. It is keeping covenants with God, demonstrating humility, that saves a nation. Recall Manasseh? He humbled himself to God and restored worship to God throughout the land even though the high-places, that pandered to a weak population, remained.

Being the Faithful Slave

Here is what Trump's and Obama's corrupted council in conference against mac, with God as witness, failed to take to heart even after God put the fear of Him into all conference attendees. You forced death on what belongs to God. He is now forcing you to part with damages for your share in taking the life God gave to mac. What did not exist to save Pharaoh from the death of his first-born son? (Recall, the need to save Moses in the first place?) God did not own His access to save humanity at that time.

God could not by His own law do anything but allow Pharaoh to keep demonstrating hatred to God and the offspring of Abraham, through the promise that endured four hundred years of slavery. Trump what is so bad, is that even after you experienced God's forcing you to be obedient to Him, living the benefit and enjoying credit, you insisted on abandoning the promises you made to God to free His slaves. (As president of the United States, tinker with God's armed forces, experience force.)

Trump, in honour of you and the conference attendee's demanding of mac, over the weekend of Thanksgiving that she deputize you a slave to God, on the three hundredth anniversary of the nation under God's independence Satan with her clones will be abyssed, also five consecutive secular days God will take you in hand as His slave and among other things during those five days, you will be delivering a cashier check in the amount of $8,386,400.00 U.S. Dollars to Mac Dukes with the number 602693951 on the "for" line to any Chase bank teller. The Chase teller will make the deposit. You will also be returning Buttercup to mac during these days of slavery.

Obama, on December 7th 2020 you along with all remaining conference attendees are going to experience a secular day in slavery to God. Garment rending will not reduce the monies expended that day nor how God wants you to expend them. During this day of slavery, all the attendees experience a sabbath to God.

That Unfaithful and Indiscrete "Slave", Jehovah's Witnesses

Moses understood how to narrate the miracles he and Aaron demonstrated in Egypt. God's servant knows when they have duties to perform to carry out God's promises. Why? Because when God approaches people, they know. Why are Jehovah's Witnesses so damned confused on this topic? God does not approach them. For them living in service to Jehovah these few months, without the tactics God has employed to slow their growth, tighten their budget, and discourage their ministry, is being a passenger on an unsinkable vessel.

Two orders of business. First, this is a cease and desist to all individuals in civil service acting around the globe unlawfully against Jehovah's Witnesses or any persons peddling religion. Jehovah's Witnesses understand, you are peddlers of religion. All unlawful actors in this regard God is removing from their government office. Second, Jehovah's Witnesses learn what it is to be a slave to God. For refusing to alienate yourself from God, ignoring His demand to append your documentation, as His slave, all chattels of Jehovah are immediately forced into God's service. You are now God's slave.

Eighteen Down, Nine Across

mac has worked through solving two layers of her Rubik's cube. The top layer algorithm still requires her reading the Rubik's solution manual. God kept her busy during her furlough. Reading Genesis, again, was bonus between them. This furlough included God's binding Satan to a man that loves her to end the body count. The horror for mac was the men she loved dying by suicide from Satan's dumping them. God did the same thing with Saul's daughter when David retrieved the ark.

Every person experiencing slavery to God endures hell. This is the torture the body and mind experience while God purges varying amounts of sin from their blood. (Do not take anything for that lower backpain). As individuals persist over their lifetime of acting on the sin in their blood, ignoring God, the hotter the hell they live. This hell is akin to experiencing death at God's hand when you have no ability to listen to the sin in your blood. To experience the inverse of this hell requires petitioning God to keep enduring so you can feel the pleasure of life from Him. This grandeur of feeling the apostles wrote about.