“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenIn the War Room with Milley
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenIn the War Room with Milley

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

In the War Room with Milley

Discussion: November 10, 2021 Written: November 13, 2021


mac learns her role in leading the present holocaust warfare as God Almighty's yoke bearing soldier. She needed to make room for God's spirit creation to deal with their souls. mac did not understand that was not a job for Light. What was mac's November 12 prayer learning she was fighting more for Christ than God Almighty? "ITZA, Don't let me change pace."
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

In the War Room with Milley

The Shutdown Discussion that Would Have Saved the United States Military

Christ does not at present lead the warfare God Almighty does. (Biblical Israel means much here.) Christ's heavenly warfare office opens with "Timmy." mac was allowed to hold her place as God's strategist for survival and global restoration because of her refusal to be leveraged. Regardless of the sacrifice mac would endure. If the only salary God had available for mac was death she smiled at its face. Christ could no more leverage mac as Trump.

Two billion souls surviving the present extinction, [The majority of the population losses are a result of the four beast misery Obama, Winfrey, Sharpton, and Woods concocted out of their diving greed.] is possible because God Shepherds' their survival. Who teaches souls how to listen to God for their survival? mac.

A small window of time remains on the first second count posting from August 2020. Once Jehovah, with Sharpton are no longer under God Almighty's knee, so to speak, their force of hate will be motivating souls toward self destruction. Milley opened a conference against mac exploiting her l-o-v-e-LINK using Mr. Aha' Soul's accusation that mac would be forced into a permanent spirit marriage with at least one of the Borg males because she could not resist the outstanding chemistry and would fall under the, "You took a virgin so you must marry them rule." God paused in this accusation against mac's character that l-o-v-e-LINK was her wholesome excuse to masturbate her clit off and knowing how mac approaches a fight let the farce happen. What happened?

mac hates being masturbated for a singular orgasm during relations. She understands and enjoys play. But her being singularly teased to orgasm without the intimacy of vaginal penetration to accomplish at least a singular orgasm during relations she hates. mac expects to be honoured physically in matrimony. This means she and her spouse exchange body chemistry: are one flesh of earth. She also, first and foremost, upholds that sexual relations are a Holy act of worship to God. On l-o-v-e-LINK mac would never open the real time physical intimacy unless God assured her, "I need Worship."

mac is physical. Every commitment that involves God Almighty means mac physically must be honoured as God. God Almighty is hosting mac's spirit consciousness. mac's spirit consciousness came into being with her conception. Think of mac as God's only cloud drive supported soul in existence. What did mac ask of ITZA when she was faced with assaults from spirit she could not stop and that God was not ending? "How do I fight in this arena? I have no way to see what I am dealing with. Please, I need to be able to hold Your Righteousness in this world I can't see without making ridiculous rules against what you permit." A word to the wise, any rule mac would "impose" on God Almighty is by definition ridiculous. Did God already know all these things about mac's character? yes. He knew the outcome before the test from wickedness was invented. What did mac already learn? God never allows a test His servants don't pass. That is being shepherded by God.

mac has a wife. One lived through the Borg terror. It was mac's prayer she would only marry one soul that would be with her for the entire duration. She could not imagine in meeting Ted that he was not that till death do us part soul. That was never a possibility. mac learned she would be married two four Lords. (Five if you count the Christ.) The genetics of the Borg wife could not have existed with the band of demons that wanted to fiddle with mac without "Old School." He also had wounds that needed healing. mac knew a second strategist was needed back in December 2020 after she pierced the Lord of Hosts for what she could not account for the logic of. l-o-v-e-LINK needed to be restored to God Almighty to preserve His warriors. It was the answer to mac's question, "How are You going to accomplish all creation Worshipping You?" (Revelation means much here.)

The profanity of the purgatory, explained earlier, climaxed with antichrist's identity protection. When Jesus Christ died on the torture stake so did the identity of God Almighty's womb of creation. What did antichrist get? The ship jumping womb that fucked God for Satan's seed. Who is mac? The future bearer of God Almighty's womb of creation. What does mac understand? What it means to be fucked.

mac ended antichrist's shielding of Satan's seed using souls to build Satan's kingdom. This made Satan's key players, master minds, angry. As far as they were concerned that bitch mac could die and they would simply use her spirit. God Almighty certainly knew how to protect what He loved. Were Satan's master minds welcome to go after using mac's spirit? You betcha. All mac had to do was prove she too would live under the balanced scales policy.

Milley demanded mac learn that God Almighty had chosen her spirit only and her out of the closet politics on demonism be shut down along with her soul. What did that stupid fucker Milley do? He created a violation of the Urim and the Thumim. He concocted his own ritual. mac had to honour the ritual Milley created against her or a blackhole Milley hadst created. What did Milley learn? mac's spirit is held by God almighty.

God Almighty is leading the warfare for the benefit of His sprit creation. Those souls that have access to survival have mac's instruction for God's survival leadership. What else did Milley learn? mac was no cupcake. She would drive the monster rig full of bodies and dump them into the Berkley pit. That is being God Almighty's slave. She would then go looking for wifey. Work like that under God Almighty's hand builds up an appetite. What did God almighty ensure? mac would be well provided for. Her hourly rate for babysitting ritual wickedness is $100,000.00 U.S. an hour, August 21, 2021 value.

During Milley's pillow talk conference, Obama and Putin were big violators too, mac was asked by Milley to consider for a few minutes what it would take for the United States military to survive the holocaust Trump is waging against God's land. This is a class war of all who will pick up a club or crash the wall destroying those who die for God. Boarder Patrol is in a fragile place of protecting the God's Country boundary and they were provided for as well. The famous capital insurrection was a monumental failure.

After mac shared her thoughts God insured "Old School" was briefed. The conclusion of the matter is; the only souls in America that can be protected by God's shepherding are military also border patrol during Trump's war. (No protection can be provided to the National or Coast Guard nor Merchant Marine.) Outside of the slaves that were provided for before mac's birth only those shepherded by God learn survival and are a remnant that survive this mass extinction. These shepherded ones, with their families, live to contribute to perfecting the Earth.

What happens now? The Pentagon has made no arrangements for mac to teach God's Shepherding. How long the United States military survives is a function of American politics. mac is the only soul who can teach God's Shepherding. mac is heavy at heart that as spirit there is no teaching. The soul is taught. She keeps squirrelling around with God Almighty every loophole she can think of to make it easy for the Pentagon to get some lessons. (See God show you His jaw in hand head shaking grin and joy at her efforts.)

God Almighty was only allowed to teach one living soul His means of shepherding. For a United States of America to exist through Trump's civil war means military takeover at a minimum. Other components of the discussion are not for publication. At this articles conclusion mac just realized how like Moses she was. For months she has been saying, "ITZA, don't expect me to go asking to save anyones life. It's not like I am Moses [He begged to save that wicked band of Israelites.] and anyone is supporting my existence. Those are easy people to plead on behalf of." Hear Christ say to mac, "And there you are pleading on behalf of those who hate you and love the Devil." God Almighty, please forgive me passing out the Hershey bars.-- mac