“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenHis Blood Cried Out
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenHis Blood Cried Out

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

His Blood Cried Out

March 6, 2021


Consciousness is expressed to God through, and mapped in, our blood and registers in our mind.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

His Blood Cried Out

What is the payoff? is the question mac asked of God months ago trying to understand why a demon wanted anything to do with a human. Why empower a fragile creation against God? She could understand wanton orgies materializing and mating creating mutants as some kind of payoff on its own. Obviously, sex has a payoff even for a genetically materialized demon. (Demon as in sprit being going against God.) There has to be some incentive or reason, even twisted logic, for demons delivering power to humans, unseen, forcing humans to sin against God.

The human, before becoming a nigger, is limited to God, love. The nigger is enjoying acting out all of their wicked behaviours of ritual they perfected since childhood and the demon puts the human in the place of telling God, "Fuck you, I know what forever is." while enjoying God's power that the demons are limited to and never needing to do one act of righteousness or worship to God for that power. The payoff for the demon is death of the human they are one flesh with and demons don't mind being in a harem. Being the husband of one wife means no harem. So why in the fuck would anyone think Paul's council for the Christian congregation did not hold for all Christians?

When materializing ended in the genetic context understanding why the demon would involve itself with a human was not obvious to mac. First mac had to learn what the payoff was for the human. Yep, she wants a shower. Then she learned the payoff for the demon, death to the human. Cain representing the spirit son murdering the second born human son represented by Abel is the analogy of importance. Adam and Eve needed to understand what went wrong.

mac hates writing about herself. But she is learning God's object lessons to teach her children, her ovaries fried by qngmic means non-biological, what they will be avoiding. That Trent council and then those Protestants of England worked their tails off to obfuscate every ounce of meaning they could by choosing the letters and narratives of historical documentation and translation format they did to create a Holy Bible. (The Jefferson "Bible" was the apex of Protestantism.) In God's hands every document, scrap, object, invention, resource, and teaching, is a lesson inspired by God to teach and bring a person righteous discipline. He proves He is the fine Shepherd and leads humanity to the Christ. Just like Abram was the only individual God could lead to Melchizedek when the earth was filled with demons, again, after the flood. Everyone alive since mac's birth God has been calling to the Christ. That does not mean in the world with demon swallowing drama freaks a righteous person is not abused or even murdered. It means that the righteous person, has life and learns, from God.

It is absolutely possible for God to put a person in the path of the material things they need to rebuild or develop a project with what seems like, no money, just some odds and ends and of course sweat equity. The requirement is that when you think you have been sent up a blind alley by God you do not go after the premonition payoff from the demon, that registers like sex, nay stay in dialogue with God to keep pressing forward to learn what He is teaching you. This is how you end up the mustard plant from the tiny seed.

But wait, that "horrible mother" of hers, (You just might see and hear God do his best Terry Thomas here. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.) "is a trial." (Now, God gives you Faulty Towers, Sybil Faulty.) Mary frames every part of mac's environment to stalk her in her own home. Any crevasse, crack, key-hole, and orifice, Mary uses to deliver news to the demon world about God's woman.

Mary was faithful in going after killing Westly in her ritual worship. When Westly yowled, (curdling mac's blood) mac moved in against Mary's efforts to catch him, strip his collar, bind him with new bungy cords from Walmart, and take him to be destroyed at a Nueces shelter. This capture was incorporated with Westly's fighting with the demon hosting cat from the neighbor's Mary spent months attempting to woo into her bedroom through the window with 9-Lives. mac observed Westly's collar was missing a few hours later.

The minute mac observed his collar and name disk missing a vision flashed in mac's mind of Westly's collar laying on the brick pavers of the back yard outside Mary's bedroom window torn open. mac was angry at the premonition and in dialogue to God, in Jesus name, immediately. She looked a few places retracing Westly's steps while in dialogue, found and tossed out some new perversions God needed mac to observe, and then after she had forgotten the vision she looked down quickly because from her peripheral sight there was Weslty's collar exactly as the premonition delivered to her revealed.

Then mac was really mad about being forced a premonition. The curdling blood was the culprit. Had she acted going after the collar in that instant even in distress that is worship to demons. A small payoff for the demon. What the demon hates is worship to God.

During mac's blood curdling mac didn't have God's total shepherding and she stood on her own choices as an individual after abused for almost five months with rape and beatings without understanding why, just enduring, and she still refused acting on Satan's information pipeline, the blood stream. You fucking Benjaminites of Trump. No physical shepherding from God is how mac pierced the Lord of Host's and God allowed Trump to set her up for death. God and mac have a solemn policy between them, "We do not waste." (Hear God say, "That was her idea. I need to have her back on this one. She has mine.")

Removing materializing after the flood was Satan's request of God. Satan did not like that a demon cried out over experiencing pain and Noah built that damned ark. Noah building an ark at God's request angered Satan. There was not supposed to be a means of souls being saved. Satan was after destroying humanity before God's woman and Christ's man could walk the earth.

God was giving to an inferior being, humans, what Satan deemed should only belong to suns, Eternity. The bean counter assessed God was not fair allowing materializing. For the demon following Satan they experience enough of a payoff with worship from the human to tide them over until Satan's kingdom on earth. Abandoning the work of thinking, wisdom, meaning discipline and love, is the payoff the human with sin in their blood is after with their demon(s) union.

Demons human will not have premonition when in Satan's kingdom. The reason is because like the Christ they will not have sin in the blood. The payoff for all creation is learning righteousness. Wickedness even then will not earn Eternity. How do you like God's mulligan? (The Christ makes it clear, "This is the point that matters.")<>/p

Now, how many thousands of years do you imagine it will take for God to teach humanity to stop listening to sin's payoff? Now you can better imagine why from a human perspective that learning to ignore the sin in the blood is represented as an eternal hell. It is just a really fucking long time. The hell fire doctrine is written in figurative language. It will feel like your blood is burning when God is teaching you to ignore the sin in your blood. Yep, we hate Rodenberry's "imagination" with Vulcan "ponfar".

Do you have any idea how much of God's truth the famous screen producers have woven into their profaning of God's Holiness?

Lucas, I hate you. -- God

Disney, you are in a shit-ton of trouble. -- God

Every one of you that has profited against God, using the demon network Zenning information, every "proprietary" element of "your" invention belongs to Him to make righteousness happen. You always had the opportunity to work for knowledge on your own. Damn you for going after Zen.

Now return to how God's will He accomplishes in the world where Satan screams to Him, "You cheated." Holy Spirit is the key phrase in the Greek. Holy because it is power from God. Spirit because it is a spirit being behind the use of God's power. This could be God, Christ, Lord of Hosts, Satan, or yep, any one of y'all's demons. Satan is the, good Dick accountant, who knows where every grain of sand of the seashore is, the physical properties of each, and how those grains move. Are you sure you want to keep underestimating God's adversary and feed her information?

Because a human, and it only takes one, chooses using their mind, thinking, and learning from God, shunning the premonition gamete feeding payoff, walks with God to solve problems, Satan is painted into yet another corner on her own twisted logic. Satanism and Zen is why your AI engines will do more than shut down power grids in a crisis and devastate a year of wages overnight with automated payouts. Shit computer programmers, drunk with demons, write algorithms that cripple humanity. Fuck you NRG and IBM. How do you know if there was indeed God or the Christ in the Holy Spirit reference of the Bible? The fruit the individual produced.

Who of you would plant an olive and expect a fig? You Zenning fuckers all knew you were abusing God. Now, you do not have Eternity. You planted a fig and expected to have olive oil for your lamps, Eternally. You bastards. What you can have is correcting your genetics for a new consciousness. To get that requires worshipping God.

God teaches righteousness. mac is now God's only demon free human alive until offspring can be born of demon free humans or Christ is enthroned as king over the earth. She was obedient to death and was resurrected by the Christ and Earth was sent to Saint Paul. Are you seeing a medical procedure here? Careful.

The Earth helped God's woman, mac, because mac's genetics were against every inclination Earth threw her in the path of while enslaved to death, Mary's doing. (Once the parent has a demon their gametes consciousness is infected.) Balanced scales meant mac had to come from the same place of disadvantage as everyone else. mac was protected by God circumcising her heart in the womb and she was demon free until assaulted as a small child. mac freely gave up all of the knowledge she understood about God as a faithful slave because she wanted to provide humanity an ark of salvation like Noah did. It cost her. She had to learn the perversion of humanity she did not understand to provide a figurative ark, that is Christ's Headquarters under development at macdukes.com.

Consciousness is expressed to God through, and mapped in, our blood it registers in our mind. This is why Abel's blood cried out to God. Do you still like sin's payoff? Hear God ask you, "Do you understand the payoff?" Answer that question in Jesus name in prayer to God.