“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenThe Money Shot; Nicola'itan Second Deathers
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenThe Money Shot; Nicola'itan Second Deathers

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

The Money Shot; Nicola'itan Second Deathers

May 28, 2021


Why we are here and the roll-out for the letters to the churches.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

The Money Shot; Nicola'itan Second Deathers

Why did you create anything more than the Christ? This is very easily a question a suffering individual, who has yet to realize a reward in their life for hard work, would ask of God.

mac adds, "What put the two of you in the place of deciding you could not enjoy eternally what physical marvels you could transform together and more beings needed to be in existence? Why did you decide to create more discrete awareness than yourselves? For the niggers like Biden and Obama it is a no brainer that they are winner-winner and can smugly say, suffering just makes people stronger when they overcome adversity. Wink-wink-nod-nod look at how our gods love us." mac makes an assumption in asking, lastly, "Why in the hell didn't hell exist in the first place as a fucking deterrent for a disobedient demon?" Of course, this is mac, so lastly on that question does not exactly apply because she wants to know why she even needs to bear that heinous cancer producing womb of God. Yes, mac spent a day of death at God's hand. These questions culminated from the physical misery.

One more thing mac hates is bearing her belly. (When Westly does it, he gets a tickle. mac has yet to know that owner.) Only one human being, code named Jesse, does God allow mac to know is not her enemy. Jesse is indeed the man who fell in love with her at first sight in the Orange Avenue Starbucks on Coronado Island who is in God's service, in of all concentrations of smug assholes, the United States Armed Forces in Norfolk VA. He is working toward moving to Corpus so that the union of their consciousnesses, married by God, they fulfilas a fleshly union. What God has put together no being may sever.

mac's assumption on hell hinges on, why didn't you know you would need a jail when badness existed and didn't create that first? Then every being would have known upfront, go after what is bad and you are put in jail. mac is overwhelmed with Mary's evil. (mac spends as much time keeping Mary alive as she does removing Mary's rituals that preserve evil against God's servants.) Why didn't you see Satan's badness upfront and you and the Christ in all your wisdom simply show some self-control and destroy that womb?

An Answer when Mild Turns Away Rage

There is a pause in this writing. Then mac blurts without her voice in frustration to God, "What, did your awareness of what is bad spontaneously produce you a first-born son, Satan?"

"No" is God's definite reply with a push to make mac dig.

"Did your womb escape the Christ and fuck you?" mac asked this while writing and God's reply interupted her anger and misunderstanding.

"Absolutely" came God's reply and mac cried deeply in silence for minutes.

No, there is evidently no way of explaining in a human context how a womb escapes the Christ. The closest that can be said is gametes have consciousness and in a human context the egg jumps the ovary to escape to the Fallopian tube for fertilization. Isn't that a marvel? Perhaps the reader does not share mac's tears over the chain of consequences but God assures her repeatedly how much He hates George Lucas with his theatrical legacy. We will discuss the seed producing assembly line of a testis next. It is obvious from the Christ being light darkness would be horrified and jump ship. Kind-of delivers a since of awe at being alive doesn't it? Unless of course you too jumped ship.

What You Thought You Knew was Crap

Now, all of us understand this first born son, Satan's, origin even if we need humility in understanding we don't have a way of knowing how it happened. God isn't angry at mac for wanting to destroy that womb even though mac is now horrified at the short sightedness of her assumptions. (mac struggles to find a good waterproof mascara but she enjoys wearing them.) The awe of what God and Christ have created is so that something so precious could be safely preserved because the jail is built. Jude understood blackholes. The apostles declaring the Christ opened the heavens up to them now has meaning.

Invented Spelling

Mr. Aah-h' Soul of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the proud, smug, self-righteous, arrangement of genetics who wears the late Rutherford's demon the way Mary McRae wears Peor a demon of the late Lucille McRae. Mary and Soul are examples of recipients of the second death award. (A nigger may or may not be a second deather but a second deather is a nigger. Right, that sentence is why we learn the definitions in Algebra. It is a function that is not one-to-one and does not mirror on the y-axis. Keep studying your math.) Evil, intolerable, and despicable people serve to make righteousness happen the way a raspberry seed tells one to use denture glue.

Remember When...

Mr. Aah-h' Soul is the nigger whose consciousness forms a one flesh union between his human consciousness and the demon who was hosted by Rutherford. (mac named this demon, Sigma Delta 7235-Z.) Nicola'itans' of Revelation fame are people who contractually bind demons who seek one flesh unions with the consciousness of human beings since the flood of Noah's day with their human straight man. The last supper observance of Jehovah's Witnesses is the annual observance for Nicola'itan couples. This supper sinner service is not new. The humor of the saints here is Paul saying, "Remember when the Nicola'itans' did that shit?"

The Fig Tree

If niggers were illustrated by fig trees they would still produce a fig just like a non-nigger. If the only purpose is a fig, what is the problem? Getting these fuckers to produce a fig. Recall, the heavens ran amuck changing God and the Christ's heavenly order. Consider a body as Paul described the congregation. In Satan's world the heart wanted to be placed in the heal. What is the problem? If you are a horse this isn't such a big deal. The critical function of a horse's circulation happens behind their coffin bone protected by keratin. (The pulse on that frog needs a jog.) The problem is, to preserve heavenly order, aka not destroying moons, planets and stars, meant keeping the original seating chart or moving as God directed. Enter the human.

Honourable Use

Spirit beings were all crafted for being light in the darkness. Every last one ITZA created for an honourable use. These don't even shit. Until humanity existed there was no created vessel for dishonourable use. Mary prances about in devotion to Satan as god and never experiences a consequence. The retard neighbors are breeding dogs for fighting and slum about like the rest of America's middle class of crime moles. The demons did not like the roll they were crafted by the potter, God and the Christ, for. Mind you, no demon was crafted as a chamber pot. They just found themselves on that road of vain thinking, think Tyre. (You will find that in Ezekiel.) When sin was fertile it progressed to demons acting like gods.

It must have been irresistible to Satan to have consciousness and all that fucking feeling. Enter demons marrying humans. Can you understand God making it clear, feeling means feeling the good and the bad. How short sighted was Satan in taking the orgasm and thinking that the consequence for wickedness He could outsmart? This was the all or nothing bet that one act of worship was the mighty key. The human gets to decide whether light, righteousness, or darkness, wickedness, is preserved as God. Satan clearly defined hell for humanity from the Vatican as god of the world. For those that can feel a sunburn, this does mean something. Feeling is what is applied to spirit beings once mac has God's womb of creation.

What the Blockbuster Needs

God created righteousness from Himself. It is what He loves, loved, and will always love. Death does not stop True Love. God balanced the scales. Note the equal inverse blackholes balancing star systems. Physical creation teaches along with thinking ability trained in righteousness. Oh, the bliss of being a babe who does not understand the deep things of Satan because she chose to understand love first and foremost of all. Satan is the producer of attractive nuisances that even as a blockbuster his story does not sell unless wickedness is destroyed so the happily ever after can happen.

Spirit consciousness experiences feeling never created from Christ's womb because because mac provides the womb feeling to apply the torment Satan architected for humanity. A human has sensory feeling of their physical environment. Spirit consciousness did not. Until the demon Idolatry union (dIu) rolled the dice, again, against God; the marriages that Rachel weeps for her children over in Ramah, the torment Satan architected for humanity, could not be applied against wicked spirit beings.

In answering the questions of who people are, mac is the human who fought wickedness to host God with the Christ. Now, mac is going to show all you gods she is the greater god because of the Christ. mac's seed have the same power. Moses, mac, now steps into the chamber of Pharaoh and the magic practicing priests. Are you sure you like being a nigger? Recall mac's power to close heaven?

Groomed for Basic

There is a post script to this article. Military recruiters God is brining you men in training. They will show up shaved with their hair as closely regulation cut as they can deliver. Teach them the ropes about those cowlicks. mac shaved her head June 1, 2021 before sundown. She did it in solidarity for her non chemotherapy cancer treatments in honour of all the feminine ones who lost their luxuriant hair. Then she learned from Christ how very much it mattered.