“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenMoon Child
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenMoon Child

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Moon Child

July 18 and 21, 2021


The Moon turned to blood when Mary Anne McRae, moon child, was born. This is the continuation article to The Ggods Must Be Crazy, III that explains why her Satanic rituals against humanity must be removed or there are no perpetual sacrifices of the Christ for humanity. In short Obama, Winfrey, and Sharpton's beasts of Daniel unleashed on humanity have no remedy until moon child's rituals are destroyed. This is aside from the work moon child preserves for the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. mac's work is an offensive move to save humanity. Bring your peace offering, nigger, because right now your mockery of all that is Holy has you as welcome in mac's garden as the mosquitoes. Removing Mary McRae's ritual requires physical work by mac and Westly on Oahu, Maui, Hawaii, in California, Montana, Arizona, Alabama, Texas, Oregon, and Colorado. Mary is being preserved alive by mac thwarting her suicide plots. Mary's suicide is her work to land mac in prison framed as a murderer. No, mac will not be framed or even questioned. If Mary dies before her rituals are taken down you are fucked. mac isn't. It is fine with mac if you still need to hate her. mac does not work to please you, nigger. Moon Child maps to which planets moon? Mary was born in ཧ. Terry was born in 8.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Moon Child

Sardis, Per'gamum, Thyati'ra, Philadelphia, Ephesus, La-odice'a, and Smyrna, the listed seven churches, assemblies, in Christ's right hand. The southpaw we know nothing about. This epistle is not going to infer there was one damn thing in Christ's southpaw. If something is not part of a vision, drawing inference is unwise. Babylon the Great clearly receives double for her deeds. While we understand from Jesus, if someone asks you to walk a mile, walk two that does not match, eye for an eye. Otherwise, it would read an eye for two eyes. Double for her deeds is because Babylon the Great hits the world scene twice.

Double for Her Deeds

Babylon the Great is destroyed. This destruction happens twice. Once as the couple Mary Anne McRae and Terry Allen Smart. It is their genetics. They are evil. The second time this same genetic Babylon couple unite it is to bind Satan's contracts of religious order. Pot won't reduce their squandering nature, through their gods power, then either. Pot is an effective meditation with your god medium. If government wants to ban it, fine. If government wants to legalise it, fine.

Understand pot in all its ingested forms corrupts the conscious making communion with one's own demon or the demons of friends on the network more effective at changing your behaviour and strengthening your beliefs. Whether or not your beliefs map to psychosis determines if you end up medicated. Squandering what ever talent you have is a guarantee with pot use.


Back to the two squandering pot-heads of Babylon the Great. Terry claimed, John Erskine MacRae's birthright demon. Birthright demon being the one that came from the gametes of corrupted heart daddy. Mac died endowed with two demons to will, Earth went to his half brother Cecil and Pegasus his birthright demon went to Terry. Mac's daughter, Mary, owned birthright demon Venus.

Terry and Mary are the corrupted genetics of the two squandering scoundrels that find their true calling with one another during Satan's kingdom of earth. During mac's life, it was to bind against humanity her power, with her a child-slave and spouse. (Satan ultimately did not want to waste those prayers of heart mac couldn't make.) Moon child is Mary's moniker because of the promise Satan made to her as a fetus, "Your gifts to me, your god, are kept in secret."

Dancing with the Devil Under the Pale Moon Light

Mary's premonition centre keeps her moving according to Satan's will doing his corruption without proof she did wrong. Terry and Mary, as one flesh, Satan dedicated to destruction as hers. The obvious here is God brings about the destruction of Terry and Mary both now and at His designated time to effect total righteousness before His Kingdom.

The genetics of these two persons will never be possible in God's Kingdom. No corrupted heart could ever be brought into existence. From Adam and Eve's sex chromosome combination is where corruption of the heart that accompanies the parasympathetic nervous system is genetically coded. The testis, sperm assembly line, produces the marker for offspring to be corrupted, or not. A male based on his obedience to Ggod trains his gametes for corrupted hearted offspring or not. A female's eggs do not carry the marker. This means, as a male, your obedience to God cleanses your sperm. Stop fornicating.

Christ's kingdom is to perfect toward Ggod, as in some have a choice, corrupted hearted persons. To have a heart perfected toward god is to serve Satan. To have a heart perfected toward God is to serve the Almighty. All persons resurrected in Christ's kingdom have corrupted hearts. Some persons who live to shake Christ's hand in his kingdom will have been born without a corrupted heart, these too participate in the sea of glass transition into Christ's kingdom of earth. They expire very old and satisfied with days when Christ's kingdom ends.

God's Kingdom's Children

Since Adam and Eve, persons conceived without a corrupted heart are simply resurrected in God's Kingdom. All persons resurrected in God's Kingdom have their memory, conciseness, restored to them. What they learn from God is, "No that fucker isn't here. No nor that one either. It's like this, the bad just isn't here. Come with Me and learn what is here and why now is different than before. Sin is gone. Taking walks together in the breezy part of the day, we can do."

A corrupted heart is a heart that makes prayers spirit beings use to bind Ggod's power. Individuals with corrupted hearts rebuilt in Christ's kingdom understand what is new. Those that were simply victims of Satan's wheel house of heart praying fornicators will learn they are in God's Kingdom.

The Fuckers Christ Fights

In Christ's kingdom, we still deal with some fuckers and the worst of the demon empire is yet to dawn. In Christ's kingdom God is not a slave. When Christ takes his throne at his mercy centre in Jerusalem (the city capital will be shifting North West) after shaking some hands and kissing some infants, the demons will have their own source of power. (Lucas, you are a meaner thieving bastard against the Divine than Roddenberry of El Passo.)

Guess what? The demons are anxious for these times. The wonderful outcome in all of this is God maps to Righteousness. This is what mac accomplished. All creation wins, Always. Satan still has a last stand of earth before the blood of the Holy ones is avenged.


The letters to the churches provide an opportunity for all except those that ban together with Babylon the Great. The Open Door opportunity, now, one need not read any more of mac's articles saying, "I'll be damned." Either with the certainty of damnation or exclamatory wonder does this expression need to be uttered. Now you can be damed for certain. That didn't feel good, did it?

A quick thought experiment. Why would God allow organisms with the potential to genetically mutate other organisms? In Satan's world of sin, these demonic mutations wreck havoc with high morbidity disease and crippling consequences. (Woods, Obama, Winfrey, and Sharpton mean much here.) In God's hands with the person He leads organisms with the ability to mutate He uses to undo the genetic damage of Satan correcting corrupted hearts.

What the First Ashore Did

You don't need to rend a garment on this one, really. (Maximising the salvation body count mac had no way of leading. What she did do was play God's hand at poker after writing everyone learns to obey God. (mac had much to endure to make this series of miracles happen.)) This means of genetic mutation, with the perpetual sacrifices of the Christ are God's means of performing the miracle of salvation without creating. It's the work He can do in His Sabbath. God genetically mutates the corrupted hearted individual to one with a non-corrupted heart. This is a process available in Christ's kingdom. Being saved now has new meaning.

The length of time it takes to correct the corrupted heart depends on the obedience of the individual and our not destroying the organisms needed to bring about the mutation. What we loose, we lost. Medicine and industry need help. mac is God's treasure trove of creepy crawlies. Saint Peter didn't like them either.

The perfecting process correcting a genetically corrupt heart amounts to God vaccinating someones blood with a microbial series of agents that go after the heart and parasympathetic nervous system to end the corruption of that person's genetic code and rewrite their genetics without corrupting them as individuals. Yep, God is just that brilliant a leader and the sacrifices of the Christ are just that powerful.

There is a choice to make for those of us who are zombies. (As in dead though alive.) The obvious declaration is here. mac's heart is corrupt too. It is also circumcised. So calling Christ her "demon" given sin is in her blood is not too far off. Being mac's seed is what is in the offing. Recall mac's dog-paddling personal editorial in Hearts and Flowers, there is no way anyone would walk away from their fantasy and seconds of orgasm, under spurious circumstances, and be God's servant? Is your heart angry at the accusation? Being mac's seed, one whose corrupted heart is perfected by God to be His child in His Kingdom and Christ's ally now, declares his personal covenant, "I dedicate my genitals and seed physically and mentally to God to be Holy to make my heart whole toward God in Jesus name." Where is your heart? Now you know how easy it is to enter a covenant for salvation once you have a first ashore.

mac is now king of kings. Her spouse is lord of lords. Lord of lords saved his brotherhood, of the United States military in totality with its veterans to have their hearts purified by God in Christ's kingdom. Those married to demons, niggers, can fight for headship. mac made that salvation possible. She kept pulling for Putin.

Spelling Bee

Binding with A Spell is the article that explains prayers of heart and why corrupted hearts were allowed. God's woman absolutely had to be able to bind God. The wise reader realizes this she accomplished through the Christ. (Hear God say, "Boom baby!")

Corpus Fall Guys

Mary in obedience to Jehovah, (President Biden) put mac in a place of jailing her. Mary turned over the funds mac worked for in Mary's name and had mac go about locking away household chemicals, including laundry and dish detergent, as well as setting mac up as her cook and maid. Mary pitched her household keys on the streets of Corpus and destroyed her Texas identification card. Months later later, Mary then escaped the kitchen window and teased the hands of Corpus police officers forced to believe mac locked Mary out of "her" home.

While jailed, before Mary's kitchen window jail break, she decided to starve herself to death. She through away portions of homemade, casseroles, stews, savoury dishes and refused to eat salad greens or any fresh foods mac brought into the home and cooked. mac finally began buying Blue Bell and Jif. It was the only calories Mary would eat and mac subjected herself to the same diet for survival. Mary put thirty pounds back on in less than a week. mac is loosing weight. (This is required for mac's delayed cancer treatments.)

While standing with the baffled officers, whose frustration was growing, Mary refused to go to a hospital or explain why she was apparently jailed in "her" own home. It was obvious she was not locked out. She was locked in. Mary with Jehovah are anxious to abuse the Corpus Christi Police Department by forcing them into performing the endgame of the demons hate-crime against mac for winning the Christ, put a bullet through that bitch mac's heart. This is the peace offering Biden makes mac. Abusing sworn officers of the law in America is only beginning.

Thanks Billy Joel

mac is relocating her full time residence to a nation of the former United Soviet Socialist Republic and this same nation is taking over the responsibility of jailing Mary. Had Mary confessed her murdering her mother, Lucille Shaw MacRae, the officers would have been allowed to shoot mac, even in the back, without consequence from God. mac is keeping her home on Dody Street and Mary will be relinquishing her claim to mac's home with a notary before being escorted to jail. This jailing nation will be leading the removal of the rituals against the Christ that Mary and Terry instituted to destroy God's Kingdom.