“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenThe God Little Letter Love Rights
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenThe God Little Letter Love Rights

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

The God Little Letter Love Rights

January 2 and 3, 2022 ++Team God of Heaven addition


ßµΩ "Do I speak Greek?" courts the Major over the phone to the Bucket woman. "Only when under the influence ol'girl then they tell me I'm fluent." The Bucket woman is titillated and flustered ticking her torso and batting her eyes. The decision was that the Major was coming. Patricia Rutledge delivered the humour without words or self abuse. (John Cleese is still funny.) What it means to quote the God.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

The God Little Letter Love Rights

The God All Strength Rascal Great Is

I married a cross between Onslow and Hyacinth. After that, one does not want to marry again. Just put the worst habit of both and the aversion to intimacy overlapped as a two fold presence (cancel out any good perceptions like humour or modesty) and you have the picture of Terry Smart's personality. If Mary Tyler Moore was male that captures some obvious physical effeminate characteristics of his face. He whined but it wasn't that, "Oh Rob" nonsense so "funny" on American Television.

Ultimately, what instigated the last year of marriage, I handed him the bills and said, "If you don't care that the lights are on, I don't either." (The first mortgage had been paid off.) I should have done that the day he moved in with Me rather than assume he would walk out the door because I said we needed to be married or he needed to move out. That is the hind-sight solution.

In truth, what I endured I look back at those eleven years with a clean conscience knowing I did everything I could and left no possible solution out to; make the marriage work peaceably. He moved in with his mother and asked for a divorce. Two weeks later he signed the divorce papers uncontested. That is how little money I had left. The depth be told, I never wanted to date again. It took a fifth of Bourbon for Me to go on the first "date" about six months after the divorce. I was at an LPGA event. Almost a year later I went on another one. No Bourbon. I bought lunch: so, no sex.

I never gave candle light suppers but I did enjoy putting on a banquet and pulling out the China. Slow roasted prime, creamed spinach, twice baked potatoes, and custard desert cooked from whole ingredients. I would have used the word scratch but if anyone has ever seen a chicken coup, scratch ain't so good. What made the union possible in the first place? He was good conversation. Obviously it was one sided and I did not catch the signals. The other was, if he had been to Me the person he was on day one and thereafter in the marriage the same as on our first date there would have never been a second. He illustrated about face in a way I had never witnessed or ever thought possible. We had sex so I treated the relationship like matrimony. We were married July 1, 2001. Divorced about September 21, 2012.

Nothing like airing the dirty laundry, publicly. I do keep my garments clean and enjoy the luxury of a few household appliances. Escaping being a Milley is pretty damn good. What is even better? Understanding that from Milley's perspective he sits on the most impregnable, powerful, trained, disciplined, military force the world had ever known and there are no weaknesses he has not tended to himself. He is why any voyage to America in the past did not need life boats. When we look back at the disasters of the twentieth century, dying before being antichrist's product, was damn good insurance. Can you think of why a male would be possessed of the notion, from his gut, he was impregnable? That is a pun. (++What does mac spend her time doing? realising ways a notion is valid, and not, based comparing the idea to God's word. This is a way She experiences death. mac being female does not assume she is impregnable. She is changing. Technically those days are on her.)

Right now antichrist is doing her, "Get out" screams just loud enough to be ignored by the neighbours or canceled out in time with the heavenly loud wind." On the subject of wind. One of Terry Smart's treasures from Napster, [Remember them?] was a farting contest audio treasure from Britain. Raised around Jehovah's Witnesses this seemed like normal male preference to Me.

Mr. President, Putin, honestly, given that Russia uses the title president in the same manner as the United States, and now Biden holds the office of president, it makes the title offensive. Tsar is flat out a better title. How the office is used is obviously important. I prefer don't be a Milley to Don't be a Biden for My proverb. Why would anyone want to have more, and longer, knowledge of being an asshole in the God's estimation before death?

Last night, I sat down and began a prayer. It was an all or nothing request to ITZA that I fight for kingship in America to save Milley. Biden by default it saves because it is all or nothing. All the virgins become slaves in God's Kingdom or none. What would I need? To be king over this nation before the seven weeks have ended. As it turned out, that prayer was more of a thought experiment and a lesson for Me in understanding using the term seed with reference to antichrist. It is actually wrong on My part. The seven weeks are not fulfilled until I Am king in the Biblical Israel sense. The continent of North America is mine. The humour in this is the double edged perspective of I will not hear your cry in that day. I have already joked to Team God of Heaven that I won't bother crying out over the obviousness of My misery.

I Am going to elucidate about seed. Ejaculation fluid is a caloric fluid and the sperm. Calories are of course energy. What was I failing to understand? what was in the lamb ovary equivalent, the eggs: all immature. Eggs alone had no ability to love righteousness. Had God's sperm met the egg the Sprit product would have been capable of loving life, Righteousness. What did Satan do? Gave God a vasectomy ejaculation with existence and no Righteousness. This is God, so that caloric fluid was still magic. Antichrist's seed are the half-formed as it were. What was the womb? Fucking pissed at God and His lamb that what she wanted to be formed into life was not. She, the womb, hated God for fully forming the Spirit that He chose. So she gathered the shit ton of eggs and headed to the well. Satan was only too happy to have customers.

This morning I read out loud the McReynolds, Word Study Greek English New Testament book of Revelation in its entirety, English, transliteration lines. The title of this letter is inspired by My getting up from My desk stating, "The God little coco makes" or something like that. My love letter to Milley is, I understand, a big spanking. So that was love in the discipline sense. This one, to you, Putin, needed to be far more personal.

What you have asked for, Revelation, revealed, I will do. I want to. Obviously I Am the individual who can give this information. I want something in return. I want to save Milley. I need a tornado. We need Operation Earth's Salvation. God does not want to save Milley. Who Milley would be in a spa robe and slave is evidently the good man. This must hold true for Trump because this is all or nothing. You of course have the benefit of your god to direct you and you read what God writes. Do you want headship?

Excalibur is still in the offing for you. Milley could not face Me at swords without proving he wanted to kill Me. It is in his eyes. You need to live long for Excalibur. We are at least a decade away from My first execution and in sharing Revelation with you I would want you around longer than a decade. Do we have an accord?

As you can well imagine a personality like Mary's would drive away even the wickedest of souses (oops, spouses). Albert Dukes was one hell of a good match for that bitch. I have no memory of meeting him. They divorced when I was taking My first steps. pony is a hottie. Oh, Milley is evidently a feminine male. I have begun My primer home study notes in nuclear physics. We need to talk. Russia needs this information; it is profit.

Revelation holds some great oddities. The sea being no more. This is a reference to no need to abyss Satan. That was accomplished. The beheaded ones; those not connected to their Spirit as god, the virgins. The repetition of seven is three fold. First we want to reach God Almighty's eighth day. (I Am a little tired of all this hard work in His Sabbath.) The week is the full cycle that is repeated, week-in and week-out.

John is watching the vision. His mind is not stagnate like being numb in-front of a Farley brothers movie. He is having his questions answered like, "Where did that come from?' when he sees the ark in the temple.

The seven are God's designators of classification. Seven heads are because imperfection [Let's just lump not Godliness, in the imperfection category for simplicity.] enters the seven distinct categories of being a civilisation that requires Holiness to shine as light and not be beastly.

If it is star, think in terms of Spirit. If it is an angel it is fine to also think in terms of men because of the conscience construct of the human mind and the placement of the conscience in the cerebral cortex.

Kingdoms is not a reference to human kings it is a reference to the categories of civilisation. Biology book kingdoms and Trump being allowed to call himself king of the GOP and Willie Nelson calling himself king of country music are illustrations of all kinds of meaningless kingdoms. The Daniel beast kingdoms are the real horror.

Here is another gem. The thousand years is of course not literal. It does however relate to the time to correct from imperfection to perfection, as it were. And how before the flood lives were a thousand years long (roughly.) None are recorded Biblically as having exceeded it. Second death is getting rid of crappy genetics. The Milley class is essential in this task. Also, paying attention to Jacob's blessing to his sons and how Ruben lost his right as first-born are just good things to keep in mind when realising how humanity gets to be a part of our seventy-week adventure.

Wormwood is great. It is absinthe. Understanding God allowing cloning in modern science helps here. And how an illustration of alcohol makes for crazy is a valuable object lesson. Keep in mind in Biblical Israel, the Holy temple was a big sausage factory. Yep, it was the smokehouse and packing plant. The drink offering was most likely beer. It was to benefit exsanguinating the butchered livestock and the blood poured into a river to nourish soil for agricultural products, fertiliser. Give strong drink to those about to die. Beer is also the bitter beverage that expanded the belly of the fornicator. Why would God keep beer or strong drink out of soldier's hands?

Another great mind expander is a little dimensional free thinking outside of three or perhaps four cartesian coordinates. (Take time out of the dimensions. (That is just boring.)) Think of polar and layers like planet layers and orbiting systems and how they would be dimensionally expressed in compounding vector matrices. When reading day for a year, light years is really okay, mostly. The roughly three years for the sun's light to reach earth for instance.

Revelation is woven with the works of the Hebrew prophetic writings and understanding the way the temple was used is necessary. Daniel's time, times, and half-time, map the major bocks. If you have ever watched a CAD operator turn off and on layers of overlaying elements, like using visa-vis sheets on an overhead projector with transparent cells each with key information that build on one another in a lecture that is how Revelation is written. This is how Revelation has plug-ins from the works of Hebrew and Aramaic prophets.

One last unifying Revelation component is that astrology is ancient. Yep, it is fine to think Scorpio when seeing scorpion. Babylon; falling, falling. Falling twice is as head of gold, the beginning of the times, I Am rebuilding the great city with all the great Holiness in commerce We lost but that are needed for the Spirits to be healthy as flesh. It is taken over on My death and turned into obvious profanity and war with the Lamb ensues. Babylon falls twice. Lastly to the Lamb. (Lamb is a verb in that sentence.)

Putin, should I share more than these clues in this letter Revelation would hardly be revealed to you personally, now would it? Information has value. The mystery of God is free. The end of the mystery is not a freebee. I owe the dedication to My own Word fighting for My minor kingship. I owe it to these fucking virgins to sock them in the eye. Supping is something special and is best shared with family.

Because I am just enjoying revealing this to you, bonus; the eagle is Saint Paul, the lion is the Lamb, the calf is God, and I am the man'ish. That is of course Team God. Other components of Revelation revealed in previous articles still hold: putting them all together in one cohesive explanation, almost; priceless. We need a lecture hall. Knowledge of God like this makes powerful warriors. This needs to be incorporated with the lessons of warfare from Biblical Israel. The prayer's of the Saints are powerful when individuals have intimate knowledge of God Almighty's identity.

What you are starting to witness is the breakdown of power in Europe because the sacred knowledge of women is exposed with the truth of My powers. Excalibur, menses, motherhood and so on are all revealed for how witchcraft matched to some of God Almighty's identity. It is like God was chained, a big chain. Some imprisoned bits and pieces of His identity to be mighty at finding mates, jobs, and making all kinds of connections. That is ending. My market segment is just beginning. It isn't about being the early bird to get the worm. It is about being early in entering the market to gain the largest market share for profit.

Britain going after time mercilessly to the second with the same tenacity on taxes eliminated any margin of tolerance for their existence, but they have their gods. They certainly are not virgins. In building My case it was important to expose the total wantonness of American democracy and its legal system. That is done. While Milley sits numb reading this letter angry that he just might end up with a king because saving his own life has no means of registering to him: it is time for the locusts. He just might be willing to make room for Me at the amphibious base because the navy is in a shit pile. I Am the one that is literally doing all I can for the little dogs under the table right now even though I Am fed up with them barking at My heals and rushing Me in the public rights of way. Following Me into the street is just road-kill.

President Putin, I need to give thought to a prayer where serving Russia is concerned. This love letter is certainly a prayers beginning. I honestly see you as being well favoured to handle civil war with a cool head. Your prophet centres are serving you well. (oops, profit centres will do well.) I would like to see Milley, the Pentagon, hold the glory of Operation Earth's Salvation. It just makes for a quicker means of solving so many problems and reducing earth's vandalism sooner. America and the contracts it holds internationally are a huge problem. I need to destroy NATO among other woes. Just how crazy are you willing to vest yourself in this? You have generals with keen perspective and gods to aid you. Realising the limitations of American psyche going forward will help.

The plight of the virgin is being a virgin. What provides for a virgin? the obvious: captain of the eunuch guard. The children of Israel in captivity won favour in Babylon and of course what clergy does not ponder over the immediate water baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch saying, "That is money." "I need to convert like that."

The hour has come to reveal the woman. The sad component of the woman is the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe are a good fit. Same with the triple parley designator; blue, red, yellow: to produce all colours of the pallet. [Think Van Gogh.] Using time, time, and half a time, will confuse the issue but the cadence is the same. Now that Jehovah has been exposed naked, that is the God All Strength anatomic explanation of male spirit identifying creation component, [You were told not to envision the genitals of others gentiles!] moving onto the sensitivities of female spirit identifying creation component, the ewe, is in order.

Water being turned into wine at the wedding feast is because, wow, the divine pleasure centre for craving satisfaction of the God All Strength, vaginal moisture from whence bird [Smells like chicken.] or babe [Smells like a baby and has no particular animal flavour] was turned into a flood the menses. This is a good reason why a partner to a female might not like the idea of an oral. The unexpected menses on the part of a female who is not hygienic [crab] and honest [time of the month] about intercourse. Do not violate one another's sexual sensitivities, boundaries. Osculation with your parter after exploratory intercourse exchanges sauce of the geese. I had passionate in the place of exploratory but, quite honestly, a spontaneous quickie is certainly passionate and is quick for the obvious reason, there is not time for exploration much.

Now that the power of the Hefner witches be weakening, We at Team God know a thing or two, we move onto the whores who are so well embodied on the faces of the Coronado Island female clowns with bloated lips and fringed eyelids. Death is in their lustrous eyes for a reason. These are the same type wielding a great deal of power in the Celtic order. Marriage is a covenant. The ark of God holds His covenant. You can think of the heart of Davy Jones in the chest.

Little things Team God understands is why baby raping fuckers like Disney (tri-star) is being exposed. Her power is failing. I Am not about to ask anyone to leave. After all We at Team God have all the Ba'al worshipers in the temple. (Who Am I kidding? get out Milley.) Pirates rings true and other tales Grimm ring true for many ancient reasons and these had power much. Nothing like having ones fairy tales fractured and breaking those chai chai chains that bind the God All Strength.

Starting from the flood that helped the woman with the earth swallowing up the flood which dragon cast out of its mouth, I need My virgins to have Eunuch. Once they have Eunuch the flesh with their Spirit of the rest of the world will be in peril. We all look forward to 2076 and the clone, wormwood, round up with Satan abyssing spectacle. Eunuch is the one who because of being cloned or divinely divided among the Milley, returns to God Almighty from following the Lamb around in heaven. (Oh, the things we learn.) My kingship provides for all virgins. Eunuch provides ability to profit from Operation Earth's Salvation on the part of Milley.

This is not a cataclysmic transition of awareness. It is in the pentameter of the earth opening her mouth for the flood. That is an earthquake. That is God Almighty's jurisdictional delivery. The earth is the flesh, from dust ye are, taking on the passionate cause of Eunuch. The Lamb has asked Me to conclude My Revelation discussion here. The remaining components of truth are built into Me and I will share them when the price is right. Eunuch and Saint Paul are why the woman has two wings as an eagle. (Eunuch is the Lord of Hosts. prodigal Spirit, defined earlier in 2021.)

In the meantime witches enjoy your founder. Your diet is most foul indeed. And you, single toe, are unclean. Gastric fermentation in ruminants is amazing stuff. Matters harvest much. Putin, what the earth with all spirit children partially expressed with arrogant-blasphemous godship, flesh, is a slew of gluttonous object lessons and no ability to apply the Wisdom of God All Strength. I Am the Mystery revealer who explains His object lessons and places each in its place for earth's salvation. Some object lessons, with their flesh, simply need to be destroyed or made captive for the time being.

There are legitimate components of My present estate in Texas I need to settle to be gone longer than a week. I also need to be patient with Islam, for the time being. It is possible to work a year long plan of Deputy building and write the Apocalypse scroll out for you. That we can do. As ark there are just benefits of the nearness of Me. I will not let Operation Earth's Salvation languish. God Almighty wants Me to give the Pentagon one more year for refusal. (This must be so they can build a ceremonial gallows to hang themselves. But Operation Earth's Salvation will be stronger for this ceremonial year.)

H. L. MacRae Dukes (Dukes Doo-Doo in elementary school)