“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenFresh Powder
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenFresh Powder

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Fresh Powder. God Invites, Make Tracks in the Snow Job

February 7, 2021


God invites His followers to make fresh tracks in the snow job. Defeating legal arguments that rely on the environment variable.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Fresh Powder. God Invites, Make Tracks in the Snow Job

Wintertime, less hours of day than night. We only have two equal day-night days, vernal equinox. Wintertime, the earth is further from the sun on its elliptical path that sweeps out equal areas in equal times. Kepler has the honour of reasoning this. Wintertime, the sun scorches South Africa. What? Answer the riddle. Where are you standing?

The prayer center of the mind is where an individual responds to and sends relays. This is what actuates doing. Doing is our evidence of our deity. Notice, deity and diet? How about feel and feed? The Old English has merit here. This is not to be confused with the English on a cue ball. This is about the language of cues that put us behind the eight-ball, especially when we don't even stop to think, "I got this."

The Four-Letter Access Ended

The four-letter word to access Satanism was, feel. All demons send premonition knowledge registered in the gametes. A person in limbo when making actionable decisions asks themselves, "What do I feel like...(insert) doing, getting, making, having, or buying." God asks of His servants, "How do you feel?" (You can answer that, in Jesus name.)

Telling God or others about your emotion that you experience, that is a mental process of thought, it is cognitive. If you feel like, putting on a jacket, it could be because your feel cold, or exposed. When the masculine one gave his jacket to the feminine one, it was for her protection. An individual in limbo God speaks to breaking the cycle of new demon marriages.

These marriages are the iron clay mix Daniel wrote about. Iron is a metal that when exposed to hell, the iron workers union understands, can be molded and formed. God applies this kind of heat in Satan's kingdom. The clay is the human. Clay becomes a ceramic under heat and is moldable when wet with water. The bad amalgam, ta-ta.

The cycle of demon ownership is over. Those now married to demons will be with them until death and then the demon heads to Saint Paul. There is no brokerage.

Women Talk, Men Instruct

While making an actionable decision, acting on premonitions begin with answering the question, what do I feel like? To answer this question with God means dialogue in the mind. To answer this question with god is to void reason and and map to the organization of choosing things with horoscope like plans. Demon worshipers organize by ritual. A woman, is defined well in As Good As It Gets, to write about a woman, I think about a man and then take out reason and accountability. You will note there was a knock at the door when attempting define love.

Individuals who host demons rely on feeling decisions. (This is saying a prayer with the heart you idiot.) The truly gifted in this art, simply dump all rational thought, and listen for that premonition feeling. This is how Satan gets her mitt on the detonator. Wickedness in the bible is evidence that the wicked actor has swallowed a demon.

Listening to the heart and acting on the sin in the blood with meditation is the gateway to becoming a god. The warning here is that these are literate people in the extreme, you can think Rhodes Scholar. It is not that these people have not studied. It's that at the critical time of examination they dedicate how they arrive at the answer to their god and subconscious. This is where the demons weed out the ones they want as king. Daniel wrote about these liars. No honest person wants to take an exam alongside these wicked.

Individuals with demons know how to communicate to one another about what is sacred to the demon without ever mentioning the point directly. A man hears instruction from the words spoken. A woman hears talk about the ritual performed.

What Charmin Means

Toilet paper is a battle ground with females. A demon hosting matriarch understands that in wiping herself after urination or defecation for herself she uses little to no paper to wipe. For the demon she is using voluminous amounts of paper while arousing herself on the toilet.

A matron will attempt to educate her daughter that uses little to no paper to wipe, because it clogs the toilet, use the smallest amount of paper possible. The individual who is righteous and obedient understands your hands might not be clean after wiping because you conserve on paper. The one who has a demon and is obedient understands the matron's talk, make sure to wipe much to arouse yourself because the toilet is where the clean masturbation happens with females. Consume extra toilet paper for ritual use only. This is example one of North America's fabulous waste of resources.

For males without a demon the instruction to aim for the bowl means, do not deposit urine outside the bowl. The male with a demon knows the talk, their urine they send out of the toilet to the wall for a ritual. Hence the phrase, urinator on the wall. When someone with a demon hits the wall, it is not for them as a person, it is the ritual.

Reverse Psychology

How parents irritate their children in the biblical sense the toilet battleground illustrates well. The righteous child was forever using less paper until they simply refused to use their bare hand. Reverse phycology is the message of ritual wickedness. A righteous person does what they mean without ritual waste or fornication. A wicked person does the ritual they mean with fornication and hides it with what they say.

Words, spoken, and written, do not mean the same thing between wicked and righteous persons. Yes, with God the, all things are possible, means a man makes the cost high enough in the wicked person's currency to subdue rituals. (See and hear God and the Christ demonstrate, eight ball, corner pocket down town, bank, clean.)

The Chain Links

Individuals with demons, wicked, understand across large networks (like chain letters) which individuals were used in Mammon and Peor contractual perversion, placed in perverted servitude to be prostituted in adulthood. For instance, when a child is used in a qngmic ceremony this child is known by all demons across the network. The only way this child gets an employment break as an adult is if the deacon or hiring manager is not hosing a demon. In the case of Brian Busser of Woodlands, TX, he was certain he would break mac and she would come to him for the sexual congress he was owed when he hired her. After all he is an ex-marine officer and qngmic participant.

Environment Variables

An environment variable is the one defining component of the contract that gives a wicked person the deciding platform of ambiguity that if anything goes awry, they can sue. The suit lends itself to total denial of their role or culpability because the environment variable did not mean to the one that wrote the contract what it meant the contract parties. When God writes a contract, trueGodandmac, no one has any ambiguity in its meaning before signing and a person with a demon does not want to contract.

A wicked person can not contract with God. They laugh their asses off at what He says. That is why North America will deny its troubles, being given in marriage, and having children, all to early graves. A righteous person easily lives to one-hundred-twenty years.

I Do Not Recall

Individuals hosting demons gloat over wrong doing when they are caught by God's prophet in their own language. A wicked person is only honest when conversation is made in exactly her language of symbols and omens. Everything she does is about staging malice against others to prove she is the greater being. The best an individual can do with the artfully wicked is to learn that they know the evil they did and that they are proud of it. Confronting the wicked with words is an endeavor marked with, "I do not recall."

The environment variable an individual needs in a court of law is fabulously strict and limited. It requires hours of communication with God to learn that Peor does not map cash to legal tender. It is her god. Peor maps cash to any form of exchange that leverages a person's future. To Mary McRae her message to mac is, "Yes, I know I sold you out. You are responsible for all my misery. You do not hold me in honour as the greatest of all beings. I forced you to be my slave and you need to thank me for doing this for you." Always. Yes, this is how all of the Peor clones function. The Ba'als are Peor clones

Where Are You?

The greatest evidence of listening to God is how He assesses your feelings for you. When there is a need for food, a stretch, or dig deeper, He is right with you moving you as you need, giving direction to give you what you are feeling is needed before the question of "I feel" comes up in your mind. During a fast to God, He will remind you, "Yes, I know you are hungry, but enjoy your fast." Just chuckle over the borborygmus.

If you are asking to obtain what you feel like and you catch yourself, God is now leading you. Now you know you are standing in God's land. In fifteen year's let's repair the land Noah claimed in God's name, for the brotherhood of men.

Driven by sexual urges and fornication is a symptom of having a god. A righteous person who is asked what do you feel like? Might answer, "Like bird crap on a Cadillac." A righteous person does not use the question what do I feel like to make a decision. They think. They pay attention to what they need to do next. While Peor would have been in pursuit of an endless summer of surfing, mac would be up for a hemispheric adventure of fresh tracks from the Urals to Southern Alps.

Ends and Means

God's hatred of unbalanced scales is not only against a system rigged against the righteous it includes when the wicked establish a system that prevents their own from equal gains. There is no righteousness in the phrase the end justifies the means. What is righteous is, the means must be fair to accomplish the end.

An act of worship to a demon is being obedient to the premonition. To stop the cycle when the premonition is felt is to pray to God through the mind and discuss with God what you are about to do and what choices you have with their outcomes.