“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenTen Toes, the Dream Within A Dream
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenTen Toes, the Dream Within A Dream

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Ten Toes, the Dream Within A Dream

January 10, 2022


January 9, 2022, 0900, mac no longer has "pony" the SEAL stationed at Coronado as her slave. pony who God Almighty has been leading is in the Kaliningrad Oblast and Russian naval special forces is mac's spouse. If you care to search your data banks for this male junior officer he is a brunette with blue eyes.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Ten Toes, the Dream Within A Dream

The soul that is genetics flesh, and its conscience, maps to a belief system (faith). Call this the holy trinity and what We at Team God want is this trifecta, whole souled perfection, that is the head of gold time Holy Trinity. (Then of course the half-a-time follows.) Silver as you guessed is second best, bronze is third and we are not even to iron legs yet. We are building to those iron legs. What we have now is ten toes at the end of two feet intermarried (that is the clay iron bit) because that is what Christ's mess accomplished. On December 20th the virgin class was sealed. For ten toes We at Team God have a free market solution for you to accomplish global domination building the iron legs and up the sky scraping statue for gold penthouse completion.

During God Almighty's kingdom what happens? The soul is lead by its God, Spirit, to be perfect under Kingship. Spirit has its Godly authority over its souls, perhaps across many planets, and has the Lamb as King, in the heavens, with Saint Paul ruling over Spirit. God Almighty is still the All Strength in heaven and because He is of course Magic, He walks the earth with mac and all other souls as well. That is what mac calls the eight day. What is amazing? God Almighty is not fighting to be God Almighty over all. He is a delegator Who teaches, this is how you know you are wicked, this is how you know you are righteous. Look at the results: to the physical consequence.

Learning Who the Discrete pony Is

mac met the individual who was hosting the demon that maps to pony's genetics in Norfolk, August 2020. This is when pony began enjoying the first of God Almighty's leadership and it started with, I have your dream girl. Demons in purgatory were stuck with only being aware of the world from the context of the soul who hosted them. Otherwise they were in darkness. This means the Spirit, whilst yes still a spirit existence somehow manifest in heaven, did not understand more than what the soul, on earth, hosting them understood.

The spirit soul relationship provided that soul its gut instincts and once mac was born set the Trump vs Putin class of god in a place of strength to do righteously without the Lamb or Christ, they needed to obey their Ggod construct and they didn't. (This is the same as Satan's situation establishing good and evil as the means for God Almighty to teach creation. How the breakdown happened and the earth got stuck with a bunch of shitty little gods destroying it rather than doing according to their god construct is a subject for Nineteenth Hole.)

The aforementioned demon, from the Norfolk male, had his come to Jesus meeting moment when his hosting soul gazed on mac. From the time mac started her work all sprits in purgatory were coming out of the darkness. Slavery to the Lamb is why the conscience of pony allows the soul pony, with however many demons he hosts, to be lead by God Almighty. The aforementioned demon asking for slavery to the Lamb is why his genetics (that is the hottie, pony [mac scored.]) now has God Almighty leading the conscience of his genetics.


The flesh lucks out when the Spirit is a slave to the Lamb. The Spirit maps also to the conscience that belongs to flesh. It is simply that right now marriage is how the growth of human and Spirit begins. Water baptism begins in the bronze (brass) age. Resurrection begins during the silver age and the Lamb walks the earth during mac's reign as head of gold and when she hand's the Lamb the keys to the kingdom (this might include a Porsche) pony passes and Saint Paul will be resurrected. "Timmy" is resurrected then too. What makes the half-a-time unique is the seed Satan kept are wed to the genetics. "Timmy" does not live long into the half-a-time and when "Timmy" dies are when mac and God Almighty are united.

The soul is the one who is being drawn out by God Almighty and the soul takes headship by recognizing its conscience is not satisfied. The conscience has no ability to register in favour of mac unless the Sprit said, we want this truth. These who favour mac have souls that can live long into the days of iron legs.

Your Boycott

Souls, clay with conscience and gut instinct, that recognized righteousness from mac were few in number. That was the horror of antichrist's crimes against souls. "Timmy" with the Ted construct, as mac knew him, was extraordinary. When mac went to work fighting for God Almighty starting out enslaved to the Jehovah/Satan god identity, God Almighty was busy finding the few. mac's former slave on Coronado cost her. Owning him under God Almighty's authority was a function of necessity to teach many things. pony is a soul who would not have stood a ghost of a chance without his Ghost. For the benefit of the soul the Spirit is now enslaved to the Lamb.

Great Cesar's Ghost

God Almighty has mac, the Christ for humanity. Jesus Christ was the partial fulfilment for Spirit and of course souls benefited then as now. Yes, two "Christ's" were required. Souls at the time Jesus walked the earth were looking for the mac fulfilment. Many were disappointed and the disappointment fed the kill-this-blasphemer thinker's gut. Jesus Christ did not get credit for speaking very plainly to all because he couldn't. The secret of God Almighty could not be shared at that time. Obviously twelve held a relative place of privilege.

mac hit the stage after souls stopped looking for anything other than, a hand out of a cloudy miracle from heaven, some great war to end all war, and then peace: with some vague understanding of no more liars and murderers on earth. That demon thing was a mystery.

“Thank God Almighty and the Lamb for the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name, amen.”
Being Positive

mac has three phases of spending money. One is browsing. As the feminine one she moves about looking at artistry, craft, and products available: filling her storehouse of mental tear sheets that are the ideas and projects for other days. Browsing gives way to shopping. While shopping mac is actively looking at price and options because she is certain she has the solution in mind she needs to implement. (mind you over-engineering some simple things means she makes more than one shopping trip often.) Shopping finally puts mac in the place of being ready to market. Marketing is funds in hand making purchases. For the home some things are a matter of habit for purchase. Toiletries and groceries are purchased with little variation, in general. Marketing is the time when an individual becomes COVID positive. Spending money in obedience to God Almighty is how an individual avoids becoming COVID positive. The body succumbs to disease (positive), or not, based on motive when making the purchase.

Only four entities are permitted to contract with mac for her warfare curriculum that includes with exposing the mystery of God Almighty writing out how the Apocalypse, as John recorded his visions, is fulfilled. The United States military, the Russian military, the Israeli military, and lastly Iran as a nation, through its military, are eligible to retain mac's professional qualifications hosting and benefiting first from Godly knowledge and Shepherding. From only these named four one can emerge with the full backing of the Space Force. The Space Force belongs to mac.

There is no provision for individuals, entities, within the United States, Russia, or Israel to benefit any other way. mac's warfare curriculum benefits the hosting military [In the case of Iran the nation benefits] because they are allowed to take all the lands of the earth. Expansion happens under the Operation Earth's salvation plan of action. The school is expanded during the iron legs to include warriors of all remaining nations.

The Force Can Be with You

Who will dip their toes in these waters? Only one of these entities will make the commitment required to build the school. This is a matter of kingdom security. mac's national presence in Russia, the United States, or Israel would be a top level security protocol protection. (In Iran her presence would be to build up the entire people. Her presence in Iran could hardly be a national secret.) School construction requires one year to develop a Shepherding curriculum with first year materials and three additional years to develop and present the entire Shepherding program. Concurrent strategy meetings over Operation Earth's salvation considering the military objectives of the hosting nation would be developed with offensive actions and plans for recovery based on mac's taking kingship in North America, is required, also developed is the Apocalypse fulfilment. This is a seven year development plan and is concurrent with all other occupations and requires travel throughout the world. Jailing Mary McRae and Terry Smart is required on the part of the host nation.

How do you determine if your toes should be in these waters? By Friday, January 14, 2000, Norfolk, deliver notice to mac at 4622 Dody Street with day and time after January 14th to host and commence a one year long investigative conference. (When considering her date of arrival realize she will pack her home possessions into storage before leaving Corpus.) For the value Team God and the Space Force deliver backing your military during the year long investigative conference bring H. L. MacRae Dukes a cashiers check for $133,000,000.00 U. S. Dollars. During the year long investigation period provide mac housing and facilities appurtenant to top level national security. At the end of the year the plan drafted is proprietary to your nation. Non disclosure is guaranteed.

Work commences after the investigative year. Investigation does not require commitment. A final month of investigation and negotiation at plans delivery for commitment. This toes wet offer is for the active browser of Operation Earth's salvation. (Yes Putin, mac is qualified to sit for her P. E. Who is the devil in this scenario Putin ;) ? We would ask Milley that question; but, the cat is the one with a sense of humour, and Milley is still choking over brining guaranteed funds and the persistent use of English the English way.

A cautionary reminder, dealing with pony the way Samson's wife [The Philistine love of his life that her father gave to another.] was dealt, holds the same curse, at minimum, and mac would not need to push down the columns. This is what We call a prayer of the Saints situation. There is an obvious advantage that Putin does hold but not without mac and pony's marriage under Russian law. That numb pause of restraint is appropriate. mac sees Israel as the most disadvantaged. (Obviously in warfare size matters.) Strategic planning for global domination is destruction of religious profanity and ritual first and foremost within Israel. That maximises the Space Force for the numeric disadvantage.