“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenWe Need A Perfect Despot
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenWe Need A Perfect Despot

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

We Need A Perfect Despot

February 13, 2021


How four presidents destroyed democracy. They should have read, Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

We Need A Perfect Despot

A woman, wearing an orange-brown with black accent leopard-banded grey-felt fedora, stood dry wiping his pearlescent-putty-enameled Cady that gleamed dirt free in the drive of 4618 Dody Street, Corpus Christi Texas, 78411. This individual embodied the type that would expect you to name your offspring after him when he cheated you with a lemon you purchased from his used car lot. This pimp stood out.

What came first, 78411 or 411? mac is dishing the information necessary for Nueces to be the model county. The model county action becomes permanent when the polluters are all destroyed by God. The people of Nueces want perversion. The reign of perversion has met its end.

This pimp is part of the new "neighbors" revised criminal business model. The first criminal enterprise they introduced was drug trafficking under the guise of Parabalais, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration contractors with the newly purchased home under spurious repair progress. After three weeks of obvious occupancy the Corpus Christi Police department had no choice but to demonstrate a show of force against the gunfire in that driveway.

The day of the gunfire, mac wrote a note to the neighbors explaining her personal understanding of coping with crazy people and she left them to handle their own situation that they apparently understood, well. mac heard the screaming fit of the ignored visitor after midnight. The screaming maniac returned to make his point in the light hours of morning. Five patrols responded to the gun-fire.

A conversation from leading, junior, officer to the new homeowner/trafficker woman of the house resulted in the homeowner's solution. Two weeks later their new business model trafficked children with drugs. Contractors stopped visiting the house and the other woman of the house cleaned up the construction projects alone. The pimp is the Catholic priest.

How Do You Like Me Now?

The sower is mac. Most have read Jesus illustration of the sower and applied some belief system to it. mac applied a belief system that all conscious persons now could attain righteousness. Then with that false premise, and knowledge of many truths, she was God's ewe to prove the motives of human flesh. mac lived the meaning of the sower parable. The meaning, "they may look and see but not perceive, and hear and listen but not understand. In order that they may not be converted and be forgiven" another Bible reads, "they may indeed see but but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand; lest they should turn again, and be forgiven," the Christ shared explaining the circumstances surrounding the seeds' outcome.

Falling on the Path

Those who have sinned against God, taking on a demon for their "eternal" reward who practice wickedness to achieve even what appears righteousness are dead. These wicked when God asks them to do something seek leveraging doing God's will to pervert others with hidden currency. These sinners Jesus illustrated classifying them as, sown along the path that Satan immediately picks up the seed. mac is making the path straight for Christ's kingdom on earth. These seed on the path will not under any circumstance do out of obedience to God.

The Dilemma of Falling on the Path

There is no Eternity for sinning against God. There is following instruction from God. There is no currency with God. There is no way to earn spiritual coin. The wage sin pays is death. Worshipping God alone is life, that is life, not currency. There is no way to leverage God with, "this will do something good for group B so I want credit for the good to group B," or worse, "I am giving you what you want, I should get all the glory." Now you know why being greatest, ain't so great.

A wicked person when asked by God to act seeks a wicked reason to do so. God cannot allow the wicked actor to move based on the perverted currency they concocted. It is ritual against righteousness and a perversion. This person is incapable of acting and receiving forgiveness. Understand the currency of wickedness is against Eternity. There is no means of exchange to do righteously for a wicked reward nor can one do wickedly for a righteous reward even when God makes the demand.

When it is God's will for an individual to act, He speaks for himself, even when the demon is making the request across God's network. God never hides His will using others. That would be unbalanced scales. Speaking for Himself is why some individuals are seed that never grow and some are seed that wither in the sun. The dilemma for the seed on the path is you left God no choice but to turn you over to your own currency with your demon(s) for His Word's fulfillment. This is how God does more for His righteous. (That Obama is the Leaven master, makes him a messiah impersonator.)

Dying from No Root

The next classification Jesus illustrated, are people capable of using the seed to sprout but die off during HellLINK now. It is the sun scorching the plant they have no root for water. These are wicked persons who do what God demands. It is God's ark that empowers the fulfillment of this prophecy. Doing what God asks is an act of worship to God and they still go about appeasing their own demons. This is a house divided against itself that cannot stand. They do improve their genetics for their unborn by obedience to God.

This wicked person doing what God demands is the same as the allowance of the high places remaining in Israel. At times a sacrifice, act of worship, was given to God, other times a god on the same high place by the same person received worship. God tolerated using the high places for the benefit of the unborn to allow a wicked classification to die off. This wicked person who does God's will now is resurrected with their memory in tact in Christ's kingdom. They earn their life, consciousness.

Sown Among Thorns

The classification sown with thorns survive into Christ's earthly kingdom, their own fine plant. Later during Christ's earthly kingdom more grow among the thorns. It is in God's Kingdom that fine soil exists and seed grows into fruit bearing righteous folds. Thorns and thistles, we are stuck with just like Adam and Eve endured until God's Kingdom and His Tree of Life bearing beautiful fruit every month of the year He plants. Think of thorns and thistles as sin in the blood.

What 120 Years Old Amounts Too

What is the test of righteousness for those of us living now looking forward to the promised land, Christ's kingdom on earth? The righteous live at least one-hundred and twenty years before tasting death. No, one-hundred nineteen years plus three-hundred sixty-four days is not at least one hundred twenty years of age. Moses lived up to this maximum number of years, not at least (think Abraham), and God prevented Moses entering the promised land.

You Didn't Stop Drug Dealing

When legal entities, like Starbucks, build a brand and dominate North America, including Americanizing national Capitols, executives and investors sin against God for this accomplishment. Starbucks is the number one, volume and variety, narcotics importer/exporter on the globe. The distinctive roast of their coffee and supply chain moves their elicit wears under many labels. "Capitalist pga (pee-GAH)" the phrase that saved.

Those High Places mac Hates but Understands, Now

God allows the high paces for the sake of the unborn. Modern day wicked are no different than Israel's sons out of Egypt that died in the wilderness. mac withstood the angry wicked mob that Moses capitulated to. mac's motivation is to die to protect righteousness and to live for doing righteously. She understands death is a finer reward than "life" compromising righteousness. She does not respond to leverage. mac is defiant and prefers death at God's hand rather than experience giving any reward to wickedness.

mac's seeking righteousness is why Mary McRae despised mac starved her and sold her into sex slavery. mac needed to learn to beg to satisfy Mary. She could not get her daughter to beg for food or sex from cult members. Mary hated her natural born child from the moment God's angel corrected her that the infant in her arms was calling out to I AM sounding "eh-ee-eh eh-ee-eh" repeatedly before her first suckle after screaming her way down Mary's vagina. Mary looked forward to a child she could leverage and then hated that her child God dedicated to Him.

She forced every god she could on her child in abuse. All the infant and small child ever sought to do was to serve the Creator, Almighty, with everything she was from conception. It did not matter what name Satan gave mac's rose. mac knew the God she worshipped. She did not know what is was to be a woman until Trump. That's right, mac is Jack in the sealed deck of cards that jumped out to squirt cider in the ears of all the niggers.

The Perfect Despot

mac's demand is always for God. He is the perfect dictator. Doing for the righteous reason is doing so because God asked that it be done. There is no rate of exchange. The actor is following God's instructions expecting only that what they do is an act of worship to God. This translates to sexual relations in marriage. Both partners need to enjoy that their sexual act together is an act of worship to God. To participate in sexual relations with one another, with either person dedicating that act to another deity is fornication. In a marriage union the husband dedicates their sexual act to God as an act of exclusive devotion to Him. The wife is giving this act to his husband in obedience to God. God is the one who brings together men, masculine to feminine to be husband and wife. That orgasm lasts minutes, not seconds.

It's Time to Move mac

God is raising up the unit to serve His ark and king of Israel. This arrangement provides the infrastructure needed to build Headquarters, establish the twenty-four elders of law that end Mammon, provide soil for good plant to grow among the thorns, and establish the deputizing body for government and ending fornication in the military. This is the place new Israel grows.

God is raising up a courageous unit to serve His ark and king of Israel. These pioneers, while living with their demons, improve their legacy for service to God and train their own genetics for rebirth in Christ's kingdom. They are working to provide a righteous foundation so their unborn offspring can earn Eternity with God.

This nucleus of male women provide the infrastructure needed to build Headquarters, establish the twenty-four elders of law that end Mammon, provide soil for good plant to grow among the thorns, and establish the deputizing body for government and ending fornication in the military. This is the place new Israel grows for future generations. The Middle East is being united by God in fulfillment of Abraham's gift of his offsing from Isaac.

Russia won God's hosting contract in the years to come. Immediately, mac and Westly are relocated from Dody street, accommodating her chattels, by United States Navy shipping her directly and expediently to Israel.