A glimpse into Christ's kingdoms. How Abraham saved his seed and God's minor fulfillment.
Dark Night
Living without God
“To your offspring I assign this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates: the Kenits, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perizites, the Rephaim, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Gorgashites, and the Jebusites.”God to Abraham
That is all of the Middle East bounded by the Nile originating at Lake Victoria and to the Euphrates dividing Iraq and Syria, all bound by the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean. Now pay attention to how Abraham saved his seed alive today.
What Abraham Understood
Abraham's seed through Isaac are now slaves to God. Abraham dedicated his seed to God understanding that in the day God's woman, prophet, was born there would not be even ten righteous persons and all humanity would be dedicated to destruction unless some were slaves to God. To date, the virulent occupants of earth God blesses. They exterminate themselves to make room for God's king over Israel and her seed.
Slaves to God, from Abraham, do God's will against their own personal will because God's covenant with Abraham is fulfilled during our seven weeks of the time. Abraham gave to Isaac all he possessed. Ishmael, orphaned, not capable of giving his life in obedience to God at Abraham's demand, still prospered under God's shepherding. Abraham's children by Keturah, given gifts, also prospered learning from their father sent beyond the rivers. Abraham stored up treasure with his seed dedicating Isaac's offspring as slaves to God even though they were condemned to death for being devoted to demons during the seven weeks.
Being Saved by the Promise
Jacob, alone after sending his wives, children, and all his chattels, across the ford of the Jabbok, spent the night fighting with a being that was divine and human (yep, a bitrubamaton). Jacob prevailed against the night, sustained a hip injury from that being whose name he was not allowed to know, that renamed him, Israel. Jacob prepared to give gifts to his brother Esau proved in that fight he refused to profit by Leaven and Mammon with the gifts he was giving to Esau. Jacob, in the land Esau dominated with his own twelve tribes, demonstrated worshipping God, the God of his fathers was his purpose.
Esau greeted his brother with favor. Jacob made a covenant with God as Isaac and Abraham had for his prosperity. A covenant with God means you must do righteously to succeed. When the earth is filled with perversion and there is no place to be obedient to God and all God has to pay his faithful with is starvation, the kings of Sodoms are destroyed. Jacob settling in Canaan returning near the house of his father, Isaac, is the blessing Jacob sought when he left the land in obedience to Rebekah's request that he find a wife from the house of her brother.
The Blessing God Makes Happen
Jacob blessed his offspring at his death.
“Reuben, you are my first born, My might and first fruit of my vigor, Exceeding in rank And Exceeding in honour. Unstable as water, you shall excel no longer; For when you mounted your father's bed, You brought disgrace -- my couch he mounted! Simeon and Levi are a pair; Their weapons are tools of lawlessness. Let not my person be included in their council, Let not my being be counted in their assembly. For when angry they slay men, And when pleased they maim oxen. Cursed be their anger so fierce, And their wrath so relentless. I will divide them in Jacob, Scatter them in Israel. You, O Judah, your brothers shall praise; Your hand shall be on the nape of your foes; Your father's sons shall bow low to you. Judah is a lion's whelp; On prey, my son, have you grown. He crouches, Lies down like a lion, Like the king of beasts -- who dare rouse him? The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler's staff from between his feet; So that tribute shall come to him And the homage of peoples be his. He tethers his ass to a vine, His ass's foal to a choice vine; He washes his garment in wine, His robe in blood of grapes. His eyes are darker than wine; His teeth are whiter than milk. Zebulun shall dwell by the seashore; He shall be a haven for ships, And his flank shall rest on Sidon. Issachar is a strong-boned ass, Crouching among the sheepfolds. When he saw how good was security, And how pleasant was the country, He bent his shoulder to the burden, And became a toiling serf. Dan shall govern his people As one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the road, A viper by the path, That bites the horse's heels So that the rider is thrown backward. I wait for Your deliverance , O LORD! Gad shall be raided by raiders, But he shall raid at their heels. Asher's bread shall be rich, And he shall yield royal dainties. Naphtali is a hind let loose, Which yields lovely fawns. Joseph is a wild ass, A wild ass by a spring -- Wild colts on a hillside. Archers bitterly assailed him; They shot at him and harried him. Yet his bow stayed taut, And his arms were made firm By the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob -- There, the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel -- The God of your father who helps you, And Shaddai who blesses you With blessings of heaven above, Blessings of the deep that couches below, Blessings of the breast and womb. The blessings of your father Surpass the blessings of my ancestors, To the utmost bounds of the eternal hills. May they rest on the head of Joseph, On the brow of the elect of his brothers. Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; In the morning he consumes the foe, And in the evening he divides the spoil.”Israel to His Twelve Sons
Through Joseph, the blessing was given by Jacob to Ephraim and Manasseh. Ephraim the younger born, was blessed as a greater nation with offspring plentiful enough for nations. Joseph received one portion more than what was from Abraham to Isaac. Jacob wrested from the Amorites with sword and bow the extra portion that went to Joseph.
Fulfilling the Blessing
How does Ephraim accomplish such a coveted blessing? he receives a greater portion of God's Holy Active Discipline to accomplish God's will. Without this gift from God all humanity would perish. This gift God delivers in measure based on the covenant the patriarch's through Isaac that Abraham kept with God. The blessing of Jacob is fulfilled by his own seed for themselves with God's power. Jacob's offspring fight with God now to inherit the blessing Jacob requested of God during Christ's kingdom on earth.
This gift of slavery is also bestowed on Esau's offspring. They receive a lesser degree of discipline because they are not fulfilling Jacobs covenant. They were however preserved alive by Isaac and his gift of obedience to death.
The gift from God through Ishmael's twelve tribe kingdom and through the seed of Abraham born from Keturah is being inclined to listen to God even when owning a demon. These seed of Abraham God reaches out to shepherd. Do not expect God to fail in keeping His covenant with Abraham. If you choose to fight for occupancy in Abraham's lands, God will direct you to success. If you decide it isn't your interest you will still be shepherded by God against your own will. You will not be allowed to serve your demons. You will simply have a different reward than occupancy in the land God promised to Abraham. If you are presently there, be prepared to make way for God's king over Israel. All people alive today own demons. But the gift of the Christ is why Abraham's seed can be shepherded even owning demons. This fulfillment Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, lived and died in expectation of.
Those Not from Abraham
Those of you not of Abraham's seed, owning a demon, it is a dark night dying without God. You chose unity with demon's over righteousness. Worse you refused the gift from the Christ that mac suffered allowing you to rid yourself of your demons. Now you understand why Abraham's seed through Joseph had it so damn tough. The reward is great when you keep fighting for righteousness.
The Bottom Line of Demon Owning, Death
All those owning a demon are not able to earn Eternity even being obedient to God. Demon owners can develop immunity to their demon-delivered disease, preserving themselves alive, taking shepherding from God for all their consumption, expenditure, dietary, and earnings actions. The COVID vaccines developed are speeding up the death rate by making the real disease wiser against your own immune system. The vaccines for COVID are based on junk science.
Humanity is not capable of survival without shepherding from his creator. That is why humanity God needed. We the physical weak creation put spirit beings in a place of learning righteousness. The Christ accomplished the seed of Abraham benefiting from slavery to God during the seven weeks by dying as one of Abraham's seed. No one denies the Christ's death and life from Abraham's seed.
God is sending Abraham's seed a dream.
Three flashes of lighting against the night with God's voice bellowing through peels of thunder, quaking you, articulate He is the Almighty, you are seed of the promise, and you are under His direction. This is earth quaking in one place after another. You will begin fasting one day a week consuming only water, tea, or coffee with no additives from 20:00 Thursday, Norfolk VA time to 20:00 Friday, Norfolk VA time. This is a blood guilt fast.
No Slavery but Predisposition, Likely
If you are a member of national armed forces for your government under contract to die for God you are most likely an individual who will listen to God. God is reaching out to you in a dream to make you aware of His regard for the sacrifice you committed yourself to.
Three flashes of lighting against the sea and clouds with God's voice bellowing through peels of thunder, articulate He is the Almighty.
North America
God put His dog in the fight, the Lord of Hosts, to prevent persons seeking wickedness being rewarded with the demon, death, they were earning by refusing righteousness. God does not interfere with wicked people doing wickedly, the Lord of Hosts does. God rewards those doing righteously even when their faith in God is not complete. The supper sinner went after corrupting the law to avoid the Lord of Hosts. The demon teaches the conscience of their master, human, that doing wickedly is the gateway to immortality sinning against God.
God's king of Israel provides for those in limbo, who listen to the Lord of Hosts growing a trained conscience toward righteousness and obedience to God. Sadly, there will be Protestants who oppose God and go after demons. These will not be persons in government service. Protestants die off when Christ God enthrones as king over the earth. What mac inherited to give her children is the lands of North America. The daughter of Noah who keeps a covenant with God matters.
mac could have dug through trash bins for food but that was not her covenant. She spent her days praising God for her keeping faithful, not eating solid food, but only consuming milk for calories when God put her in the path of available milk and her maintaining a blood guilt fast from November 8, 2019 to August 8, 2020. Milk is a food that naturally allows a person to endure starvation. How the Nazi's understood that.
You can thank Trump for mac's fortifying the exterior of the walls of the new Jerusalem she is building with macdukes.com against marauders of Satan's seed, ahead of schedule. His abuse forced her to change her construction schedule fortifying the wall against invaders, bitrubamatons, inviting occupants who receive of the Christ's gift to Abraham's seed sooner. More can now share in building and profiting from God's wall for Christ's coming new Jerusalem. mac is a daughter of Noah through her biological father and mother, and a biological daughter of Judah through her father.