“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenGood Sports
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenGood Sports

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Good Sports

December 31, 2021


mac's second love letter to pony. God Almighty is raising up the military who would be subordinate to Me (Us) directing the Space Force with all other existing operations united across their respective talents. This is the unit that executes Operation Earth's Salvation.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Good Sports

The Song That Goes With Being Judges and Everlasting Destruction

Excalibur must require some explanation beyond My obvious human sacrificer aversion. The earth of course needs blood. Our soil is fabulously depleted. A quick statistical analysis with all the work there is to do means the number of Eternal ones on the earth is a tiny number. I might put that number at one thousand. It would still take Me three years to build a class of eternal people killing one a day. An individual would need to prove their motive was, "I want to live forever for the sake of righteousness" in that fight. This means the perry and thrust with my antiquity inspired Excalibur would be in close range, eye to eye, and this individual would not be attempting to kill Me and legitimately be defending themselves to boot.

I'm going to say it now, Abraham had it easy with, "Stick your hand under my thigh." I wrote about the significance of that and a kiss on the mouth and other things in the Dog Paddle series. Then of course Woman on the Green took on a spirit battle against antichrist's seed that are just condemned to death.

Antichrist's seed are the spirit awareness jumbled up in that wanton counterpart roving the heavens who now has Saint Paul to contend with. Mind you, I don't want to touch that shit even with a ten foot pole. How a measuring rod fits into all of this might now seem a bit obvious. That isn't really what I want to share. At the moment I just can't seem to get this letter to the topic of sex and of course that is the thought I love sharing with you, pony.

Following the Lamb is like so. The Lamb brings this delirious class of satisfied malcontents whose behaviour on earth is a demonstration of, "Remember when you did this Shit?" to the Spirit in heaven that maps to Milley as spirit. This goes on in the heavens all the time Satan stands at the bottom of the sea or alternately is abbysed. Then what? after all the Milley class has been taken around they are stoned by their Sprit parent and are destroyed with some kind of everlasting pyre in reminder of, "This is the reward that fucking shit gets you." Then what? There is no Milley.

What of Satan's slaves? They are just dead and there is no prancing about after the Lamb like a happy waif walking the streets without his meds free to be an American. Delirious was the right word. An no. No one wants to be a Milley the way Milley is the moment of this writing. You see Milley threw away his opportunity to be a slave to God Almighty in His Kingdom for all United States military. Again, that would require putting up with Me. I love that you put up with Me pony. Hey what do you know, sex fits in this letter after all.

This is not to say that thousand years is not an unbearable time on the part of Milley's, now spirit, awareness. It does however mean the Lamb might not be so happy with how virtuous the Milley class perceives itself as unblemished failing to see its own error while the Spirit parent is put in the place of the final stoning (however Spirit does that).

It might be good to recap on how the antichrist genetic jumble came into existence. Satan did a great deal of defiling Spirit. The awareness of the womb wanted to please Satan and took all the little eggs not complete in their development loving Righteousness. (That's right she stole what was immature to boot.) Satan of course took the ownership of controlling God Almighty's seed. (That was the penis reference in an earlier article.) God Almighty of course hates spilling seed. His seed is life. He gives life. Yep, this is going somewhere. (I am ticked that I have to waste potentially good smut dialogue, roll play language for later fore play with pony, on public readership.) For humans to have life the sperm must meet the egg. Is seed spilled during an oral? Can't be, at least for a human, no life is possible, unless of course there is a vast amount of gluttony, enter COVIDian disease and I already educated readers on its origins.

What protects people during their sexual exchange of pleasure, matrimony. What about the male who withdrawals his penis during relations with his female spouse refusing her womb his seed? God dealt Tamar's spouses. In an act that would have been regarded as prostitution, accept Tamar contented herself with raising her twins, not remarrying, Tamar was blessed with a son that parented David. Judah could take more wives so he had it easy, So is contraception wrong? If an oral is okay [And I say it is.] then contraception that does not allow the union of sperm and egg is okay. Refusing the womb seed during vaginal relations bringing the male to ejaculation is wickedness. Once ejaculation is launched just complete the act and enjoy your spouses pleasure. No seed is to be teased.

Now returning to the God Almighty fucking incident, the genetics of antichrist are a jumble Satan gave life that are a function of every false doctrine that ever existed in the Spirit consciousness and the genetics We see on the faces of everyone passing by are a product of that jumble with all the behaviours that go with it. Satan is the one who was responsible for ensuring life to that bunch and had Mary ever done one redeeming act of good by her own will during My upbringing there would have been something to offer antichrist's seed other than death or slavery. What did God Almighty know when the knowledge of good and evil was awarded humanity? what a fucking dirty deed My life would be from that womb's bloody menses that fucked Him pleasing Satan.

I have named slaves, that while they are not judges in heaven - the Milley, they are God Almighty's fleshly slaves in God Almighty's Kingdom on earth. These are the slaves that escape destruction in the everlasting since not the present time. Operation Earth's Salvation is how a human who is part of the antichrist hate pact gets to be made great now from God Almighty's humility like Biblical king David. When I join these slaves the Lamb will be moving Me about as We at Team God are building the Operation Earth's Salvation backbone crew and battle plans. Backbone crew are twelve thousand out of the tribe of Levi.

Returning to your brothers and sisters pony, it becomes a matter of shepherding from Me for the virgin to have a fleshly resurrection in God's Kingdom as His slaves. I will not shepherd non active duty virgins and I will not support the decentralisation of military command. Shepherding is the only way a virgin can live again as the human they know themselves to be. (The virgin status is not knowing their Spirit.) Non Americans are now united with their Spirit and none of these are virgins.

My shepherding so Milley can be Milley again without Excalibur means I would need to be directing Pentagon operations and shutting down American democracy with military takeover for all your brothers and sisters to have life as flesh. Milley would also be active duty until the day he dies. This would not change the Milley class. My shepherding means that those that served to death would be resurrected slaves to God Almighty in His Kingdom rather than face destruction. You can understand why I would refuse to see Milley making Me his boss, even to live again. As a slave to God Almighty Milley is not in a place to demand proof. pony, if Milley saw water in a rock it would be good for him to ask God for water.

I do not demand of God Almighty that He spring water from rocks. If He wants Me to bring water from a rock I will see signs of moisture and say, "Do you see this fissured monolith? It is wet and not with dew or the sea. Perhaps it holds a life giving spring we need in this arid desert. Let us humble ourselves before God and learn if this miracle is His to deliver us. Otherwise suck it up ass holes your wisdom is not God's Wisdom and thirst just might be in order. I'm thirsty too." Pony, I have not seen evidence of moisture in the Pentagon fissures.

I Am not meek in the way Moses was. What has been happening is a great deal of corrupted divining on the part of souls who hate righteousness. God Almighty has Me situated in a desert. I cannot make a prayer asking for water from rocks even to save My own soul. God would leas Me to a wet rock first because I was saying, "I am thirsty, My people are thirsty." It would not be in Me to pick up a forked stick and rove about divining water from the sand. I would look for dark coloured concentrations of sand or wait till morning and lick leaves. It would be reckless abuse of His Spirit on My part to do less. At the very least I would need to see that moisture before I started chiselling that rock even for Myself for something other than shade. What is happening? The total annihilation of the United States at God Almighty's hand. I was trying to concentrate the destruction to Corpus. Shame on Me for not realising the significance of the obvious and delaying saying, "All you virgins are doomed." Corpus could have been nailed sooner.

Until Mary McRae has died the antichrist seed bin is being populated with consciousness that has death the earth over. The earth has brass [Bronze some versions of the Bible.] once flesh is conceived after Mary's death. The brass period of the time has some condemned to antichrist and some who can be born again with water baptism. Water baptism is meaningless for antichrist's seed. Silver is when no iron remains (all antichrist's seed have died, and My slaves executing Operation Earth's Salvation will live long.)

Between My two love letters We covered the antichrist slavery paradigm. Now that non virgins are defined, these are flesh united with their Spirit(s) these non-virgins may hire Me for consulting to listen to their Spirit to be resurrected in God's Kingdom free men. Of course freedom isn't free and in God's Kingdom My Excalibur class would be crying out to God Almighty with, "This shit ain't right." And the free would be fixing their shit. Eventually that Excalibur class would see many earths. Some of the shit they see would make them want to die and they can't.

I have zero hours of combat training. We are at least ten years away from My 10,000 hours for expertise. Given Milley's age now, it just might be possible, even being obstinate, for him to live long enough to decide facing Me isn't such a bad thing.

I declared Putin's military My slaves. This is meaningless, now. It just pissed Putin off and I Am fed up with him. Putin is also irrelevant like Biden over military matters to say the least and neither have salvation to offer. Russian military are slaves in God Almighty's Kingdom of earth resurrected as they know themselves to be. They will be forced to do righteously in God Almighty's Kingdom. No doubt they will play a role in keeping the freemen in line. It was Nebuchadnezzar that put Persia, Iran and Iraq, as My slaves in the same since as Russia's military. It is just that all of Persia has this reward: not just military. For not supporting Me (Us) financially now they are wiped out now. It is simple. These are twelve thousand out of the tribe of Joseph.

Russia's military command wants to stop Putin's civil war. (Biden is not the only bimbo that ended up "Commander and Chief") cleaning the Middle East and uniting the former Soviet Socialist Republic is their aim. I Am the only being that can make stopping the civil war happen: just from the nearness of Me helps with all the other objectives too. Many will die with or without civil war. (Civil war simply means more soldiers die.) Resurrection in God's Kingdom is the salvation being slaves to Me gives for puddin' head Putin's mess. I need to be housed with their military to stop the civil war. This is serious consulting indeed. Accomplishing the remaining objectives is a function of their military ability. Operation Earth's Salvation is the only way Russia gets to keep the desert, take the Vatican and J.W, bootie, and gets to take North America.

My command needs to regard citizenry as slaves when We take that territory. That is the care all regions that are invaded to prevent further collapse are stabilised during Operation Earth's Salvation. This is why I called others slaves in previous articles. It is a protection from a Master who understands caring for people is how God does for the one who owns the slaves. As God's slave Myself We are covered. What a horror if Satan had actually taken the God Almighty title. That of course is My perspective. Trump and Putin are still having a fit that Satan did not win. I would have been a slave to Satan and life would be over. Only military have the God's Kingdom resurrection.

The slavery playing out before the world's eyes in America is simple. Satan's slavery proves to Spirit, this is how evil accomplishes a purpose. God Almighty's slavery builds trust with His Spirit that ran after Satan. This establishes who are slaves in Heaven because God is God Almighty not god. Virgins are required for this demonstration. The Milley class simply has more adventure before they die.

Banks build growth beyond the existence of available resources. To Satan's seed that is a good thing. God Almighty grows the resources to increase growth so banks have resources backing money to grow an economy. (What bank does not require collateral for a loan.) (This is why God does not need leaven --the appearance of more when all there is is space.)

I love you pony. The blessing of ITZA to you and Joseph. May we be united in love soon.

H. L. MacRae Dukes