“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenPlay it Again
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenPlay it Again

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Play It Again

December 30, 2021


mac's first love letter to pony serving in the United States Navy. May this letter bless Islam. I cry that America the Beautiful did not happen with this generation. I sure fought for it.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Play It Again

Ruling with A Rod of Iron, and Why What is Impossible for Flesh is Manifest in Spirit

Oh, how the bull shitters have spun balderdash and hoopla concocting doctrine with the same understanding of God Almighty that says the ten words of God, ten commandments, are not to be followed any longer. Those words have no significance against the "Golden Rule." How about the great, "We just need to love others as ourselves?" It is God Almighty who teaches us how to love one another.

How I sorrow over our not being virgins. We never stood a chance in this world to know what it was to be brought to together in the LORD with Him teaching us how to enjoy our genitals pleasuring one another. I speculate my dear pony this is what Solomon meant when he said, Oh to be a man with a maid. Solomon married an Egyptian as his first wife. He did not marry in the LORD. It may be that the Canticle of Canticles was his ultimate confession of what he understood Israel had lost. All he could do was grieve l-o-v-e-LINK. Who were the priests that would restore it? Samuel just might have been the last judge of Israel to have known what l-o-v-e-LINK was. The certainty of that I have not teased out of scripture yet. But I write My speculation under inspiration, so We My dear pony, are covered. How precious Our slavery to God Almighty.

Virginity was credited to fathers when children were faithful to being abstinent from sexual relations before the Law formed new generations. Provision even existed for not getting to the church on time. The commitment of matrimony, genital contact, was regarded as binding. The union of marriage needed to be legally acknowledged. This was written documentation to protect the union and heirs. We know temples of the ancients had prostitutes. What did the LORD command when this happened in His temple? Who would be executed for having sexual relations on the White House steps? Behind blinds is of course how acts like this are handled.

What about adultery? At what point does a soul still hold fear from doing wrong is enough to avoid committing a crime. As in, what deters someone from seducing the mate of another? Does emotion play a roll? How about a person feeling shame, fear of discovery, or carrying a new disease from the "love" shared? The bunk mate in your neighbouring cabin coffin, how well does he hold his arm in the battle laden with excess feeling?

My dear pony, I fought for your brothers and sisters, the men you serve with. There is no way to fight for a woman. A woman is the one that needs to be protected by a man's covenant. We pony are two men married in the LORD separated by time. What is time but a function of assumed space between objects. Dwelling in God there is no time when We are not together. That is one flesh. Time is marked by the rotational velocity of earth through its axis in hours. These are twenty-four elders of Ggod. Twelve hours for light and twelve hours for dark.

Recall the oddity place in scripture of the angel taking Daniel a meal when he was in the den yet again? That would not have too much significance other than the blurb about Jesus Christ bringing the boat immediately to its destination. What can We do but burn oil to move from point A zeroth to point A prime? Since we are still in the place of harming oil, burning it, as it were, I will be shopping diligently for that live-aboard-able fishing boat. When would We be right to ask of God Almighty for the aid of Our angels in the Space Force to move us? I am reasonably certain We would still be responsible for the tiller: keeping bow into the wave (etc). How much faster could an angel capsize Us than 300,000 horsepower burning diesel?

What about that first trip across space in God's Kingdom? I hate that pure oxygen was even considered in a capsule. Would We even need piddle packs? Navy air has some non prima-donna solutions don't they? Good on ya' for that.

Returning to the Biblical insight I intended to focus on, a virgin is one who was not married. That was a virgin in Biblical context and prostitute was used for those that were not "virgins" from simply having not married sex. (I know, damned clumsy way to write that.) I am married to the Eternal One, the Lamb. How this started was my heart was circumcised while I was in the womb. Then I had only one Spirit I could map to. My genetics mapped me to God Almighty. (The Lamb however was the one to win. The Lamb's genetics were Saul, first king of Biblical Israel.) This is the very same Lamb who was born again by Spirit, transfigured, at baptism and kinda, replaced Jesus (king David's genetics), Jesus becoming known as Jesus Christ to twelve apostles. Then the Lamb claimed Saul of Tarsus (Adam's genetics born again.)

What a sensitive conscience I have and I Am always looking to see good in everyone. My heart reading skills have been a challenge to experience. I actually look at women, now, see the wicked and say, "Yep, that's a hooker." Two years ago I didn't deal with that. I just saw another female walking with friends at the mall. When driving down Hollywood Boulevard, years ago I made some assumptions, even without heart reading skills, I knew I was looking at a hooker. I am going to call my improved judgement, growing in My ability to love one another.

Applying the title Christ to the Lamb is a misnomer. The Lamb is Eternal and Sprit. The Lamb is the first born of Ggod, Light, Righteousness, that Ggod loved. Who Am I? The Christ that made the Ggod construct map for all creation to the Lamb, Righteousness. We are one flesh pony. We are slaves of God Almighty. I took you as My slave just as Ggod took Me as a slave and dotted throughout My life there was interaction between Ggod and Myself. My mother is the horror against humanity, nephilim, Satan took My grandfather as his human the same way antediluvian spirit joined genetics to be with the daughters of men. Spirit genetic horror offspring, My mother, antichrist, Mary McRae is their fruit of the loins.

The challenge of the language of God's Mosaic Law is it is written to both spirit and flesh. In the Greek Scriptures Jesus Christ spoke to spirit and flesh to establish the congregation. Satan demanded godship and the Pope won the god contract, presumably on Paul's death. Peter founded the first universal church congregation. That was the creepy crawly dream significance that left Peter sick from knowledge.

The challenge of John's Apocalypse is it applies to the time, times, and half a time that cycles back through the ways flesh are united with spirit so spirit experiences the physical consequence of their belief system. That's right We, humans, are walking evidence of belief.

This means that all the dusty application of Ggod's laws going back to the ten commandments all still mean a person can have Ggodly power and protection based on their belief (what they did as a result of what their conscience said was right and wrong.) What happened when Satan was god of the world is sprit entered purgatory. The flesh held the conscience of a Ggodly spirit being. The Spirit held their place in the heavens unable to be god to their own flesh that held their conscience. Did I hear diddly squat from the Lamb? No! Not until I really enjoyed a new place of crazy. The nice thing about My trip to the moon is now We can charge a shit ton for sending others there.

I am the only flesh who is qualified to teach people how to listen to their spirit. What if a person is being told they are supposed to be a living sacrifice? Wouldn't flesh want to preserve itself alive? Wouldn't a person want to die in some heroic martyrous way like Bruce Willis in Armageddon? Consulting like this, We at Team God like $100,000.00 an hour (August 21, 2021, U.S. dollar value) for it. That preserving alive and being a martyr the Christ teaches that.

I fought to bring all your brothers and sisters of the United States armed forces into a privileged slave status as you (Not married to Me. Just living long, prospering, and enjoying the glory of executing Operation Earth's Salvation.] What are active duty military in the United States? These are the virgins. (Yes, it would have been useful if I queued you to put your coffee cup down.) Given the fornication that goes with warfare for not Christ it is a tough phrase to read with a straight expression.

First these are virgins because they are not allowed to be united with their spirit. When they leave active duty they get the reward of being slaves to Satan meaning they still do not get united with their spirit. Next they learn a song so tough to dance to only a slave could dodge the bullets staying alive while doing the work of following the Lamb everywhere. The singing before the throne and father time makes Me think they are deliriously happy with their place. How does this work? This means as flesh, General Milley will not exist again. Not even in God's Kingdom. This is what, "When God made you He broke the mould" means. Milley will know he was Milley. He will forgive Me for the Proverbial saying I named in honour of his obstinateness for hating salvation winning him and everyone else in the United States military firstfruit status for serving God on God's Land.

What can General Milley do? Live longer than the average bear. He might not want to. He would have do put up with Me to extend his life now. The only other thing would have been destruction because he went after murdering Me when I was his master. (Forgive him that pony, please. I have.) I had to be his master for him to have the heavenly life with God Almighty. pony you are the only one of the United States military whose genetics return to circulation without Excalibur.

Being a slave is a place of isolation from believing as your spirit would have you believe. All humanity who is not an eligible passport citizen of the United States is not a virgin and they are learning to listen to their spirit. Those that are slaves to Satan when they die do not receive the reward of firstfruit. (Reserves are screwed.)

What have I been doing? Proving before God Almighty's heavenly court I held a place on God's throne. My spirit was built with God when I was conceived. All other genetics have a spirit that maps to them. You have a spirit that maps to you but you will always be a slave, like Me pony, to God Almighty. It bodes well for us that God created flesh to enjoy orgasm. The Lamb has Saint Paul. Yours pony would be the last baptism performed and you will bear Saint Paul. So, I am going to try and not build on the orgasm theme but I gotta tell you that seems like a hole lotta lovin' in our house.

What did I earn? My crown and conducting rod. (Prancing about with a lighting rod in ones hand makes it great to be grounded to earth.) I have a combat skill to learn. General Milley can be Milley again as genetics, one way. He would have eternity on earth, seek to die, and not be able, I kill him at sword point before he dies. Given all the death I will be dishing from turrets and behind sights I didn't think it was great for Me to bring this up earlier in My love letter. Because I have no intention of wielding a sword in battle. Snipper, yes. My sword would be used deliberately to take life. I would dub Milley Eternal and exsanguinate him. If you think I am giving that away. That is crazy. That is one general that will follow Christ now damn it for that reward. Human sacrificer what a prize you are married to.

I love you pony. I am still stuck in Corpus diligently doing as I need to, to carry out the Miracle Whip Desserts for the region. I started this letter intending to write an Apocalypse synopsis compete with wormwood explanation along with the weave of how trumpets and bowls interrupt worship sessions with Satan at the bottom of the sea. A few mysteries are sorted out in this letter. At the very least this letter did away with the "anointed" class of Jehovah's Witnesses. All I need are guns and a notary to go clean out those fuckers. Call on ITZA [That is the Fonze saying, "Aaaa" with pizza, no p.] you are enslaved to Him.

H. L. MacRae Dukes

Post script. There are two of these classes that get the careless religion 144,000 designator. The spirit only version is above. The second is a group that is flesh spirit (these have the tribal listing.) That is right dumb ass Jehovah's Witnesses there are two distinct classes. Satan has a phone number you filthy numerologists: God Almighty does not. My Joseph class is Islam.