“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenSpace Cadet Gazette
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenSpace Cadet Gazette

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Space Cadet Gazette

December 2, 2021


Explanatory assurances of Team God from fleshly God Almighty constituent, H.L.MacRae Dukes, mac, to General Mark Milley of events to come against Corpus Christi Texas and the United States military.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Space Cadet Gazette

General Mark Milley
Arlington Virginia, xxxxx

General: greetings and understand the intent of this letter extends to you a blessing out of respect for the hedge you chose serving God and God's country with your very life. The pregnant pause captivating you requires My perspective. I have never been worshipped by spirit. Hosting Christ is why all spirit, sans God Almighty, is subordinate to Me and I as flesh have never received worship. Our perceptions of godliness are alien to one another. Like I have explained to Joe Biden and many readers, you Milley are simply a shitty little god. New light is I am the Commander and Chief of the Space Force globally. All nationally recognized military forces, sans privatised militia, are subordinate to Me. My subordinates include Biden and Putin.

If Trump were to be elected again as president of the United States he would be subordinate to Me. This significantly disadvantages him in his quest for slaughtering you and all other United States military personnel. It is true Trump does not host Satan. Cornelius, the preacher of Corpus Christi, does. For Trump to host Satan first Cornelius would need to commit suicide. I do not broker demon transactions. Satan bugs out on seconds of death. Other souls require three days. Souls are exposed, naked, because of My authority over the Space Force.

It is My understanding that Cornelius is a symbolic choice on Satan's part and better serves the interests of Protestantism than any other soul. Cornelius is a key player guiding prostitutes and gang bangers I walk among. Trump is incapable of demonstrating restraint. Cornelius and Hitler share much.

I host Christ until My three days of fame lying in the street, dead. (My expectation is that you would be dancing in the street exchanging presents with others at that time. This is how drunk with self adulation your god has made you.) Postmarking this letter as well as my December 1st letter to Biden is My legal tool for agents of the United States to act in accordance with law demonstrating balanced scales. The metaphor of the grenade I hold is incomplete without understanding the United States Department of Defense manufactured it for My use exclusively.

In beginning My charge for command My formula for peace is of course Biblical. My theosophy was naive in the extreme. I assumed peace souls wanted and that spirit was separate from the soul. My life is the example of what it means for God to create man from the dust. Spending days in the mud in need of Depends I knew awaited Me before I started My work announcing Myself as ark, prophet, and future wife to God Almighty.

In establishing subordination it is simple. If you are paid by an entity, you are the subordinate to the entity. Your own departmental Space Force articles of definition, purpose, intent, mission, and existence exceeds the limit allowed antediluvian souls. Your blasphemy pounded iron needed for God Almighty's legal case of who on earth was God. The tragedy is the case needed to be forged.

When man stepped on the moon Ggod brought about the miracle of the two-fer, the future womb of Creation and the Christ walking the earth. I am your gatekeeper for Eternity. For you to experience Eternity I would need to execute you with My sword in hand. That is the significance of events when king Saul went to ease nature in the cave.

Before I wielded My sword it would need to be constructed to My specifications with its appurtenant vagina. Then after ten-thousand hours of combatant training sword in hand, unsheathe it for executions. A poignant example? executing you. I could have substituted Putin for the example. I am not giving anything away. You want Eternity from someone other than Calvin Klein [Polo is a better fragrance.]: because Biden is no more going to mail me his pesos as he would butcher Peanut Butter and Jelly and allowing his eight billion dollar ransom to stand was simply to make it easy for him, I would need to learn from God you were one He wanted to grant Eternity to and He would not deny Me getting every mile of battle possible from you first before you were granted Eternity.

For you, and indeed all those who decide to remain in active duty, to reap the blessing of My command, the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of America We disband with military takeover. After much bloodshed and secular adjustments allowing some civilian occupation living its natural shortened life We storm the desert. That is the only way the fitful wad of provoking seed belonging to antichrist (as you do) you can survive as a remnant. Would there be others in command who can benefit from the honour of Eternity? undoubtedly. I simply made you an example.

There is no way for the Pentagon to take Me in as some kind of lucky bowsprit wench. If I did wear an Army or Navy Jersey it would read, 11. The game changer that has transpired since earlier Herald writings, fighting spirit for God Almighty's preferred method of prophetic fulfilment, is as so. The water baptism is now game on according to His original Word. I have new Israel to look forward to, also according to His original Word. Building a remnant from antichrist's seed is now according to His original Word. The execution of the wicked is now according to His original Word. The abuses you as a soul have brought against spirit are now against you. (Nicknaming you Moby Dick was just bonus.)

Pony I may not grant Eternity to. He will be baptized in God Almighty's time. The Ted, "Iron Man," and "Timmy," provisions have been fulfilled in their entirety. I will never look upon their faces again. And a microburst of Heavenly destruction is slated for the County of Nueces to protect Me from the murdering designs of the Corpus Christi Police Department.

Mary's suicide efforts entertain the Corpus Christi Police Department. The police ploy is obvious. Corpus Christi police have no idea what it is to remain silent under God Almighty's hand until situated in a court of law under trial. That is the mandate I live with and the police are abusively seeking breaking My silence. (They are Trump's fall guys. That is not My problem.) The miracles I advocate expedite extinction of antichrist's seed. Dazzling a court room is beneath Team God.

You do understand I have lived, How to endure beatings and rape. N'est-ce pas? Should My 375M settlement be paid in a timely manner to allow My escape from Corpus before they commit My murder or allow Mary McRae to murder herself (because framing Me is the new hate crime) I can leave for the protection of the community and I would leave post haste. Otherwise God Almighty's destruction of Nueces is what saves My life and brings pony and I face to face again.

It is not possible for Me to be your subordinate. I direct your Space Force. I am the superior of the president of the United States over military command. God Almighty cannot allow My headship to be abused. Team God honours chain of command. Being on God Almighty's soil poses the extreme measures for remediation situated on our shoulders. Putin is the leader who can issue Me a number 11 Jersey. (Yes, that I can be "lucky God" pisses Me off, in the extreme. Then again I am a slave, so there you go. God Almighty will move Me and the Earth as it pleases Him. Face it, who wouldn't want to live in Leningrad?)

H.L.MacRae Dukes
Christ's word

Postscript, in the interests of the security of nations I close this letter disclosing no further detail at this time. Was not the H-bomb race a great secret of warfare?