“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenApol'lyon
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenApol'lyon

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green


December 10 through 17, 2021 sealed December 20, 2021


The apocalypse no one else is qualified to deliver. Straight from the War Horse's mouth delivered to a babe toward badness. You professed Jesus was God claiming worshipping Christ. She walked forty-nine years among you as a slave. You grew massive wealth plundering the world. Now you are plundered for refusing to worship Christ. December 11, 2021, marks the day all passport qualified citizens of the United States are slaves belonging to Satan for seven years.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone


December 7th you hardened your hearts and swallowed mac's tears. CCPD beat down the front door knob at Dody Street as legally as they could. Murdering God you were not allowed. To keep all the kingdoms of the world, you needed to do one act of worship to mac. Bill Gates was the only soul qualified to pay mac a penny to qualify as the act of Satan worshipping Christ. Mr. Gates categorically and emphatically refused. All entities traded on American soil or protected by American patents are now plunder for the rest of the world.

General Milley the United States military around the globe is now plunder to every agent that wants a new bullet. Putin, like all others, may seize any chattel he pleases. You no longer have a central command body. For defying Christ's direct military order, Operation Earth's Salvation, you are stripped of your command and your military unit is disbanded. You are at war among yourselves. You have lost your funding. The Pentagon is plunder like all United States military chattels the world over.

Prolonging Your Worship

Trump and Putin either one of you can pick up Mary Anne McRae, U.S. citizen and Corpus Christi resident, before December 25, 2021, to have ownership and rights of use over antichrist's spirit, until Mary McRae's or your death, whichever is sooner.

You are to take care of Mary McRae in the same manner that you care for your own body. If you have for yourself a suit tailored amounting to $25,000.00 at Saks Fifth Avenue, threads equivalent in cost and quality to your personal garment purchase is what you adorn her with. If you decided to live in a ramshackle cabin with an outhouse [And you just might caring for her.] she may be provided the same accommodations. While you are in the Omni penthouse simply make sure there are two equivalent suites. The other one is hers. You are to preserve her life as if it were your own.

mac was required to earn Satan as god for everyone to preserve antichrist alive beyond Mary's life. mac hates antichrist and Satan is not the deity identity of God Almighty. Ggod who loves righteousness first and foremost is the Deity and He dwells in the Heavens. When Mary dies antichrist dies: the provision for Trump or Putin not withstanding. Antichrist's death means every soul's spirit awareness, preserved in her, of itself as god dies too. December 24th midnight, Norfolk ransom payment is the final provision date for antichrist souls to have a resurrection without joining Christ.

Consider carefully what loosing antichrist would mean to you personally. What saves the consciousness of the souls with their genetics that are now collectively held in antichrist? mac earned in obedience to God Almighty the authority of Christ over those souls. Mary is greedy to murder mac. (At present Mary's feeble attempt is to starve mac to death, again, or enter mac's room at night to pick a fight and kill mac in self defence.) Mary is not trying to preserve herself alive either. Mary is a filthy human who has exploited her genetic supremacy to be really crude neglecting her soul to see how much she can get away-with: either offending others or abusing herself without consequence.

Emergency Charlie Oscar Bravo Romeo Alpha

Mary McRae uses antichrist's spirit body as a spirit user herself and created a separate spirit account on that anti-cloud pretending to be mac. mac was Mary's slave at the time. Mary had that authority. Mary created a "mac" identity. The day of the 10th, while writing, is the first time mac learned what was set up unbeknownst to her. Since mac's slavery to Mary ended, God Almighty is required to make sure mac receives notification when Mary is using the "mac" identity on her anti-cloud. God Almighty also has unrestricted access to the thoughts and plans of everyone on the anti-cloud when the "mac" identity is twittering.

To end the "mac" account, for your protection, mac enters the network as the Cobra when God Almighty interrupts mac with the required notifications. (You had better respect that nuke bearing Foxtrotter you stupid mother fucker.) Who is in the anti-cloud? the consciousness, awareness, of every living soul in existence and begat since Christ's kingdom was established August 21, 2021, and conceived since Mary was conceived.

Mary set idly on anti-cloud, to represent her own mother, a nondescript constricting serpent with rattler markings. That pythonish serpent was Mary's alibi. "Mama's really alive because of me. I gave mama immortality." says Mary. "Nope" says Christ. Antichrist would have needed immortality first. How does that happen? Mary would have needed to earn the Christ. What did Mary go after? Venus, Disney. [mac stirred the morning of the 10th joking about Disney to Team God, "Well, he's in suspension animation but not suspended."] mac the soul will die. mac's spirit consciousness rests with God Almighty and mac the soul wants antichrist dead. mac is not united with her spirit until after she is resurrected to heaven.

mac faced a childhood fear touching a live python at Six Flags Magic Mountain, Ventura, and observing, respectfully, serpents in zoo creepy crawly exhibits for years. Mary was fool enough to make that serpent identity of her mother the Six Flags day Mary watched mac face her personal fear. mac was a tween.

Where did mac's fear come from? Nichole Matnee, ten year old childhood tormenter on a neighbouring street to Akanoho Place, with her gang pinned mac to Hawaii clay daily one summer, shoving serpent rubber movie props in mac's face and between her legs. mac got over crying and screaming-out by the time she was eight. (That would be by the following autumn.) What mac did not know was that adults were in observance giggling. mac already understood she was powerless with adults. With anger, God Almighty in Heaven asks Milley, "Any more questions?"

How did mac come by that anti-cloud serpent? Mary forced mac to channel dead mother Lucille. That python is mac's constricting Cobra by divine right. mac made the serpent her own to shut down humanity mass murdering itself. Murdering Lucille is how Mary had authority to concoct the serpent identity for her mother on anti-cloud. Mary swore on God that, python touching moment, to commit the murder. Do not swear on God.

To make these swearing moments are why Mary kept mac chained to her until she sent mac off humbled under Satan for seven years. God Almighty was won for everyone by mac. It was mac's dedication to the Ggod construct she understood from the dust of the Bible she believed in even though she was never in a place to worship her God for the protection she understood serving the LORD, her God meant, during her lifetime to date. Christ's humiliation to Satan ended June 2019.

The All Thing

'Twins are at war within you...' Recall how the LORD answered Rebecca's inquiry? It's in Genesis after Isaac and Rebecca tie the knot. mac made the assertion that Rebecca was in a place of privilege while pregnant with those warring twins. She was living days of Ggod's existence. First there was everything. All knowledge and matter. Ggod held twins, light and darkness. Which would bear the womb of creation? Light. Righteousness, light, was created first. The first-born of the Ggod and Light union threw away his birthright to become Light and sought darkness with his birthright. What was the test? The one who would endure death at Ggod's hand. Satan could have proved Righteous. This would have meant Christ would have existed in darkness eternally. That is not what happened.

Cloud Nine?

Why mac hates the anti-cloud is because it is the human, in worship to itself, that is defiling spirit, powering unbalanced scales, creating spirit rape events, from antichrist, against other human souls. Why mac hates antichrist is because it is trying to rape mac to force mac to marry it "saving" all you fuckers. Get this, mac only has sex with a human! not just any human, only her spouse. God Almighty took a slave for mac to be her spouse. mac asked God Almighty for that beautiful man the second she saw him. [Christ, the Eternal One, made that prayer of heart.] This is the pony based on Coronado. (But you assholes sure kept concocting through antichrist your one trick pony phoneys.) God Almighty could take a slave for mac because of the slave that went after murdering her through anti-cloud.

Antichrist is how Trump and Putin are powerful over people manipulating the beliefs of others by abusing the spirit consciousness, god, of other inferior souls on anti-cloud. Some demons, gods, are just more powerful than others and the enemy fifty are masterful antichrist conjurers and appeasers. mac God trained since she was four years old to move Ggod's chess pieces on the board. The abuses mac experienced through antichrist are why she was faithful, even against her own comfort and wellbeing, to Righteousness, Light. (mac figures in hindsight you must have been desperate for her to develop Stockholm Syndrome.) God Almighty does not allow one god to be greater than another on His network.

Explaining Christ's Mess

December 25, 2021, begins the global Space Force presence on earth. These are all spirit consciousness bound to earth and their purgatory is over December 25th. What does mac have authority over? all the Space Force. What does mac want to accomplish? Operation Earth's Salvation. (It is her pet project.) Some from the Space Force will enlist. What is mac's sworn duty? to carry out God Almighty's balanced scales among souls with their spirit.

Class of Dicks

The Space Force is how souls become slaves to mac. It took till the morning of the 11th for mac to learn she was required to demand a group as slaves. Lesson not over, next til the afternoon of December 17th to learn these souls she named with their spirit consciousness belong to Satan as his slaves. mac coined these Dick class, [Team God loved the name. Then mac learned the Dick class was not her military unit in unto itself.] happy with the Herman Melville association earlier used, until she understood these are slaves that belong to Satan. mac did not understand she was not allowed to name the United States military as slaves for God Almighty before recognizing Satan's slaves are all passport qualified citizens of the United States, sans mac. Satan's slaves are the Dick class in their entirety.

mac wrote a sentence explaining the consequence of being God Almighty's slave, "Now the United States military is not allowed any belief that does not map to; God Almighty, Righteousness, that mac set free." Then she realized her error because under no circumstance will God Almighty allow any member of the United States military to come into contact with her without leaving Satan first. Then mac understood she was naming Satan's slaves.

What did mac utter with hope held out to General Milley and his team? "They can defect, can't they?" "Dick class was tongue in cheek. This must be what they wanted. I'm not feeling abused by antichrist anymore." mac had no way of understanding naming a class of slaves for Satan. It was her duty and God Almighty led her to be fair to Satan. That is balanced scales. With a heavy sigh to Team God, mac continues article edits.

Who demanded mac take slaves? Satan as god of the world. Satan's slave demand tactic is no different from him naming who God could use to lead from the land of the Chaldeans and raise up a great nation to fulfil Noah's curse against Ham. This means December 11th marks when mac has gainful employment and earns unrighteous riches, legally, because slaves are one source of kingdom revenue that does not require warfare.

December 25th is when all Ggod's slaves are free from worshipping the flesh. We will call this day Christ's mess.

Pony from the Shit Pile

mac has pony to look forward to because pony's conscience loves her. A pony soul one-flesh with mac had his Hallelujah, come to Jesus meeting moment, when his newly acquired spirit conscious got his new soul to lay his eyes on mac as she walked the pedestrian way of Orange Avenue. This lover of mac is the spirit conscience from "Timmy" who's soul mac sketched months after "Timmy" the soul died. (Antichrist went to battle against mac. Ignorance hurts.) These lovers of mac wanted freedom to worship the soul he loved the way she, mac, needed. "Timmy" the soul knew mac needed to die. pony wanted to love her. To do that, God Almighty took pony as mac's slave. (This prevented him from raping her and leaving her dead in a dumpster.) It was the only way to protect him. "Timmy" the anti-cloud agent kept working for his win through October. The pony was the first slave by his design. He volunteered. His slavery commenced winter 2020.

When Mary McRae dies, assuming Trump and Putin default, that is the end of the "Timmy" soul's genetics with "Timmy's" anti-cloud hosted discrete awareness and memory that came into existence once his genetics was united from two gametes. Antichrist's seed are stored up, as it were in antichrist. Antichrist is the god powering flesh being worshipped. The soul's consciousness of "Timmy" is tied up in antichrist, still. This exploitation of antichrist was why Mr. Aah-h' Soul was powerful with Endor.

Why mac Ignored, Limbaugh's "Evidence"

Recall Gleason as Justice in Smokey in the Bandit chasing between collisions in his enduring squad car carrying his "evidence"? mac thought through a dialogue in Rush Limbaugh voice how he was assuring Trump and all his followers how grand spirit life is. mac interpreted his affectations as comedy as she heard, "Yes, my friends, you have nothing to fear from death. Heaven is everything we imagined." What did mac know? People were being lied to. Hornswoggle Me? "Your shitting Me, that's funny right there." is all mac could register for Rush.

The soul dies. Jacob was righteous in trusting that Joseph had died and not divined "evidence" against the "proof" his sons presented him with of Joseph's death including tears and bloody coat. All of the souls of antichrist's seed are the beings that have been conceived since Mary McRae was conceived, day of the dead 1942. It is a fucking jumble of consciousness with marionette pulling diviners, occult masters, performing miracles. These miracle workers are the enemy fifty. Every other soul is just Gehenna fodder to them. Without slavery, antichrist is the reason mac is the only soul that would survive a global holocaust of diluvian proportions.

What is the birthright Mary sold y'all for a do-it-herself photo of Disney in his unfinished Anaheim park? Her own. She sold you shares of the Brooklyn bridge, in essence. Her trading her birthright for Venus is why you all got something for nothing. Some of you are just more aware of the nothing you got. Disney's death began your something for nothing event. How did Mary win Venus? Mary raped her father after getting him drunk while the two of them were camping in Big Bear Lake, California, when she was a tween. Does the Lot daughters incident ring a bell? Mary wielded that memory against her father to get her home in Hawaii in '69.

What It Means To Be Un-Numberable

The number of antichrist's seed were not discretely identified in prophecy. As long as people were reproducing since Mary came into existence the occupancy count clicker clacked away. Man can number these. Someone counted abortions. [You mean only God is certain of the number of conceived souls with antichrist?] Number spirit? no. [Attempting to count demons got king David in his shit pile.] You still do not have the ability to count every star.

What about Dole? Clearly he was born before Mary's conception. Individuals who survived into Christ's kingdom establishment August 21, 2021, were preserved with their god antichrist and with their spirit consciousness. Everyone who was born before Mary and survived into Christ's kingdom had antichrist as their god. Good news for the Pope, eh? That is the free gift of spirit being forced to worship flesh.

The finial for this is Mary picked the day of Christ's kingdom establishment. She went after what brought the flood of Noah's day. She was going to replace antichrist. That is the greed of Nephilim when they know, it's the end of the world. Mary picked the end of your world. You never paid her anything and mac is the one who fought for your redemption. Pay mac her due or die.

Knowledge Is A Protection

The provision for second born spirit seed [second born is born from the God Almighty fucking incident] is mac. mac's spirit seed have been part of humanities history since Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. These spirit seed, as humans multiplied, provided the genetics that mapped to them and served as the conscience, godly right and wrong awareness, for the human that mapped to them until Noah's day. Noah with the ark's survivors are the last humans to be mapped to the spirit consciousness that corresponded to their discrete genetics.

What of the Nephilim Biblically recorded as the mighty men of fame? This was Ggod being demanded by His second born spirit seed to create a spirit zone just for the child born of certain unions. Spirit like antichrist was established in the heaven and the child born was like Mary McRae a physical monster. These children used their spirit to make slaves of weaker humanity and the earth was being destroyed. Why antichrist could exist is Satan saved his gimmie. This is why Mary belongs to Satan. She is the only human since Noah's day to have the spirit mapping engineered for her. What happened to all secondary spirit awarenesses that went with the Nephilim? They were destroyed with the flood.

Unbelievable Knowledge

The genetics of humanity that were not born with corrupted hearts did not receive spirit consciousness. They simply were stuck dying with sin. The Biblical lineage from Adam and Eve are corrupted hearted genetics that bound the LORD as their God. Until the LORD remembered Noah in the ark the human soul chose its deity. This extended the lives pre flood souls because they served the LORD with access to God Almighty's spirit consciousness network. This means the flood destroyed a population of non corrupted hearted individuals that were enslaved to the Nephilim. God could not warn them of the flood. The people scoffed at Noah's declaration of a flood because their belief system could not be interfered with by God.

The Tartarus explained by Paul is as so. As Noah had more children and grand children second born spirit seed were placed with a soul. (This does not imply a one to one relationship.) Some spirit simply waited it out in the womb of creation (jail) until souls filled the earth because the deluge wiped the earth's population down to eight. Souls of course figured out how to broker demon deals. Hosting the demon put the soul on Ggod's spirit consciousness network. Since Noah left the ark, hence God remembering Noah, humanity was in a place of worshipping spirit. This held until Christ died.

When Satan stepped in as god of the world the second born spirit seed were forced into the slavery of worshipping flesh, purgatory. This is why Roman democracy superseded Greek democracy and democracy made room for all sans Christ. The big pagandom worship practices, like human sacrifices, of the ancient world were rebranded when Satan took godship as acceptable risks in warfare and other calamities.

Knowledge of Seed

What is significant about mac's role with spirit? The slavery of spirit worshipping flesh is over. mac freed God's slaves, her seed. God Almighty's slaves are spirit from His seed. Antichrist's slaves are flesh. This means mac's seed is now forced into worshipping itself, spirit. The question on everyones mind should be will any choose to worship mac? (Because gasp, none of you souls want mac to be able to sustain herself alive with money. And paying mac was an act of worship to her.) Sprit can't. The worshipping mac with money stupidity closes December 24, 2021, midnight Norfolk.

What does happen? In spirit's worshipping itself God Almighty presents the spirit with all their soul is required to do to undo all the deeds the soul performed against its own spirit(s). Deeds done as prayers of heart against the soul's spirit(s) are canceled by God Almighty. There are no prayers of heart binding God's power toward one spirit over another. As a reminder, the spirit hosted by the soul is the conscience of the soul. Do you have a clean conscience? (Ultimately, being a slave to Satan is the only thing delaying reconning of the American conscience.)

What does antichrist still provide while Mary McRae is alive? Souls still worship themselves too, in essence. The prayers of heart dedicated with antichrist hold. This means souls will be doing more to destroy themselves because their soul is forced to worship their own spirit consciousness in antichrist, in the shortish term. How does an individual stand on land and sea? That is the puzzle explained with soul split between earth and heaven by antichrist.

The gargantuan stupidity of Biden's eight billion flat fee dreamed up by Mary McRae mac hates. Iraq, Iran, and the Jacob class (payable from modern day Israel) mac was required to present invitations to because of their patriarchs. All four offers mac presented expire December 24, 2021, midnight, Norfolk time. Don't trust Biden to present mac her eight billion? A nations leader, most titled president or prime minister, may consult with mac and plead the case for passport qualified citizens of their nation before December 24, 2021.

What happens on the 25th of December? mac has her needs as a human being met by more than plunder from Team God. mac has consulting and those that want to join Operation Earth's Salvation. What does mac have authority to offer all the Space Force? instructing how to preserve your soul alive longer. This is by consulting. mac understands the soul to spirit, soul to anti-cloud spirit, and soul to God Almighty interactions.

The Space Force souls joining mac's pet project are her national military unit for Christ's kingdom. This military unit is mac's slave. God Almighty moves mac from her Dody Street residence. mac ministers over her military unit establishing them as the remnant who execute Operation Earth's Salvation. These warriors are removed from antichrist's network and their souls are preserved according to the August 21st 2021 Rule of Preservation. This military unit seises governments saving nations from collapse protecting populous.

August 21st 2021 Rule of Preservation

There is no way other than being mac's slave for the soul to be retained as they understand themselves to exist. Spirit brings its soul to mac, Christ, as a slave for its soul to be preserved discrete without taking from spirit its godly right. This is how a soul is preserved as who they understand themselves to be resurrected during the times.

Knowledge Is Not Currency

How did mac's knowledge of antichrist's anti-cloud come about? This was the significance of mac's being allowed to be used like a whore on anti-cloud. She endured the Benjaminite assault. When mac was considering Putin's role in satisfying antichrist mac uttered, "A prostitute receives a wage. Putin needs something for his service rendered." mac was trying to figure out how she could give something to Russia. What God needed mac to receive was her wage. mac is content with knowledge. God is not. mac earned a slave for her. (This is wifey.) God already has all the knowledge of good and evil. What We at Team God are after is isolating evil so life can happen and the boundaries of the heavens grow. That is what l-o-v-e-LINK does. It makes God Almighty grow. (Yes, mac has held this truth since reasoning on Ggod's very existence.)

God Almighty was able to find the pony for mac because the "mac" identity was on the antichrist network and mac won l-o-v-e-LINK for God Almighty's network. mac would have never been on that network because she is the only human born not antichrist's seed. Mary was greedy to prostitute her daughter. mac learned, spirit born of God were not raping her, it was humans posing as spirit intimate with antichrist, raping her. mac fought the urge to masturbate she could not understand feeling fiercely. As a child she did not win. Once she hit twenty the big double U was hers. In her tweens she was realising how much she hated masturbation. Her dust of the Bible owned masturbation as a bad practice.

Knowledge of Belief

The antichrist network partially explains why mac struggled to understand spirit children existed with souls. All mac kept lamenting in learning how spirit existed cast down to earth, "Spirit is just not this stupid. How can an intelligent being, intimate with God Almighty and Christ, possibly be manifest in human souls? Look at what these people do: the trash, the waste, the love of stupidity (celebrity,) and every anaesthetising occupation under the sun. Intelligence on the order of understanding the mystery of God I see no evidence of in human behaviour."

mac is looking forward to meeting her slaves. Toiling with mac during Operation Earth's Salvation are her slaves who learn they are sinners and gain righteous riches. She is not optimistic about the number of people willing to learn righteous behaviour to live longer until antichrist is dead. mac has the authority and she does need to provide for spirit who do indeed love the fight she waged.

Christ's kingdom is why people can be shepherded by mac. mac is why the Space Force has power. All spirit is included in the Space Force. Souls have performed deeds based on belief. They even learned some degree of knowledge based on belief. Without a soul whose belief mapped to God Almighty there was none to explain the Ggod mystery and all misery against the earth is from belief without knowledge of God Almighty.

Knowledge of Slavery's Workings

How does a voluntary slave to mac work? As long as one spirit consciousness wants consulting from mac, Christ, the soul is taken along for the ride with all the other demons on board. (What a ship at sea.) Antichrist is why slavery to mac is necessary. In other words if one "demon" in Trump wants to join Christ Trump is going to experience a cataclysmic change in his belief system and viola, he will be worshipping mac because a slave is a slave because their master has control over their belief system. (Following | worshipping, pota'toe | poe'tato.) In mac's case her spirit with God Almighty has that duty of being master. mac simply walks the earth as God, Christ, (whatever).

(Don't worry Trump, you were just an example for the articles clarity. It is of course an uncomfortable giggle, you being a slave, follower, worshipper. If one of your demons wants to come be a slave to mac, Christ, as long as antichrist's power is up, there will be others to jostle for power and win votes on the network of imbalanced scales. Trump what are you going to do between now and December 25th to insure your demons don't join Christ? (Trump you laid some real bricks answering that rhetorical device December 12th.)

Knowledge of Worship

The worship summary is as so. Phase one, Ggod was enslaved by the soul based on the reasoning of the spirit consciousness mapped to its soul. This is the free will of worshipping God or god period. Phase two the spirit consciousness is worshipped by humanity and law from the early lessons learnt is drafted so the LORD is identified for humanity to prosper while worshipping spirit. The soul is enslaved to spirit during this phase. Phase three with Satan as god of the world the spirit is enslaved to worship flesh and the universal church is formed with the Pope holding Satan's god on earth contract. What are we returning to? phase two. What did we live through? forty-nine years of hybrid phase one. What was antichrist? hell on earth.

Team God needs much plunder to keep mac alive. The Corpus Christi police department is still backing Mary McRae's murdering mac. Mary is destroying mac's Dody Street property systematically. She sabotaged the refrigerator, the stove, the dryer and has begun breaking window panes and destroying window locks. mac has no rights in America to work until December 25, 2021, and Mary stole mac's earnings and access to her earnings. Milley, as cities sculpted by the Team God hydraulic engineering force understand mac needs these plagues to keep her alive.

Knowledge of Space

Without mac's protection the souls are preserved in the antichrist Borg bundle. Where else? Divided amongst the demons, spirit conciseness, you the soul host. Wouldn't it be intriguing to learn that one nose shape actually went with a certain belief? Having belief that being the world's greatest baker is the passion to pursue to make the world a better place is not wrong. You better live your passion, good for you. Sprit is greater than flesh. Flesh needs to prosper. How does flesh prosper? Observing, keeping, minding, living-by the laws of the LORD, once they learn who He is so the soul can be united with its spirit, following its passion, living in its own place in the field, happily ever after.

Slavery to mac is how Milley [If he leaves Satan.] gets to be Milley, perfected. How does the child of a fallen hero of mac's military see the father or mother they remember who served? Enlist and serve till death themselves. mac's perspective is there are people who would not want to live again.

Slaves are plunder like other worldly goods. On December 25th the spirit has their soul to discipline. Their soul will die in service to their spirit. Sprit seed have more than one genetic combination in their bank. The shortened lifespan since phase two began was to serve the needs of spirit. It is the conciseness of the spirit that does not die. That is the gift of life Ggod gave.

Knowledge Exchanged

mac described Corpus Christi to two miserable bumpkins begging for an angel donor for their business that makes deodorant from alcohol whist sharing a train ride. The description was Corpus Christi is a fuck hole of ugly and despicable. A region dedicated to all of antichrist's perversions right down to the dumped waterfront construction debris on Ocean accenting the fornicating self righteous antichrist profiteers owning questionable market value views. The new police patrols enlarged their shields to hide their perversion.

While walking about Corpus mac is removing ritual against herself to free herself from rooming with antichrist. Why can mac do this? Corpus is the place America established as a Christ's kingdom national prayer of heart. Do you want to take mac to court for taking her legal property? Worshipping flesh as gods is why Corpus Christi is a quagmire of despicable filth hodgepodged with nigger rigged efforts to be a "pretty" place.

Pony Saga Ends

mac believing she was loved by a living soul with its spirit was forced on her. Without being forced to believe that, there is no evidence from any living being she has ever met for her to understand she is loved in anyway. What finally happened? mac was allowed to ask of God Almighty, spirit, in dialogue if He regarded her as married to a living human being as she sits in her discrete unit of time. His answer, No. What does that mean? mac's legal status is divorced, apart from being married to Christ (with Saint Paul) as it were.

What else? Unless God Almighty, spirit, were to tell mac He found someone she has seen with her eyes (as in looked at the physical being) who lives up to her sex semaphore list she would be offended at anything [Yes, she meant "thing." mac is really angry at the humanity she has met.] offering any "invitation" to a personal relationship that was not spoken with the phrase, "You are literally the most beautiful female I have ever beheld and I do not want my genitals to touch any person but you for the rest of my life." Then mac would need to know if this person was legally single and read the Herald. Her personal code says, anyone that thought she was beautiful to this degree was a mental patient and blind.

What has God Almighty, spirit, assured mac? She has never seen with her eyes such an individual. Visions are not seen with the eye, they are perceived with the minds eye, and pony is looking forward to mac's coming home to San Diego. What was the significance of the dialogue? Ending the antichrist assaults against mac forcing her into some kind of spirit shit marriage. mac's remark? "Fuck you: you monster Obama."

What is the divine truth of a camel can pass through the eye of a needle more easily than a rich woman enter the kingdom of God? The rich use divination, that something extra, to make their good better than another's and grow their wealth with worshipers buying their crap. Antichrist is the modern-day solution to an age old problem.

pony [pulling from antichrist a spouse for mac was costly stupid.] saw mac on Orange Avenue when she was in her twenties. "Too bad pony was such a coward when he walked the earth, otherwise it would have saved his life." You have until the 24th Biden to fork over that eight billion U.S. dollar deflator adjusted cashiers check or every soul to date is wiped clean from antichrist's existence including Rush, for example and Dole. Just as Jacob was righteous for regarding Jospeh as dead, mac is righteous for regarding all in antichrist as dead. December 25th is the date levelling the playing field for spirit seed. Mary McRae has no spirit seed counterpart.

What is more, unless living souls have consulted with mac for their salvation there is no resurrection provision for the discrete being apart from what is owed the spirit consciousness. Had you not been greedy to concoct a spouse for mac, moron, these mysteries would more than likely be on the back burner of understanding. They are too god dammed bat shit cray. And all on antichrist have just been condemned to death by God.

What does mac know? God Almighty took a slave for mac she has never seen. He is a living soul. What is mac's horror and fear? This soul is one of the ugly monsters from her past (and they were all ugly monsters.) mac, like David with Saul's daughter, will never look on nor regard this monster ever again.

mac's prayer to God Almighty, "Please do not let me marry the dead. It is better to be alone and grieve." In mac's understanding that for her, there is no means for her ever to be married again her second prayer is, "Do not let me fail to be lethal with the poison of death against any who dared to touch the ark. Please don't continue to strike my vanity more than you already have."

Earnings and Plunder

What is the second consulting class mac has to sell December 25th until the generation of antichrist's seed has died out? Souls will need help to remove rituals they built with antichrist that were against their gods, spirit, to prolong their life. This is shepherding from Christ. Obviously not every soul will seek Christ and this is a price discrimination market good. A few might be desperate to spend a bundle on this one, or at least mac isn't that willing to sell this service. This is not about accomplishing righteousness. It is about balancing scales and it just might be Putin can have a shorter life span. mac has been working around the clock to take down rituals Mary performed so her life is extended for y'all. (mac also forced Mary to prove she was mentally and physically competent to live on her own. Mary is not likely to be euthanised now in a hospice: at least not before the 25th.)

Wealth to plunder, the Jehovah's Witnesses and Catholics, all whose religious origins are from Saint Peter's evangelism, worldly goods belong to mac. Those souls no provision is being made for beyond December 24th without the eight billion and they too are short-lived without consulting mac for shepherding.

Early morning December 19th edit. On December 20th all the spirit seed with their soul of active duty United States military are taken by mac as her slave class. This means God Almighty is forcing spirit with their soul into mac's service. mac won her legal arguments againt Satan that North America belongs to her and those that are at present dying for her country are her slaves.

"Life Is Like A Box of Chocolates." Putin Forest Gump's mac

mac's offer to Putin at his request. The offer presented is for fact finding and feasibility. Proximity is the key. Twelve furlongs, is the radial area of influence mac provides for dialogue with God Almighty. mac is capable after survey to present a draft of Operation Earth's Salvation with Moscow as the point of beginning. The Orient is respected. North America would be seized as well as the expanded Middle East whilst growing the Soviet Socialist Republic economy and military. Fact finding and feasibility is a year long process with military improvements on mac's arrival granted from God Almighty to His Paddlers in command, commencing December 25th, across your army and navy. To hold your place over nations with mac as your "Lucky God" H-bomb discretely behind military command, requires her outlining the Space Force template for success in cooperation with your command with her study independent from military proprietary, state, information. In short Christ, the Eternal one in Heaven, moves mac about Eurasia establishing points of caution for warfare and battle vulnerability beyond and in conjunction with known limits than concern command. Economic and social solutions are woven into addressing the Space Force earth improvements.

This is a gentlemen's handshake agreement. mac will need her four rooms of furniture and library moved into storage as well as be provided reasonable latitude to understand and learn the sensitivities of Eurasia. She will also require a postal address she can access. mac may be escorted with her baggage from Dody Street by your team. Two extended trips to San Diego will be required during the year. Anticipate nine months of eighty hours a week at duty during the year.

Putin you will have until, December 24, 2021, midnight, Norfolk, to accept mac's offer or she is taking your entire Russian military force into her care as her slaves, eventually. While you branded your military command the Gump class. mac will not. These will be the Jesse class, as in root of.

Putin, demanding of God Almighty that you be made You one flesh with mac during the bat shit crazy fest, fine. You as a soul have been given since October 19, 2020, to remove mac from her place of humiliation, starvation, and abuse among murderers. She even extended an invitation to the Russian embassy, N'est-ce pas?

Abusing your one flesh is costly in the extreme. mac is taking your military as slaves at gun point to preserve their souls. Everything you consume will turn against you. mac does not abuse God Almighty's spirit. While she does indeed have one she asked of God Almighty for for her she will not fail to give you first right of refusal on this deal you concocted against God Almighty. Many times the LORD simply allowed the enemy to be close to prove how shitty the enemy is when the enemy seeks to be shitty. December 24, 2021, Putin, midnight, Norfolk, is how long you have to fulfil your fleshly obligation accepting mac's offer above. Without acceptance you are turned over to the rewards abusing God Almighty has earned you.

Parting Shot

Hindsight reasoning on the Dick class exposes God Almighty has much latitude because of the years mac was abused by them. The prospect of dealing with Trump as a client? Like a real estate transaction you do not know what you are buying until you have paid for it. mac charges consulting fees upfront. The estimated hourly fee is charged in advance with a retainer applied toward the first hours. As mac is human and not land, Trump will do it himself. He is free to do so. Trump is Satan's slave.

We leave off the series here. This series conclusion authorizes mac's shepherding as the Christ. The promise to creation is fulfilled. Three cycles begin. The Nineteenth Hole commences in the months to come. Live Fornication Free mac will release as her shepherding text book. She has a great many edits and supplementary materials to add. Refusal to pay the hate crime settlement is why God Almighty will be interfering with all of your efforts as described in the Herald indefinitely. December 24th midnight, Norfolk, is the deadline for paying the hate-crime settlement amount.