“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenLove American Style
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenLove American Style

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Love American Style

August 31, 2022


Riding in from Padre Island, mac explained to the woman driving the route 65 in from Port Aransas the simplicity of maintaining civil behaviour in America for her marines. mac's hour lecture state emergency management agencies can book. The driver appreciated the heads up.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Love American Style

Holy Urban Warfare

mac wrote Pelosi so America could be saved while Jehovah's kingdom happened.

The driver thanked mac for the heads up. mac could care less if the driver believed the Truth or not. mac understands that people she is explaining these things to, if alive during warfare, will be running into her cannon fire like Pharaoh running into the Red Sea at the quintessential moment of recorded Biblical history.

To save the United States Government, with the Democracy, "Jehovah" construct Americans built, Nancy Pelosi was required to make room for fulfilling Jehovah's kingdom. Nancy knew this. mac wrote the notice that under Pelosi's nose, sent Pelosi running to Taiwan. What Pelosi did not understand is why God Almighty allowed her to stir up even more unrest with Asia against the United States rather than force her to go to mac's door. Why did Nancy not hatch the greatest Jonah caper of all time?

Feet in a Hurry to Run to Badness

Two points, Nancy. First if the United States were Nineveh, mac would have been enough whilst on Coronado's spit of beach in California. The navy would have come to her with gifts, provided housing, and gone after Mary for murdering the Camp Pendleton Marine that brought you the Christ. You Nancy are a blasphemer. mac is the Christ.

The second point is Jehovah's kingdom is being fulfilled and nukes are needed against the United States. You going to Taiwan was what was needed to destroy the United States of America. Congratu-fuck-ulations. What you proved Nancy, was that you, too, hated democracy.

What mac proved is She would have built the military unit that while thinning the population of America would have maintained legal authority, law and order, civilisation, while making Jehovah's kingdom happen. You Nancy just gave Biden what he needed to make a king, for a very short interval, Obama. Yes, Obama will have a throne all his own. A throne is the least the Obamite leader should receive. A crown and a sceptre he would need to work for.

Heaven, I'm in Heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak...

The time of mac's Heavenly reign has Jehovah's kingdom fulfilment at its outset. That opening statement is a benchmark remark of what time it is now. Satan with her clones being abyssed during this time is part of kingdom fulfilment. mac frequently returns mentally to the puzzle, 'There are twins at war within you. The older will serve the younger.' Enter the Lord.

With the heavens torn August 21, 2021, twins were formed. One of flesh walking the earth, we will call this one Milley. The other twin of spirit that was a part of the Mary cloud mac previously described. Mary being the virgin mother in this case. Mary McRae created the use of the Lord that also fulfilled the twins were forming prophecy. mac was never offered to be in the the Lord's fold. We will call the Lord formed twin, milley.

milley* at this very time of first writing is part of the firmament awaiting abyssing, as a Satan clone, that with Milley's death is abyssed. milley is no longer part of the Lord. The Lord is now a singular being slave to Jehovah, the Sun. milley with all other virgins is in the place of following the Lamb while abyssed. The Lord cloud drive was wiped clean August 31, 2022. You Milley have a problem.

The tearing event described was the crap invented by Milley. It made a black hole. The genuine tearing that remains installs Spirit of Heaven ending purgatory. What the Fuck is the genuine article explanation.

*The Milley, milley, writer's dilemma, is why accent, dialectic, marks, that the third century Hebrew scholars preserved for Satan's god of the world time, [We at Team God are not in the least angry at the council of Trent nor honest Bible codex preservation methods. The Jehovah's Witnesses are in a shit ton with many in Protestantism.] are needed when discussing how god is made true though all flesh a liar be. Flesh, sans mac, does not have the power to make Spirit true. By the third century the meaning of the dialectic marks was lost technology, even among Hebrew scholars.

Lessons of Animation

How people could see life in heaven as a reward mac never understood. mac continues to ask the question, "Why would anyone toil for life in the Heavens that they have never seen or felt? Why wouldn't someone only toil for life on earth? What they know, just perfect it." mac does not see how a heavenly promise of any ilk is effective currency. To mac life in Heaven is a carrot of inducement to keep the mule walking forward resemblant of animated cartoons reward that is always out of reach teasing the ass dangling in front of his nose off a pole. Effective currency to mac means, you do the righteous deed and receive the righteous reward and the bull in never muzzled when threshing out the grain.

Toil to live in the Heavens seems like currency that would set flesh up for failure to begin with. "Who would want to do a good deed for something with no comparable modern day fleshly analogy? Why would anyone not want to be resurrected a person aware of themselves, flesh", is how mac reasons. mac's never ever, from her core, perspective of her own reality of only living on earth, is why Jehovah's Witnesses were in the place of having power with, The Divine Name the Endures Forever and the infamous You can live Forever in Paradise on Earth. She needed to be on the witness governing body for them to remain in business.

Heavenly Assignments

While mac has authority over the Heavens the insulation layer of hell is fulfilled as born again persons experience life as flesh again. mac also has a resurrection period to offer during her Heavenly reign, too. Hell has two main components of construction. The walls and the body with its core. At its core is worshipers who have no self identity nor feeling. The insulation layer that is presently under development has a no feeling component as well. The body is built during mac's earthly Kingdom authority.

When mac has her earthly Kingdom** Satan has reign in the Heavens. Built during that time is the main hell body of energy. The proof of serving god as king in the Heavens or mac as King over the earth is what puts people in the place of proving they want that centroid, core, no feeling existence in hell. What makes for conflict? Some are serving Satan they can't see or the Christ, who they can. Then there are plenty that simply vacillate as long as they are allowed to draw breath. These persons, inconstant to a master, feel much in hell. This is no more a time of peace than our present time.

**When mac is fighting for kingship, during her earthly reign period, she is a military leader who makes room for a civilian population. She has Ted U.S. at that time as her husband.

After Satan's Heavenly kingdom reign, there is a transition for the final week of the seventy weeks. Materialising of Spirit happens in this time and still, flesh -- the Adam and Eve variety -- walks the earth as well, at the outset. With sin in the blood, flesh will be in a place of dying off.

The Impossible Dream

This half a time, or last week, is a time when, what was expressed in the Daniel account of the statue has, gold, silver, bronze, iron, and iron clay individuals moving about the earth. The metal classifications relate to how beings are united with Spirit. Satan will then walk the earth. mac has already proven She will turn over what She held in stewardship, in that time, giving to Satan what is due when Satan is no longer reigning in the Heavens.

The important inclusion here is the parable of the master who has three servants heading potentially into the continued joy of their returned mater. One increases the masters wealth ten fold, one lesser, and one simply returns the investment capital.

Satan's time of walking the earth is when the Babylon the Great that fuels the gog and magog epic battle comes to power. God Almighty walks the earth with Saint Paul and Jehovah (this is Jesus walking the earth again) and with mac this foursome have many adventures whilst Satan too is walking the earth. The Lamb is holding the heavens and a two ggod power struggle let us call one gog and the other magog are filling the creative duo placeholder becoming what their constituents prove them to be.

Gog and magog will be battling it out eventually on the earth and at last God Almighty, in the flesh, and mac are the last two humans on this planet. Already made is the sacrifice of the heavenly solar system, becoming the hell centre of the God Almighty Allness -- that mac's consciousness is building.

mac when fighting for her kingship is making sure the earth is not destroyed. The problem humanity has now is they slated the planet for destruction. That is a black-hole against creation mac is allowed to amend, among others. The topic of the heart mac will cover in Nineteenth Hole. It is its own hell. Four chambers pushing fluid that perpetually move the Heavens.

…Back to Reality

Returning to the topic of warfare, mac developed an equation to asses a communities readiness to head to hell. The proprietary nature of this information is part of Her office as Pentagon High Priest. The throngs hungry to head to their "maker", is how the term harvest is so massively appealing, as applied to slaughter in industrial modern day animal processing.

mac minored in animal science at Montana State University Bozeman. She made the self observation, with out much internal scrutiny or certainty, before returning to school, that if she had to process her own meat she would be a vegetarian. mac learned she never needs to be a vegetarian because harvesting her own livestock is now in her wheelhouse. No, cannibalism is not on the table. The birds of heaven need food. mac wrote the quip about cannibalism from the obvious risk of a dumb ass asserting mac's soldiers would eat human flesh. People in a place of starvation that would eat dead humans mac sends to their "maker." Predators following mac's army for food is inevitable. This will also discourage suburban redevelopments.

Clean and unclean animals were designated for the LORD's people because livestock are an obvious sign of prosperity and land ownership. The harvesting of wild birds to feed an army, while possible, like king David and horse meat, is not the optimal scenario. mac has written other things about the Biblical significance of livestock and even understands how different herds affect the land. Then there is predation. Predation is kept in balance with the mixture and types of herds not to mention the benefits of fibre. The calendar the Hebrews held was as much to feed livestock as humans.

Junk Food

Returning to the vegetarianism worry that opened up mac's being able to go to a Montana state school, there is a truth about Cain, and his sacrifice to God of produce, needing elucidation. The point has been made that one who labours and presents the finest to his gGod also is preserving his own flesh with the finest. In looking at produce at the market, the crops harvested commercially run the gamut from, this is how Cain was in a place of disapproval to "Hey, Cain would have rivalled Able sacrificing this pepper."

A wicked person is angry at being called out for not giving a crap about putting junk produce in his own gGodly vessel. A righteous person will keep seeking the fine produce. It is not wrong to seek the finest produce. Antichrist's seed look at seeking the finest produce available and condemn that as, "I had better just take what is meagre or I am going after the grandest seat." This mob mentality of being content with garbage is why fast food restaurants are so fucking popular. The other reason for their popularity, is people do not know how to feed themselves. mac will refrain from writing about this in detail. There are a few fucker fuckers that need to trip over this line, first.

"I had better just take what is meagre or I am going after the grandest seat" is how a wicked person approves of badness when they understand they are choosing that produce for the Lamb. A wicked person hates God even when Ggod is expressed in themselves. When mac was born, the gGodly vessels became flesh. By July 1, 2019, gGodly vessels were established again as Spirit.

Saving God

In mac's correspondence to the Secretary of Homeland Security She highlights how Her Holy Urban warfare campaign is conducted. The gGodly transformation that occurred at mac's birth was so any person could produce the honest to goodness God Almighty matrix. After forty nine years of slavery including seven tough years of Pentagon secret intelligence work it was time for God Almighty to be built. Satan was waiting for answers

Letter to save Democracy as a gGod in America. mac kept her letter brief to cut past the intellects in Pelosi's office and hit her notice with of course the F.B.I.

Pelosi Letter
Pelosi being Jonah just handed other needed authority to mac.

Letter Link