“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenWTF
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenWTF

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green


August 30 and September 19, 2022


Denial does not change outcomes. The Twinkle Twinkle on Queen of Heaven is explained. What Satan is teaching Putin, about how to win, the world is watching. mac is simply being a narcissist writing about herself in this article. What the fuck are you people deluded with that you did not understand, there is no escaping death with sin in the blood?
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone


The Jesus H. Christ Operation of the Heavens

Oxford defines this arrangement of letters, God or especially Christ as the being who saves humankind from sin and its consequences. The letter arrangement of American English with the same definition is, s-a-v-i-o-r.

mac has one of her,"This isn't a real illustration" illustrations, relating herself as being the cookie jar that everyones' hand was caught in. The cookie jar illustration being relevant in a home where the cookie jar was a place, under permission, a person took a cookie for themselves. Someone who learned to share would bring a cookie to the permission giver.

God Almighty walked into the kitchen, threw the light, and found everyone standing with their hand in the cookie jar. None asked permission for a cookie. The solution to everyone being caught? Convince God Almighty He does not see their hands in the cookie jar. This strategy is failing, saith Trump. If God Almighty was not willing to agree that their hands were not in the cookie jar, break, as in smash to pieces the cookie jar.

You go to hell for that shit stupid. The better way to say it,

What does mac now understand? She is making hell happen. She is enforcement. To do this means, She learns the cookie thieves solution, how that solution is no solution and, then, what the Heavens have in place as a result of the cookie thieves solution stealing from the first born. Stealing from the first born is the criteria for no solution. mac and God Almighty call stealing from the first born, making a black hole.

The Pentagon with four additional nations scrape mac's network and the audio feed, the FBI installed, at her Dody Street home. The impassioned cookie jar lecture mac animated in one of her many efforts to find some form of repentance for abuses souls were dumping on her with her theatric voice stylings intended to make clear the contemptible behaviour of Pentagon leadership against the Heavens.

God Almighty is still fighting the Pentagon so mac will have brothers to work alongside, sans thoughts of incest. They disregard their seed, still. Disregarding sperm with its testis is how a male becomes leveraged. When he is leveraged he is no longer a professional soldier. Being leveraged is seeking other than honest pay for the protection of their uniform.

While going after smashing the cookie jar, the cookie thieves insisted mac had her hand in her own jar. mac did not know it existed. That is what it is to be biologically incapable of doing witchcraft. Paddler's understand mac's concept of God was Him the ancient being, a rock perfect in his activity, that loved Righteousness and was still a bachelor. mac worked with Jehovah through God Almighty to learn who she was.

The Walker

The phenomenon of the Trumpites, as mapped to the Heavens, is equivalent to an identity matrix with each -ite having some distinguishing value in the non-zero place. Identity matrices are zeros or ones. The zero-one matrix is a binary expression of linear algebra that defines a dimensions size and directionality, as it were.

Biblical king Solomon identified matrices in his ecclesiastical lecture on wisdom. This is why Solomon could say with authority in his day, the dead are conscious of nothing at all and there is nothing new under the sun. With the same controls on mac's part, explained in the Trumpites example of crowd management, she applies the same principles to Obamites, Kennedites, Lucasites, Gatesites, and so on.

There is a key in the difference between the ites, paternal house holder, and any one of the non-binary followers that hold zeros with non unity, one, values in the one value places of the identity matrix they represent. The followers are just lumped into masses. The understanding of the masses relative to gGod was not the same as the -ites. The Lord powered the -ites unbalanced scales.

The Walkee

The Lord had people convinced they were being carried by Spirit, gGod, during their adversity. Not only that, but, in disregarding their bodies they were being humble. The "Christian" Footprints in the Sand is the famous modern psalm to the Lord's success. Oh, the masses were in a place of one set of footprints, alright. The conclusion that the Lord's carrying your sorry ass being some Holy event of salvation is wrong.

What was going on to feed the delusion of that psalm? Built from the masses' souls; cognitive definition of gGodliness -- as in what credit do the masses give glory to their "God" over, specifically, -- the god construct Jehovah, was being built in Heaven into warped perversion by the privileged class of name sake paternal houses of gGodliness using the works of the masses with their own perversions. God Almighty was in the place of construction as the Sun, Jehovah, proving to Be who He would prove to Be, from the fucker fucker niggers like Trump with no one enforcing Light.

On with the Show

Jehovah had mobility less effective than George Lucas' Jaba the Hutt. No one was willing to cooperate with constructing God Almighty because Satan was all the rage for earning billions squandering the planet. Until God Almighty was formed, even far enough along from mac's Dog Paddle Tender, Jehovah was indistinguishable to the point that even animators could not create hideousness that would have made it to production. mac endured the torments of the indistinguishable angry one you created gGod into so he could reinvent himself. Then, the joy of Saint Paul who could now identify his Jesus. That is being born again in Spirit and united in matrimony.

What Jehovah -- the resurrected fleshly Jesus who is one Sprit of the LORD -- had been turned into by the -ite paternal builders meant Jesus was not able to return to earth, even materialised. Jehovah needed to be perfected, made True, to return to earth. This is what mac's Heavenly reign accomplishes and is why her heavenly reign is first. Had the Satan identity for God Almighty been completed Jehovah would have been eliminated with all other consciousness, sans mac. Jesus resurrection to gGod from the torture stake was a function of Satan going after being god of the world.

Lights, Camera, Action

Jehovah's kingdom -- the JW's were announcing it -- was thwarted at twentieth centuries turn by democracy foxily being peddled around the globe by his military and commerce was denying all the blessing Spirit was providing every last damned one of those mega growing corporations that grew fat off the spilled blood of U.S. soldiers. Jehovah was proving to be the gGod Satan, as god of the world, built.

As Jesus was in the place of being disfigured into unimaginable horror, that was not even as charming as a cuddle fish, when the Jehovah's Witnesses were making their hair splitting argument over the word in Greek p-r-e-s-e-n-c-e, and being seen a non viewable event of "Christ's" return, they were right. That too, gave them power, once. The false humility argument, that they could not draw or depict Jehovah's grander? Right, they sure couldn't draw what will be haunting that Governing Body. There is nothing in creation that even comes close.

Take Two

You didn't even get cleaning the earth of flesh right the second time around, so enter Mary. By the time antichrist hit the stage the world population was supposed to die off. Now, Pentagon you with the Kremlin, from '71 had mac's power through the Mosaic law inclusion protecting a virgin who was raped -- one of you had to marry her. By the time the British Commonwealth took there go at mac she was not a virgin, no had to applied in your case. Her mother raped her daughter, mac, in deed for your Wimpy prayer of heart promises. You both had mac's power in matrimony with the UK once they sent the Aussie surfer dude to do infant mac.

Russia's Ted, a kinda double of Ted US [Two iron legs on the statue.] refused categorically to marry a person he had not fucked. Ted, U.S., would have married mac first. You killed him. Putin was not about to move mac to Moscow for a brother in the Lord to Ted and "Timmy" proved he would marry mac before ever even looking at her face to face.

Making a divine spouse like Ted U.S. for mac was a function of providing for Spirit. Had you not killed Ted U.S. you would have not lost the power from mac being raped by her mother. Widowing mac is as binding as the power of the marriage you refused to fulfil. Neither Jehovah nor God Almighty owe you fuckers handing mac over. What is more, She has the Heavenly authority to see to it you simply expire like others.


These identity matrix individuals like, Trump, Gates, Lucas (these are the mega niggers) earning billions, enslaving the Sun, the Moon - Saint Paul was resurrected to glory to.* These niggers understood they were in the privileged place of god. They knew they were creating gGod using the masses. These creators are dimensional gate keepers that were ultimately building Satan's identity as the corruption she chose to be.

*Mary McRae was the Moon murderer.

Flesh understood some human characteristic or human loving animal characteristic to look on even in fiction was required whilst building gGod. The dimensional gate keepers, identity matrix archetype patriarchal heads, needed a mass of populous to give them anonymity on the Lord's network to hide them from being discovered by the masses for their perversions. The mass populous clearly came from the class that could not handle the truth according to a Trump.

The masses, as they were being kept alive when the medical expenses would put them on the streets, praised the Lord as their god keeping them alive with his love. Destroying the Lamb's place of survival is what ended the dimensional gate keepers domain. Satan chose to build a god that had no ability to be perceived or seen. Even flesh knew some relatable characteristics where required so the bad guy is still kinda good. When a bad one gets it, this was the character destroyed in fiction that audiences could say, "Oh yeah, that we know needed to die."

The masses dithered through their lives convinced, while doing every lazy badness, that corrupted their own flesh, assured by the Lord of their being loved, with no physical evidence, built the Sun into what he hated in himself under the master union of the identity matrix built into the universe of matrices under the Satan god construct, gGod. mac's genetics is why there is a God master universe matrix, GGod. All humanity on mac's birth was in the place of single handedly producing the GGod matrix. None of you would do it.

The Heavens are rolling with mac's genetic plan. mac by her flesh corrects the mapping and identity matrix constructs to the the Majesty and Grander of God Almighty who loves Righteousness, first and foremost, maintaining life under the perfection plan. Not the ever famous plans, "Close enough for government work" or "Any day not six feet under ground is a good day." Achieving perfection, the God Almighty way, is why the Sun is worshipped. The mutilation of spirit that occurred is why Trump is a nigger in the Biblical sense like Biden.

The niggers could have unraveled their own perversion. These mutilate-God planners went after extortion to force god to unravel perversion they themselves built. It does not work that way. Enter the twofer, mac. Satan was not unravelling one damn thing for you idiots.

Trump wishes now he made time to loose weight. Once again, Sprit is greater than flesh, man is greater than woman, human is greater than beast. The Paddler understands, male or female has nothing to do with the definition of man or woman. It is easier for a male to perform a man's office whether he is feminine or masculine.

The Consequence of ggod

All the while the niggers were building the mega Satan, all people the earth over were breeding children that favoured monsters, growing to obscene gluttony, earning a living prostituting themselves in side hustles whilst deluded into, "I am a good person and gGod loves Me." One "G" is of course silent. But go ahead and stutter for clarity of what is written.

Learn Numbers After Letters

In discussing hell, the creation centres of the Heavens, there are some things to keep in mind. One is, energy comes from awareness. God Almighty, the one with the warring twins, gave the free gift of energy across the heavens that flesh, souls, have the privilege of being able to discern. The question of, "What is spirit, consciousness, in the place of seeing without flesh?" It wasn't God Almighty, but they were allowed to keep by trial and error building a gGod after the Sun fucking event by the first born son that meant humanity came into existence so spirit that chose darkness had something to see. The Sun was in the place of holding Righteousness with His Moon and they were a dynamic duad, then too.

Consciousness relates to more than can be counted in the context of human counting. Counting is irrelevant in the human context of Arabic numerals and counts, because of the dynamics of consciousness. Like the movement of particles that are theorised but not yet mapped because the approach of science is bogus.

Accountants have power doing creative bookkeeping, on the dynamics-of-consciousness counting being out of the scope of humanities ability to do, at this time. Creative bookkeeping still lands the clumsy ones in the hoosegow for doing a bad deed. For a while though, they rack up a bundle and the ones early into the Ponzi scheme run out early with a shit pile of money while the masses get left screaming to the government to cover their hard earned wages in a gambled market. Markets are a risk. Every one expects a return when they hand money over to another. But this generation isn't even content to receive back the capital they invested after a major upset. At least burying money in the soil is treasure, is it not?


Two is that humanity, souls, are filling the past not the future with going to hell. God Almighty gave His Word to the future. Creation is filling the void of His game plan. So God Almighty is even generous with physicists playing with time travel science fiction having a measure of truth. Are you dizzy yet?

Ending Black Holes Against Spirit

A gentle way of presenting this, think of awareness as being synonymous with energy and ability to discern light as Ggodliness. Righteousness is of course choosing to be the light in this context. Then it is easy to see how a Borg of awareness that once had discrete awareness of self is still energy to do work as spirit. Energy to do work is the beginning of understanding the Heavens.

In about two hundred years, mac and Pony will be able to sit down to solving some energy peccadillos on this planet with these insights correcting some misunderstood assumptions behind relativity. The assumption that the speed of light is constant is also wrong.

Following Up with Suspects
Letter to Trump

Trump's Nigger Notice