“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenThree Degrees Below Zero
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenThree Degrees Below Zero

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Three Degrees Below Zero

August 16, and September 1, 2022


The professor stands facing his black board initiating his first undergraduate dynamics lecture writing, "B.S." under that he writes, "M.S." then below that, as if he is writing a third grade arithmetic problem on the board, he writes, "Ph.D." By this time the class is watching for the summation line to be drawn and all of this education adds up to something.
The summation bar is not written. Above the three acronyms a line is drawn. Above the line the professor writes, zero, as an Arabic numeral. He turns to the class stoically stating, "That, is three degrees below zero."
Was this professor accusing academia of not producing learned individuals? Meaning go ahead, work for the paper that says Ph.D. It is meaningless. Or, alternatively was he saying, "The only way these three degrees are below zero is if they are presented in this way.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Three Degrees Below Zero

A Lawrence Bacow of Harvard I.O.U.

With a God Almighty lesson, this would be the Good Teacher place to separate the herd. Whether a student chooses righteousness or wickedness, the illustration allows the audience to be sorted to Satan's or the Lamb's side. Good is the one who takes the interpretation that leads to the fine reward. Fine is the matter of interpretation humanity is living.

A person not wired to education will say, "I don't need to do all this work." Right you are, go into your master. The person wired to education will say, "I need to work harder." Right you are, go in to your master, but over there past the obstacle course, and the dog-leg right, stay out of the bunkers, just keep going.

As far as making points is concerned, the point is made. But, let us make a federal case out of this. Because, the federal case has been made already in the Heavens and creation is living the consequence of the lessons of the Good Teacher being used to fuel all kinds of shit on this planet so flesh was motivated to reveal Spirit since mac's birth.

To Hell and Back

Should the first born of Sun and Moon have chosen to do Righteously, the reward was there to hold Light's place in the Heavens. The one who was the first born of God Almighty, the Light perceiving twin at war within Him, would have been handling creations centre had Satin chosen Righteousness. Light was in hell holding the place of creations centre without being a discrete being. The first born of Sun and Moon, the parent creative couple God Almighty and Light produced sacrificing Light, was given every advantage to love Light. Satan was identified in Genesis as the first Sprit, gGod, identifying name of human chronology. Adam was named first then Eve. It was not until Exodus that Moses own narrative over El Shaddai's proper name is articulated in human history.

mac lectured* the Pentagon on what it was for Light to be in a place of learning from God Almighty. Light, resurrected on Jesus death the Lamb -- with of course Jesus holding a Heavenly office as well when his blood died -- was created on day one. Light endured through death, and hell, so more than one being could be in existence. There came to be evening and there came to be morning means darkness set in once light came to be, that was the first prophecy of the Bible. Genesis 3:15 was prophecies later during the seventh day Sabbath of God Almighty.

The engineering of consciousness was perfected with Light's, Righteousness', sacrifice. Regardless of how a first born of a creative union turned out, Righteousness held a place in the Heavens. The key was protecting the first born's inheritance and enforce his choices. The law feeling sorry for what it judged was wicked is what initiated eroding law and enforcement invalidating democracy. Once judged wicked in Biblical Israel's day, stoning was in order. Was not Stephan stoned?

*If you, the reader, want those audio lectures, pester the Mossad. mac is really ticked at them. She has no desire to look on the face of anyone in Israel. She is still willing to look at Milley's kisser without socking it.

Show Time

An entire Broadway production entertains audiences with, 'You say potay-toe, I say potaa-toe.' Then of course we know, 'You say tomay-toe, I say tomaa-toe,' follows. mac's recollection is that this tune is from the Grace Kelly, Bing Crosby movie with the question of the song being, "Who wants to be a millionaire?" mac paused to remember the name of the movie with the feature song, "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" without Googling it, High Society. Satchmo did some in that picture. mac Googled that nick name spelling. mac added the "t."

mac was allowed to Google the spelling of Louie Armstrong's nick name. Then of course she was allowed to learn that the famous tune about produce was by Gershwins, George and Ira. The lyric has a variant spelling for only the repeated vegetable. Oh, tomato is a fruit.

Being high, or intoxicated, has nothing to do with what mac is about this morning nor any morning. Mary left off attempting to kill her daughter with psychedelics years ago. But, hey the therapeutic value of them 'shrooms -- nice touch, Ivy League. The Gershwin tune on produce was not in High Society. When an individual wants the Righteous reward the path is not straight.

mac's sophomore semester dynamics professor, she studied him and what he wrote, and she prayed without realising she was praying saying, "I guess education is what you make of it." Then she grieved for her professor, because, clearly, he hated his humble work that paid poorly for all that education. He must have been bitter over not becoming a basketball star. He told the class, interrupting mac's prayer, "If you want to make millions, invent a game." Dianna, the princess, died about that year.

mac knew she was in the right place. She was intrigued with the problems one could model solutions for, designing built products, with engineering knowledge put in practice. By that time in mac's life, she understood to be a millionaire meant selling ones soul to the devil, at least euphemistically. It was later in mac's life she invented a game. As far as she was concerned, it was the game Monopoly that set up the populous mentality that fed the housing market crash of '08. Pages of the truth of that understanding mac has already written. Her game is in a box labeled, "happy THANKSGIVING." She started developing Her game January of '09, and by the fall started learning economics at a Montana state university.

Enforcement Over "I Hate You"

The hindsight of an adult, mac, who remembered her professors introductory teaching moment, translates his remarks as, 'His parents wanted him to develop his mind.' His own grandchildren when they didn't succeed at, whatever, 'Made them happy' are now helping him live out his retirement. And that of course, is referencing, "him", in the generic sense, as a martyr for his generation's parental legacy. mac does not facebook the past. People lie about the success of their children to "prove" how good they are as parents.

It was his contempt over his profession that said to mac he should have been allowed to choose for himself. Would his parents have outlived him and forced him to develop his mind after a basketball scholarship dumped him over an injury?

This professor had righteous parents that passed on a legacy from the Lamb's holding the Heavens even with Satan as god of this world. They also supported his education rather than relying on the kismet of sport stardom providing their child's future. Children building their own family is righteousness. It is success to work for money out of necessity. Those that enjoy the necessity are happy with their success.

The Old Man Pants

On the subject of basketball, [According to Bacow, the segue topic is available. After all, basketball is in a sentence of this article, already.] are not those indecision shorts an oddity of fashion? Those dresses that flounce about shimmering in the stadium lights conceal and they are feminine. They also must be snug at the waist. For warfare this feminine approach does not work. Neither do stretch pants serve for males.

The exaggerated crotch of a dude with his pants hanging down is this an obvious reference to the implied freedom of his dangling manliness meant to relax in pasture breathing the open air like a mule penis. Yes, the baggy britches (oops, breeches) of the basketball inspired fashion world, are too an abomination. Males wearing their pants under their nipples is corruption too. There was a time when Protestant males simply refused to wear a dress. We agree, Trump's britches (oops, breeches) are reaching for his nipples.

You seemed to have decided long ago big belt buckles were tacky and only bronc riders at the rodeo seem to wear those. That helps identify the rider from the clown. Appropriate for prime time wrestling to adopt the mega buckle.

Numero Ocho

Now that We are on the subject of fucker fuckers -- having brought up Trump -- it is Putin's way of saying, "Fuck you, God" that amuses mac so. He is so proactive with the physical where others are just pusill. Biden is still trying to convince the world he is saving it by being Santa Clause, because the Pope refuses to be his business partner. Pelosi is obviously a whore that would be cast as Jezebel in the hands of every Hollywood producer, so we now understand why she chose a humble paying career of politics.

For a short while, the Lord, ran away to Putin, to Russia. The Lord however had other work to do. Imagine this if you can, the Lord did a Jonah act. The Lord is now Jehovah's slave. Recall, ye now, the beast of the Apocalypse, how John marvelled. The marvelling is a function of transformation. First the vision is all magnificence and grander that all love. Then the marvelling takes a turn of mystery because the vision morphs into awe striking terror. Where the eighth king of fame, that y'all wanted to make from flesh, is concerned, now the mystery is solved. It is the Lord. How this eighth king strikes you is a function of your respect of God Almighty.

As far as the Pentagon is concerned, these stupid fuckers did one better than Biden and Pelosi, they honestly thought after rendering Spirit useless in the world of warcraft they were going to raise themselves up a martyr in Spirit. Then they would live happily ever after playing war with their plastic soldiers proudly on display like in a museum. mac they intended to be their martyr once she began offering peace. Then of course mac was resurrected to immortality. Sprit needed a saviour.

More On Force

The included letter summarises the events of the coming decades. The populous at large will of course be eating and drinking, being taken and given in marriage, do the works of the flesh, and do work for flesh. Disease, wars, pestilence, death, and interaction with Spirit are part of the program as democracy is ended. The Professional Golfers Association and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society will also be receiving collection letters akin to what Dave Leach received.

Letter to Greyhound
Putin has a fan.

Black Lives Matter Saboteur