“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenLarry, Darrel, and Darrel
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenLarry, Darrel, and Darrel

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Larry, Darrel, and Darrel

August 21 and September 14, 2022


An eight ounce glass sits on a table with four ounces of fluid. The participants in the question of the partially filled glass are focussed on making an accusation of character, if they can. So are you an optimist, or pessimist? It isn't about a glass half full or half empty. It is about the glass shattered because there was no other means to empty the glass of solution, at that time. The non destructive solution, poor out the contents was not even considered.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Larry, Darrel, and Darrel

Legal Council, Take a Crap
(mac intended to write "Takes" and later added the comma)

The future of law in America even for JAGs. You need a barrister? All Jurist Doctorates earned in America are worth the pages of Sears and Roebuck Catalogue sheets in an outhouse.

"Larry, Darrel, and Darrel," is a humorous reference if one remembers what Bob Newhart's writers made funny with eighties television. Larry, Darrel, and Darrel were New England backwood rednecked Americans importunely visiting Dick and Joanna. How is it that television comedy in America speaks to the masses? The same way movies in America speak to the masses. The creative inspiration is from the divine.

America, Russia, and the British Commonwealth - U.K. Extended, built up military might raping mac as an infant. Larry, Darrel, and Darrel is Hollywood's Godly illustrative view of what God deemed America, Russia, and the British Commonwealth's militaries were when He held a polite opinion of them.

Not that Funny

An internet reality show might be capable of a pay-per-view trio of genuine Godly perspective. Viewers are jaded enough, today, to handle the vileness of those nations ahead of their time like unto a darker Leonardo da'Vinci for commercial success. People view dirt to wash their conciseness in private, because to begin with; the viewer's proclivities are so vile they needed a more vile monster to say, pray, internally, "At least I have never been that bad nor treated anyone else that badly." Recreational drugs and certainly alcohol, in its fermented form, does not dose the doer a clean conscience.

Wormwood is the apocalyptic beverage from John's prophecy and Absinthe, even as a ritual today, does not wash a conscience. You fucked your selves with medicine that badly in the divine to loose that Absinthe ritual. Then you lost what was even stronger than Absinthe. At first an arrow, then a bullet, then a cannon, then a torpedo, then a missile. Now, it takes the Christ to send the missile.

Funny Girls

Put three horror flick monsters together and you have a better view, but you need to add in the characteristics of the baby-raping pædophiles of internet porn slash films for a the Truth of who those three national military agencies are in God Almighty's view. Fredy, Harry, and Harry will work in a situation comedy today. mac was not about to google the spelling of Harry's last name. It could have been spelled r-h-e-m-e-s or r-e-a-m-s based on phonetics. She opted for first name use figuring readers would understand the Krueger reference and military would certainly know porn Harry's surname, at least theatrically.

Staying filthy mattered more to military fucker fuckers than forgiveness in exchange for stop doing your filthiness.

Removing the Bark

As it is, Milley understands excorticating a human, like Trump, still does not cure that fucker fucker from being filthy. And Milley, in this scenario, is doing a service for the nation just getting rid of that monster. The problem is that even his service still didn't deliver the Holy stoning that is due Trump. Clan Obama, clan Biden, clan Clinton, clan Kennedy, clan Bush, clan Windsor, clan Favre, clan Pelosi, clan Abbott, all these clans of fucker-fuckers, but wait their are more diviners plundering the Holy House of Jerusalem, niggers in the Biblical sense, need stoning from their parent. But, hark, what light through yonder darkness cometh, who really is their parent with authority to stoneth they?

Waesucks! Mary McRae came into the world with a Holy office to perform. The Lamb held the heavens. Satan was god of the world and the Pope held the human, fleshly with his demons, god of the world post that was weakened. Catholics recognized the gGodliness of the war do over, bank-rolling a bundle. Forty-two, October thirty-one that wicked spirit-shit soul antichrist trio came into the world refusing obedience to Jehovah on every level.

Soothing Aroma to the LORD

mac waxed poetically over the value of a cigarette to a soldier staving his appetites. There was a time when a person stamped out a cigarette butt in a prayer that meant, "God, why this cigarette, I need food, and someone to love." When was the last time you saw someone stamp out a cigarette butt?

Smoke includes an aroma. Aromas wift into the Heavens passing the firmament. There is a transition that occurs, sun accounts and returns light, power to the earth. That physicists do not account for anything meeting God in His highest does not stop the process. The aroma to the LORD Levites produced in Biblical Israel was required to be pleasing. This is why Ggod created humanity with olfactory senses. How the schnozz striketh the observer, and self, is the chemistry of amour. God is a big fan of l-o-v-e-LINK. So the eyes rightly needed to be pleased.

Theosophy that begets those that are stoned by their Lord reveals the answer to the antichrist paternal houses of the -ites of, "Are you My mother?" or baby bird syndrome. Mary is after her birthright and the Lamb is in office with his first bride, Mary. She, Mary, is the significance of king David never holding office with Saul's daughter after she hated him for rejoicing over the ark.

"What do you mean smoke does not belong to Me!?" Cuts in Mary from the womb when the Lamb is explaining the limits to her present office. She was in a wilderness of isolation and She was being debriefed on the Heavenly changes.

"Others have precedence before you. You must restore smoke to Holy office first before it can be yours."

"What is this restore it? Earth, wind, and fire; fire includes smoke and that's for Me too!"

"Mary, Holiness must be restored first before these can be given." The Lamb continues his petition.

"'Given', what is this giving?"

"Mary, restore the Holy vessels of Heavenly Jerusalem and all earths gifts are yours."

"Restore Jerusalem. Why do you need flesh to restore anything? You fucking impotent weakling." Even Sprit knows not to touch this dialogue with comment, and Mary rails, "You hand Me My smoke, with everything else that's mine or I will kill you."

Now all creation has Mary's theosophy from the womb. Mary hated being required to make anything Holy. The problem for Mary, even Satan needed the Holy things restored first, or flesh was going to be divining the destruction of the planet and that meant God Almighty leaving his Sabbath, no Sprit wanted that. That was the mega, "Wait till you father gets home declaration of all time."

What is worse than the father coming home? Holy Mother of God, the Christ! Ah, Mary, all that you have earned is coming to you. The coup d'etat of Mary's crimes? Stealing Lucille's will murdering her for Peor. Satan, Terry, was needed on that deal too. Mary hated cigarette smoke because it was not worship for her. Holy aroma to the LORD was one of the lost treasures. It too was looted from the Heavens. Why the Christ? Because, the Christ was the only being with authority to restore the Holy use of Heavenly vessels.


Why is the Christ such a torment to flesh? She does not accept spiritual forms worship. You want spiritual gifts from mac, you turn over every ounce of property you have to her, with all rights in perpetuity and income you hold, free and clear, and She will provide you sustenance as you do the work of cleaning up your fucking mess, avoiding being stoned.

Jesus was not in a place to give spiritual gifts such as, right hand of God seating in the Heavens. This was the office belonging to the Christ and, of course, She does not give away anything more than dumb looks -- on a case by case bases -- from the Heavens. Obama and Biden have earned a shit-ton of dumb looks. They, with other -ites, plundered the Heavens, then needed back what they destroyed.

Apocrypha Explain an Arguments Foundation

What Ted U.S. died accomplishing, among other things, was restoring mac's place of obedience, rightfully held by the feminine one, according to natural use, to her husband. What was Jesus being challenged with? "We know damned well when Queen of Heaven is on the earth, she will be the husband, have headship." The resurrection the learned rabbis referenced in their leading question to Jesus was the Lamb resurrected in the heavens.

The age of darkness in the Heavens was over, for a time with the Lamb's resurrection. Then, of course, Satan had the god of the world business, the Lamb kept a reign on the ability flesh had to even understand, "You go to hell for that shit stupid." Understanding there was a Divine penalty, like Saint Peter at the gate, meant a human would refrain from doing adultery, lying, and murder because, by gumption, hell would catch them when the law did not see them. People had a conscience with the Lamb in Heavenly office to preserve their flesh, counter balancing what the sin in their blood with their conscience, ggod they hosted, would have allowed.

At transfiguration of Jesus the womb was subdued in the Heavens, in the wilderness, and the Lamb was put in her place. That was the Lamb's first resurrection. When mac was resurrected immortal the Lamb received Eternity. Jesus demonstrated obedience to Wisdom, Righteousness. This restored the Lamb subduing the womb of creation in heaven. When Jesus died that was the end of the creative union of Heaven. Jesus being elevated off the ground during his transfiguration is the Heavenly significance clue.

The learned scholars of Jesus day posed a falsehood in the question they asked using the husband and resurrection reference. The problem was the woman in their illustration was forced to be the husband, take headship, she would be no ones wife. She needed to be. That she was forced to be a husband was a twist against righteousness that needed to be amended. Now the readers understand two truths about what volumes on nothing have been written.

A show about nothing. Yes, that's a hit for antichrist's seed to grown wealthy on. Seinfeld, you are not that funny. At least your writers understood truth in the final episode ending the show identifying the gang those characters constituted. Social indifference, it is time you saw in yourselves the obvious each and every one. How greedy you are to murder mac even mock her covenant with the LORD to survive. Too bad the judges of today are perverted beyond recognition of the obvious that Seinfeld's writers delivered, finally. The case against America's Justice Department is closed.