“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenKing Maker
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenKing Maker

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

King Maker

August 2, 2021, September 20, and 30, 2022


Obviously seeing mangled bodies from tortured metal for impaired driving does not prevent an individual from taking their first hit; being invincible or fine, and hitting the pavement or sending someone else there from the comfort of their automobile. Recall driver education including efforts to scare a person straight?
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

King Maker

The Disintegration of the Blue in America

Recall driver education including efforts to scare a person straight? What happens when after the first escape from horrid consequences, that should have accompanied the intoxicated driving, a person wakes up in their own bed, and realizes they really needed that night out. They took a risk, but nothing bad happened. Really? The stage is now set for some bad habits related to invincibility, as in living without caution or innocence, that eventually flesh experiences the consequence for. Bad association spoils useful habits.

At the Greyhound Station in Dallas, mac moved about in the clustered groups crowding the station at midnight that all understood, individually, "I am a better person than you. You obviously abuse this economical means of travel without the risk of flying." Crowds aside, a stranger asks mac -- as she is obviously milling about hovering near her charging cell phone -- gruffly the question making the statement, "Why don't you sit down."

mac sized him up and She observed the young obese hold-the-basketball-rim-down youth She bussed from Houston with, then gregariously quipped in equal strong voice, "Because I Am afraid of black men." He laughed, both did, shaking their heads. Then mac took the seat between them while remarking, "You're not buying that are you?" "Uh-uh" was his strong reply squeezing the tears of laugher from his eyes. mac will tell you, diplomacy is in the delivery.

mac talked to both and both had a story to share as conversation moved across the three of them. The vocal usher turned out to be a trucker who had his Jesus-took-the-wheel moment hours earlier heading into Louisiana on the I-20 while making a last run before returning to Houston to be at his daughter's wedding. He described driving down the road and his front passenger wheel roll off its axle. He was doing about seventy. Anyone who knows the I-20 knows traffic was most likely tracking at about eighty late in the evening. He was able to pull his tracker and loaded trailer off to the shoulder without engaging another vehicle. They both made the simultaneous joke about having an extra pair of pants was handy. Thankfulness to the LORD over no casualties he repeated. That was how he ended up on the Greyhound. His tractor was being repaired and his daughter's wedding was hours away.

mac asked him if his truck was waited as he described how his steering felt before he realized the wheel was lost. "Yeah, full capacity." mac interjected "That did it. You had enough tongue weight to keep you tracking on your driver wheel and prevent overturning the nose." He then explained how he had a near miss early in his life and said, "Never again am I disrespecting the road." It was before he obtained his commercial drivers licence decades ago and he boasted an excellent record. mac told him "That vow of never again, the way you committed yourself to never being intoxicated on the road or taking chances, that was what saved you." Indeed, that is why Jesus took the wheel.

Black and White

There is a natural propensity for people to look at mac for her approval. Generally mac makes clear, "Oh, was it difficult? Good for you for enduring what was difficult." When one does not eat they expect to be hungry. If they expect to feel full when they have not eaten they need to alter their mind to be thin. Remember phen-phen? There was a time when people understood, thinness with strength was health. They also understood nursing their infants improved the health of the mother and her child. Cause and effect in the world changed.

A heavy person, by the time we hit the nineties, was considered strong even healthy [They were happy eating a Big Mac. And happiness is so very important.] because on their inertia alone they could move a couch. What was the problem? They did not get off their ass to vacuum or sweep under their couch. How healthy is that tele-tubby? How healthy is sponge bob? How about squishmallows for pictures of health? When was the last time you saw a Mexican in Walmart that did not resemble a squishmallow? The head is the last place on the body to reflect weight gain unless your chin and neck are sensitive to reflecting belly fat.

You want to solve your problem of being obese? Are you white, as in, does your skin burn in the sun without sunscreen, or freckles, or peels after working in the sun without protection? Are you black? As in, when you spend the same amount of time as your white neighbour in the sun you become richer in skin tone and not fried pink like the sun scorched you? Then here is your black and white guide to diet. This means brown is black and being an Oriental is white.

Are you black? You can eat grain. Wheat, rice, corn, barley, oats are food for you. What is the problem? The regions where grain is grown are predominately in the Northern hemisphere and you, being black, come from kings of the south. What does the white skinned person do? Feed you like you are livestock because it is cheap. That white person, forcing you to eat like livestock for survival, is a nigger, in the Biblical sense.

Are you white? As in, you are not black. Grains induce your body to swell with immune responses and shut down your metabolism subjecting you to inability to fight disease. You might make a paste of some grains for transdermal application, to force an injury on your skin so your immune system can digest bad cells. It might be that God needs to put grain in you, white person, to force your body to raise its defences, or to shut down your bodies ability to fight disease so you die. Grain forces your body to obesity.

A white person can eat tubers, roots. As in white people can eat what grows in the dirt. A black person eating what grows in the dirt poisons themselves the same as if they were white eating grain.

What can all enjoy, sans some real abnormalities, what grows on vines, trees, and bushes, as well as, what swims in the sea, or travels on land, or swarms in the sky. The eggs and milk are also food for all. If it grows in the dirt like a peanut, black man don't eat that. If it grows like a grass with a seed as grain, even big like corn, white man don't eat that. How it grows is the distinction. No grain also means do not eat the grain oil or the peanut oil likewise. Grape seed oil is good for all. A root flower a black person needs to avoid. A grain flower a white person needs to avoid. That is your black and white guide to health. The description of how your largest organ behaves in the sun is also the Biblical definition of black and white.

Candid Interviews

At the post office on Everhart a bell ringer for the "Believe in Barbara" Canales campaign greeted the "jar head", mac, at the post office. They took their ensuing conversation outside; as the local channel six and ten news bimbo was covering the postal cost increase story. mac is a familiar face and figure about the community and Mark E. Gurgevich seized on figuring out who this oddity really was. He did tell Her, 'She was the kind of gregarious personality that he would have wanted as a general.'

The upshot of mac's paying attention to the narratives of Gurgevich, Air Force second generation, who wanted to be a Marine -- and listened to his father, meant dutifully following up on his request for a card. As in he asked her for a card early in speaking with one another. He also invited mac to text him her contact information. That invitation mac could not accept. He wouldn't simply put her information in his phone with her standing there. But, he assured her many times he was her brother and him and his marines, all veterans, would be to her aid if ever she needed just text. She explained the Pentagon had first right of refusal on coming to her "aid."

Gurgevich and Dukes differed in opinion over the phonetics of m-i-l-l-e-y. mac calls Milley, mY-lEE. Gurgevich didn't correct her he simply talked later about how does mill-LAY measure up to his post with only three years of combat. mac nodded, "I know that is thin" was her agreement and they switched topics when she related being concerned over soldiers being capable of combat with his leadership example. Gurgevich admired warfare, guns, the second amendment, but, understood from his core how to interpret the wisdom of his father before he followed his father in the Air Force.

Gurgevich related to Dukes the pride he has in displaying the Marine Corp decal on his truck. The night before he enlisted, his Air Force pilot father, poked his sons shoulder stating, "I don't want you coming home like that" when a news broadcast on television featured marines coming home in pine boxes. Young Mark knew, if I join the Marines, I will be dead. He went to the Air Force recruiters and "someone" made sure his file was "red-lined." He was not allowed to go to Vietnam no matter how many times he went into the commanders office requesting going to Nam. Finally the commander told him, "You see your file? I do not know who you know, but stop coming into my office because we can't send you to Nam."

Gurgevich related the early-woke-racial politics of the military's position that ended his military career earlier than anticipated, for him. mac in hindsight as an adult in prayer to ITZA earlier this very day expressed, "As a grown man, learning the lessons of accountability that he has, potentially recognizing his own choices at the time that ended his career, would he rend a garment? Or, realize there was another way to earn recognition and serve? He may have been going into his commanders office because he wanted more of a duty assignment in the Air Force than he held. He was asking for it in the way a young person often does, "Notice me." Not, 'I have been reading and reviewing such and such in military policy, sirs, and while I am grateful for my work, I would like to be more actively engaged in da da da.'" Who other than mac says stuff like that? Going to Nam, as a Marine two outcomes, other than the pine box were possible, MIA or keep serving until returning home injured. Gurgevich was not wicked in choosing to serve in the Air Force.

The problem the Marines have is command that promotes fornication. Even when an individual takes the moral high road of keeping it in his pants, he has fellow soldiers who need him to do the nasty too, to increase the number of targets, or so they can throw the weak fornicator in the pack, into disaster to save themselves. Death to Fucking Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer for Top Gun, All of It! Not fornicating is how you come home alive, guaranteed! That is mac's command. Battle, Win, Live, Repeat!

After writing the above, mac realizes she has wanted to pen those very words for some time. It is time for prayer. "You mother fucking bastard, Milley! How dare you call yourself worthy of Uniform! You defile every one you put on you nigger. Rend a God damned garment asshole. It's fine with Me if the dildo loving bitch you married dies young. I won't ask questions, hell has a place for her. Harness yourself bastard! And I will spit on that bitch you married for you and I will beat the crap out of her so she drops to her knees in anticipation of your penis in her mouth, for her very pleasure of serving you, the second you are at your own front door!

Have I just made My position on wives clear? Suck, serve, do, enjoy, give it up for, and pleasure your husbands. If you sucked his dick to get into that marriage or took it in the ass, that is not a boundary cunt! c-u-n-t is still the greatest ugly word for a female that does not serve her spouse. Milley, your wife is a CUNT! Are we clear now you fornicating sack of shit? In Jesus name ITZA I have more to share. I leave My Psalm against the Mr and Mrs Milley's perversions against humanity and the United States Military in your hands. If the cunt is ever in mine, I want My combatant training first."

Gurgevich does hold a place of responsibility and leadership in Texas, even during civil war time to come. What is mac responsible for doing? Seeing to it he is empowered with all others from the Heavens as they should have been. Their power was stricken over Mary's corruption that allowed Trump to form his baby raping qngmic pact to make up for Mary's failure as a Heavenly fiduciary. Nineteenth Hole will cover how Mary murdered the Moon by taking a nose dive into a shit pile with the Moon diving in to save Adam, humanity. Mary of course was too vile to touch. The Moon was torn to pieces by the graven vipers digesting outside the Holy city. Satan wasn't about to prevent the destruction of the Moon's gametes and took the life giving water. God Almighty preserved the seed with His covenant over the situation. Mary was in the wilderness unit her conception.

You need to feel the Moon's destruction Mefucka Trump. You with all your sisters. You in no way deserve the letters l-a-n-i. Yes, Mrs Milley, you are a sister to Mefucka and enemy to Me, H. L. MacRae Dukes, the Holy Mother of God, Christ. You have many sisters, "sister." To be clear, "sister" is a gender reference only between Me and every female the world over. Beating you black and blue with your dildo seems like a good evening adventure for the right gangsters. Women like you, Mrs Milley, have worked to be raped to death without you having the value of sacrifice. In your own marriage, if you played a little rough, it would do you both good. On account of, you would both be sore and walking funny. That is how a dance move is invented.

Returning to mac's Texas neighbour Mark, his father with others knew the Marine Corps was, and is, the sacrifice mill. A sacrifice is unblemished. With a human this means they are also educated as well as their vanity is not stricken. A good bull in the temple was halter broke even standing for slaughter. That last barb was a reminder of what it meant to take ones finest livestock to be sacrificed. That was the blue-ribbon winning animal at the fair. That animal was bread into the herd for its couple of years and then rotated out to the temple. Even the young sacrifice was unblemished and trained.


mac understood her choice, mY-lEE, versus observing m-i-l-l clearly in the name Milley as a syllable was her own design under God Almighty. It was the -ey suffix, as it were, and the way ll is often a glottal sounding y in Spanish, with trying to asses the i sound. Then of course mac had a Team God moment in her dictionary and broke down the Bucket Woman -- Keeping Up Appearances -- way of saying, milL-Leh which sounds like, "I lay the military." And of course Team God makes clear, yes, Milley has fucked the military and is now dealing with the Scary Marine. Another way to understand annunciating Milley is like, Willy with an M. So Milly do you wear dresses to Sunday school?

The Team God assessment of the name Milley is as so. "M" is for ma'ma or mi as an alternate of my. Continuing from "M" is ill. That, of course, meaning evil. The last letters ey mean egg. That mac sees m-i-l-l-e-y and chose mY-lEE for her own annunciation is what has saved that worthless mother fucker thus far.

Give Me One Reason to Stay Here

Abram and Sari, Sun (earth's) and Venus, from the land of the Chaldean's. Ah, what Nebuchadnez'zar understood to appreciate and recognize the God of the Hebrews as the true God. Daniel knew to speak well of the king saying, may this dream be for your enemies. Daniel delivered the weighty message. Nebuchadnez'zar was growing haughty against God and humility was in order. The God of the Hebrews was making clear, He raises kings.

The United States Military does not have a choice in fulfilling Jehovah's kingdom. Nor are they allowed to be disintegrated by anyone other than the LORD, Jehovah, in any way other than how he sees fit to do so. It was Babylon's successor, Medo-Persia, that funded the rebuilding of Jerusalem, city and walls. This included restoring a remnant population of former exiles to the region.

North America is the land God has to give to the head of gold today. The LORD's Scary Marine is making the inroads to disintegrate the agencies maintained by the ranking civilians. mac Dukes as High Priest is the Commander in Chief of the United States Military and they are headed to the scrap-yard. mac does not even need a minute of face-time with Milley to see to it the Berkley Pit is a more remarkable historical landmark than the Pentagon building. Milley needs face time with mac to prevent being that spectacle. Mrs. Milley needs to wear a burka, with all other military wives, in site of mac until all these Mrs. Milley's have, together with their respective Mr. Milley's: formed three minutes of original dance moves for a masque ball.

Focusing Again on the 'Fuck Hole', Corpus Christi

The analogy of relevance between mac and God almighty is wine press not meat grinder. But, it is okay to substitute, for reader clarity. Not everyone understands a screw used in machinery crushing material pushing it through a vat orifice. mac and God Almighty have a running commitment between them. As long as She is not a third rate screw, She is happy to be a part of His press squeezing the blood to the hight of the horses bridles. He just needs to keep rousting Her every day to face the fucker fuckers of the world headed to destruction. In other words, as long as She is the best screw that could ever exist for twisting those mother fucking monsters into the soil with their own blood flowing into rivers, She loves God Almighty.

The pitch is like so, "You are very beautiful. I have been observing you as you move about town, and I can tell..." His oration continued with varying detail of who he was, with how he has grown from a few humbling experiences and mac translates thusly his two hours of introducing himself at Starbucks, 'if you put your self in my hands, with my divine knowledge of "God" and the magnificent way I can teach you how to adorn yourself, helping you spend your wages, why, with my penis, we will be happy as you learn how "God" is helping you see how beautiful you really are with me extorting you.'

The first two sentences of that narrative along with six times of inserting the phrase "I love You" and "you are probably the most brilliant woman I have ever met" won mac's attention for Mr. Mackerel -- he introduced himself, finally, as Matthew -- and his place in a Herald article. His commercial interruption, at the very least, delayed a day this very article. mac understood she was really facing down Mary's planned debaucheries against Jehovah's kingdom built with John Phane of Big Bear Lake California.

Mr. Mackerel is the key pimp growing the human trafficking ring the Corpus Christi Police Department funds at the Pier 99 restaurant on North Beach adjacent to the Lexington. Mr. Mackerel works with tubby the grouse "FDNY" chief of Corpus Christi. Joe the dishwashing fucker, one of the rings toady's, attempted to recruit mac as a whore back in March. She finally subdued his aggressive stern padding and his hand waving with close contact attempts at attention, yelling back, "Oh, Joe, you are a chihuahua going after a doberman" while walking away from Joe's third aggressive effort to breach mac's person.

(Mr. Goodman of Coronado, the Presbyterian minister serves the same purpose with his fat wife as Joe. Mr Mackerel of Coronado is Steve Mullins, San Diego fire department retired.) When tubby the grouse needs to retire these Joe's they tend to get a little greedy looking to build flesh pots of their own. mac met old Joe too. Old Joe disgraces the United States Army. His benefits need to end.

There is a little known truth about Jehovah's church of true religion. It is the United States Military. When people leave alive, they become apostate. mac offered what she could for Mark Gurgevich. All reserves are apostates sitting on the fence to be spit out of the mouth of Jesus. As mac is editing her volume contents to date, in the weeks to come, her Nineteenth Hole articles she will draft at leisure releasing them online when she can squeeze Matthew's head off his shoulders and bleed him into the soil, legally. mac is being patient with Mark's need to hug his sister, but Matthew Mackerel brushing mac's shoulder meant he, with five others, are early bleeders of the Holly Warfare Campaign in America. Sadly, General Mark Milley, like Austin is an apostate and is as disgusting as the reserves. Berger, McConville, Brown Jr. and Gilday, stop associating with these vile betrayers of Jehovah's kingdom.

Following Up with Suspects
Card to Gurgevich

Thank's A Shit-Ton