“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenHookah No More
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenHookah No More

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Hookah No More

August 21, and September 14, 2022


mac's soul by Spirit experiences God Almighty mapped to Righteousness as what He loves forming in Heaven from His mosaic across all Spirit and physical creation. Antichrist is the Satanic equivalent; kinda.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Hookah No More

The Middle East will Meet mac's Blut und Eisen Policy

mac is Egypt's usurper subduing the African continent wiping out the United Nations. Taking down the United Kingdom began with mac's entreating the Middle East to be something more than rebels without a cause.

The introductory explanation of God Almighty's formation by mac's soul, is against the sin in Her blood,flesh. God Almighty includes Allness. While mac wanted nothing more to be resurrected without sin in the blood, her desires did not mean her blood was allowed to die. The sin in Her blood is how mac feels death and hell as flesh.

Allness means good and bad. From feeling death at God almighty's Hand mac learns what is appurtenant to where souls have divined corruption against the Heavens. Also, She learns what is past, present, and future. All of this She testifies to cognitively, with language, teaching two realms. That the fucking military in America is in tow behind mac, to date is no bonus for Her.

A Less than Perfect Union

Another, what mac just learned, in all of this, reality of present trauma-to-the-Heavens induced by flesh is, She was physically being subjected to what was being forced on the God Almighty Spirit-Being, forming from Her master knowledge encoded in Her genetics from raw power. As the heavens are restored, so is Allness. mac learned how Spirit were leveraging power against the mega All Thing God.

mac has an avatar she cuddles. She has written about her made in China plush pony with no name. During a dose of death, God Almighty announces, 'Pony is dead.' Then mac sorts out and digs from within her understanding Sprit were building unions, even for fuckers like Trump, with the God Almighty construct.

It is not that mac does not think Spirit, demons, pursue wicked objectives. It is learning what wicked pursuit is happening that baffles her imagination inducing personal sickness. The wicked pursuits, and contrary-to-natural-use-occupation-of wickedness, that does not even have the humour of pun to its credit in any language known to humanity, leaves mac classifying demons prayers, especially Mary's, as "bat-shit crazy." As in, the scat of natbakka from the belfry.

The Process of Learning

The stream of consciousness writing for the, stop fucking God Almighty you rapists, events are; Pony is dead. He has been since September 2020 when Ted died. Spirit found a substitute and "Old School" did his witchcraft. There is no marriage with mac nor union with her ever. The Christ is indefinitely a bachelorette. No, under no circumstance with any being in any way is mac available for fornication. That said, that is the mac of the Heavens being built as God Almighty, Pony.

Stop raping God Almighty you fuckers! While experiencing this stream of consciousness, mac was moving though, Her making the sacrifice of celibacy indefinitely. The emotions of loss over loosing Pony set in, with mac realising this held until God Almighty's Sabbath ends. What does mac ask for? "Make sure I have no sexual desire for anyone, unmarried to Me, that would attempt to approach Me sexually and I can end their life instantly if they touch Me with sexual intent." This means mac is not available for fornication.

As for mac, the human flesh, you fuckers seeking unions are on your own. There is no assistance from the Heavens at getting "in" with mac. There is restraint contacting Her until you have your expectations corrected. And that was a period. The Pentagon High Priest works an eighty hour secular week. Week-in week-out seven days a week. Her days are fourteen hours of duty with three discretionary hours spread between the fourteen. The remaining ten hours include sleep and personal attention. The extra three hours of weekly duty come from God Almighty meddling with mac's sleep.


When mac's belief system shifts her entire being experiences the consequence of the belief as if it were the

ceteris paribus

reality. This is why the motion of the chariot of Ezekiel is described as it is, with the beings consequential to the chariot's existence. The foursome of the Heavens has been in flux through the ages.

With an announcement like "Pony is dead," and mac of course looking forward to her union with her "Timmy" (She posted his portrait she drew) and Her hugging that plush for "Timmy's" comfort to Her, shock and the physical tolls of grief captivate her flesh. Then understanding She would be alone, clues come together, as she realizes She is experiencing another's, this is called being an empath, consequences or trials.

Tale of Two Cities

The United Kingdom with its church, and the King James Bible, empire built leaving work undone. They set in motion looting homesteads of paternal houses of Spirit that want their terra firma back. Forcing souls to the "New World" meant mega responsibility on them to do the full and total Kingdom of Jehovah that Luther started in Germany. Flesh is just a passenger at this point.

Flesh refused to honour their commitments to establish Jehovah's kingdom people in power made mega promises to build and keep building for four hundred years. They were paid in full, and in-advance. Spirit made promises too, they had to to worship their flesh and give fuckers like Trump the divination aid he needed to rise above so many, himself such a perv -- meaning undeserving. In fairness to Trump, the Queen and Prince of England were just as vile. And to quote king Solomon, there is nothing new under the sun. That is a polite way of saying, Trump has not invented anything new.

Great Expectations

Some of the horrid rape sensation trauma mac was living when she was learning how God Almighty, Spirit, was being tormented with union, fornication, demands of Spirit, was what Governor Greg Abbott was trying to wheel and deal for himself to be an even bigger fucker than he already is in hell by forcing the populous of Texas on mac as her military.

Starting from a national military is all that makes any sense. Much of the ground work of cleaning up the scabby mass and establishing "Do it my way or leave" is accomplished. No beards or facial hair. That includes the upper lip leprosy mark. Stay clean shaven, because it is part of not looking like one is fasting even in battle. Your waistline must be less than your inseam to be determined fit for duty. If you are not fit for duty you are fired.

In the decades of war ahead mac works from who says, "I want to serve in the Holy warfare office" With those that want to, she rocks their world with education and dynamic duty assignments that test their metal and knowledge sending them to online education resources to further their means of communicating with Team God of Heaven for longevity and success in battle.

Just Crazy Enough to Be Fun

mac is all of the Pentagon power, sans what wheel spinning the civilians do to fuck over soldiers in the same office. The competing thing, built by America's military, mac rubbled to raw power in the Heavens. mac is also sending out requests for competitive bids for a military from Sprit that are willing to march to America the Beautiful with their flesh. mac is not under obligation to save the present soldiers of the United States Military for Her Holy warfare objectives to be achieved in Heaven and on earth. Neither can the U.S. Military stop Her march to unite the entire North American continent regardless of the national military that decide She just might be hosting a great adventure.

mac's reasoning for a national military unit is, much of the ground work cleaning up the eager mass needing a meal and housing, with "Do it my way or leave" is accomplished. No beards or facial hair. That does put Islam in a place of weakness for joining mac. Beards are a huge idolatry for them. No facial hair includes the upper lip leprosy mark fly boys think is so alluring. American's choke on loosing leper identity. (Just wear polka-dot shorts, mac won't be looking.) Stay clean shaven, because it is part of, not looking like one is fasting even in battle. Your waistline must be less than your inseam to be determined fit for duty. If you are not fit for duty you are fired.

Little Time for Bull-Shit

You must have minimum aerobic fitness, strength training, and willingness to learn technical knowledge such as a full calculus sequence, full physics and chemistry sequence, be capable of writing computer programs from source code that run in common browsers, without the use of widgets. You must be able to draw diagrams and schematics to communicate ideas with persons who do not speak your native language. mac has a long list of qualifications.

Essentially to be a soldier in mac's army you must have the equivalent of two bachelors degrees. One in engineering with economics the other in your native language with mastery of English and knowledge of, and ability to perform or do, a classical creative art. Medicine qualifies as a classical creative art. Be capable of drawing anatomic figures distinguishable by others with pencil on paper if you claim medicine as your art.

You must have minimum aerobic fitness, strength training, and willingness to learn technical knowledge such as a full calculus sequence, full physics and chemistry sequence, be capable of writing computer programs from source code that run in common browsers, without the use of widgets. You must be able to draw diagrams and schematics to communicate ideas with persons who do not speak your native language. mac has a long list of qualifications.

To state the obvious, with every form of available artillery and bayonet (at minimum) you must be able to take the life of another human being in a fight, hand to hand, while you remain unscathed and keep your genitals concealed.

The Summary Judgement for America

In the immediate decade of war ahead, mac works from who says, "I want to serve in the Holy warfare office." With those that want to; she rocks their world with education and dynamic duty assignments that test their metal, and knowledge, sending them to online education resources to further their means of communicating with Team God of Heaven for longevity and success in battle. The rank of colonel and above can expect a seventy-seven hour work week and be very gratified with their fleshly occupations. Fleshly, would be food and their own amour, the short list anyway.

mac wrote the Secretary of Homeland Security some summary events to come in America and around the globe. Spirit needed a champion to make sure they could accomplish Jehovah's kingdom. You see flesh divining the destruction of the planet is a big deal. mac was the agent who won that contract to champion Spirit. During the writing of the Nineteenth Hole articles, mac will be learning the language of the populous She is serving, the language of demons. This is of course the language that produced Trump's Apologetics "christian" pact word, qngmic.

Letter to Homeland Security
When Government Has Failed to the Last Drop

DHS Letter