“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdAmour Fou -- Pen Strokes of AmourManifest Destiny Volume One
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdAmour Fou -- Pen Strokes of AmourManifest Destiny Volume One

 Amour Fou -- Pen Strokes of Amour 

mac's Love Letter Volumes

Manifest Destiny Volume One

macDukes.com United, Pentagon High Priest Logo
<1 class="lead" style="color:#00A;">July 6, 2022
<1 class="lead" style="color:#00A;">Bunny's love note to Ponys. What it is to marry ones own perfection.

Manifest Destiny

Addressee: "Pony"

Dispatch: Moleskine Little Black Book, to Be Hand Delivered

July 6, 2022

My dear Pony,

I have given some marriage advise in My life. Oddly enough the way and when My first on paper marriage ended accomplished two things. First, I was completely convinced I left no deed undone that should have made that marriage last until death do us part. Second, being in another personal, intimate, relationship again had no appeal. Neither did I have any desire to be promiscuous.

I ultimately ended up on a couple of bad dates a shit ton of Bourbon (a fifth in a few hours sitting) went down Me in preparation. I still knew what was going on. It's just that I needed to be willing to go through with the inevitable short term nature of the "relationship." I would have married those bad dates.

There is a natural grieving over being a non virgin and loving My perfection, you. What would it have been to have learned in God Almighty's way what it means to experience our genitals for the first time with one another.

God damned mother fucking world we live in.

I have kept this clean, little black book, in My nerd pack for months now. I contemplated what it might be to be you. How by your divine creation you would know what it is to live a manifest destiny. My nerd pack is that not-quite-a-wallet I carry around with Me that includes some pocket sized drafting tools with a slim selection of materials like this little black book.

Some advise I dispensed to Amanda Knuteson of Bozeman, a marriage is about cross aligning weaknesses and strengths so that two people are greater than the sum of their parts. I know at some point in our marriage I will be reminded that your shit stinks. (At first I wrote "our" then I added the "y".) The key is to make sure no one learns from Me that your shit stinks. A weakness is what We atone for privately and cover for in one another publicly. What a great pair of warriors.

Wouldn't it be fabulous to see that policy across all units engaged in warfare for the same country?

This is of course our relationship I discuss. To use this to say why in the fuck does the Air Force of the U.S. bitch about the weaknesses of the U.S.Army to German command, what a bunch of fuckers. When they need to be united in their respective marriage of till death do us part, it a slip of Godly proportions. Because I lived that advise of covering for one another's oops in marriage, and of course as Milley's marine, I keep plowing in God Almighty's service.

General Berger wanted to understand My definition of ugliness. I had explained how that awful face of Torres I wanted to tear apart with My bear hands. A scalping to be sure. But My problem was it wouldn't accomplish anything because that fucker is an incurable-from-his-corruption monster. All I would risk is breaking a nail for nothing.

I also shared with General Milley I had no desire to re-arrange his face. I just wanted him to be able to look like he worried less, had better quality sleep at night, and got rid of allergens.

What I related to General Berger was that he was agreeable to My eyes. In some ways his countenance in his headshot reminds Me of the portrait I penned of you.

mac understood on several occasions, in between others, "Timmy" was Her love at first sight, "you." God Almighty always had to power Her belief of who was the object sending love to Her.

I Am assured that for a code naming you "Timmy" in My difficult to tease out events Cadillac's Midnight Romeo article, I will get a spanking.

"Adam" that is the spirit Mary built in union with the Lord, from the marine at Pendleton she murdered. "Adam" was spirit on the Mary cloud intended for mac that mac had to learn existed in the first place. mac refused to tolerate being served a spirit spouse. Clearly, the Lamb arrangement is a function of mac's purpose, never being allowed to die, and faithfully being God Almighty's mother of humanity in His Eternal Eight Day. Being forced away from validation that fleshly union brings, was by far the vilest condemnation of mac's value as a human being and the validation as a female, human, that could have ever been conceived to "fulfil" Her. The Lord built "Adam" and your birth "Timmy" is the fleshly fulfilment mac fought for. "Timmy" is the born again genetics of the marine Mary murdered and the Lord cloned "Timmy's" spirit. "Adam" was sent to the firmament this August 13, 2022.

"Adam" mac understood would look at mac's "Timmy" portrait critiquing the subject a goof-ball and say, "That fucker was trying to steal My Bunny." "Adam" was somehow a spirit assassin. mac endured spirit rape for months proving she hated being united with spirit to satisfy sexual purpose. mac's choice without a physical spouse? Cut off the sexual need. If your eye is making you stumble, pluck it out.

I wiggle My toes and grin with glee every time I think of the spanking you will be giving Me when I am cuddled up in bed hugging My stuffed pony.

July 7, 2022

Two false starts on this next string of thought. Since I was small, let's say five, and learning to write My name, I wanted perfect penmanship. I have many ways of writing characters but I dislike every habit of My fist. Then I started writing with My southpaw. I was proud to write. I started seeing patterns in wording that needed grammar I had no way of even recognising before. My left hand is still shaky for expressing thoughts. In time though, and with practice, I will see the perfection in My writing I need to see for the sake of My id.

Protecting one another's vanity matters. Are you My perfection? Yes. Are you your own perfection, or Me My own perfection? No. What do We do? Perfect one another. Do We look to another person outside of our marriage to perfect ourselves?

We might need a physicians care for some physical concerns, of course. But every interaction We have with other people We always need to make sure We protect a united centre, baseline, as it were for how We approach our self opinion and our unity.

No. While I, Myself, do not want a rippled six pack on My abdomen, if you needed that in Me I would work for it. As you are, with your six pack, you rock My world. I Understand a gentile amount of concealment over My abdominal strength titillates you. Ah, the truth of it is more tantalising to conceal rather than to reveal. Right now I need fitness. In the last year My body has been fighting a constant dose of poison from My own mother while My metabolism, soul, was cut off from God Almighty. No flesh ever has endured that. ("That" being cut off from the LORD.)

I have learned a thing or two in My life about nutrition, skin care, and maintaining good health. This includes keeping the appearance of good health during adversity. Would We know when one another was in peril? Presumably so. But with military duty We naturally experience times of being out of reach of one another. Oh, the outstanding beauty of l-o-v-e-LINK. Even in distance from one another God Almighty perfects Us for one another in His service. I Am on the Alameda bus. I just sat at an Ocean Avenue stop near the naval base as God Almighty triangulated Me. We maximise the ownership of property to accomplish righteousness.

I Am in one of those full stop moments.

When My marriage ended I certainly experienced, as what I understand a good many do, a desire for fulfilling orgasm. My prayer was for sexual desire to go away. It wasn't always immediate but the desire did abate. I repeated My prayer even with tears.

mac had already gone through praying to God Almighty for a mate, spouse, as in lawful under God, and did not want to go through God finding Her a spouse again. Part of enduring Terry Smart was deciding she was at fault during marital difficulty because he was from God. mac's expression on marriage, and she could only consider marriage was flesh for flesh, "I was cooked." Having a spouse, partner, date she wanted over with. When the stalking started, mac made it clear, We will be married before there is sexual congress.

mac's further defence of being in the dating game was vanity. She is convinced if she could have spent the thousands of dollars for cosmetic care and procedure so that she could get a not ugly piece of garbage runt filth dick, perhaps she would have been more interested in the dating game. Meaning she would have prayed to My God construct, God Almighty, for a spouse after her vanity was restored.

You, "Timmy" are My perfection. As far as I was concerned, you were unattainable because of how ugly I Am to the world. This I understood from how ugly every "suitor" was that attempted to entertain Me. Even the "handsome" ones I needed to stretch My imagination a little over to see some beauty beyond their obvious distortion. (I prayed hard to get the stalkers to leave Me alone.) Terry's arguments with Me often ended with, I forced him into marrying me. Even, I extorted him to get him to marry me.

I imagine that intensity of prayer is what it takes to quit smoking.

I endured an abstinent marriage. My spouse hated Me that much. I learned by the third year, stop asking for sex. He hated it.

The reward of whatever intimacy, physical gratification could happen, was not worth the days of asking for sex. I dated someone after that horrid marriage when I was in San Diego attempting to find work and housing so I could remain in graduate school in UCSD. He told Me our sex was rape to him. About a week later I packed. Yep, he called sex with Me, rape. He preferred internet porn and could not understand why I would not leave him alone and let him enjoy that.

I fornicated to end up needed to marry him (Terry) in the first place so as far as I was concerned the abstinent marriage was what I deserved. Find a way to endure. By year three I started asking what I understood God to be to make it possible for Me to see beauty in a male that to Me was all ugliness and to be able to see reasons to love him. Always that prayer was answered.

And, most days that prayer was said more than once.

The only thing I was angry about when the marriage ended was that it ended. It was too another failure to My credit. Also, that I had to live the humiliation of being a rejected piece of divorced garbage with all the world asking Me why couldn't you hold your man. I had been accused of not blowing him to not being a clean person, everything. I hated being fodder for the singles.

Intimacy, too vague a word. I restart. The shear joy of playing with one another, teasing, arousal, the flowing river of vaginal readiness for penetration, ecstasy. That is what you do for Me. It is the gift of our marriage in union with God Almighty and together we need to protect our time and care for one another to satisfy our mutual, twice a day libido. Face it, more is bonus.

I write from the perspective of a female. I Am also feminine. How a masculine male relates to these words, I will know when you tell Me.

What I know is that God almighty has his hands full with a camp of virgins that are busy fucking everything because they can't stop themselves without Me. If the Biblical nation of Israel was as a first worn son to God Almighty, the United States Military is the whore wife He takes back. The only thing wrong with what I just wrote is implying anything else by using the "if".

This needs to be amended from "God Almighty" to "the LORD". It is Jehovah the United States Military has run afoul of like Egypt.

I Am always on a fishing or hunting expedition and that "if" just pierced through some bone. Isaiah wrote the most prophetically about the LORD's whore bride, the U.S. military. How she was a prostitute in reverse is the most prophetic tell going. I always understood those words were against Me personally somehow. Even though, never, and I mean, never, did I want to be a non virgin before legal matrimony.

How I was allowed to be prostituted has just sent a pear through the distribution list to make corrections for their prostitutions.

[I pause in silence.]

Now the jealous rage of the LORD is in Me and I have a weighty message to write. The harbinger of hell, Me, is now going to be in General Milley's face with Berger, and McConville receiving what the navy's top admiral, Gillday, is going to choke on. How the navy has been jewelled with the finest and been a whore.

Pony, what would it be like for a human to stand in the valley plane and hear God Almighty, nay the LORD speak out of a windstorm? In Job, God Almighty, nay the LORD, spoke through tumult asking Job to explain wisdom and creation to Him. When I was on Coronado,<><>

and you were deployed, after you had studied over Me and said to God Almighty, "That had better be My Bunny" I laboured over understanding how a person, flesh, like "Adam" could have seen Me and Me not seen him if he was just that into Me. Taking apart the clue as God Almighty is allowed to deliver them is part of experiencing death, hell, at his hand. That is what My flesh experiences. Herald articles cover that. "Timmy" I hated that I was never allowed to coo over you all the time. I hated being interrupted and inconstant toward you. I was not allowed to indulge constancy for you until I understood who "Adam" was. Part of understanding "Adam" was analysing myself critically with, "I didn't stop to think that, I did not fall in love with him nor others when I looked at them. That must be something I have never experienced."

I witnessed in vision an Army of cavalry standing in the heavens.

This cavalry was visible in rows as if presenting arms facing one another while posed below mac's station. mac's description,

"It was like I was in the heavens with them, but there was no way for Me to hold that notion. I perceived that glory of an army as being what I was bringing with God Almighty to the military. I never wrote about those things. I felt crazy enough as it was and I was struggling to maintain shelter for Myself. To Me, if I was worshipping God the way He demanded then the blessings of sustenance, all these other things would be added to Me. I really lived the "seek God's Kingdom first" "christian" belief. What I could not figure out was, why was I in such a poor house all the time. Hindsight, It is because I hosted the Lamb and of course Righteousness is what no room was made for in the human Ggod construct of antichrist's, the Lord's, world."

The visibility of the calvary was in the way that My naked eye makes observation but having no apparent physical matter.

You I of course see in vision this same way. Only your physical matter I Am very aware of.

Mary, mumsy, called some things she read about as being part of the mind's eye. She does not know shit about the mind's eye. So if a reader were to call what I have witnessed and delivered testimony over, "mind's eye" the LORD, Jehovah, says, "Bull Shit" muffled almost indistinctly with a gesture of hand over the mouth and coughing.

I travel about in the mixed company of TeamGOD accompanied by the Heavenly troop of Saints ready to dispel ignorance.

Before July's end, of this year, My ambition is to get back to San Diego to North Island. The Marine Corps Base is the obvious choice. I would just like to be at the dock when your vessel comes in. North Island should be your deployment ends docking location.

July 10, 2022

It is the morning. I just finished picking up dog food for a new acquisition the neighbourhood abandoned. I named him André. We have two cats.

I was counting Humperdinck for a while making three.

And, one dog. Doggie looks like he should be on an ididerod team. I Am on the 37 CCRTA-B waiting for it to return to the station and drop Me on Gollihar near Dody. André is part of the wizards duel going on at Dody Street with Mary McRae, the woman whose vagina I passed through to enter the world. I call her mom. Mumsy really fits though. She calls Me H*****r. She also tosses some pet names out there that I respond to.

André will serve as good company and thwarts some of Mary's ghoulish ambitions. It all hearkens back to the saving of "Jack" years ago in Big Bear. I had a Guenea pig in those days and I was in high school.

I Am still in battle with the Corpus Christi Police Department's (CCPD's) Mike Markle. That mother fucker is the High Priestess for civil police offices in the U.S. Every country has flesh, a person, performing the priestly type of office, making sure the sacrifices go down.

Markle is a male, woman, and I need a notation to indicate wicked priest, male.

He has been on a murderous binge against Me to "prove" I Am blaspheming and can be put to death for saying, "I Am the Christ." What Mary ensconced among other things was a miserable breadcrumb trail the Lamb moves Me on to unlock and restore My identity.

I Am the High Priest for the United States Military. I report directly to General Mark Milley and as a marine I Am under General David Berger's command. Since May 12, 2012, I have held My rank as Brigadier General and due to the demands Mary built to destroy the United States Military for Britain I could not receive remuneration during My duties. I was set to fail so the Queen could have her godland. It did not work that way. Obedience is better than sacrifice for that very reason. Spirit, is of course, greater than flesh and I never received worship from Spirit. The Lamb certainly was not worshipping sin! Of course sin is in My blood. What flesh thinks they have been doing with Me, divining and doing witchcraft, to kill Me is just bullshit.

They did get rid of "Lady" Dianna that way. (That being witch crafting her death.) She was going after mac's crown with spirit. Her flesh was gone when the divinations were complete.

It is not possible to blaspheme using one with a circumcised heart. My heart was circumcised before My birth by Satan herself whilst she was god of this world. The conception to birth gap of My life is what turned abortion into such a sacrifice mill.

That is why the argument over, "It's my choice" transcends a willingness to improve social services. The desire is to sacrifice one's own child. So the age determination, legalising abortion, gets law in trouble on every level. The Pope has it right with saying, "Abortion is wrong." He just needs to add the reminder, "You are going to hell for that stupid."

TeamGOD makes the abortion argument simple. To perform an abortion, cut the cord. Kill them both (all if mother carries more than one child.)

Did one twin die in the womb? Remove the dead. That is why technology is allowed to have divine power to begin with. The one that would use it in a goodly way, would have it. Abortions were a sign you did not have the LORD on your side in the first place according to Deuteronomy.

Pony, obviously, this writing has content added for global readers. What I understand is that navy command will make an effort to figure out who you are. Because of course, you know you have a divinely provided spouse you expect to take to the Chaplin. My chicken scratch, is of course a labour of love. This volume recordation is a labour. What would be interesting is how many other couples like us just might be deployed this very minute.

Oddly enough other high priestesses are in the Corpus Christi Texas vicinity. Wells Fargo banks is. The high priestess for the homeless is. I have been face to face and spoke with others but I haven't sat down to map them all. It is tiresome work.

When I was commissioned I started a top secret national security investigation. Biden declassified the operation and I let those I write to know who I Am, now. America is salivating for civil war. Asia has revenge on its plate with the former U.S.S.R., the Middle East is folding to Egypt, whilst the Queen will be nastyin' away with her royal line incapable of funding its military without Mary McRae. When the Queen ponies up £500,000,000.00

[This is a standing offer so it will increase with inflation and, out of courtesy, I use their currency.]

to Me personally she can take that miserable poltergeist off My hands. If Markle just acts on a simple solution the U.K. can pick Mary up off the street.

July 12, 2022

Pony, what would the centre fold be without saving the sacredness of the birds and the bees. Does not the flower emit nectar from its very centre, whether dripping, or densely packed stamens tight with pollen? Last night André pushed past Me at the front door and while I was watering the plumeria he danced off after drinking in a whiff of invitation off a neighbour's lawn. I foolishly thought, "He must know his way home." (That would be the previous owner.) That young male had his night out on My naïveté and, today, before noon, it was as God Almighty said, "He was headed back to his home." André simply needed to give Me a centrefold story of Biblical proportions for a love note. He is sleeping it off in his room. That room being off the entry living room, has a locking closet door, now, and good natural light for fitness.

It is the evening. Always, with God Almighty, Pony, what is referred to among religious groups as, waiting on the LORD, is required. We should not consider God to be slow respecting keeping his promises. I Am in a place of need to know. First I Am put in a place of examination, what can I cognitively understand, at this time, about the Truth My body owns. Then based on My commitment to righteousness I move into My next offensive. This moves the defence into the positions they demanded they be placed, this is why Jesus cautioned do not be going after the grandest seating assignment and do not have class distinctions among yourselves. Once My offensive has been fulfilled, that is, God Almighty's mystery on that operation is going to happen according to His plan, I Am debriefed on the details, and taught why My understanding gave too much credit to an unfriendly.

Pony, that is My typical failing. I give far too much credit to others having Righteous motives. That way of mine, My demand for modesty is why I have been able to serve the United States Military.

July 13, 2022

Pony we have finally ditched the imposters. There are moments on the CCRTA-B when, If I had My iPhone, I would record some of the soliloquies of madness the black American populous is branded by. My problem? I don't think they make street drugs that produce quality entertainment like genuine wickedness produces when it has the Christ as its ignoring audience.

The boldness of Spirit of black skinned people is why one does not make a king of, nor take kingship from, a black person. I wrote about this. It is done by God Almighty alone. This kind of phenomenon is behind the scripture that asks, can a Cushite change his skin?Black skinned people make a concerted effort to be more of what they are in My company. It is disadvantage for them compared to how they can compose themselves when their gut feed is satisfied. I block gut feed.

The introduction of this love letter I was in a place of belief that a manifestation of My future spouse, two, as I sketched him, "Timmy" was you.

I Am learning about how "Navy Nurse" is still relevant to My future. So I started writing the day of the 13th convinced "Navy Nurse" was My l-o-v-e-LINK spouse.

Isn't that a craziness. "Timmy" does have a reminiscent look of Berger. When Spirit and flesh are faced with My understanding, that is made apparent by what I write, God Almighty tightens the reigns on wickedness and applies discipline. We, "Navy Nurse", are finally going to be able to have another round of golf soon. My grieving? That while we are being brought together in God Almighty's union I learned you and I would not be spouses.

So what happened Pony was I was put in the place of believing that the "Navy Nurse" I golfed with at Torrey on or about May 14, 2019, was you. I was always applying a new face. "Navy Nurse" spirit construction does matter for firmament occupation of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin's fulfilment in the distant future. We Pony will still be united at that time. There have been many actors that have been forcing unions, marriage rights on My spirit to be powerful. They lied. I move on. God Almighty still fights to unbind the rewards these liars have been reaping in the Heavens. Then of course the flesh follows suit. The lag time between Spirits freedom and the physical is very much like, one wants to build a building, so they plan. Then when the plan is permitted, they build what the plan represents. Let's just say there were many liars and the tragedy is that Trump has his name on so many buildings.

That aside filled in. After mac concluded in with, "not be spouses." She writes the next line,

And just like that Spirits relinquish their grip.

"Timmy" and I have one another now.

That is how mac continued.

Pony, "Timmy", I say to God often, "People act on their belief." Then an epiphany. People shape their belief to achieve the reward they want for doing the work in front of them.

I adjusted My understanding of motivation today when God Almighty pushed Me to understand the Truth that is in My genetics. The heart is the seed of human motivation. The LORD has an objective. He is taking back His whore wife the United States Military. To do that, I of course hold My High Priest office and soon return to surveying more than Corpus happily traveling with My brethren so General Milley has the place of divine information he needs to win.

Will General Milley end up glutted with intel? Yes.

For Me to join My, Our, comrades, General Berger needs to act. God Almighty works with General Berger's beliefs through Berger's existing authorisation channels with Spirit and I Am, viola, united with the USMC secured from the vulnerabilities of civilian isolation. Had the F.B.I. or other law enforcement acted on their designs against Me it would have destroyed the planet. So whatever cockamamy belief meant hands off, that is what played out while I remained innocent.

General Berger, to the best of My ability to understand a wicked motive, is certain I Am going to "go after" Milley. Obviously, Berger has not seen you. While Milley is an agreeable male, easy on the eyes, like most all military are [Their vanity once struck, retire young.] I Am too jealous to have what is for Me and only Me to tolerate going after anyone who would have another himself and female genitals are just vile to Me.

So Berger is allowed to believe I will "go after" Milley and of course that would mean the death of Me. Berger knows I need to be close to "go after" Milley. God Almighty knows, Milley, like all unmarried to Me are safe under law as what I would never "go after" unless I were at war with someone to execute, destroy, wipe out, annihilate, yadda yadda yadda, their flesh and it would need to be legal for Me to perform killing.

What was difficult for Me to learn? What belief God Almighty allows, works with, in order for Righteousness to ultimately be accomplished and be kept unscathed by the battle, at present a hunting fishing expedition.

God love'm. With no amorous intent "Timmy" how am I going to keep from grinning with sympathy, betraying affection, for how much God Almighty is fostering their own insecurities to keep those two walking on two legs. We at TeamGOD call that walking on two legs a miracle based on the endeavours, behaviour, and appearance of so many people.

What I meant by walking on two legs is homo-erectus, in the modern sense. God Almighty just warned those two.

The flex 93 CCRTA-B just took two students and the Alameda CCRTA-B is next. I Am watching a NAS helicopter travel over the gulf whitecaps toward the horizon. The ocean breeze makes the heat, of course, bearable. I'm in long sleeves to keep the sun off My skin.

It has taken a moment of reflecting on My surroundings to remember My thought as I realized how innocuous Berger's "go after" Milley is compared to Mary McRae's perversions she has woven into humanities present struggles. She shapes wicked beliefs that have no ability to make Righteous results come about without the wizards duel.

"Timmy" the Heavenly Jerusalem needs an army. Guess who was drafted? This is why I Am such a deep hooker who has to endure humiliation with as much modesty as I can engineer for Myself in a world that has sent Me out naked.

A pelican is preening itself on a small breakwater broken stone wall dredged or dumped into lenticular form along the coast. Some shoals are on the inside and if I had a piece of bread I could tell you approximately how many seagulls were huddled in line on a surfaced perpendicular shoal sandbar.

I put on My door My new signage. Partly for the wizards duel and partly for the Pentagon.

Office of the
Pentagon High Priest
H.L. McRae Dukesthe Christ
Brigadier General USMC Special Forces
Jesus H. Christ! mac Dukes is Holy Mother of God, the Christ.

My flesh is what puts the God Almighty construct, the One who created the Lamb, Righteousness, Light, first and foremost, back together after having been blown to bits for humanities creation. My being a slave is a function of the first born of the Spirit creative duo's demand so the fruit on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would be eaten.

I have an illustration I used and shared with Pentagon Intelligence a few days back of what it is for Me and the Lamb to put God Almighty back together in the cognitive sense so His Eighty Day can happen.

Before the illustration is explained, I digress to explain, had creation been destroyed so only one being existed, one consciousness and a shit ton of matter, I would have been it. That is why I Am, Holy Mother of God even in the worst case scenario.

The Bible is many respects is the wickedness playbook. It belongs to God Almighty.

The Lamb and I use the Bible, Holy unto God, and pick up grains of sand on the beach moving back and forth between coasts constructing God Almighty for His Eighth Day to be fulfilled not the annihilation of creation. You see the first born did not want to die, first and foremost survival, life, was what she wanted to preserve for herself.

My Herald articles cover these things in detail. This love letter brings many of those details together so you can appreciate the depth of My love for you.

I Am wearing a baggy pair of 501's I picked up on clearance at Target for $20.99. They play into Mary's demands of how she is getting proof from the Lord that she will get her bag of money to deal with Me. Deal with Me is of course, get rid of Me. There is more grievous, convoluted, and distorted material to write about here. But it is so foul and I Am immortal and simply prefer obedience to God Almighty using Righteous motives so I simply bring up the pants to talk about your beauty and please wear slightly looser, not stretch, garments. Your chiselled form is the beauty of flesh manifest by discipline and Spirit.

A female can wear what is snug because a thin layer of fat insulates her muscle definition even when she is strong. A female's frame without ripple or roll is modesty itself.

Your form is perfection and your garments need to provide some modesty. This means no part of your form has specific contact with your garment to reveal you musculature. All of you "Timmy" is sensual perfection and a delight to the eyes.

July 13, 2022

My blue ink was completely spent on every word and I now have a black ink and continue.

God Almighty has a challenge in the antichrist, Lord, world. A person may want to understand something and God Almighty's only way to teach them may be to take away all other variables isolating them so they are focused on the one thing He is teaching. I had an example. But it is lame. The better thing is to explain why there is consternation over who I Am. First, Spirit was forced into worshipping flesh. The Mary/Lord construct bound Spirit to the Lord's spirit of flesh "Mary cloud" construct as I've called it in the past.

The Lord has fuckers counterfeiting Me all the time and Spirit are learning what the Truth is about Me and who is, get this, the real God Almighty.

Today we earned the "W." Oh, We have fifty years of civil war ahead, But, We, that is the United States Military, win it!

I think that should come with a twenty-one gun salute or something fancy, fireworks even. What do I have? Bloat and gas. The everyone-in-the-room would turn their heads and look, loud-flatulence. (Nice thing about this letter is flatulence is funnier when there is no smell.)

Why gassy? Eating a bag of potato chips for dinner. And what did God Almighty teach Me? Potato chips are a non taxed item in Texas at the grocery store. I had been irritated by how slow machines are about providing the taxed total. Pet food is taxed like kitty litter is taxed. Most consumer goods are and, anymore, a grocery item is taxed based on a whole bunch of, can you eat it now, is it a substitute for a restaurant or convenience store purchase criteria. In California there is even the junk food tax. Perhaps that one didn't hit the books. I would need to check for sure on California.

That was My lame example. And I was laying lame in bed that night with gas. Eating a sack of potato chips is a function of keeping My body alive in a period of theoretical medicine application. It is because of healing from the poisoning. Because of the counterfeit issue I end up doing the work the Lord is required to do, and does not, disciplining trash like Jill Biden for instance. I Am enforcement for the Heavens and firmament. mac originally wrote that last line as God Almighty and the Lord. mac is enforcement for Ggod Jehovah and the Lord to be specific and that construct is explained in a later volume. My concern at present is for Spirit to get out of the mire the Heaven's were turned into because of the counterfeit people, like junk stock, think lipstick on the pig, that the Lord filled the earth with building God Almighty into Satan. It took a good bit of doing for Me to learn I was defending Myself and answering for judgements against Me because Spirit was forced to follow a bunch of counterfeit Christs. People were mimicking, imitating, and mocking Me whilst building the Satan construct that meant the destruction of creation. There is an aside here. The Gospel records a passage of Heavenly defence, Get away you workers of lawlessness. How is it people would approach and ask didn't we not do great things in your name being astounded that they were not being praised? They were labouring over the wrong master in the first place. Are Spirit innocent? As in were Sprit duped? Let's just say they chose a hedge that means some edumacation during the Gog and Magog bit showdown. It is more like they were testing to see what they could build for themselves because of how a demon reasons over how an Angel reasons. I explain the difference later. Mocking the word e-d-u-c-a-t-i-o-n is a function of how Spirit chose to hedge. That is only part of the problem. How information was controlled, what a cesspool of lies. The Pentagon has hours of surveillance from our home Dody Street. I'm looking forward to our signing articles a the Chaplain's office and embarrassing surveillance in revenge. I have been in a fish bowl for years now. First with Spirit and those favoured by the Lord divining by every way they could think of My murder. Then under mechanical surveillance by bugs and drones. July 14, 2022 The morning. What is the paranormal truth to what I Am about to present? My deeds and loyalty are in obedience to the Lord. My God is God who now maps to Righteousness what He loves. What do We as flesh of the earth look forward to? A cycle of humanity that welcomes Saint Paul as, mother, Moon, [Not earths's.] and Jesus as, father, Sun. [Also, not earth's.] Me being challenged as I Am about homophobia, it is tough to see how the union is fair, both are male. Saint Paul, feminine and Jesus, masculine. Some time late in their walking the earth, I Am united with God Almighty who walks the earth then as well. The crucifixion of our Lord prophecy, repeated in Revelation, is fulfilled then. When mac first wrote this bit about "welcomes," she had a warm and fuzzy connotative assignment of w-e-l-c-o-m-e. Forgetting the truth about Corpus she is living. "Should you see w-e-l-c-o-m-e across the front of My home, know it does not apply to you." Those late days of earth the four of us are camped in that dreadful desert prison. mac wrote about this in Give Me a Fig Leaf. It was not presented in vision so much, as it was, in dream while in dialogue with God. Like watching a movie in her mind. The w-e-l-c-o-m-e is no welcome. When that bit of Truth hit mac's mind, her body just about rent itself. The tears are always deep with physical surges like ocean shore break. It is a cataclysmic moment of pulsing feeling as if, as she puts it, "I'm exploding." Then mac was sent out for some pathogens. Team Good of Heaven sent mac the 65 CCRTA-B out Port Aransas way. After using the port-A portable john outside of Stripes on Eleventh Street, mac strolled into the IGA for bologna, American cheese slices, and eight hamburger buns. She made sandwiches with her unwashed hands. The body refreshed with Truth, in the cognitive sense, and pathogens, means more miracle cure for her. ""Timmy" I love you." mac interjects. "Adam" is in the firmament and for Mary. "Adam's" construction and being mac will write about after the fifteenth, for now, she revels securely in her happiness that she has her perfection, her "Timmy". Sun is the Return of Jesus. The Ggod today known as "Jehovah." What is the problem all these counterfeit Christ's have? They refuse to do in obedience to their own Lord. This is not surprising. Mary is not obedient. Every day I go out doing the work she is supposed to be doing herself. Most mornings I end up strolling in Walmart scavenger hunting for edible sustenance. It generally ends up being less than $3.50, and I have some left over that I leave wrapped for someone to eat. This morning, of writing the published volume mac left three sandwiches at the Staples Street Station wrapped in the bun bag the buns came in from the market. A homeless person who is hungry can be directed, by the Lord to food. The Lord in America is now a function of hearts and how individuals respond to the familial markers of sin in the blood. The blessing that Israel assigned his sons matters here. There is a miracle worker firmament being, and that is "Adam". In My love note I recorded more about the person who could pick up My food left wrapped behind discretely. And what does the fucker do? Curses it and starts screaming they are owed more by the government. mac offered this mornings sandwiches to a woman, female, sitting smoking near a group of three mobility challenged Americans. She was obviously hiding how mac insulted her in offering her food. She can't rain on mac's parade today. mac had a tampon when she needed one this morning. Menses was a nice touch on today's outing. Her jeans are still clean so mac's patter that mimics the children of the corn's (oops Lord's) thinking, "I am doubly blessed." I made a covenant with God Almighty on October 31/November 1, 2019. I was in North Carolina and just finished a phone dialogue with a State of Texas agent who set up Governor Greg Abbott's hate crime. I needed to survive for months on fumes, wintering somewhere. Then I ended up a walking bag of bones. My love note continues. After the state officer building her evidentiary file for Governor Abbott condemned Me to death for My absolute obedience to the Lord. God Almighty approached Me in My desperation and the covenant was that I would follow Him, which I understood I was already doing, and I would be consuming non solid food, coffee, tea, water only that after two weeks included milk because I did not understand at the time that "Navy Nurse" had already categorically refused obedience to the Lord to be My spouse and I fulfilled the covenant already by shaking His hand and playing our round of golf. He broke faith first. What I learned, was that as a SEAL, when he met that, one, the one the Lord directed him to that would hold his hand through every indiscretion, even affair, and beating (if his trauma from battle meant those scars) and he found her to be beautiful and please his person sexually he was to marry her, and that is a period. In obedience, I would have married him. I was trying to understand why it was when I introduced Myself at the first tee and joked My name was "mac" like macaroni and I needed a feather for My hat, I heard Spirit interrupting My observation of his obvious beauty with, "I wonder if I could live the rest of My life looking at his nose." It was some prompt like that anyway. It was most likely a few less words. Same meaning. There was even a glimmer in his countenance I had never seen in anyone before. Of all things he did this chivalrous bow gesture when he shook My hand on the first tee. I had no way to respond other than enjoy that I had a real person to play a round of golf with. Two toads made up our full foursome. The other two were Merrill Lynch brokers who were obviously ticked they didn't get out at Torrey ending up paired with two corporate CEO's. During the round of golf I had no concept of being anything more to him than an aunt he was just hanging out with. I forgot his name by the sixteenth hole and My master plan was to reintroduce Myself. He disappeared after the round when we all shook hands a second time at eighteen thanking one another for the round. I turned for My bag off the green, and I was going to reintroduce Myself to "Navy Nurse" and get his name again and suggest another round would be enjoyable. Well, that is as much seduction as I Am capable of. I was clueless about what was required of him. I went back to Coronado to winter understanding I needed to be there for someone and I had just encountered "Solomon" two weeks before while in Virgina Beach. You, "Timmy" saw Me during that window before I met "Solomon." I did not think someone noticed Me and I could have ignored him. I didn't know anything about My significance to "Navy Nurse's" service. I was proving that I would live by the letter of the covenant, "I would not eat solid food until My hand was in my husbands hand" while wintering on Coronado. I was walking dead filling that covenant and then I was resurrected from death in February 2021, and I Am walking about as good as dead with all the destruction Mary's drain cleaner granules did to My internal organs. Then there are the bio hazards she incubates in her room to put in My food and beverages I have in the refrigerator. Well, in the morning I get to start big walks again and slim down into the two pairs of pants I bought a few months back now. I can wear My Solomon's now too. That is great because they are Gore-Tex and who does not love a light weight Gore-Tex hiking boot? I get a thousand miles of walking out of a good hiking boot. I Am tired of how dirty My feet get in flip-flops. As a child, you guessed it, shoes were something mumsy refused to purchase. Grandma kept Me in shoes. Mary sent her tracings of My feet and grandma mailed shoes to the island. Getting back to My love note, I was in the place for us to meet again and fulfil marriage, "Timmy". What I did not understand was that you worked so hard to find Me on the Island the times you could and it was not until January or so that I was able to see you face to face and be in awe of your beauty. "Adam" I did not know even existed. "Adam" was what Mary had been building since she murdered the Camp Pendleton marine in the sixties. It was most likely the year before she and My father were dating but she knew he existed and started going after him for rewards of spirit. Like the way she went after murdering her mother for spirit rewards. I met all the constructs, flesh and spirit needed for Me to understand the three cycles I fulfil and the marriages this requires on My part. All are monogamous. The Spirit that joined you, hosted by you, since August 21, 2021, was first united with Me as promised to him by God Almighty and was keeping Me sustained through your being lead by God Almighty in who the girl was he had picked out for you. By the time I was walking dead and spirit confirmed I was being kept alive by many that I could not see all acting in obedience to God Almighty, We, "Timmy" were allowed to see each other face to face for that first time. I have an illustration as to why My ignorance is bliss policy keeps souls alive from their faithfulness. The house at Dody Street needs electrical repair. Pony, I stepped in the shower this evening and had a movie moment of being together. An argument was ready to ensue. I had just insulted your competence in making routine household electrical repairs. I was asking you to use extraordinary caution as if you were an idiot who could be easily electrocuted. Of course, I didn't think you an idiot. I simply shut My mouth lowered My eyes and moved into you with an apology and hug and to take your hands away from the wiring for that moment until I made My point. Don't touch the house wiring under the premise that it was a competently put together system build under even an effort at following a model code, like NEC, for any model year. Understand the house has been tinkered with and violated and the assumption that there is proper grounding is wrong. This is what it is to move about in the Lord's world and first and foremost God Almighty grabs the hot shit first and then moves Me in. I learn. With the physical, extra caution is needed or spirit, let's just say isn't as sympathetic in keeping a body alive because a person was reckless in their assumptions going into a physical situation. Assuming righteousness is fine unless there is evidence to the contrary. When I see a gang banger, I don't say, "There is a model moral citizen" and offer him housing and meals in My home so I have a few rental dollars. I will however hand food to those that look hungry and find ways to make conversation congenial while learning about what is not obvious about everyone I talk to. TeamGOD of Heaven is close to having all of My soul back in working order. The still can't pack dreams on Me and My body is running slow, that is the extra weight I Am carrying. As I sit I have ten pounds or so (perhaps eighteen pounds) more on Me than when We looked at each other that first moment of love at first sight. I didn't even get to feel the greatness of that moment in an exotic aroused way. Just modest appreciation tempered with, "His ass is so perfect, when he turns around I had better not let My eyes fall below his shoulders." That fucking blubber is going! Damn it. I Am getting My Barbie Doll figure back. There is a problem Mattel just like Jill Biden has. They have no authority. They need to do and produce everything to pander to the crowd liking them. I Am the one who has authority to offend and lead with an iron rod. The Pentagon has of course heard Me read this love letter. Centrefold, and juicy wet bits and all. Reading My own chicken scratch is a struggle. So, We can snuggle when you are home, and I will read it to you. Being pleasers of people and not god or God is costly. For ruining Barbie Mattel is in trouble. Jill Biden is simply the latest whore on the Lord's list and she was never wife to the LORD. "Adam" hosts the ten tribe portion so the LORD can take his whore bride back. My obedience to the Lord is why creation is not destroyed and it was Mary herself that murdered the Lord. I Am why the Lord has a resurrection. No matter how many ways the same truth is examined the Senior Joint Chief is stuck with the Christ. God help them all, each and every one. Semper-Fi The Lamb rides. My love to you "Timmy". It's time to start embarrassing surveillance with what Holy matrimony means with those who never tire of enjoying the fruitage of the loins. Do you need more fruit-of-the-looms? A page of the love note Moleskine journal was left for a "Pony Diagram". The page was filled in after the volumes close before realising another journal would be written. After the third journal it was obvious even four volumes would not be enough for the Pentagon. Seven were ultimately penned for publication. The "Pony Diagram" is included with a later entry. What it is to keep testing that you are in the faith? "Timmy" We have André the Giant. It may be we have André to be the new owner. Because, We have André even doing in obedience to the Lord's will, that is if the Lord brought us André, it will be God Almighty's will that is fulfilled as I keep moving to and fro willing to help him find home. I Am still learning if God Almighty or the Lord wants us to keep him.

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Humanity Built Themselves A Ba'al -- Jehovah
Heaven Needed A New King to Save You
God Says,
“Ask No More What I AM Can Do for You: but, What You Can Do for I AM”

H. L. MacRae "mac" Dukes serves the United States presently as a General in the U.S.M.C. Special Forces. Her office as High Priest is under the USMC Commandant. She reports directly to the Senior Joint Chief. Her military campaign handles the Pentagon Field Office of Senior Joint Chief. The Secretary of Defense answers to Her.

mac holds Her PhD in Theological Studies from Harvard University. Her undergraduate education was in engineering, economics, and animal science. She holds an Engineer in Training Certification from the State of California, and is qualified to sit for professional engineer examination.

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Reading mac Dukes writings grants God permission to access your mind as stated in the Consent to Shepherding by Apathy, Implication, and/or Interest.

This website has text entries that are Psalms to the true God. Those born of Adam need the true God's mercy, and the perfect sacrifice of the Christ. This note encapsulates these entries in "Jesus' name".

mac Dukes Awarded the Christ
May 12, 2012

mac Dukes Kingdom was established in the Heavens August 21, 2021. mac Dukes leads Holy warfare on earth. Without consulting through mac Dukes directly all global governance and military operations are subjected to the full and total consequences of the Ba'al humanity built.

The Lamb and the LORD back mac Dukes as Their earthly agent. mac is the earthly signatory of TeamGOD of Heaven. Herald article of relevance.

Active Duty Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force: Your Personal Forgiveness. Terms of existence. God Almighty's guarantee is H. L. MacRae Dukes of Corpus Christi is the Christ. mac is presently revising macdukes.com to accommodate global services and offerings for salvation from the Pentagon under Her Holy office as Pentagon High Priest.

Looking for a past post announcement of shock and awe from Heaven? It was moved to our proclamations directory. These are the nigger -- in the Biblical sense -- of the world condemnation notices.

|©2018 mac Dukes - All Rights Reserved. Pillar template purchased from themeforest, used with permission and adapted. | H. L. MacRae Dukes' home is in Corpus Christi, Texas. | The Pentagon maintains mac's office in the Joint Staff Pentagon Complex | 9999 Joint Staff Pentagon | Washington D.C. 20318-9999 | Contacting mac Dukes is consent to Shepherding as defined in the Consent to Shepherding by Apathy, Implication, and/or Interest. Insincere or data minned inquiries are subject to discipline by God according to the Consent to Shepherding by Apathy, Implication, and/or Interest. Contact welcome@macdukes.com. | Contract rates are in gold. | Graphic images purchased from iStock, Getty Images Library. | Photos credited to photographers from unsplash. | www.macdukes.com is hosted by HostGator.

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