“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.commacDukes.com An eSermon
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.commacDukes.com An eSermon

A Sermon Out of <html>

View Source Code to Add Meaning to This

This Sermon Is Really SomeTHING Gates Won't Miss


<div class="sundaySermon">

Creating the Corpus (really big dictionary) of macdukes.com

Doo Whop Diddy Whop Diddy Whop Doo - look ma, no tags on this.

mac desires making words displayed in html interactive with a database of definitions as We as TeamGOD use them. Developing such a tool is a work in progress. From mastering html, one baby step at a time, the larger body envisioned comes together over layers of trial and error. Error is knowledge too, as you scientists well acknowledge. Universities are handsomely paid even for error on this very ground. Professional practice fights to justify how they should be paid for their boo-boos. The successful ones just create new products from their oops. Don't get pissed off when the Ggods don't let you get that abortion. That boo-boo you conceived gets to have their say put to use in the Allness. Back to a discussion of technology sans human bodies.

What do the tag pairs do all by themselves -- the importance of the "unset" property value.

In html the following line produces what you see below it as viewed in the browser window.

<p style="display: unset;">No tag nesting.</p><dt style="display: unset;">using</dt><dd style="display: unset;">unset</dd><dl style="display: unset;"> and learning</dl>

No tag nesting.

and learning

Now nest the tags like they normally would be and do not call unset. Just see what the built-in behaviours look like. The <dl>, <dt> and <dd> are term with definition pairs used in a list. They generally look like the index in the back of a non-fiction book when employed in html.

In html the following line produces what you see below it as viewed in the browser window.

<dl><dt>the term</dt><dd>its definition</dd></dl>
the term
its definition

The objective is to use the > < with dt in paragraph text to identify linked Corpus words so reading the text can be automated.

Making what matters stand out is in process. A reader also needs be able to realize a word is defined and identifiable like hyperlinks -- the clickable things. And mac is building a master macdukes.css file. <dt>

</dt> the word sticking between <dt> tag pairs looks like what?

That is still stinking. Right click to look at the source code. ("View Page Source" might be the option you see.) The <dt></dt> is fine after doing css magic so that the <dt></dt> pair has an inline behaviour like <u>, <b>, and other tag set pairs have. The <span> tag set offers some behaviours of their own. Using <span> would work with a style identifier. The problem is going back with a query tool and identifying the terms for, and potentially already in, the Corpus -- body of definitions used by TeamGOD that support and in cases supplant the OED. (We do not consider others for English a corpus -- just some fiction and nonsense for the masses to say they got some edumication.) <span> is just an inline tag tool that has display behaviours all its own. But a <span> tag is not a good indicator for regular expressions and search tools to "read" all the text and "pull" the words of interest, per-se. mac is looking for efficient ways to add query queues as she writes. mac has written string, text, readers that she can modify to "pull" the words between the tags. A regular expression bit of code automation over the reading task is a welcome aid to building the Corpus. But, the strings of wejj eauvjsr oeij eernkty uu utuvuvtukikyui s dv g th yuj having an identifier with some hyper behaviour is useful in the paragraph facing the browser with a browser.

Using a <span></span> tag set with -- jsdfkasdjf asd -- between them uerabdehjd asd did that. Does it look different? If in the css file the word span { } has stuff between the curly brackets, what is between the curly brackets is styling the behaviour by the default the programmer creates overriding the real default of the browser. What is paired, like key value pairs, to be done on the objects between the tags is what the programmer dictates with the pairs. Recall html is the hyper -- bounce around and do stuff -- text mark-up language. The tags around the stuff mark up, queue the browser to do the stuff as defined in the surrounding key value pairs. When tags are nested then there is a parent. The tag pair <html></html> is the big parent to web pages. Then the body tags are nested inside it and inside the body tags are all the other nested and family tree grouped tags. But the page starts from the hyper four letter word place to begin with. This Sunday sermon kinda snuck up on y'all didn't it?

The web does this, the big parent <html><head></head><body></body></html>. The head is separated from the body meaning the <head></head> tag pair is child to the html but separated from the body. The head and body are siblings and the head is where the <title></title> of the story goes and the controlling <meta> content with <link> information. Isn't that just a wonderful synopsis of our Ggodly world with its Allness woven into technology? With all the money you niggers have earned off computer magic you are out of you goddamned minds to think somehow you have not been paid paid paid for building the tool Allness is taking to the next generation and beyond. Fuck you Gates.

After css magic the <dt></dt> pair to make the text hyper is ready to go. html is built from the extensible mark-up language xml. xml is a key value pair wonder. But it took a pair to make the hyper happen, didn't it. Fuck you Gates.

Yes, We at TeamGOD have been doing a great deal of dragging the browser window in and out watching the responsiveness of this holy grail css come together. Often the sliding goes with, "Look at that." Then scrambling to the macdukes.css file or the html content in the text editor making little tweaks here and there. More often than not it just goes with enjoyment of making the tool our own. Oh, using unset, as in calling <dt style="display: unset;">doo wop diddy wop doo here</dt>, is what restores the default html that browsers have some built-in controls over on the doo wap diddy wap doo that is between the tags. Remember netscape? So, css is your own personal way to define how the <tag>its value</tag> looks to the world in spite of how safari, chrome, firefox, that Micrsoft one, and others do it. In time We at TeamGOD will build our own browser. For now We use what all the niggers of the world have gotten filthy rich playing with. They even provided work for the masses willing to learn even a little. Fuck you Gates.

Proof of being


Proof of being finer.

Proof of being


