“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreDog Paddle, the Original Tender Scroll
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreDog Paddle, the Original Tender Scroll

Dog Paddle the Original Tender Document

The amended Dog Paddle is posted and dated with the August 1, 2020 revisions. This is a legacy reference. Three false doctrines that are common to all religion are woven into all of this document. The worst is that the wicked get to die.

Dog Paddle,

From The true God’s First Ashore

Gone Fishing

Catch and release?  Life's end of the fish caught by Peter, at Jesus direction, with the piece of money in its mouth large enough to pay the head tax on two men we don't know.  Wasted, never.  The Christ and Peter needed to pay a tax.  Only coin of the realm would serve.  Imagine a relationship so strong the true God could send you down to the seashore for dollars when you needed them.  That fish picked up a coin off the ocean floor and carried it to Peter's hook.

The Power of Prayer

The Christ knew the fish would be anxious to give up the coin, when and where to have Peter cast his hook, and the obvious. A fish held the coin in his mouth in the first place. (Maritime salvage, the ultimate gleaning left for God to care for his own.) That is communication.  Doubloon's anyone?

Prayer is the precious place in our minds that connects us to the true God and no other being.  Gone Fishing is the true God's reply to every prayer.  The heavens have closed.  The true God is leading each and every individual who utters a prayer to find His identity and grow that precious relationship with him by landing here on this blog.

He is patient.  His plan for a smooth transition into Christ's kingdom requires everyone living listening to His voice.  It is okay to hate the messenger.  The message saves every human on this planet regardless or whether or not they listen.

Those that seek and demand Satan's perversions will still find them and die.  Yes, those are people with corrupted hearts.  Those with corrupted hearts will have a resurrection to judgement.  They will die knowing they received judgement.  The majority will attain life because they listen.  It is no coincidence that post flood the earth's landscape is predominately in the Northern hemisphere and like the issue of circumcision in Paul's day it is the heart and deeds of every individual that define who they serve.  Not geography.

First Ashore

The true God's first ashore ewe cleared a beach for every praying person to find. (Thank God, the family dog taught me to swim.) Henceforth, prayer is a request to the true God to build a relationship with Him.  His answer to your prayer, finding this blog.  This is the place for the true God's news. First and foremost, the truth about our heavenly parents we learn.  This includes the fait of their marriage and how we ended up adrift in a dinghy to begin with.

Fornication Ends

His love and understanding for all His creation He teaches and He directs us to rid our life of fornication.   Get married to our lover, regardless of gender match, or stay celibate till marriage.  Fornication He hates.  Reparations to heal relationships damaged by fornication; forthcoming.

Lie Detector

The perverse lies of religion end here.  The more we understand about the true God when we pray the easier it is to resist and identify everything Satan has created to hurt humanity.  To date religion has profaned every human on this earth with lies.  The seeds of truth died with the first century christian's.

Did not Solomon threaten to split the baby to determine the truth of the mother?  How about Levite priests determining the truth for a jealous husband with a bitter beverage?  The true God is the only ally that will teach us the difference between the truth and a lie.  A relationship with Him is built with prayer, Bible reading and deeds.  How did the Psalmist say it, 'in your humility I am made great.' The true God makes great men and women.  Gems of wisdom, love, justice, and power replace Satan's lies festering these souls.

The true God Speaks for Himself

How do you think that Abraham traveled from place to place following the true God's direction?  They forged a relationship with one another.  Abraham had a relationship, nay friendship with the true God.  By definition the true God is the God of Abraham.  This is the God of the Christ.  This is who Christ prayed to and who resurrected Christ from the dead.  Recall Gethsemane?

The Christ is documented as refusing all forms of worship.  Christ did not receive worship even when sharing the visions of Revelation with John or explaining Daniel's visions to Daniel.  Every human has been reprimanded for bowing to every angel of the true God when attempting to pay homage as if worshiping a deity.  The true God shepherds His sheep and the fire-ring conflagration waiting for you on His landing sight (an eye full) is filled with meat.

Section One


The true God makes who He is known by His deeds and words. His inspired word the Bible has all of the information we need to develop a relationship with Him. Our prayers require knowing who the true God is, was and that He will always be and can not die. This means by definition we are committing a gross sin in worshipping the Christ. Yes, idolatry a.k.a. fornication.

This truth may anger many but understanding the relationship of these two precious living beings and their relationship with one another is the key to being shepherded by the true God into Christ’s coming kingdom. The truth of this assertion as well as every other claim in this text is proven by the true God himself.

When articles discuss Bible anecdotes and prophecy, find them in your Bible on your own and read them. An electronic oxford Bible is a solid reference and free for electronic readers and you can use the search function to find key words and names. Start digging and tingle when you find those proofs. Building your relationship with the true God starts now.

Is There A true God?

July 2, 2019

Is there a true God?  Yes.  There have been priests representing different gods where worship required cutting, mutilation, and fornication not to mention child sacrifice in the fire.  The true God hated, and hates, these things.  He is likened to a rock; constant in His preferences.  His qualities are; love, justice, wisdom and power.  Ezekiel poetically describes Him with four attributes in one being.

The true God gave His name to Moses as I AM THAT I AM. His deeds; written in scripture. His name and morals; known to His people.  They understood fornication was a vile deed.  He is intolerant of false God’s.  Jesus prayed to the true God.  Let’s strip from ourselves the false teachings of hypocrites and draw close to the true God, God of Jesus.

Let’s search Him out.  He is merciful.  If in our lives we have been party to sexual and religious idolatry He will reward our honest motives and lead us away from what has hurt our hearts.  As we make improvements in our lives He can come closer to us.

Let’s call out to the true God in Jesus name and He will Shepherd you leading you to His Kingdom through Christ's 1,000 year reign.

Please accept this invitation to pray to the true God in Jesus name.  Let how you feel when you pray tell you there is a true God that cares for you.

Preamble Of The true God And His King

July 2, 2019

This herald teaches you to work for your own salvation.  Fight for your own life shepherded by the true God. There are no intermediaries. Education with directives to seek out the true God fill the writings. The true God created mankind with the companionship and love of His first born of creation the Christ; wife of the true God until her death.  She, the female spiritual complement to God just as Eve to Adam. This herald and companion web site will teach you how to listen for the voice of the true God so you can grow in His love and the knowledge of the true God's word; the bible.

False Prophets Give Dates

Agents on this earth proclaim dates of prophetic fulfillment.  Blinded to their own affair with the original fornicator: home-wrecker, bastard producer and slanderer, Satan.  We will be delving into these prophetic revelations with scholarly attention letting the reader discern the truth.

Marriage is from the true God

It is time to learn the true identity of our creator, the true God. His name is besmirched by titles with slander. There is no recognition of His state of being. Oppositely, Satan tormented the remaining remnant and drove the Christian congregation into moral turpitude. Satan, ousted from heaven when the Christ was resurrected to heaven, wasted no time. Satan hid God’s name and accused God of being a homosexual deity in an incestuous relationship with His son to create. God and His bride were one flesh, married, until saving mankind with her sacrifice because He cannot die. He gave His own flesh in her sacrifice.  She walked this earth as Jesus, a man, son of the true God.

With the true God as our Shepherd we can flee false religion. Leaning on the true God without false religion we will; improve our health and shut out the influence of Satan and her demons. Next is the reward of walking on that crowded road to a blessed paradise life. The true God wants all humanity to attain everlasting life through His sacrifice.  This herald will deliver scriptural teachings in brief lessons to teach us how to search out our motives. From there, we will rid our lives of fornication. Daily loving drawing close to our Shepherd, the God of Jesus is life.

Know The true God, Know Life

July 15, 2019

Imagine a caravan. It is a happy procession of men, women and children. These loving figurative sheep nudge one another over rocks, sand, vegetation and crystalline streams. There is no rain, snow or hail. Balmy breezes and low clouds, penetrated only by rays of brilliant light showering the cramped road to life, mark our true God's presence.

These bleating gentle sheep have lovingly been collected from everywhere. We are a heard size that no human can number and on cramped roads to life all over our earth. The provision for life was provided by the Christ. Satan provided us a path to destruction. Satan is the father of death. The road to life can include every man woman and child on this planet who is living or who has ever lived. The Christ and earthly resurrection examples assure us of this.

Satan Has Death to Offer

False religion teaches an abominable lie that the true God is looking for any reason to discriminate against us; eliminating us from salvation. Make no mistake, Satan is the man-slayer. Satan only has death to offer. Life is the gift of the true God. It is a perfect life on our earth and in our body that we will work to make perfect, in spite of sin still existing in us, during the 1,000 year reign of the Christ.

On this road to life; our clothes do not wear out and are what we need for comfort and cover, our loved ones and new friends for a lifetime surround us. Fruit bearing trees and edible shrubs extend for miles on each side of life's road. Natural beauty never escapes our eyes. On the horizon a crashing shore breaks. Playing otters, seals, porpoise and dolphins, abound. These leap and squeak in delight at our approach. We enter the Kingdom.

What is the true God's Kingdom?  It is the earth described by Isaiah; beautiful, abundant, perfect and pollution free.  Where sin no longer exists.  Who enters the Kingdom? 1.Those that daily unburden their hearts and minds in prayer to the true God. 2.Those that daily add requests for forgiveness acknowledging their sinful existence and asking for direction in how to follow the standard of conduct lived by the Christ. 3.Those that daily read the Bible searching for clues about the true God's personalty so they can discern His voice directing them.  4.  Those that remove all forms of fornication from their lives and seek to do works apart from the sin in their blood.

Lying and Fornicating, No, No

Do not fornicate! This and lying are the bumbles of our lives that most align us with Satan. The true God knows that we are weak from imperfection (sin). You can walk away from any situation involving fornication or a lie, just pray for help in the moment of distress. Rapists face judgement and correction. Victims, be assured of mercy and care.

In Israel Levite priests removed the excrement from the intestines and placed that on the alter with the other animal sections and fat. In plain terms, the true God gives us relief. When we pray about all that concerns us confessing our struggles, sins, desires and most importantly our desire for life, we will feel relief. When we ask for help to avoid fornication or a lie, He will have our backs.

Why Humans are for Humans<

We are many generations from perfection. Adam and Eve became a victim of fornication (Satan) this altered our genetics. A rapid demonstration of what Satan's agents do to human genetics: demons materialized, had sexual intercourse with physical beings and created a violent brutal world of giants. Noah walked on this earth with these violent giants. Noah full of faith built an ark as directed by the true God. The genetic stock that the true God wanted preserved He directed into Noah's ark. The demons of Noah's day; imprisoned. Generations since Noah, the true God has protected us from demons materializing on this earth. To be born from fornication is to be born from Satan. We are regarded as the true God's children when we love one another as the true God loves us. The true God's children are shepherded to perfection.

Many imperfections mark our genetics. One is that our gender does not match our sex. Marriage is protection the true God wants for every sexual couple. It is protection one against incest, we are all from the same human parents. Man and woman does not translate to male and female respectively. Two men may be together as a couple and one be male and the other female in their gender. Likewise two women may be together as a couple and one be male and the other female in their gender.


Males or females that choose to sexually exploit a same gendered individual as themselves or a gender neutral individual are condemned as described in Romans. The greatest sign that our times are for the true God to call His sheep was in Jesus. Jesus was a woman, first, the mother of humanity, brought to life to walk this earth and provide salvation to humankind as a man. The true God understands and loves us.

Divine Or Divination

January 31, 2020

The Cyclorama

Cain spoke to God and pleaded his case after killing his brother.  Now sentenced to wandering, a fugitive, the true God tattooed him.  Cain lived longer and his tattoo marked him a murderer and protected.  The death sentence already existed for sin.  What all went on aforetime?

Cain made a sacrifice to the true God that God did not acknowledge.  When the true God spoke with Cain at a later time, before Cain murdered, He told him, if you express sin in your behavior I can't accept your sacrifice.  If you let sin's way go then I can accept your sacrifice.  Cain was struggling and the true God could not notice Cain's sacrifice until he moved away from sin.  He knew God and he was warned.

Able was a shepherd.  An ol' Montana rancher said it best; "Sheep are born looking for a place to die."  Sheep need care.  They have picky diets and if not moved often they graze a pasture down to a nub that knots cattle ranchers.  Able was relying on his relationship with the true God to care for those sheep.  He was also trying to understand why the true God would choose to be a shepherd to deliver His promise to humanity.  Find them when lost, tend to the mothers in lambing season, and maintain breeding stock rams, the routine seasons.  Yes, the occasional wound and of course predators existed.  Able built a relationship with the true God to care for those sheep.

The Stage

We are in a place where building a relationship with the true God is a baby step process for people that do not have a habit of reading the Bible from cover to cover and over and over.  Then let's add a daily diet of dialogue, prayer, because in everything you do, you reach out to God for His strength and assistance.  What do you do to reach a point where the Fine Shepherd just reaches out to you and says; turn right, turn left, stay on this road, and spends hours with you in object lessons teaching you how to correct your understanding and apply the Bible in your own life and live His law in what you do letting sin's way go?  Keep showing up for school even when you take a beating the day before.

Do, How to get God to Talk to You.  Why does this work?  After all isn't this gasp, divination?  Are you crapping me?  First, the text in your hand is the bible.  and yes, Satan is literate.  There is a problem.  The only way Satan and her demons have influence is with; total possession of your faculties, leaving your mind disconnected from you, or by motivating you to act on the feelings in your heart.  The organ pumping sin 24/7.  Listen with your mind with your Bible in hand and in prayer to hear the true God.

The Curtain

Just to clarify your heart is not that member suspended above your scrotum or that erecting tissue between your labial folds.  It is the organ that the true God reads and it pumps the fluid finger-printed in every drop with sin.  With every act of error you commit in your life and get away with it becomes easier and easier to listen to the sin in your heart.  You may have started out with morals, but where you end up is a place of fornication that costs without actually teaching you anything about serving the true God.

Listening with our hearts draws us to our desires.  The heart needs training to desire doing righteousness.  The more the draw to our desires and the lower we perceive the penalty or risk of being caught, the easier it is to say, God does not care.  The shepherd, government, has been God's way of making sure that there is a consequence for wrong doing and the shepherd's of the world need help.  If we have never lived a consequence for doing the bad thing or we are never rewarded for the good then what the hell?

The Orchestra Pit

The word of God, the bible, is a living document.  Reading it puts us in touch with the true God's Holy Active Force, directly.  If so how is it that we can end up with not being able to live according to at least the minutia of truths of good morals that churches attempt to preach? Because humanity lost basic knowledge of who the true God is.  Knowledge Able and Cain possessed.  Even Cain, a murderer spoke to God. The book of Job is an invaluable reference for understanding the true God's struggles.

He isn't lost now.  That is the work of His prophet.  His power is in every verse of scripture and like a sacrifice that the true God approves of He is reaching out to His sheep because a means exists for Him to be personal.  Knowledge of who He is, He can direct His sheep to now.  Abuse Him and He will send you away from His face like He did Cain.  That crushed Cain and he was a murder.  The true God is a friend for the ages.  His love, means discipline, you can think physical training here.  Belly up to bible. You will loose your belly.

The Thrust Stage

This power is also why people find it so difficult to read more than a few versus in a row.  When your mind has been polluted with a false doctrine the true God will make you stumble over the spot and linger.  He want's to teach you the truth.  Write down the verse you are stumbling over then keep plowing.  Come back in a state of prayer and read that verse that confused you.  As you read the Bible you reveal what you understand in your heart and He is reading your heart.  He uses His word to direct us.  He always has.  We need to listen.  Most of us give up.  Keep seeking and it will be given to you.  You do understand, the giving is the reward for the persistent seeking.

The Green Room

Cain was told after slaying his brother that he would be a vagabond and the earth would not give up her strength for him.  (Perhaps that is where the mother earth (feminine) comes from but don't get carried away here.)  Cain was relying on the strength of the soil to produce his produce.  He evidently was not giving credit to the true God for what he enjoyed.  God deserved credit for the strength of that soil.

Satan and her demons in no way can communicate with humanity directly through the mind.  Satan had to become a human, materialize in Eden (Eve sure would have recognized a third human).  Or Satan can take over entirely control of another being.  Angels materializing genetically the true God revoked at the flood of Noah's day.  Destroying both beasts, human and animal, in bestial acts of intercourse is the true God's Law.  The true God's will destroying the breeding pair and mutant offspring happened during the flood of Noah's day.  Breeding wicked angels wait in state of confinement for execution when the true God leaves His Sabbath.  Only the true God's righteous creation was preserved.

Satan chose taking over the serpent.  The least likely beast to approach man in the first place, the serpent.  It was the most cautious of all the beasts.  It posed the greatest curiosity to Eve.  What is the significance?  Spirit creatures that are on this earth can take over the will of another being and "posses" it, to a point.

The Catwalk

The Christ allowed the legion of demons to enter the herd of swine.  The swine were only allowed at that point to commit an act of self destruction.  Yes, that snake in eden died.  So does sin, in the end.  When the swine died the demons were released from the life they invaded.  Demons are invited.  How do we invite demons?  Pot works.  Cigarettes work.  Alcohol works.  These are legal. (California watch that pot lov'n.) Need I list the other mind altering harms? When you as a human being decide to reduce your mental faculties you invite the company of demons.  Your personal will lessens when addicted.

People who conjure spirits and reveal futures are seeking demons as their source of power.  The demon however must take them over to provide their 'knowledge' to others.  Spirit world beings feeding the direct dial false prophet, repent.  Christ sent you a message of forgiveness too.  Do you own an animal?  That animal can take on the possession of the demons for you that your habits of living invite.  That animal is headed for self destruction.  Most cities lethally inject attacking animals.

Fly System

A state of prayer is communication directly in the mind of and with the individual to the true God.  This personal relationship takes seasons to develop.  Why?  We demonstrate over time our repentance from sin.  Rid our lives of sins works and live the reward.  Sheep want the good diet from the true God.  Goats don't give a rip about what they swallow.  The true God knows exactly how much to share with His sheep to bring about His will in ending sin.  His sheep pray daily that His will be done on earth as in heaven.

The true God can, does, and will use angels.  These however are distinguishable and awe inspiring when in a physical form.  In physical form they are the true God's messenger.

The Audience

The transition into Christ's kingdom is as smooth as a sea of glass.  That massive destruction of the wicked?  It's coming.  First every being on this earth must understand that it is the true God that is judging them.  They also needed to grow to perfect conduct over the sin in their blood.  When He acts, destroying wickedness, the wicked individual knows; they first returned to the mire of sin's way, ignored God's warnings and then received His wrath.

The Box Office

Right now government is receiving discipline directly from the true God.  That is the power at my fingertips.  Now, it's my payday.  I have personal business to attend to.  You have much reading and prayer.

Dust Of The Womb

August 31, 2019
“The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.”
Proverbs 8:22

The personification of Wisdom (the Christ) was the first created being. Christ was the feminine counterpart. She was created before the highest part of the dust of the world. From earth this dust is the planets and stars we see in space.

“Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself.”
Isaiah 44:24

They Were One Flesh

Isaiah describes the true God as spread abroad or stretched out the earth and heavens alone. In the same verse He describes forming one from the womb. The Christ was the womb of creation. They were one flesh. Hence the many comments in the gospel that state plainly, I and the Father are one and if you have seen me you have seen the Father. When the Christ died that terminated their marriage and one flesh arrangement. The true God in the Bible takes credit as the LORD for creating alone. The one flesh team was the creative force of one. She, the Christ, had the greatness of God.

Everyone on earth earned a death sentence being born from sin, a descendent of Adam and Eve. When I die along with all of humanity before me, it is cruelly fair. In other words, because of fornication in the Garden of Eden we earned a death sentence. This is curable. The cure; be resurrected to the true God's Kingdom. After the 1,000 year reign of Christ the true God receives His crown and reigns indefinitely. Christ's 1,000 year reign commences when Satan is jailed. Undoubtedly Satan will attempt to offer the Christ all the kingdoms of the world just before incarceration to derail the true God's objective for saving humanity.

Everyone Born in Sin Dies

Buy into the lie that a human born of sin can live forever is the same poison that Satan sold Eve with a scabby fruit shrub that only a talking snake would get a human to look at twice. The promise is, death for sin.  Sin is in our blood. The Christ was in the grave three days. She should have had everlasting life. She was born perfect, sin free. The first provision to save humanity, her sacrifice and resurrection as a masculine spirit being. The second is his kingdom in heaven, now installed. Once Satan is shackled in the abyss, earth will heal during Christ's kingship.

During Christ's kingdom we will be growing to perfection for 1,000 years while restoring the earth to paradise. At the beginning of both Christ's kingdom and the true God's kingdom will be a resurrection. Like Lazarus and other resurrected ones, we are not resurrected perfect in Christ's kingdom. It is a resurrection to judgement. We are resurrected to grow to perfection in Christ's kingdom and put in the true God's book of life. At the beginning of the true God's kingdom is the resurrection to life. We are resurrected perfect with everlasting life in front of us.

Entering Perfect Life

There will be a final testing at the end of 1,000 years when Satan is released, puny and atrophied after 1,000 years of isolation. After this brief final testing the chapter on imperfection is closed and Satan is destroyed with the traitors she rouses against the true God. Satan's period of release is what makes the resurrection into Christ's kingdom a resurrection of judgement. But humanity will have the opportunity to be healthy and have many years under the Shepherd's love before the final testing.

Satan is destroyed. Then the true God's Kingdom begins with the Christ turning over kingship to the true God. All those who because of their love of the true God, in His book of life, are resurrected.

What it Takes

With the true God as your Shepherd is the only way you will attain perfect, everlasting, healthy and wholesome life. First you grow to perfection free from false religion.  Satan is given a week (once she has atrophied for 1,000 years in the stockade (abyss)) to stir up a new hell storm on earth. Once the agitators and traitors to the true God's coming Kingdom of sinless perfected persons have been destroyed with their creator Satan, remaining humanity; free at last.

The true God is the One

“That confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers…"
Isaiah 44:26

There are requirements we must live up to, to prove that we are living our faith in the Christ's sacrifice and that we want to be counted as the true God's sheep. Live for that day when Christ is king as if it is tomorrow. It's okay to wake up knowing we are living under another day of secular governments, they are after-all the true God's shepherd.


August 6, 2019

An R Rated Tear Jerker

In the book of Judges (only a week to read at three chapters a day) is a description of a sex crime with its consequence that the angels of the true God were invited to partake of when in Sodom generations earlier. (Did you know the Bible was such a hot read? Read it. Share in prayer what you are learning with the true God. Think of yourself as in the true God's Book Club.)

In the sex crime of Judges a Levite with his concubine traveled near the city of Jerusalem. She was given to a crowd of depraved Benjaminites who can only be compared to the son's of Sodom beating down a door to rape the Levite, her husband. After being abused all night in the street, she succumb to her injuries, was put over the back of a donkey (ass) and then butchered by the Levite into twelve sections one for each tribe. In the gospel Christ's crucifixion begins with the "donkey" (ass) ride into Jerusalem.

The Levite sent out the butchered concubine throughout Israel. The tribal leaders declared; "Never before has anything like this happened in Israel." They understood that a human sacrifice had been made. Israel went to war with Benjamin. The crime was during the period before Israel had a king. The true God, was over His people and Moses and Joshua had been laid to rest with their forefathers. The ark of the covenant was still in a tent and Israel was settling the promised land by warfare.

There is A Reason for The Narrative

Why include such a narrative in the bible? This story of human sacrifice made by the Levite priest of his concubine paralleled the sacrifice the true God made of His flesh, the Christ. If it was possible that a lesson could have been learned with Lot's offer in Sodom of giving up his daughters (engaged, therefore giving up son's in essence) the angels would not have blinded the crowd. Jesus was not a son in heaven. Jesus was the wife.

There is No Revenge in the true God

All of the tribe of Benjamin was attacked due to the bad conduct of the Benjaminites living in Gibeah. The tribe of Benjamin suffered losses but was not allowed to be extinguished. There is no revenge in the true God. Jews are as welcome to be the true God's sheep as any of humanity. The sacrifice of the Christ assures forgiveness and redemption for all. That a minority of the Jew's of the day were on a war path against the Christ was additionally forgiven in Christ's prayer; father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.

In both, the crowd prefers to rape the Men. They were never given the angels that looked like men or the Levite. A wife, the Christ was given as the sacrifice. Sent as a man protected her and paid the highest redemption for humanity but it was the woman, in reality, who was sacrificed. The price for slaves or servants according to law was highest for a man.

The true God Asks

The true God asks; are you a faithful husband who loves his fine wife? A woman who delivers you every pleasure and comfort out of her giving and obedient heart? She inspiring fidelity with her gifts to you? A being that from the moment you looked at her you broke into poetry that she was going to be yours the rest of your life? If the lives of billions would be saved from you giving her life because you were incapable of dying (a thought experiment), would you give her life on behalf of others even when it meant you would be separated from her forever? If these billions were your human children, you know your fine wife would make sure she was sacrificed for her children. Where is there a finer parent than my Christ Jesus?


"I AM" Sent Me

July 23, 2019

Naming Eternal Love

Who is in a name? If you held the burden of naming yourself so that a people for your name would understand something about you and be able to identify you uniquely, what name would you use? What if you were an eternally existing being that could not be seen by His creation; you were love, you could not lie and by definition eternal means you can not die, what would name your existence?

Perhaps the last human to know much about you died before the flood, Adam. Eight humans in an ark carried your identity and shared what they understood from the oral history of their father Adam. Between generations you were explained in oral history. You might have even received recognition from the monarchs of later generations. (The ark survivors children, for instance.) These could only list you as an unnamed God among many they worshipped.


For hundreds of years after the flood humanity had an oral record of who their creator was. But there was a caveat. An eternal God, who is love, was not the only contributor to the world man was in. Satan has credit here. He is after all the god of the world we live in. That is the sad reality of people explaining our story with a deity, there is more than one. And don't you know this explanation on Satan's side has people in a state of confusion worshiping as many god's as will fit on a totem pole.

Saying "Hello World"

When the true God introduced himself to Moses through an angel in the curiosity of the burning bush He did so because it was necessary. Moses was the instrument for delivering Abraham's seed from Egypt and recording the first books of the bible. With Moses came our first written record of our creator the true God and what role a fornicator (Satan) played in destroying humanity's perfection giving us sin.

The God worshipped by mac Dukes explains her deity she worships and prays to by two linked titles; the God of Jesus who is the true God. What about the name Jehovah? Satan did a tremendous job of inserting a name in the Bible that Young recorded in his concordance as happening in only four KJV scriptures to replace 'the LORD". It was not until after 1880 that this divine name became a part of our modern culture. Is this name divine? Anything belonging to a God or god is divine according to Oxford.

Looking at the Hebrew Text

Where is there wealth when it comes to the name of the true God? Israel. YHVH's preserved insights are in the scholarly pages of the Jewish Study Bible. Wait, isn't that Jehovah? No. What is Jehovah? It's an anagram in essence. Men who built a religious order on the Satanic seeking of dates (for the true God's will) and times to build a faith on, with measures of truth but twisted reasonings, glommed onto the few occurrences of Jehovah in the King James Bible and ran amuck with it. The name Jehovah owes itself to taking the consonants YHVH and inserting the vowels e-o-a between the consonants.

YHVH is the left to right lettering of the tetragrammaton. (Read Hebrew right to left). The Bible translates YHVH as "the LORD" (ORD in smaller font). Adonai, "my Lord", replaces YHVH is well. Adonai entered into the Jewish culture after Christ's death. What is wrong with the anagram of YHVH being mixed with some vowels for annunciation? Look at what was created; the actual tetragrammaton is best enunciated as, "Yahweh" from "yod-he-waw-he". It is also often written, YHWH. "W" is considered a more precise replacement of the "V" for annunciation. Why didn't we just use; Yahweh? Well, let's look at the anagram Jehovah. First, h-v-h is from YHVH. Then according the the Jewish study Bible the vowels from Adoni were inserted. (And reversed left to right). Why the reverse inserted vowels, a-o-e when Adonai has the vowels; a-o-a-i? Adone is taken from the Greek Adonis and is Italian, the male.

Stop Calling the true God A Dick

YHVH is; "He who causes things to be". Appropriate for a creator. Now jumble on top of YHWH the male vowels and we have created the penile amalgam; he who causes things to be on the male. We mapped YHVH to the genital member, penis. Congratulations humanity, with the name Jehovah we have been calling the God of Israel, a “dick".

Ahy-ee Sent Me

July 7, 2019

Jehovah Means Dick

Don't call the true God a dick. You are however identifying some other deity this way. After all, there is one true God and an endless array of false god's. Based on the amount of fornication in this world, there are many god's named Dick.

The tetragrammaton, YHVH, has a commonly accepted, yet uncertain, pronunciation, Yahweh. (It also is written YHWH.) There is however an issue. This is in itself a title. In Exodus Moses is entreating God for His name, because surely the Israelites already know the name of their God. Moses was an Israelite raised by Egyptians who fled Egypt. The knowledge of Israel was not his. He wanted the name presumably to prove he was their God's agent. The answer the true God gave was, "Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh".


In some translations of the Bible it is; I Am That I Am, I Am Who I Am or I Will Be What I Will Be. After articulating a duplicated name separated by a determiner, the true God further say's, "Thus shall you say to the Israelites, 'Ehyeh sent me to you.'" After announcing His name God delivers a set of titles. He further says: "Thus shall you speak to the Israelites: The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you." Abraham knew the true God as, El Shaddai, God Almighty.

To use the tetragrammaton is good. YHVH is an acceptable distinctive title that God gave himself as a distinctive identifier. Exodus also demonstrates the tetragrammaton in type face preceded by affirmation the tetragrammaton was the true God's name (some bibles). So use Yahweh knowing He is; "He who is".

What about the "Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh"? This name is not a title. It is a declaration of the true God. It is also an affirmation that only one member of the "Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh" team will appear on earth as the greater Moses before the nation of Israel in fulfillment of prophecy. This savior prophesied to save mankind is the Christ. "Thus shall you say to the Israelites, 'Ehyeh' sent me to you." This is explained with the defining statements: This shall be my name forever, this my appellation for all eternity. The first declaration defines the one who is or I Am, as in; existence always and forever. The second, is the one who was given the declaration; I Am and an eternal existence.

Yahweh is an acceptable identifier for the true God. And He approves:)

Shepherd Me July 23, 2019

Does The true God Know Me?

Does God know me? Why isn't He interested in me? I'm the child. Doesn't He know the misery I live with every day? I'd like Him to come down here from His distance in the heavens and get a taste of the s* I live with. Why do I have to make the first step and call Him? The short answer is living on planet earth, ruled by Satan, by definition means; we are screwed and must reach out to God first. The true God has no way of knowing by the way we behave that we want to serve Him and not Satan.

Understand, we are born imperfect. Imperfection means, our requirement is to declare, "I want forgiveness, life, to know the true God" in prayer in Jesus name. What is even better is that in prayer it is possible to hear from our Shepherd, the true God. Use His common Hebrew name, Yahweh, and His other titles that define Him in the bible. To emphasize, praying in Jesus name is paramount. We are imperfect. Jesus is our high priest.

Above all, learn the love the true God has for you. Accomplish this with a scripture reading game with the Bible while in prayer. Follow the directions of "How to Get God to Talk to You" and look at the key slides while in prayer. You will be pouring your heart out. This with Bible reading will draw you close to the true God and He will share His voice with you. He will take the time to get to know you as you get to know Him. He would like to make 7.9 billion human friends this year.

The true God's Ear for You

Two companion videos on U-Tube demonstrating this method. “How to Get God to Talk to You” is the written method.

U-tube Demonstration Video U-tube Demonstration Video

Good Government Is A Good Shepherd

July 2, 2019

The Shepherd is calling His sheep to His care and thanking government that has served in His place. Now we are being called to improve our lives to ease the burden on government. Government agencies provide boundaries, civil services, law, and enforcement.  Without laws founded in Bible morals the true God can not recognize a government entity as His shepherd. Christendom is exploiting the sheep.  Some governments are neglecting to distribute to the poor, crippled, and hungry.

In Israel two biblical kings reigned in succession since Solomon.  Either of the two divided kingdoms was welcome to return to the true God and He extended invitations to His people to do so.  The perversion of justice and morality of Israel isolated them from their Shepherd the true God.  He sent Israel into exile by secular captors.  These secular captors were foreign governments.  These knew who the true God was.  The children of those exiles were called to in Christ’s day.

Three "Thank You"s

Thank you servants of morally driven government entities that protect your boundaries and fight exploitation.  Sacrificing your own life for humanity; noticed.

Thank you for your dedication.  Your service to law with honest motives will be rewarded. The true God’s Kingdom is coming and His king Christ Jesus, head of the true religion, wants us to flee false religion. A great crowd of people out of every region and people of this earth will fill this kingdom through the twelve prophetic gates into his kingdom.

Thank you again to government and its agencies for attracting desirable, loyal and faithful peoples that deliver stability.  All of us need to realize the importance of civilization that encourages religious freedom.  This liberty of expression allows persons to stand at respectful attention to others while not bowing down to give allegiance to a false god. Religious freedom also fosters true religion's rebirth on earth.

Citizens Matter

The Fine Shepherd, God of Jesus, notices those who obediently; pay taxes, care for their families, serve others, flee immorality and fight against the sins of the flesh.  Open up your hearts to the true God and pour out your concerns in prayer because He cares for you and wants to lead you to pure worship in Christ’s congregation.

Servants of government you are the true God's sheep. Thank you for your service in these critical times. Your prayers to the true God in executing your duties are precious to Him and the concerns of your heart He wants to heal.

Babylon The Great Has No Shepherds

July 15, 2019

The words of Ezekiel ring true today. The "shepherds" of religion push out the ones most in need of spiritual instruction. The sick have no medicine. The injured go without bandages. The lost still wander. Everyone not fattened by favoritism is driven harshly and scattered.

The flock are scattered and tossed about because man is an; incompetent, selfish, dishonest, stupid and violent agent incapable of directing even his own way. A human has no business being a shepherd. Slight-of-mind and fornication-heavy men run Satan's religion wheelhouse. They bless one another appointing their own kind, wolves to shepherd the flock.

The true God Knows the State of His Sheep

In the name of "God" the true God's sheep have been; abused, sickened, raped, lied to in His name, extorted and disowned. The true God realizes this. All of human kind are the potential flock of the true God. He wants all of us to achieve salvation. And enter into the body of the Christ, the congregation, and then enter the Shepherd's own perfect Kingdom. The true God is not partial to any aspect of our humanity. It is our conduct, our dependence on Him our requests for help and obedience to His voice, that prove us His sheep for His flock. If we are struggling, He will mercifully bring us into the fold while assisting us to clean-up our conduct. In this way we reflect His glory and mercy and not clash like a gong, Satan's brand.

Shepherd is Seeking His Flock

This is the day for the prophecy of Ezekiel to come true. The Shepherd is seeking out His flock. He is looking for every opportunity to answer their prayers and make himself known to His sheep. The role of a man is to care for his own family. In their time of trouble, it is for all of us to look out for those that are defenseless or weak, as well as, widows and fatherless ones.

The servant David is the Christ as king in the heavens. We are being led into the congregation of the Christ, called away from false religion, Satan. In the congregation of the Christ is pure worship. Only shepherding by the true God brings you to the Christ.

How To Get God To Talk To You

November 11, 2019

Do you want God to help you?  He will.  A personal, specific answer to your problem or question from Him is possible.  You will read or hear His answers, if not both.  Your first time conversation with God begins here.  You may not however be under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.  Be forty-five minutes from your last "smoke" or vape.  Seventy-two hours from your previous alcoholic beverage consumption.  (Your body needs consecutive alcohol free days.) Also, have yourself removed from the ashtray, incense, addictive products and all paraphernalia.  Candles must be extinguished.  A chimney ventilated, legal fire, is allowed.

3 Steps

Step 1: Bible and a Cozy Spot

Find a place you can sit comfortably and quietly with your print Bible in your hands.  A note paper and pen is useful.

Do you need a bible?  Purchase an official Catholic bible. (No gilded edges.)  Preferably with a printing of 1980 or earlier.  It does not need an index or footnotes.  A Bible the true God (God) approves of will use the word "fornication" and not "sexual immorality".  The text in Revelation 13:18 is written "six hundred and sixty-six" it is not "666".  Using numbers in place of words is an abomination in Bible printing along with watering down the Word with "sexual immorality."

Step 2:  Begin a Prayer to the true God

Begin a prayer.  A suggestion (but not a script) is, "true God, I would like you to talk to me personally.  Sometimes I have doubts over whether or not you exist.  This world is so troubled.  I have faith enough to try this experiment.  And believe that the Christ is the savior you sent.  I do not know exactly how we are saved when we suffer so and die.  Those are just some of my troubled thoughts.  I want to know if you ___

Things to Include in the Place Holder are:

After Asking your own Question
1.  Close your eyes.
2.  Flip the Bible back and forth froward and over a few times. You are going to keep your eyes closed.  You need to be unaware of front, back or up and down of the bible.
3.  Then reach for the entire scriptures in your hands to thumb through each page.
4.  Thumb the Bible pages patiently attempting not to let chunks of the Bible fall through your hands.
5.  You will hear "stop".

This is inaudible and it will register inside your brain.  It is the Fine Shepherd, the true God, telling you where to "stop" your search.  The answer to your question will be on or begin on this page.

6.  Your eyes are still closed.
7.  Use a finger to roam the page from top outer corner to bottom, over to the second column of the same page (two column format) then up to the top of that same page.  

Move your finger over to the adjacent page do the same thing from top to bottom. During this finger motion of the page you will hear the word "stop" again.

8.  While scrolling your finger across the page you will hear the word "stop".
9.  Your scripture to answer your question your finger nail is pointing to or is in. Read the scripture.

It is okay to ask a question to help you understand the answer if needed.  It is also common for the scripture you pointed to to be the start of a great relationship.  Because it will nail your question.  You will be able to distinguish a yes or no answer to questions you have after reading you scripture.  You will also be encouraged to "flip again" to be given another scripture to read to help clarify your concern.  Write down each scripture you receive and the question you asked.  It will help you grow.

Step 3:

Limit yourself to four scriptures.

Eat a banana or potato for potassium and calories before or immediately after this prayer.

Close your prayer with thanks and "in Jesus name, Amen."

Keep the Love

You have just started a relationship with the Fine Shepherd.  To keep this relationship going you need to be reading the Bible daily and praying to the true God In the morning and in the evening. Learn the identity of the true God who has just demonstrated His love and understanding of you and rid yourself of idolatry.

Why this Relationship Matters

Stop wasting your money on Satan's false prophets and clergy.  The true God will shepherd you into Christ's kingdom or write you into His book of life for resurrection (as a sinless perfect you) into His Kingdom without further judgment.  Satan's leaders will only insure your destruction as one of the wicked in the day of judgement.  These are big thoughts to consider.  He won't shine you on with generalized directives, false hopes.  He will prove to you as an individual, who He knows well, He reads your heart and kidney's (what purifies blood, sin) and knows what you have done since you were conceived.

The true God is giving you life in Christ's kingdom, a fresh start, without Satan's influence, regardless of your deeds now.  Their is a caveat.  The wicked are being destroyed by His hand and resurrected a fresh slate, no memory of the wicked person they were or their families.  Those that survive His day of judgement, will be self identity in tact to provide love and support to those resurrected ones that need to meet the true God.

An Introduction

Introduce yourself to the true God.  He will not call to you first.  You, as His creation, must reach out to Him.  You posses salvation, redemption, now.  But that personal relationship you can still have.  His voice will come to you in your mind, not heart.  The mind, brain, is protected from blood, sin.  The heart is where your imperfect desires and Satan's agents can reach you.  Hence, why you fornicate when listening to your heart.  The true God hates fornication and it is the first habit He will break you from.  You will get married, be celibate, or turn away from the true God until you are ready, if ever, this side of His judgement day.

Acquaint Yourself

The true God's Ear for You played by His faithful sheep includes more engagement from the true God.  Test for yourself; God is good and He loves you.

Voice Of The Fine Shepherd

July 23, 2019

The Fine Shepherd will speak to you. What is more with every effort you make to walk away from Satan's world He will bring you closer to Him and you will be able to live with certainty that a life of perfect health on this earth transformed into a Paradise, is yours.

His Voice is Comfort, with Feeling

In your Bible reading you will encounter several times when the true God speaks to His people.  At times His anger blazes against wrong-doers or those that are reluctant to cary out His will, once they were chosen.  Moses fits here.  The Shepherd delivers His voice to us with emotional and intellectual certainty that He was, is and will be, all by means of His Holy Active Discipline (previously identified as Force).

It is A Personal Gift

The duration and strength of the Shepherds voice is a function of your obedience to His word.  The more you read the Bible and apply its council; the more your understanding will grow.  Reading it from cover to cover in an endless loop is survival.  There are no shortcuts here.

Neither your own thoughts nor the conversation of others will be interrupted. It is only one distinct voice. Never plural. You will not hear the Shepherd's voice when under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or unprescribed drugs.

You will only hear this voice during prayer with your Bible in hand. The true God will not reach out to you outside of your asking Him in prayer until within a five consecutive year period you have read the Bible from cover to cover, every word, eight times and have daily petitioned Him in prayer in Jesus name.

Dick Penetrates A Bible, 1k+ Times

August 5, 2019

The true God provided a name for himself that Moses recorded as YHVH.  The tetragrammaton is written YHWH. The "V" has a "W" pronunciation.  (The true God hates the "W"). Next there is a need for vowels.  How the Hebrews spoke the name YHVH in Bible times is unknown. After the remnant of 1st century faithful Christians died; the annunciation was lost.  Yahweh is the commonly accepted way to write and pronounce YHVH in multiple languages.  Bibles very often use "the LORD"  where "ORD" is a smaller font than the "L".

Why don't we use Yahweh?  The tetragrammaton is not the only character set to represent a divine title in the bible.  There is My LORDS, Lord GOD, and some bibles use Adonai.  But wait, there are more.  There is good reason to speculate here about why.  Since the death of Christ's remnant, we have been in the religious dark ages.  People have been slipping further away from even the good morals that were traditionally achieved with fear of the church.  (Not a good reason to be moral, but at least there was morality. The best fear is fear of displeasing God.)  There has been no agent for the true God on this earth since the death of that remnant.  Christ is king in the heavens.

The Purpose of macDukes

The prophecy is that the true God will call His sheep and Shepherd them leading them to the Christ who will be king over the earth once the abyss holds Satan.  To date not one religion has put in people's hands a means to reach out to the true God, and made it clear the true God not an intermediary of the church is their shepherd.  It is the sole purpose of these writings and the companion website to accomplish that goal.  Now, in our day, these are exciting times, the true God is collecting His sheep that are scattered about throughout all of the religions of this earth.  This herald represents His call.  Our work as individuals is to pray to the true God and read His word daily developing a relationship with Him so that our lives can be a reflection of His glory.

Prayer is a cerebral activity. Every human being is capable of prayer.  Pray, to the true God.  He created us to broadcast that mental signal to Him. He needs to hear from us to count us as His.  It's necessary for us to pray.  Who do we pray to?

Jehovah maps to Satan and prayer using the name Jehovah is the proof. Don't be blinded with the name "Jehovah". It is not the proper name of the true God. It replaces YHWH, (YHVH is accurate) the tetragrammaton.  This is a gross error.  Two herald articles address development of the name "Jehovah" (1 and 2).  It is at best derogatory holy sounding slang meaning; penis.  The dreadful lizard obsessed with fornication did one of two things either impregnated the holy Bible with the name Jehovah to call the true God a "dick", or simply said; 'hey, you can all worship me, the fornicator'.

The true God Can Listen and Share with His Creation

One thing is certain, stop calling the true God, "dick".  That means do not use the name "Jehovah" to reach out to the true God.  The true God has always listened to prayers of His creation.  (In truth how many other creatures can pray we do not know.  But rest assured, the true God speaks whale.  (Remember, Jonah was swallowed and spit up on Nineveh's shores).  Oh, and bear too.)  We are assured, hearing our prayers is the privilege that goes to Him alone.  That is a primary form of worship on our part.  How we behave is what induces Him to listen to us more or less.  Dump fornicating and lying and wow, that's big air time.

Stop Using Jehovah

Using the name "Jehovah" will eventually alienate you from the true God.  He will not endure the use of that name forever.  To date, for the sake of the innocent, those duped into believing that "Jehovah" is drawing them closer to their creator, the true God has tolerated its use.  The name "Jehovah" is yet another component of that dreadful lizard's world of religion.  Use "Yahweh" if the true God or God of Jesus are too much of a title.  As a reminder, "Jehovah" showed up in only four places of English text.  After 1880 the lizard found an individual to run amuck with "Jehovah".  Subduing that name ended at the turn of the 20th century. The true God want's it made clear, that slang is a product of the lizard, Satan.

LORD isn't Wrong Either

The important component of a prayer to the true God is knowing who He is when we call on Him. A title is not wrong even if you choose to use "LORD". To call on the true God, focus you mind on Him. He is the being that gave His flesh for humanity and resurrected her as a king in heaven. The true God knows the extensive slander told from pulpits, stages, TVs and books. The truth of these web pages is in the powerful closeness you will have coming to know the true God.

Don't Smoke D'Nile

August 5, 2019
Eh, that Hebrew stuff, God was bi-polar and cruel.  All I need is the gospel.
The Thinking of Gehenna Fodder

How dare you slander the prophets that delivered prophecy about the Christ as following a mental case of a God.  How dare you slander the Christ as half baked for the ecclesial orations he delivered to the crowds based on the Hebrew scriptures.  Oh, and most important how dare you deny the truth of the perfection of the true God who in humility gave glory to the Christ and His remnant in the gospel and epistles to the ecclesia.

In Revelation we revisit the prophetic drama of the time of the end that the Hebrew scriptures are woven with bringing to life how the true God will bring about His perfect standards on His earth with perfect creation to laud Him.  Be perfect creation or perish.  Working toward perfection begins now.

There Is No Repentance Where There Are No Works

Christ fulfilled the Law of Moses but we are required to live according to the standards of that law.  It is not irrelevant. The sacrifices? Christ fulfilled those. The use of priests, No!  Christ is the high priest who is also the reigning king in the heavens waiting for the true God to shepherd in the sheep to judgement.  (Abraham made a gift to such a high priest and king, named Melchizedek.  The point, a priest-king existed and exists.)  Then the Christ will be given rulership over the earth.

The true God used prophets to express His provisions to save His sheep.  This provision started with the Law's fulfillment, Christ's sacrifice.  All of us can be saved.  That means every human living on this planet.  That is not likely because plenty will look for scapegoats to practice; fornication, idolatry and a plethora of works of the flesh with no willingness to repent by changing their lives.  Faith in Christ's sacrifice that is not proved by our works is non existent, inert or dead.  Their is no repentance where there are no works that prove repentance.  We ask for forgiveness but we must act like we will live a life in harmony with all of the true God's word.

Books About Women Relevant

Paul wrote to young Timothy that all scripture was inspired of the true God and a tool to build a life the true God would write in His book of life.  (Life, as in to save you from death by being resurrected.)  What was the scripture that Paul was referring to?  The Hebrew scrolls, Genesis through Malachi.  Can't you just hear the boy, a teenager whose frontal lobe is not fully formed, gripe about reading the Lamentations and worse still three books about women. The writings of Christ's ministry and the apostles letters to the remnant congregation of the 1st century were being penned.

Toward the end of the 1st century is when Revelation was written.  Then faithful christians that survived the brutal attack Satan was instituting against them were; hiding, saving and compiling the 1st century letters that the true God wanted preserved.  The Bible as we know it, Genesis through Revelation survived against insurmountable odds.  All of it. When Paul was instructing Timothy and others in the congregation he paraphrased the Hebrew scriptures and incorporated the miracles and examples of the Christ to tie how Christ's fulfillment was in harmony with what the true God had commanded of His people, always.  There is not a verse in the Bible that is not relevant for us today.

Live Long Enough and Every Verse is Relevant

Every verse may not apply at every moment but those that want to live in the true God's Kingdom will adhere to every verse of the bible, as if it were; guess what? The Bible on how we are to live as people.  This is not a guide that calls you an imbecile.  It is a guide. It requires a dictionary, patience, prayer and a willingness to change how we do things so that we can live up to the truths we do understand even though there are many that we will not understand for perhaps years to come. Uniquely alive with the power of the Holy Active Force. (Commonly called holy ghost).  It heals the heart by calling you a loved individual whose life is precious to the spirit union that created you through Adam and Eve in the first place.

You Can Shed the Death Sentence

After all being obedient to our parents was the first command with a promise. It is in both the ten commandments (that the true God took and preserved in His ark) and the Greek scriptures. That promise was that things would go well for us as children. Those parents, our heavenly creators. Denial of the value of all of the scriptures is akin to denial of the existence of the true God in the first place. And guess who needs you to forget the true God exists so you can die just like she will. You do not have a death sentence as long as you draw a breath to repent with all you say and do. Satan and her demons has the death sentence.

Natch'yo Golden Calf

August 18, 2019

Imagine being in the desert backed up against Mount Sinai. You are serving as a kind of park ranger amidst 2 million campers. That said, you are one half of a leadership team that stood down the pharaoh of Egypt and all his magic practicing priests. You are the mouth piece to your Levite brother, Moses, who is an intimate servant of the true God. The true God's miracles happen through Moses. The campers identify Moses as the means of the true God being among them. You are Aaron.

Moses, on Mount Sinai, had given the appearance of abandoning the tribe of Israel. Aaron at the request of about 3 thousand inflamed campers, who need to see a leader, makes a calf to replace the missing Moses*. As it is pulled from the fire the inflamed crowd declare, 'the calf is our god'. Aaron, further facilitating the lunacy, built an altar in front of the calf and declared, 'A festival of YHVH would be tomorrow'. The festival was raucous. The blood of 3 thousand reveling campers was spilled to quell the rioting.

Drinking Gold

The raucous festival was the event that sent Moses down the mountain early. The original ten commandments Moses obliterated in honor of this festival, crashing them to the ground on site of the party. He pulverized the calf into powder and made the revilers drink it. (On some desert there is gold dust in the sand.) The second set of Ten Commandments Moses carved and set in the Ark. The true God used the Ark to be present among His people.

Throughout the bible, the true God is identified with; God, the LORD, the LORD God, and Lord GOD. Elohim (or elohiym) is used for; God, god, gods and objects of worship. The god definition of this calf is elohim, deity in the plural form.

Satan's Goal, Make You Think He Is the true God

Satan's lie, in Genesis, "gods" is first written. Get it? Satan originated false worship. Elohim, in the context of you will be like gods, is preceded by kaf. This character is translated; as or like. The use of this character turns God into; like a true God.**

All cases of elohim do not use preceding characters. Elohim is Hebrew for God, god and gods in the bible. In the opening story, the concordance shows the word for the calf god as elohim אֶלֹהִים in truth it is אֱלֹהֶיךָ in the Masoretic text. This word, elohim at its root, means divine ones and is a masculine plural noun***. That word is translated, "gods". The problem? Bible concordances simply use elohim אֶלֹהִים. The text indicates more detail. There is no ideal reference where biblical research are concerned. Employ tenacity to examine a verse's text across references. Finding spiritual gems a reward.


The tetragrammaton, YHVH, is translated as, "the LORD" and "the LORD God". The arbitrary (pronunciation is uncertain) vowel insertions form Yahweh and mean; He Who Is. The Lord GOD is from adonai meaning; My Lords.

The tetragrammaton appears thousands of times in the Hebrew text. Interestingly the Devil, Satan, gets very little air time. Look that up for yourself in a Bible concordance. The Bible is the true God's text. For the trouble we are in there is very little mention of the evil doer that won us our seat in sin. To clarify, the true God does not, dwell on nor hold onto, the negative. He does not waste His regard on those that are dead. (This often means unrepentant in scriptural context.)

Watch Those Four Letter Words

Hebrew characters, the tetragrammaton, YHVH (יְהֹוָה , יֱהוִה root יהוה) and read from right to left. Vowels assumed in annunciation. In a 'Christian' Bible the tetragrammaton, with other titles, is expressed as Jehovah. Four scriptures in the King James Version articulated the name Jehovah in place of four occurrences of the tetragrammaton in the King James Version (circa 1600). (Tetra meaning four and grammaton (not a word on it's own) loosely meaning letter. (Is there something wrong here with the true God's self designated title being a Romanized four letter word? The Roman empire did fall.))

Let's look at Jehovah with these illustrations from Young's Analytical Concordance

https://archive.org/details/analyticalconcor00younuoft/page/616 [caption id="attachment_876" align="alignnone" width="300"] the LORD and the LORD God[/caption] Lord GOD, also O God the Lord. These Hebrew Characters are the Root Lord GOD, Lord and My Lord Doesn't this random definition of Jehovah as, existing one, on the same Hebrew characters that in thousands of places means He (who) is (pictured first) seem out of place? Bible Manuscripts Do Not Agree with Transliterated Concordance Text

Examining the original text does not make it any easier. Often the original text does not agree with transliterated values and Isaiah 26:4 is no exception. There are two occurrences of Strong's H3068. The root word of H3068 is Strong's H1961 הָיָה. This text is the last three characters of the tetragrammaton meaning; was, become, come to pass. For the first occurrence the original Masoritic Text shows בַֽיהוָה same root and the second occurrence יְהוָה.

Simplifying the true God to a name is a challenging business. Employ a convention; use one title for the root, then add the text appropriate verbs indicating who He was being. That means the true God is always a noun and a verb. He is always in existence and always doing something. For a singular monicker to work requires a perspective other than humanity. How about the perspective of Satan. Her fornications that are destroying humanity earned her a death sentence. In this case, "Dick" is the one name for the true God that can do it all for her.

Idolatry in Pictures?

The thetruegod.info website and electronic media make use of pictures.  In no way are illustrations a means of illustrating the true God.  They are to stimulate thought.  Names and titles regrettably hide the personality of the true God who His sheep wish to worship.  The truth is, He is flexible in His approach dealing with each and every one of us individually and without partiality.

Every human being on this planet has the opportunity to be in the true God's Kingdom. Mercifully, He is flexible working with us. His standards are not on a sliding scale.  Remember, He took, kept, His ark and the ten commandments.  John revealed this and Jeremiah wrote about concern over the ark's location. There is no possible way to idolize a deity this dynamic and not become a worshiper of the garbage we carved, molded, painted or tooled.  The result is that idolatry puts limits on the true God. The second we think we know who He is; wait, He is more.

Failing the Sheep has Penalties

Returning to Aaron, he indulged idolatry and the true God lost 3,000.  The true God never wants to loose even one life. Later Aaron's sons Na'-dab and A-bi'-hu, Levite priests, used; utensils of, and sacrificial gifts to, the true God to concoct their own ritual.  Fire from the true God consumed these two son's of Aaron in this act of idolatry.  Meat is on this bone for you enjoy. Start reading from Exodus chapter 32.

הָיָה בַֽיהוָהיְהוָה

Vowels assumed https://archive.org/details/analyticalconcor00younuoft/page/616

*Jewish Study Bible, Oxford, 2nd ed. pg 174 commentary 32.1


***https://www.mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0232.htm with https://scholarsgateway.com/parse/%D7%90%D6%B1%D7%9C%D6%B9%D7%94%D6%B6%D7%99%D7%9A%D6%B8


Dick Mad

August 19, 2019

Indignant speech from the true God.

Imperfection is Limiting

Do you know me? Do you know that if I am close to you, imperfect flesh, the very nearness of me would kill you? If I ever showed you my face you would die? Moses was obsessed with seeing me. For the glimpse of my back He viewed from a rock crag, his face emitted rays the rest of his life.

It was not like that in the beginning. I walked about in the afternoons with Adam in the garden and listen to him and him to Me. He was our first human creation and We were ecstatic to give him a mate.

Earth, Never Destroyed

It was a masterful moment to bring them together. He was in awe of his bride. It was going to be a wonderful moment for Adam and Eve to come together to create offspring. Their names had not yet been given. They were man and woman. Man, still learning who He was, was given an intended bride after years of being the one we loved dearly. Earth was a special place among many universes. Earth is home Man and woman were created to enjoy.

If I have not made it clear, I hate and I do mean hate fornication. I am being exceedingly patient. The perversion I am subjected to from people insisting they know who I am (and want me to solve their problems) is infuriating. Then there are the abundance of people who have no interest in knowing me and are creating problems for this earth that even 1,000 years can not fix. I will not let my planet be destroyed. I am loosing patience with humanity.

The true God, Not Your Dick

Men, as far as I am concerned the majority of you have the finesse of a man in a bar telling a partner, "Hey, I could fuck you tonight if I put a bag over your head." You do not know me and you are not making any effort to know me. Who the hell do you think you are in attempting to be religious leaders and bastions of Bible truth? Your predictions are a perversion for demons to bathe in. Your slogans of devotion and marketing measures of truth resemble epitaphs of white washed graves. Perversions of Satan dilute them. I am fed up with all of you.

My Sweet Pea (the figurative wife) is praying for me that I do not loose my patience with you and destroy all of you. Get this straight. I am making many concessions for the state all of humanity is in. Hundreds of years lapsed before a faithful servant that does my will developed. I have this servant and a means of reaching my creation. For many of you it is too late to make a lick of difference in your perverted, fornication filled lives.

Even though some of you in a prideful state of delusion believe that to not fornicate with a man, woman or beast is enough, damn your hypocrisy for your many religious fornications. Attempting to worship me and not knowing who I am is the same as worshipping Ba'al, Dagon and Satan! That lizard must use idolatry. The worst of her idolatries is to deceive human creation about who I am and in a tornado of devotion I have people thinking they serve me when they are; far, far, far removed from me.

Get Out Your Bible!

Get out your bibles. That is an order. Get yourself a KJV from before 1980 or an ASB. The Holman publishers is a good bible. Next you will ask me in prayer if the God you believe me to be is the God that I am. That is the test before you.  Every person on this planet is going to perform this prayer for me to demonstrate to them that they either know me or not. In that prayer; I will pour out my bad spirit on every individual that does not know who I am.  Then You will pray a second prayer. This prayer will test who my Sweet Pea is teaching you that I am. Guess what?  You will cry over your depth of ignorance. Start reading the bible. Get on board with learning who I am or you will be destroyed.

Shadow Of Death

December 28, 2020

God is God.  He is also Fine Shepherd to His flock leading them into the body of the Christ.  Prayer is to Him.  He hears prayer that is in the name of "Jesus".  That is the super-power all of humanity possesses.  We acknowledge the Christ and we can overcome every false teaching, habit, and perversion of this world to be what the true God will; adore, shepherd, and protect through every adversity.  For this gift from Him we ask the true God make us obedient to His will, unashamed of our needs, feelings, genitals, and addictions.  We face our struggles in direct and open dialogue with the true God and explain that we wish do His will.

If we do not want to do His will?  Fine.  The resurrection into Christ's kingdom provides for all those who were destroyed as wicked before Christ's kingdom arrives on this earth.  The wicked are a clean slate, newly born adults like Eve, with no Satan to put them in a place of harm.  Every conceived life gets resurrected, sin is still in our blood.

There are those that have been faithful to the true God and will be resurrected into His Kingdom.  These persons are resurrected without sin in their body.  Under His own law, until sin is destroyed, the true God will not be able to exit His sabbath.  His law is perfect.  There is no reason for it to change.

The Ewe of the true God

God has one lone ewe just as the prophet Nathan indicated to David, thou art the man.  In this case a king took the one possession of a subservient.  Worship belongs to the true God but the divine team split to provide salvation to creation that were in the throws of a battle with an over indulged cetan who decided that fornication was the path to life.  It was the gateway to all badness.  The Christ, as first of creation, earned immortality, kingship and a high priesthood that saves all humanity forever.  Satan who coveted the bosom position of her mother sought to pervert her parents.  I am that one ewe of the true God writing to individuals to connect Him to them, His human creation.  The true God is the Fine Shepherd.

Remember the parents interpreted from Joseph's dream, the Sun and the Moon?  Father and Mother.  Jacob (Israel) took note of Joseph's dream even though he rebuked him.  The sun and moon bowed to Joseph.  Did they not in the death of the Christ (mother, moon) and the loss of the bride of the true God (father, sun) for humanity?  Our heavenly parents deserve our respect and love.

Sin Offering

December 24, 2019
“Shout, O' heavens, for the LORD has acted;
Shout aloud, O' depths of the earth!
Shout for joy, O' mountains, O' forest with all your trees!
For the LORD has redeemed Jacob, Has glorified Himself through Israel.”

Did you not promise the rebuilding of Jerusalem and Judah? God of Jesus, do you not also;

“Annul the omens of diviners,
And make fools of the augurs;
Who turn sages back And make nonsense of their knowledge;
But confirm the work of My servant
And fulfill the prediction of My messengers.
It is I who say of Jerusalem,
‘It shall be inhabited," And of the towns of Judah, "They shall be rebuilt;
And I will restore their ruined places.”’"

Please, let Isaiah's prophetic cry of joy ring true again.  Act in behalf of your sheep the earth over.  We are scattered in the far flung places of the earth.  The moral bankruptcy of religion means we look to government for assistance raising our children and law of the land to create family harmony and morality.

Moral Decay Follows Discipline Prohibition

How can parents provide love (discipline) necessary when discipline is regulated to favor the tantrums of those whose frontal lobes are not formed?  Sexual promiscuity, that existed only on the street when these were born, is now a condoned behavior in the bedroom that a year before was provocative from the addition of a Ken doll.

We are figuratively your Israel.  Every tribe and nation of the earth host our domain.  Do not show partiality but gather us in through your twelve gates.  Jerusalem is your heavenly kingdom but you will reside with your creation again.  The tent of the true God is to be encamped on the earth with humanity when we are perfect.

Rather than annihilate your creation you allowed Adam and Eve to have their procreative vigor.  Humanity now is 8 billion strong.  All of us are ailing from imperfection and the woes Satan has placed in this earth.  She has exploited every beautiful part of what makes humanity extraordinary into twisted offspring without conscience toward fornication, self-mutilation, lying, war for peace, and believing in living for ever as a reward for sin.

'See' Christ's Presence

We know that the Christ will make his presence known as a king coming over the earth to wipe out the apocalyptic riders of mayhem that threaten peace and life after his kingdom.  We know Satan will be abyssed for a period before release and then sin's final destruction.  You owe us bowls of wrath against the wicked and replacing the shepherds that refuse to provide a government that delivers assistance for the poor and laws that uphold family and community.

When do we see proof of you reaching out to your creation reclaiming the figurative house of Jacob? Our efforts to fight Satan's lowest common denominator genre are swallowed up by the land (false-religions elements).  How can anyone be satisfied with being righteous in a world that glorifies perversion as entertainment?  Men are not protecting their families, keeping mature rated games and television out of their homes or satellite feed.  Personal electronic devices that are now a necessity, (because when did someone last even see a pay phone) putting Satanic programming at a minors finger-tips.  We need help in arranging our lives and caring for our families so that we are not dependent on these feeds and can exercise controls and enforcement.

The increasing level of luxury across nations is growing the inequity and leverage; cartels, drugs and human: have at moving into a nation and chiseling away legal government to supplant it with their criminal enterprise.  This builds a culture or terror that crosses boundaries.

My Voice is Insignificant

Right now I am only a whisper on a global internet.  Sadly you are a couple hundred search engine listings behind the false prophet.  You fulfill your promises.  Daniel and other prophets of Israel rang out a message of the fall of Jerusalem (70CE) that have prophetic significance for our day due to the times John lived when writing Revelation.  We are in a time of peril awaiting proof, please, I beg of you, prove that you are God Almighty who fulfills His word, loves His sheep, and will reclaim us from the peril of being devoured by the religious 'shepherds' Satan has installed in churches and halls all over the world.

All we can do is live up to the excrement we spill into the sewer without personal awareness of you, Fine Shepherd.  It is the works we do that prove we want to serve you deeming our sin offering precious to you.  Please, you have redeemed us.  Let the Christ's sacrifice be glorified in acts of wholesome conduct we perform for ourselves.  We need to know you to be motivated by fear of displeasing you, love for your feelings.  Where on this earth are you?  At thetruegod.info?  Let us please, precious to you, enjoy your divine direction in our lives.  We are simply Satan's sin offering without you.

Please forgive my heart pumping sin through my veins.  Without your intervention in my life, I am at the helm to Hell.  Let these words please reach your eyes while you are in a state of mercy.  In the name of Jesus, make me love your word and live your law.

Do It With Your Own Hands

January 1, 2020

In short:  The true God does not pronounce death sentences.  Only others can choose a death sentence for themselves by what they do to others or by what they choose to do for themselves.  Noah up-held the true God's covenant of building an ark.  The true God up-held Noah's word on his son's.  Our faithfulness to Him means He see's to it our will is brought to pass when we are righteous.

The Truth About the First Family

Satan wanted all the gifts of existence her father possessed (after being puffed up over vanity).  She sought the true God to get immortality and to be almighty.  Satan had loyal followers, fellow spirit family, because of her great beauty. (She persuaded a third of the angelic creation.)

The true God leaves death sentences to others.  Because the true God can't die, He does not pronounce sentences of death. The tree was a means of a life pronouncing their own sentence if they chose death.  It bestowed knowledge of what was sin, badness.  That is what made the tree a death sentence. He does not force obedience on anyone.  The true God and His bride had a means of saving all creation if they chose the consequence of terminating their marriage and elevating the Christ to a higher position than wife for her obedience and love.  She became our eternal salvation.

The true God's Sabbath

Because the true God declared a Sabbath before sin reared its head, He could not just end His Sabbath until sin was no longer.  This was according to His law, that is why the Israelites had such strong restrictions and the sabbath day was declared holy at its beginning and its end meaning anything unholy in its middle had to be destroyed.  The state of holiness had to be restored before the Sabbath could be ended.  (This perfect law could not be upheld by imperfect man.)

In His Sabbath the true God relies on not entering a state of work to accomplish what needs to be done.  All His creation is a part of bringing about His will.  And like a cat we will do because we think it was our own idea.

Getting Back to Satan

David pronounced his own death sentence for Bathsheba when confronted by Nathan.  Satan was the firstborn angelic creation of the true God and His bride.  Satan became perverted by the attention for her beauty and lusted after becoming the greatest being in existence.  She wanted to be her father's mate (that would have raped her mother in a homosexual act).  Satan, installed as the garden cherub by law lived the right of firstborn. If Satan resisted tampering with Eve and Adam and left humanity to chose for itself then she would not have experienced a death sentence all her own.  Satan chose death for all humanity and thereby chose her own death.

The true God understands acting towards others expecting righteousness and wisdom from them.  To expect people to be rational decision makers that would not put their own life in jeopardy is righteousness.  Satan hatched (lizards lay eggs) a plan as the garden cherub to keep the earth in a state of sin and the true God forever in sabbath so she could not be disciplined and be immortal.  What she did not account for was the righteousness of her mother.  Christ giving her life for all creation allows the true God to eliminate sin from this earth and leave His Sabbath and save all created beings that would have chosen life had they been given the chance.

Elevation Deserved

The Christ sacrifice and elevation to a higher position takes death away from all creation if they choose a life of repentance.  Why was stoning required on the sabbath? Because what was sin had to die for the true God to leave His Sabbath.  The Israelites were living the true God's existence (just like their calendar) with their sabbath and experiencing how difficult it was to live a day of holiness when an exogenous influence, Satan, existed to keep people in a state of disobedience.  Not to mention their own sinful existence.

The Sinless Law Challenge

Could humanity live up to the discipline of the law?  No.  Hence the Christ.  If Israel could have practiced all the required executions, including against those who said, "hey lets go worship Ashdod", it would nave been a healthy servant of the true God.  Not even Solomon kept himself free from false religion.  He should have stoned his wives for suggesting to him serving other gods.  Did he? Nope.  He let his heart be inclined to go with his foreign wives.  Mankind had to have a savior.  What the true God was making clear, sin has to be eradicated for His sabbath to end.  Eradicating sin means death.  Sin is what our life became from Satan.

No one wanted to execute their own family to preserve the law.  Do you think the true God finds executions any easier?  No.  That is why all conceived humanity will receive a fair chance and the Christ was obedient to death.

The Last of the Seventy Weeks

Satan's ways must be destroyed and Satan returning from the abyss as a human on the earth levels the playing field for Gog of Magog to face their agitator and it allows for Satan to face her end like the creation she adulterated. Sin is being destroyed when Gog of Magog bring about their own destruction.  That is the last of the seventy weeks.  Once every living being that lives a life in opposition to the true God is destroyed then the true God leaves His Sabbath.

Love Note At Seven

September 10, 2019

Who is the true God?

An Exercise

Why not list the qualities of your spouse and remind yourself of why you love them.

Comic-Con-ation July 21, 2019

X-ray vision? Fly? Stretch? How about; read hearts, heal the sick and infirm and the coup de grace resurrect the dead; healthy, whole and beautiful? Superheroes are an extension of our need to celebrate having the ability to perform miracles. Did children of the nation of Israel pretend to be prophets when they played? Elijah resurrected a widow woman's son. And Elisha resurrected a cannibalized son of a Samaritan woman and sent her and the rest of her family out of the land for a seven year famine.

Those first three superhero attributes came from comic books. The last three came from the true God. He gave the ability to resurrect the dead to some of His prophets of Israel.  (Everyone resurrected still had sin). These were performing miracles on a smaller scale than what the Christ performed. The historical narratives contained in the scrolls read by the Jews and Samaritans of the day reminded them of the grand promises to come. First, that Christ would be coming on the earth and die for humanity. Next, that Christ's coming would be a minor fulfillment of what will happen in his kingdom.

What right minded person wouldn't want to have the ability to perform wonderful works of divine proportions? If we need a departure from reality that let's us travel to a distant City, marvel at its hospitality, and join our peers in pretending we will save the world, stay safe and thank the true God for having a conscience that loves humanity.

Section Two

Relationship Building

The true God is going to bring about a smooth as a sea of glass transition into Christ’s kingdom. When we can all appreciate the spectacle Satan is jailed in the abyss. Right now there are too many that would be confused as to why their god was being bitch slapped.

The best way for this to come about is for humanity to be voluntary in their listening to the voice of the Fine Shepherd, the true God. Listening does mean acting and in our seven weeks we are going to be adding richly to our lives by finding out who our Shepherd is. Christ, people, is the Lamb of God. The first to follow the Shepherd. Correction the Fine Shepherd. As in only one is Good, God.

Building a relationship with the true God means leaving the pew behind and reading our bibles and praying to Him. The true God has gone fishing and the heavens are closed to all those that do not know who He is.

Careful What You Wish For

February 22, 2020

A Golden State vibrant gilded-clouds-sponged-in-violet sunrise over the Coronado Bay bridge was the blessing you missed dragging your "legally blind" neglected body out of bed uttering peevish remarks against your disability check, waddling into your car to assist your elderly mother mid-day. Hard to imagine as a deacon of the Presbyters that tax free status isn’t helping you enough to afford groceries.

Did you know that learning to cook, you as a woman can reward your family, using simple kitchen tools; pressure cooker, and crock pot: on less than one hundred dollars a week two protein-packed meals each day? Dried beans, rice, whole-fresh produce, liver, and brisket cuts, are just that inexpensive.

Entitlement has paved your way. It means little cheese, no deli and prepared foods, and potable water to drink, perhaps tea.  But surely the tax payers don’t expect you to go without those things. After all you worked a decade of your life for your disability benefits since the nineties.

Jesus Answers Prayers, Satan Too

At a Grand Ole Opry gift shop the shopkeeper confessed to me the downside of ‘Jesus’ answering her prayer to move her from Texas to Tennessee. She had to give up her disability benefits. The true God hates fornication.  Loving money means wielding-it, is your god. Idolatry is fornication. People who shirk work He wants gainfully employed. Shepherd’s He wants unburdened from Satan’s servants.

Talking to her, a moment of maritime salvage.  When we make prayers in harmony with the true God’s will He provides the means to improve us, move us, employ us, to better demonstrate our abilities and improve our health. Ah, the truth of, “idle hands are the devils playground.”

Ezekiel Sieges "Jerusalem"

Prophets beat to the true God’s tune. If He sends you to live alongside a fortress filled with fornication that He wants to clean for His service you can live for four months on 25% of your body mass and four hundred dollars in gift certificates and petty cash. He saves asses that do His will in His sabbath.

Ezekiel wrote, the true God knew the thought’s of Israel. For course He did. Every prayer made to every profane deity ever, He is subjected to. He hears prayer and when we want to do His will, He answers even though He was personally violated by our ignorance. Why did Israel have such tough times?

Because, curse them, they knew who the true God was but they capitulated to the nations He told them He wanted extinguished. They knew the true God was listening to them and who He was. They delivered acts of worship to garbage to fit in with the trash. Peer pressure. The test of your side.

The Test

You think prayers to Jesus are any different? Are these more righteous than prayers to the dollar bill? There is only one hearer of prayer. In-spite of you hurting His heart by not knowing who He is, He helps you when He can. Don’t mock Him with a life of fornication. The veil of ignorance ends with my writings.

When you decide you want to learn the truth of your knowledge-base on God take His test. Decide between three activities to last for two weeks.


Choose to eliminate answering text messages. Switch off the text message notification on your phone. At a designated time of day when you can make a phone call undistracted, look at your message queue and decide who you are going to answer.  Do it over the phone or with one succinct text with no other distractions.


Unplug cable television from your television set. You may plug in an antenna so you can stay tuned into news events. Do not stream cable shows with personal devices.


Choose an unfinished project at home or a skill you are putting off diving into. This includes; home repair or improvement, a craft or new foods to learn to cook. How about learning a new language? Each day chip out an hour to finish or develop this project.

Week One

Make your commitment to activity one, two, or three for the week. Pray to your deity to make room for this adjustment in your life. Each day show your deity that you are working in harmony with his will by waiting on those messages, avoiding cable shows, or carving out an hour for a healthy spot of work and personal improvement. When you feel things getting in the way of this commitment, make another prayer for help to find the way to dedicate yourself to that days effort. It will be blessed.

Week Two

You have been blessed with success relying on the deity you pray to. Now, make the prayer for week two including the test phrase, “if the identity of the god I have been praying to is the accurate knowledge of the God that delivered Israel from Egypt and/or the God that sent and resurrected my savior, Jesus, to the heavens, I expect to enjoy the same success for two great weeks of personal improvement.”

You will either succeed or in short time find there is no way to keep up the test. Repeated prayers will not help you maintain your progress from week one.

To Russia vs. Watchtower

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society wants to tract your shore. Just imagine the absolute pleasure to be the first victor with landmark-righteous justice wiping-out the coffers of that false prophet when the true God lets you know they finally have enough in the bank to make reparations to the former Soviet Socialist Republic nations for destabilizing a world power with Satan’s world war one.

You see, they betrayed my personal banking information in an effort to destroy me. Meet eye for an eye. It is the true God who uses our actions to others to determine fair rewards for us from Him. The true God loves you Russia.

An Ass Saved On the Sabbath

The office of president earned the loyalty of the true God for many generations. Dell sandcastles bespeak the wisdom of Washington’s mark on the constitution, freedom of speech can prevent us from being led dumb like sheep to the slaughter. On the sunny afternoon of my sabbath I thanked thee.

Dogs Of War

February 7, 2020

Jezebel the office of President of the United States is open to you provided you are; at least 35 years of age, you were born a citizen of the United States and a resident of the United States 14 years.  Using subservient offices to promote an agenda of hatred against the United States is profanity and an abominable abuse of the power held by subordinates in the house and congress.

Jezebel used her place as queen to commit murder furthering her own prostitutions to her fornicating husband Ahab.  The prophecy of Elijah from me was the dogs would eat Jezebel by the wall of the city that bore her blood guilt.  California do you realize the blood guilt of your insurrection against the United States?  How fitting for the Jezebel that represents California to be eaten alongside the wall of the United States you profane.

Consider Carefully California

California are you cheated in the population distribution?  Do you understand the legal process for putting a bill before Washington D.C. to reform citizenship?  Would you like to assert yourself as an independent nation?  Cede from the Union.  That is your legal right as a populous.  Is civil war the aim you seek?  Who would rush to your defense California?  Will it be China or the Federales?  Which of these governments would corporations based in California want to defend their patents?  Which of these governments are better suited examples of fair labor?

California, correct that spirit of Jezebel.  Consider carefully the consequences of cessation from the Union.  Mexico is a sovereign nation responsible for it's abuses against its people and its neighbors.  They are pitiable to a point.  They are also the decedents of Spaniards that raped the indigenous land holders for greed.  Recall how Spain rose to wealth for a time?  Spain was stripped.  Spain received from her neighbors the judgements she delivered.

The United States is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination.  It is however attempting to bring itself under my mighty hand.  Reparations to native peoples were made but the crimes of the United States stemmed from the hypocrisy of religion, Satan's empire.  It did not rape the native people for gold.  The United States does attempt to abide by it's constitution.  Yes, rights to bare arms is a dangerous ground in this world.  The property rights that have made you so wealthy, on paper, California are a product of the United States government.

Cities of Refuge

California do you recall what the cities of refuge were in the nation of Israel?  A murderer innocent of malice, if they needed to escape an avenger of the murdered party, could escape to a city of sanctuary and live.  It was a provision for an innocent person.  Once a person crosses the boarder of the United States entering illegally they are not innocent of breaking federal law.  Are you seeking to be a bastion of refuge against the laws of the nation that protects you?

Spanish Dogs

San Diego enjoys economic stability from the United States Armed forces they host.  Do the armed forces have improvements to make?  Yes.  Fornication and pollution are a problem.  Blood-guilt is the consequence of taking innocent life or transfusing blood.  The United States Federal Government has changes to make to prove that it is under my mighty hand.  Don't test the mighty hand that protects you California.  Correct Jezebel or be eaten by the Spanish dogs of war crossing the wall.

The Buck Stops, You Know Where

February 12, 2020

Go ahead.  Take a drive.  Sit alone.  Look out over the ocean, valley, or lake.  How about out at the stars or up into the woods?  Then scream how cheated you are for; death, illness, injustice, hypocrites that revel in your struggles and of course the smoke screen of "godly devotion" delivered by men and women of "God".  (A cuddle toy, "stuffy", is good to muffle the hurt.)  The true God wants that prayer.  He knows He is responsible.  Why do you think in Genesis it states that He put that profane tree of the knowledge of good and bad that delivered death to humanity in the garden?  Because He allowed it.  He needs to hear your anger.


He needs to hear about the injustice that infuriates you.  What you want to improve in the lives of your family members and yourself.  He wants you to unburden yourself using prayer and let Him encourage you to speak to Him often and take time daily to read the bible.  Even reading one Proverb to yourself privately is better than a month of Sunday's in a pew.  Stop subjecting yourself to Satan's wheelhouse expecting life to get better.  That is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

The Ten Commandments

An oddity described in Exodus and Deuteronomy explains the ten commandments replacement.  Moses comes down the mountain and pulverizes the precious stone tablets with ten words carved and written by the hand of the true God.  In Deuteronomy Moses describes the replacement as coming from the true God himself.  Exodus describes the tablets and writing replaced by Moses hand laboring under the true God's instruction.  Why did Moses say that the true God provided the second set of commandments in Deuteronomy?  Because the true God allowed Moses to labor and replace them.  The commander and chief gets the credit for the good and the bad that He allows to transpire.

More Life

Satan created and placed that profane tree in the garden to betray humanity.  Because the true God permitted it, the true God has this buck.  First Satan held a position of authority as the cherub over Eden.  A reminder.  John the Baptist was allowed to be beheaded and the Christ was allowed to be betrayed.  The rulers that permitted these deaths were not executed or deposed.  Cyrus and Nebuchadnezzar both hated persecuting the true God's faithful.  But they were upheld for keeping their word and the true God vindicated His faithful.

Next, more lives, genetic combinations, would come into existence as a result of sin and more humanity would ultimately have perfect life as a result of the Christ's love.  Two parents had sin to eradicate and Satan delivered her own death sentence against herself assaulting humanity with sin.  We are in the crosshairs.

Life Fruiting Every Month

How do we know that the true God would have never personally placed a tree that delivers death to His creation?  Revelation describes the tree of life in His Kingdom, sinless because Satan is destroyed.  It fruits every month, twelve times a year.  It is for all the nations.  There is no room for badness.  The true God only delivers life.  Satan delivers death.  The true God has endured the slander of humankind's ignorance long enough.  Stop hating Him behind His back.  Scream to His face in prayer and let Him answer for himself in the relationship you forge together the love and life that is in His hand to give.

Peas, Put "In Jesus Name" On It

January 13, 2020

The cry of man is to find the Love.  The Psalm "Where Is the Love" simply needs "in Jesus name" on it.  The true God is heralding His sheep.  By definition this is employees of lawful government with legal; boundaries, and revenues.  They sacrifice their lives for others.  Make a move good shepherd's against Satan's empire.

Great shepherd who is challenged and busting with deficit against your earnings, your future, the true God is heralding you.  You host His woman.  She is a citizen in your gates.  She is that lady in red dancing down your pristine beaches singing the Peas under Air Force One's landing descent. You preach trusting in "God" in your anthem and pledge.  The true God is not partial.  All good shepherds' are going to reap the benefits of aligning with the true God for salvation.  World peace is an achievable goal.  The prosperity and benefit are; health, funding, a clean earth, youth, and conquering Satan's agents.

Be Under god

You can change your position to under "god".  To align with Satan makes you the true God's enemy, like the United Nations you host.  You too host a horn of the false prophet beast of Revelation that speaks as Satan, Jehovah's Witnesses.  This is a simple request; rid your borders of both the United Nations and the World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses.  The Shepherd that is free of these two profane entities is going to reap the benefits of working toward world peace as an agent of the true God.

The shepherd that refuse to host the profanity of those two Satanic entities in this world will lead all other shepherd's in achieving world peace and ridding themselves of the costs of fornication first.  Their military ranks will grow in strength and tactical ability at the rate they wipe out their own idolatry of fornication.  Nations that allow legal matrimony to both same and opposite sex couples without discrimination and that use a democratic process to elect leaders by popular vote, not gerrymandered college, are a focus of the true God's ambitions to reward His faithful and take the helm in government.  Happy marriages and Satan free leadership, that is His platform.

What Is Despicable

There is a need to make clear that the despicable beast of Revelation that is mortally wounded and is given power by Satan, the dragon, was aided by the two lamb like horns of the beast that spoke like Satan.  The Jehovah's Witnesses religion is judged by the true God to be blood guilty for WWI in its entirety the world over.

They are Satan's agent and they are responsible for the total cost to all nations in human and capital losses the world over.  The profane false prophecy of the arrogant founders of that religion falsely mapped Satan's interpretation of the true God's timeline onto the modern Gregorian calendar.  The evidence against their "prophecy" is mounting and jaw covering.  Keep reading.

From this war the League then United Nations was established (the mortal wound) and established by iron legs, the United States and Great Britain.  Send the Jehovah's Witnesses's World Headquarters and the United Nations to Egypt.  That is the womb of false religion and opposition to the true God.  The feet of iron and clay have yet to enter the world stage.  These feet are Gog of Magog and appear during the week of the "half a time". They self destruct, the cost of fornication, replaced by the true God's Holy Mountain over the entire earth.

The strike against you now United States is that you and Great Britain were that other horn opposite the Jehovah's Witnesses.  Satan played both nations.  How does that reality sit with you?

Heaping Evidence

The calendar of the true God is available to all at www.thetruegod.info.  His Calendar is explained and is simple.  Fifty two weeks in a year with an adjusting year of fifty three weeks.  Months posses 30.33 days each.  Seven days are in each week and that pattern, never broken.  (Yes, that was a period.)  This means each typical year was three hundred and sixty four days.  Months broke a twenty four hour day by a third.  Just like an LP.

A Bible month is not 30 days.  The wordy text on biblical numbers means math interpretation is profanity.  (Tough for us math brain people.) The interpretation of Revelation that maps the two witnesses with the forty two months is a blasphemy.  The true God has carefully mapped His prophetic events.  If He said "days" you may not interpret months.  They do not relate.  Not to mention He does not have thirty days in each month.  He moves by weeks.  Recall, six creative days followed by a Sabbath.  Menses is by months of more or less equal length like the moon cycle.  Stop worshiping the vagina.  It is the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses coveting membership in a harem.  Yes, another one of their profane inventions.

Spend on Edits, or Collect for WWI

Go after that profane religion.  Rip open their coffers' the world over.  They are the true God's oyster to fund muscle on terrorism and boarder defenses.  This does not mean dealing harshly with the poor.  Recall, slaves were freed at intervals.  Lend to the poor, honestly.  The true God blesses charity.  United States would you rather change all your documentation to read "god"?  That is your option.  Walk the walk or drop the talk, Buckaroo.

Training That Makes A Difference

January 17, 2020

World wars' one two and three are not the instruments of the true God's righteousness for instituting righteous law and government.  The kingdom of the Christ is our new Jerusalem and our promised land.  It is on this earth.  While the earth will not be destroyed, God is not to be mocked.  Brother attacking brother in war or rape does not work.  There are a myriad of wicked agents on this earth.  The true God will be amid brothers of this earth bearing arms against Satan's agents with His ark.

Smash the Pink Pig

Jehovah's Witnesses are financially responsible for WWI.  Raiding the coffers' of five other institutions will amend the financial burdens of WWII.  Satan's network of destroying the true God's sheep with a thousand cuts is ending.  Three ways exist to fulfill His righteous biblical prophecies.  The first, and most desirable is for the good shepherd's of this earth to rally in cooperation with His will.

The true God is patient, to a point.  He will not however permit Satan to continue her rampage of living forever in sin keeping her father in a state of Sabbath to avoid punishment.  Essentially, as long as sin lives in our blood or in the willful hatred of her father Satan lives.  Satan has the sole ambition of eternal life without the requirement of obedience to her father.

The true God Speaks:


Father's, do you want your teenage daughter fornicating with her boyfriend in the bed you sit next to her on and hug her, while she pores out her heartbreak?  Do you want your laws of fine morals to be disregarded?  The laws that you know preserve her life?  When you sit with your family at the dinner table don't you look with pride and joy at the laughter and stories and atmosphere of good conduct you require?  Father's, you are discipline for a reason.  You were created in my image, the image of the true God.  You possess the ability to create life and to love that life.

Discipline Will Prevail

I love my creation.  While I do not want it destroyed, the world can reach a state where Satan is sorely mistaken if this fit of hers can keep me in my Sabbath, powerless to discipline her.  Method three for prophetic fulfillment I do not want to exercise.  My prophet has told me many times in the last few months that, I don't always get what I want.  She however does not yet realize what a powerful huntress, Unleashed, she is in accomplishing my will.  She and my second witness (betrothed) are going to succeed in bringing about my will, the way I want.

On her faithfulness and her words alone I can accomplish much. Just as I did for Noah, Abraham, and my son on earth the Christ.  She is as far removed from Satan as I can keep her and her be bound to earth, human.  I look forward to fulfilling my promises to her in the future.  Payment that is long overdue for her service.

The Sheep, Leadership

Those declarations aside, that leaves a need to bridge the gap between myself and my sheep.  My leaders in good government the earth over.  Good government does not pander to spoiled children who subvert the law to further their profiteering at the expense of the lives of others.  Satan has been expending my human creation in every way she can to entertain herself and preserve sin alive.

Satan's Subversion

Satan subverts organizations.  Every time you gather together to discuss solutions to the worlds problems, include me. Open your meeting with your king, president, or ranking officer opening with prayer.  Under no circumstances is a clergy member, religious leader or agent, to deliver the prayer.  That is the invitation for Satan to enter your chambers.  I spoke with Cyrus, Nebuchadnezzar, a Pharaoh of Egypt when Joseph was in captivity, and all of the Kings of Judah and Israel when they returned to keeping my perfect laws.  Never were their religious agents' my agent.  I had a prophet.  Only my prophet delivered my message.

The Perfect Law

The law that Moses delivered to the seed of Abraham was perfect.  The sacrifices were fulfilled and the need for priests was abolished in the sacred sacrifice and obedience of the Christ.  You can thank me for that in prayer.  Had humanity been capable of obedience to my laws on a global scale at the time of Israel wiping out the land of Canaan the earth would be a paradise now.  Sin would be all that remains to wipe from the blood.  All alien residents, treated well.  No partiality.  And poverty simply did not exist under my law.

They were going to move north, south and east from their point of beginning and keep conquering.  With Satan loose influencing humanity that was simply not possible.  Not because my law prevents this.  Even in the presence of Satan it is possible to keep my laws.  It requires a relationship with me.  Prayer is required.  That is my means of listening to my sheep and sharing with them my thoughts through my Holy Active Force.  I hate the terms "Holy Spirit" and "Holy Ghost".  Understand, even in my Sabbath provision was made to save your ass even with your neighbors help.  Son, does not your ass need saving?

Develop that Life Giving Relationship

You are now in a period of training to draw close to me and learn what it will take to be citizen of Christ's kingdom, your promised land on this earth, my sheep.  Every person on the planet is invited; develop a relationship with me.  They will  walk my walk for that relationship.  Fornication in their life will end.  This means fidelity to their spouse alone or celibacy until matrimony (and I bless love at first sight marriage in a way that you can't possibly imagine).  This also means cleaving themselves from the religion they are members of and or baptized in, in writing.  Send the resignation to their headquarters by order of your Fine Shepherd, the true God.

That beautiful Bible of mine is was a love letter to my prophet, my sweet pea, mac.  She holds the keys to the kingdom of the Christ because she understands its contents.  She freely delivers my interpretations and clarification of scripture at my direction. I am keenly interested, right now, in saving all asses.  Not assets.  Assets expended righteously mean you reap many benefits.  Life, health, youth, and comfort are a function of perfect obedience to my laws.  You can linearly interpolate that.  In truth, it is exponential.

Flood Waters

On more than one occasion I have saved the lives of my faithful with a flood.  A flood of waters against the entire planet is not on the horizon.  You enjoy the breathtaking rainbows.  Keep in mind people, I only require one man and one woman to populate the entire planet.  Now that you know the man and woman that will fulfill my purposes are you feeling lucky?

Sit in my classroom.  That special place in your mind that opens to me use in "Jesus name".  In my Sabbath, I will resurrect every conceived being on earth for them to know me in the absence of Satan's influence.  Satan learns the consequence of her actions against humanity, released as a woman on earth.  Then my sheep will be strong against her and the sin in their blood. She chose to be a harlot.  She chose her future.  My law does not permit her to chose your future.  Every life needs to decide that for themselves.

Just Sit With That

December 4, 2020

Religion is the wolf breeding ground of drug lords, human traffickers, and illegal arms dealers.  It breeds goats that swallow anything under the guise of salvation.  Lords and prophets leading world religions prey on the those willing to obey the the law. Obedience lasts until their broken lives force them into self-medicating, self-abuse, gluttony, and fornication to forget the misery of the world they live in with the blessing of false religion's god, Satan.

The True Agent of the Fine Shepherd

Legal government with legal boundaries and stakeholders is fighting to feed and nourish its citizens with its legal revenues.  Government is fighting against the perverse institutions of Satan's gluttonous world of fornication.  It is fighting disease, malnourishment, ignorance, starvation, homelessness, tax-evasion, drug-abuse, un-wanted pregnancy, theft, criminal lobbies, fraud, and cyber terrorism.  Then there is the second cousin to terrorism an angry potentate with a “nuke". Each potentate screaming for global recognition with turn-coat politics pitting allied powers against each other. Terrorists distribute drugs for revenue and launder their wears across the globe in hospitality networks with no legitimate registers only fraudulent web deals.

Government is the true God's Instrument for Global Peace

There is not one, not one, true religion published globally today.  There are shepherds, globally.  This is legal government.  These exist by provision from the true God to protect humanity.  Wicked shepherd's your notice is forthcoming.  Each shepherd is glutted with the costs of Satan's world. Only the true God, who is going to annihilate Satan's gluttonous world of sin, is healing these issues without cost to the shepherd.

The true God's shepherds are good government.  Good government, you are getting a great philanthropist in your war against Satan's sin.  But you must clean your own house first.  You will have the angels to aid in your destruction of evil.  Go to the true God in prayer and eliminate every fornication breeding ground in your employment, public policy and personal life and watch as civilization profits and enjoys peace. That is right, global peace. Imagine the prosperity during total peace time.

The true God is Strength

Turn to the true God to strengthen the power of your military might in destroying the oases of drug traffickers, arms dealers, terrorists, and human exploiters of every form that are thriving under the protection of hypocrite shepherds. These hypocrites exploiting the remaining righteousness intended by good shepherd’s are levying their lifestyles with Satan’s earnings of corruption. (Though the good shepherd lives with some hypocrisy your intentions are righteous and noted.)  The true God is not in any church on this earth. He is waiting for your petitions to Him in prayer.

Read the Bible Daily Shepherds

Open your bibles, shepherds.  Remember the mighty Nebuchadnezzar acknowledging the greatness of the true God for making him a powerful leader.  Daniel interpreted his dreams that are under fulfillment in our day and into the end of Satan's world once Christ's kingdom has ruled.  Christ's kingdom will reign regardless of your cooperation.  The difference; be the solution or the annihilated wicked that are shown no mercy when Satan's reign ends and she is bound during Christ's reign.

Shepherds, return to daily Bible reading. Develop your personal relationship with the true God.  You will lead as a stronger shepherd than you can on your own wisdom alone.  Remove spirits and substances from your decision making domes.  Remove prostitutes from your premises just as you do political signs from poling places on election day.  Do not waste your time, money, and energy with the fornicating harlot under the cross of false religion's southern leader.  Reach out to the true God yourself.  He will lead you.  He will aid you with every honest effort you make to live according to His righteousness.

Rewards for Following the true God

The true God is crying out to the shepherd to test Him out and learn who He is.  Live the rewards for your righteousness just like kings' David and Solomon.  His time to engage with His shepherds’ has come.  He is gathering His sheep and reaching out to command for obedience first.  Abundant mercy belongs to those that follow you while they grow in their love for the true God.  Each foot shoulder will bear an easier load as each motion to strip away the sadistic factions of this world are breached.

Pray daily for wisdom to remove fornication from your midst.  With removal your boundaries are strengthened without increasing your deficit or debt.  Watch as your enemies are wiped from this earth without a trace of even their offspring. Ahab's sons' were beheaded for the perversion of his reign with Jezebel. It will be no different for the offspring of the drug cartels, terrorists, and human trafficker’s that do not denounce their families and flee to the true God.
 Shepherds, faithful to spouse, raise children fornication free, and run departments free from inducements to fornicate are going to grow in power.  The true God is calling to you shepherd; be my shepherd.  I will teach you and your department will prosper.  Understand shepherd, government exists over civilization because it is what the true God wants in existence.  Religions' of this world the true God hates.  Religions of this world are Satan's invention.  When the first century followers of Christ died, that ended true religion's presence on this earth.

Ignore with a Penalty

The first penalty for ignoring this call to obey the true God is military confusion.  Individuals holding offices of oversight in government must reach out to the true God in personal prayer and Bible reading before December 7 2019 6:00 am eastern time U.S in an honest petition to know the true God.  You will know it is God, the true God who delivered Israel, and yet be afraid at times that the devil has you by the gametes.  The true God corrects any individual He choses by the means He choses after announcing himself.  This article announces that the true God is training leading military personnel, drenched in blood guilt that practice fornication, what His mighty hand accomplishes.

On December 7 2019 6:01 am eastern time U.S. confusion will overtake all military operations the world over in its endeavors to launch new programs, weaponry, vessels, troop replenishment, and base expansions.  Every effort made to grow, increase, or exceed counts will be thwarted with inexplicable inefficiencies.  Inefficiencies identified as global confusion from private contractors to trained special forces.  There will be no appearance of elite; only want of a nail loosing the war.  This will happen the world over.

Where is the Truth?

Shepherds are going to learn who they serve in their duties.  Satan is the god of all religions of this earth.  Not one religion is teaching the truth about the true God's identity or publishes the truth of His prophetic fulfillments'.  The true God has two witnesses.  These serve as a faithful prophet declaring the true God's requirements for salvation and providing education into Christ's kingdom.

You will know that to repair your embarrassments from the comedy of confusion in your ranks you will need to reach out to the true God and organize prayer and Bible reading among all overseers of government programs. Military expansion ends until this prayer is made by all officers of oversight of your nation. You are being brought to order to grow stronger with the true God's aid against Satan or be humiliated for a time.  Like Nebuchadnezzar, in insanity for some years, you learn to clean up your life and profit by being the true God's shepherd.

The End of 'Sit with That'

This article marks the termination of the apparent rewards for crime, fornication, and lies that have disheartened people into believing the true God does not care. Those people who bark; 'Just learn to sit with the fact that God loves me as much as He does you even though I sin so much more' will be wallowing in the consequences of their sin's mire. You shepherd will share in the glory of returning to global righteousness or learn how useless you are to the Shepherd for your own fornications. Clean yourselves from Satan’s sins and you will prosper. Shepherd’s that go to the true God will have His hand in their fight like Israel defeating Canaan at the times when David was king and Joshua and Gideon lead armies.

A Strong Hand

If you shepherd insist in leading your own life in fornication and lies you will suffer a strong hand against you. Fornicators are going to bear heavy penalties for their perversions.  Their gluttonous living will be apparent in every sickened bite of sin they seek.  Their never satisfied lusts will make them bolder preying on others to satisfy their thimble rigged lives that hide every pea of truth they cross until they are stumbling into jails for their own protection.  It will be the true God you lean on to stumble into that jail.  Unrighteous people God seeks to protect from themselves.

Subsidizing the cost of living with fornication, the honest partner that chooses to serve the true God, will abandon.  The honest partner will profit from being an honorable single person or your spouse. (If you decide not to live in harlotry with one another.)  The sheep duped into friendship with the whores of this world will flee from them.  Whore, your days are the number of the keys of the synthesized pianoforte syncopating your demise.

Avoiding Goats a Promise

Avoiding the goats of Satan's world is a blessing the true God grants His sheep.  Goats; eager to eat anything for sustenance.  The police will stand in street corners as gluttons waltz over and offer them "blow." Neighborhoods that feed on violence will be abandoned to the lords that slaughter themselves in local wars left to be eaten by their own dogs seeking vengeance for the "mercies" of their wicked masters.  Funds to help the sheep escape these hamlets of Colt will be in abundance as the lords slaughter themselves leaving only public lands for recreation and sustainable housing.

The data mining efforts across social media will expose every agent profiting in Satan's way and announcing these perverted ones so that the sheep will successfully avoid these.  Those bent on gluttony reap the reward of perversion they choose.  Glutton's, look forward to a smaller sphere of influence in the bubble you park your iron-gut-self-seeking goat existence into.

Leviathan Exposed

The waste of a bullish economy will give way to the leviathan than is fueling the gluttony that preys on the true God's innocent sheep.  Those seeking chemical abuse, funding terrorism, will not tax social services long.  Are you living fornication free? You will be the one that is the monarch of your pristine home caring for the finest passion and beauty life could give you, your spouse and fine children.  There will be no reward for choosing not to keep the true God's commandments. Watch as tax evading, Satan worshiping, drug abusing, militia-pimping, fornicating-gluttony shielded-by-the-cross dies in his jail.  This witness breaths the fire of the true God's anger with Satan's world.

Sit with this Whore

No more will the honest fornication free sheep of the true God just "sit" with the insult of some harlot raking in illicit glories and orgasm for herself without punishment.  Whore, you glutton, no garment will ever satisfy your fatness and no one lover will ever be 'enough'.  You will fornicate with many in succession and without satisfaction.  Marry your lover (or be celibate) and be faithful or be a target of the true God's wrath after suffering from your own wanton spreading perversion.


The wicked are being destroyed.  Fornicators, wicked.  Murderers, wicked.  Liars, wicked.  The righteous inherit the earth.  Being a member of Satan's religions is wicked.  The righteous are not the wicked.  The shepherd is not wicked.  The shepherd's deeds of perversion, wicked. As well as policies that support; fornication.  Accept this discipline of the true God or live with confusion.  Remove fornication from your midst and your leadership will prosper.  Do you want the true God to help you?  He will.  It starts with daily Bible reading, prayer and removing fornication from your life.

The Prayer You Need

Are you the shepherd suffering from confusion?  Here is your sample prayer,

"true God, I am in the position of _____.  I serve as a ______.  This day the objective before me is ______.  The purpose is ______.  Please teach me who you are so that in my role I am obedient to you in the fight we share against Satan's agents of this world.  I have my Bible in hand.   Please bless my ability to learn who you are and bring me into concert with your righteousness in my life so that I, my household, and department can find you and weed out those persons opposed to your will."

Do; "How to Get God to Talk to You."  You are on your way.

In the Name of Jesus

During your prayer, own the fornication in your life and/or department that you will rectify, first.  The more you unburden yourself the more you will benefit.  Then close your prayer in "the name of Christ."

Understand, bloodguilt is coming down the pike next.  Fornication, this includes idolatry, is the first peccadillo of the true God striking humanity to wipe from His sheep.  Every person in a government office is the true God's sheep, by definition.  You are welcome to get a new job out of government if you decide not to pray.


September 10, 2019

How do you pray to the true God?

Make the call: “God of Jesus” insert contents, i.e.: “I love your word”, conclude in “Jesus name” amen.

Do not pray in front of or with any; alters, shrines, idols and/or objects of devotion in your hand.  This is by definition idolatry.  The true God hates these practices.


best practice; fold your hands, have your Bible handy, and close your eyes if you are in a safe place.

What things can you say in prayer? Everything. This is your relationship and as it grows you will become a better version of yourself.  You need to ask that the true God's will be done.

Can you pray for others? Yes, that the true God's will be done in their life.  Praying out of love for others and not an 'I told you so ax to grind' is important here.

How do you pray for yourself? Ask for help in searching out your heart. Ask for help at seeing where causes of trouble are in your life. Use How to Get God to Talk to You.

How long is a prayer? Long enough to say; “God of Jesus, I love your word, in Jesus name.” Or a single prayer in private can take hours.

Testing to Build Faith is Okay

The true God is listening.  How do you know the true God is listening? You can test this.

How do you know the true God will help you? You can test this.

How do you know the true God loves you as an individual? You test this.

Can you test that the true God exists in prayer? Yes

Can you ask the true God if He will help you? Yes

Can you ask the true God if He is listening? Yes

Your Needs and Wants

Can you ask the true God for money? Yes, He does not print, counterfeit, money nor jump claims on commodities. He will help you search your heart for why you are asking Him for money.

Can you ask the true God for material possessions? Yes, but motives for works are what are rewarded.

Can you ask the true God for a mate? Yes.

Can you ask the true God for a home? Yes, you will be sharing much with your neighbors. You will also be living within your means.

Can you ask the true God for help on an exam? Yes, all that you prepared for and the peace of mind you need can be yours.

Can you ask the true God to get you into a school? Workplace? or Club? Yes, you will be expected to proclaim His Kingdom and share who He is with others.  Your motives for being a part of this group will matter.  Note: He might want you in a different one (If He moves you, He loves you.)

Can you ask the true God for friends? Yes.  Be His friend first.  It makes lonely times easier.

Forgive Your Enemies

Can you ask the true God to hurt someone who hurt you? This is a gateway to Satan.  The true God will attempt to reach you with council asking you to forgive your enemy.  If you can't the true God will give you your space to learn from the meaner teacher you are seeking.  His actions to exercise justice on your behalf are limited until you pray to forgive your enemies.

Can you ask the true God for a legal settlement? Yes, be careful here.  Where is this money coming from and what tactics is your attorney using?   This includes divorce.  Dealing treacherously with the wife of your youth will alienate you from the true God.

Can you ask the true God for help in your divorce? Yes, see above.

Can you ask the true God for justice? Yes.  Be sure here you are asking for mercy on the situation in your own heart.

Pay Vows Made

Can you make future vows to the true God? Yes. What you vow you must pay. A vow is not a requirement.  Serving the true God by keeping His commandments is what matters.  Prayer to Him and Bible reading makes that possible.

Do you need to barter with the true God for things you want? Need, No. But you can.  Bartering can be a test in building the relationship.  What you vow pay.

How do you know if the true God is not happy with something you are doing? You will be confused when trying to do the bad deed He is attempting to correct. Next, pray for insight playing How to Get God to Talk to You.  You may not understand why what you want to do is wrong.  It could be your motive or the deed itself.

Can you improve communication with the true God? Yes, increase your daily Bible reading, pray more often, and improve your daily habits toward cleanliness.

What would inhibit my prayers? Hating another human being.  Wanting revenge on others is Satanic.


Can I ask the true God what secular calendar time something will happen? No! That is the gateway to Satan. You can ask about sequences of events or what to look for when the time is near.  My advise, live each day prepared or being more prepared than the day before for what you want.

Can I ask the true God whether I do A or B first? Yes. Own the consequences and follow through.  In prayer explain why you want A or B first.  Use How to Get God to Talk to You.

What does it mean to seek the Kingdom of God first and other things are added?  Live your life every day like you are in the true God's Kingdom.  This means at a minimum some deeds and some rewards.


Foremost to develop a relationship with the true God (daily prayer and Bible reading) you must obey the law; including paying taxes and your creditors.

You will not enter the true God’s Kingdom if you fornicate. Your prayers will be hindered.

Based on your own conscience you will make decisions about how and when you indulge in legal activities. Understand there is a consequence for every action.  This includes, vaping, smoking, drugs, and alcohol.

Motives are the meaningful criteria to determine the good or bad of our behavior.


Your relationship will grow. You will start with a feeling of an answer and grow to having a mindful conversation with the true God who created human kind.

At any hour or in any situation you will know you can talk to Him.

You will actually know His Holy Active Discipline (previously identified as Force) is working to help you.

You will be able to; improve your fitness, eat healthier, live with clean morals.

With fidelity, you will have an amazing sexual relationship with your spouse. There are nagging issues that will tug at relationships that indulged in pre-marital sex but you will be able to work through them with the true God's help.

Sarah's Constant Love

January 30, 2020

The true God provides in His law for humanities inherent struggles when it wipes out sin sooner.  There can be no fornication.  People the earth and provide protection for a greater number of women while maintaining matrimony, polygamy was one provision.  Sarah introduced polygamy to Israel.  She was anxious for the true God's promise to be fulfilled and she in faith to Him gave her flesh to her handmaiden so he had a young wife to bare him a child.  Sarah of course received the blessing through the promise.  The promise to Abraham was fulfilled once the Christ came for his heavenly first century followers to rule in the heavens for 1,000 years in his kingdom.  Abraham at that point had seed that would endure forever that ended polygamy.

No Loopholes

If you think the true God allows loopholes.  Think again.  It is simply that His law first and foremost says I want all my human creation to live.  Period.  What is sin?  Death.  Life is the first and foremost policy of all the true God's laws.  What did He know?  When sin was introduced the rippling consequence thorough His creation meant allowing polygamy and gender crossover.  No fornicating.  This means matrimony.  Man to man, woman to woman, legal with the true God.  One partner is the leader, one is the obedient one.  That is the relationship.  Now don't go looking for lighting to strike every fornicator on this planet.  We still live in an environment where people are free to choose.  That said, sin town, Vegas, gets to exist because no one need ever fornicate in Vegas.  Get married, easy peasy.

Needed Of Us

Until His Kingdom is fulfilled, the true God asks; humanity be tolerant of your struggles to stand up for your sexual identity in Satan's world of haters.  Call on Him for help in finding that precious mate.  Do not fornicate.  Hold onto celibacy.  Protect your boundaries.  He can move you to where you can have a legal marriage mate.  The true God is anxious to show the United States what protecting boundaries means to Him in our defenses against all means of illegal entry.  And baby when the true God is anxious to support government His ark is dancing under Air Force One on the beach at North Island.

What is wrong with India and China?  Why 'meddle'?.  Because government itself has been fucking over it's own people and government is His shepherd.  If you don't like the true God correcting you, you can abdicate to the United States. Just hang a white flag above a US flag at the top of your capitol flag pole.  Your surrender is fine.  You went to fucking far permitting fornication and banning the legal protection from God.  Wholesale murder to build a military, yep, you China have more porridge on the horizon.  Have fun with those heavenly penalties.  One thing's for certain, Satan's destruction of righteousness in law, done baby.

For The Sake Of The Slain

For the sake of the righteous men and women that sacrificed their lives in Satan's wars the true God is vindicating their great grand children for being one nation under “God".

Let My First-Born Go

January 2, 2020

The Plea for Release

False religion, Egypt, let the people, Israel, of the true God go, with regret.  Religion start identifying yourself with the god you serve.  Deliverance requires our own perseverance and a decision to be righteous followers of the true God.  The righteous witness the hand of the true God destroying those choosing wickedness.  The deeds of the wicked; unrepentant fornication, stealing, lying and worshiping god (also fornication).  A nation of profound false religion suffered with wailing, in a shadow of death, the night of the passover.  The true God's angel took the first born of all those that did not put the blood of the passover lamb on their entry door in symbol of their obedience and readiness for deliverance.

Moses and Aaron came to the Israelites and announced themselves and said: we are here to persuade Pharaoh to let you go, leave Egypt for your God; the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham.  The true God identified Israel as a first born son to Him when speaking to Moses.  The true God knew when the Christ arrived as a ransom, gathering the lost sheep of Israel, it would be Israel's own false religious empire rejecting their king and high priest.  The scribes and Pharisees that sought to kill the messiah are no different than the religious leaders of today.

Seven Weeks

Deliverance is here.  We are living in the first seven weeks of the seventy weeks.  (If you linearly interpolate that, Satan did the same thing after reading the blog.  That lizard does not know the true God either.  Post script, the 62 weeks is the thousand years of Christ's earthly kingdom.)  Listen Pharaoh's of this world.  Repent, serve the true God, or you will suffer no better than the Pharaoh of Exodus fame and guess what? The true God will still take His sheep from you.  They will not be your slaves any-longer.  And you still die.  Think of not repenting as your opportunity to be a better version of yourself in the true God's eyes.  You will have no memory of your former wicked life when resurrected to judgement in Christ's kingdom.  A win, win, as you like to boast.

Persuading Pharaoh

Religion you do not represent the true God.  Legal government is the true God's agent, and will be doing the true God's will.  Ultimately, destroying you because of your profane burdens and thimble rigging every dishonest form of humanity and cheat in this world under the guise of being a servant of god, a "good christian".  After all, you are the harlot.  Yes, you serve Satan, god, in whatever name or form you have assigned her.  I don't know which I like more thinking of Satan as a frog or a woman in the hands of corrupt men she adulterated.

Moses Is In Your Face

Hypocrisy begs a price.  This witness writes; price and penalty.  The future was state clearly by Bible prophets.  She does petition the true God on your behalf.  She also, with no faith in you, Pharaoh, delivers a message to petition your repentance.  The true God demands that pattern of mercy.  Understand, Moses has arrived at your door.

At the direction of the true God she is being given voice to bring about His messages ahead of His fear inspiring day and His deeds to save His sheep.  Your many prayers to god will not save you.  The true God has shut His ears to the prayers those with no heart to learn who He is.  You will need to humble your hearts, change your doctrines, and petition the true God as defined in this blog.

Those that have raided the pastures of the true God, restore them.  If you are a religious; leader, elder, bishop, pastor, father, shepherd, pope, deacon, rabbi, teacher, minister, fortune teller, sorcerer, priest, witch, spirit medium, mystic, yoga instructor, astrologer, guru, card reader, smoke conjurer, nymph, fairy, sprite, chemist, sniper, kamikaze, or otherwise instructing people in spiritual matters under any title: dump your ministry.  Your eyes are feasting on the place where instruction to serve the true God is found.  This is only mandatory if you do not want to die, judged wicked.


His mountain where unrepentant Pharaohs' and wicked shepherds' meet their end is Armageddon.  The seventh angel pours out his bowl.  End the blaspheming filth of your Satanic institutions of perversion and misunderstanding.  The true God can now deliver the penalties you have lulled your self into believing would never come because of the two witnesses.  This herald announces the deeds and decisions of the true God.  No one on this earth, now, is a christian.  Rebuilding Jerusalem happens in the coming 62 weeks.

The true God has a Proper Name

The true God will be sharing His proper name with His sheep through this witness after religion understands they are going to live severe penalties for claiming it.  Religion has been committing Satan's bidding under the titles of the true God in gross error with a sentence of blood guilt.  Understand the true God does not tolerate His title, God being used in Satan's empire.  You religion are a false agent. There are only two witnesses of the true God who are reaching out to the true God's sheep and delivering the true God's message against religion to stop deceiving the sheep of the true God.

Religion, do not use the title God anymore.  You are going to be given a brief period during these weeks we are living to to repent of your false teachings.  Understand, the true God will be deliberate and targeted in His declarations against you through this witness.  You will know that you have no protections, landmarks, rights, or privileges on this earth to escape His judgement against you for your many fornications.  Religion teaches perverted lies about the true God, His Christ, how to attain everlasting life, and where.  The lies taught about the promises of the future make you blood guilty.  The true God is merciful.

Two Women

The true God knew only a very special servant, one who is obedient to Him as a Good wife, could give birth to His kingdom and explain the keys to understanding who the true God is. You are reading her blog.  I came from the king of the South just as Jesus.  Jesus born into Israel during the perverse philosophical doctrines of its adulteration prior to destruction.  Me from the perversion of Jehovah's Witnesses.  Both favored reading the true God's law above all other documents of their day.

Not one religion is teaching the Truth about the Christ or the prophecies of the bible.  Welcome to the herald of one of the true God's faithful witnesses.  The sheep have a deliverer with fire in her belly and a passion for righteousness.  You have no means at your disposal for silencing the two witnesses from their work.  You will not be able to escape the consequence of this message regardless of your reading it or not. Ignorance will not save you.  The wicked will face His wrath.  His sheep, His protection.  The righteous, sheep, will be directed by Him to salvation.  If you missed the blog, you were not worthy to read it.  You are incapable of repentance.

The Profits

The two witnesses do not accept a bribe, turn away the needy, or afflict just persons.  They leverage their work in the true God's service by every honest means to support their long lives and the services the true God wants them to provide for His sheep.  In short, the two witnesses will profit with blessing of the true God.

The two witnesses are providing nourishment for the true God's sheep.  The true God will see to it that no-one is denied the opportunity to share in financial support of the true God's message.  The true God will view those that contribute as asking for His care.

The blood guilty obtain direction in answering for their blood guilt and their concerns directed to true God with consulting assistance.  Consulting and instruction is in part delivered through this herald and the companion website.  Others will require attention specifically focussed on their policy, doctrine, or procedures to eradicate the perversion in their teaching.  Repentant leaders will require dedicated attention to their own departments.

You Do Have A Plague in Process

Religion you have been served a notice that unless you remove the true God's titles and this includes, "God", you are going to face increasing consequences of the true God's wrath.  He wants His sheep to understand how they are being deceived and defrauded spiritually by you, religion, harlot, sitting a beast.  You will not last.  You are going to face the true God's burning anger.  He is kindled against you now and your signage is smoldering.

Self Control

The true God has self control in abundance.  Destroying living beings is not His pleasure.  Destruction will come in many forms with the true God's justice behind it.  Are you a church with a meth-lab in your basement?  Guess what? Fire from the heaven's, the armed forces, will destroy it along with your profane house of worship.  See your destruction?  Tune in, there will be so much more to come.  There will not be one sheep destroyed in that action.

To elucidate the shepherds' will be so cooperative that if a Norwegian learns that meth destroying his children is being provided by a lab in a church basement in Hollywood California, USA.  The air-force of Norway will incinerate that United States location.  In the United States our armed forces are not allowed to be used against our own people.  We have the National Guard for that.  So Hollywood deacon, you want the National Guard or Norway to destroy that meth lab?  Perhaps you want to know their targeting accuracies first.  Your permissive residence might be attached. The true God knows these stats and every member, sheep, in His armed services the world over.

And what the United States will be doing in retribution to Mexico, Brazil and Costa Rica.  Look out India, your pharmaceutical companies will not last.  Ah, justice.  The USSs' Mercy and Hope will be making more rounds the earth over.

The Execution of Deliverance; A Dark Night

The Israelites would have never crossed the Red Sea when Pharaoh would have had an ounce of assistance of light when traveling through the night after them.  He would have been in double blackness.  The true God's angel would have moved in blackness to take those lives that night.  Start publishing the truth of your profane passover celebrations.  They are mapped on the calendar and seasons of the southern cross and you do not have a leg to stand on.

Egypt's fields were harvested when Moses and Aaron entered to deliver the Israelites.  When Pharaoh pushed the Israelites to gather their own straw for bricks, their was only stubble available.  When the hail plague hit, months later, there was early wheat and barley in the the fields.  All the other crops were destroyed for human harvest.  By the Passover the wheat harvest had occurred and ground wheat for unleavened bread was plentiful.  Congratulations, religion, on mapping the Southern Hemispheres seasons on the Northern Hemisphere and profaning the passover.

You false prophet and false religion are blood guilty.  The two witnesses of the true God; the only heavenly bound individuals on this earth.  These have long on this earth to live and much to accomplish.  Repent of your profane doctrine of the passover.  False prophet and false religion you have deceived persons that need time to repent to reduce your blood guilt.

The Two Witnesses

The true God employed His two witnesses to deliver His declaration against the false prophets, false religions, puppet government of Satan's empire, and the corrupting armies of sin's merchants.  These witnesses are leading honest shepherds', legal government, in defeating the agents of sin that are destroying the true God's sheep and overloading government with economic burdens that can not be sustained.  These witnesses are declaring the fire from the true God of His prophetic message delivered in the bible.  Those prophets explained how the true God's Kingdom becomes established on this earth.

These declarations are going to keep coming against you.  The truth about the perversions of the tenets and doctrines of religion and the criminal blood guilt you hold will be yours to hold to the grave unless you repent of your false teachings.  You can change.  Avoid destruction with all of Satan's other agents.  This is the sign of Jonah.  Repent of false teachings.  Learn from the true God's two witnesses or you face a destruction.  Pharaoh this is your period of time to repent.

Respect The Flame Of Love

September 11, 2019

The true God led Israel's children out of Egypt.  He provided them victory.  They conquered the land promised to their forefathers hundreds of years previously, and sent the Christ as the fulfillment of the promise. The true God is love. He is our heavenly father and whom a father loves he disciplines. Discipline is not an easy process to experience. Very often we are as disappointed in ourselves, if not more so, than the individual that’s providing us with discipline.

In the bible, love is allegorically a flame. Two scriptural accounts of priests; sons of Eli and sons of Aaron who did not respect the flame of love (consuming fire of the true God) ended with their deaths.  These sons disrespected the duties of their role and the way they were required to serve. They often used the implements wrongly ate portions of the sacrifice that weren’t theirs to eat and they got very close to the flame of the true God.

The fire of the true God consumed the sacrifices of Israel. Israelites brought livestock to the priests for sacrifice an act of worship to their God YHVH.  When the fire consumed them it meant the approval of the sacrifice.  The sacrifices were consumed on behalf of those that were faithful to the true God.  He always had a remnant of individuals who had not sacrificed to Satan's stand-ins', gods' of the day.  The remnant of Israelites not even faithful Elijah knew.

Love Means Discipline

Love is not a free ride of approval that says, "everything you do is praiseworthy and everything about you is wonderful." Love from the true God means discipline because we are filled with sin. We are always being molded and shaped. You will have growing pains. Even in grievous moments when you’re feeling a bad spirit of correction you still know you’re growing as an individual and you’re becoming a better person and the true God is helping you through that process and relieving that depth of emotion and heavy spirit when necessary so that you can move forward as you need to.

At times He will give you confusion in the midst of a process. This is so you stop. Assess your actions and go about things a little differently with Him in mind and with a prayerful mind and humble heart. Serving Him means excepting His discipline, it will challenge you.  Then you will benefit.

An interesting thing about the garment of the Levi priest; they were linen and flammable. The priest had to be very respectful of the flame of the true God or their garment caught fire. They needed to respect the entire process of being around the copper sea (cauldron of sacrifices). By contrast wool is not flammable. (There are many academic papers on this subject.) Tents and other goods were woven wool. Putting the priests in linen was cooler for enduring the heat but required respect (discipline) on their part.

The Famous true God vs Ba'al Challenge

When Ahab was king in Israel and Jezebel was his queen; consuming sacrificial fire put Ba'al to test. (Her evil is legendary.) Israel was in a sickened state spiritually from its fornication with false god's. (The Ba'al's of the nations.) They were in a three year drought.

Elijah, prophet of the true God, constructed a test. He assembled the Ba'al worshipers to a mountain. Each side built an alter. For hours Ba'al worshipers dramatically called him.  Ba'al did not consume his altar. The true God consumed with fire the alter prepared by His profit and brought down rain on Israel with one petition.

The people were reminded of the true God. They had forgotten. The profane celebrations and fornications' to Ba'al blinded them. What about today? You may not identify yourself as worshiping Ba'al but if you practice fornication you are. If you are addicted to narcotics and alcohol, you are.  The true God wants you to stop doing things that aline you with the gods' that Satan has created for people to worship. Respect the flame of love.

Respecting the Flame of Love

Are you in the presence of an individual you admire and who you want to please? Perhaps someone you physically crave and lust after? Do not fornicate. If it’s your spouse wonderful! Find reasons and ways to please your spouse and give them extra care. Draw close to the true God. Frequently and often pray to keep yourself free from fornicating.  When spending time with a potential mate keep yourselves in a public place. (Until you see the Justice of the Peace - the true God will bless a marriage that means avoiding fornication - and yes, love at first sight He blesses when there is no fornication.)

Blood Relatives

July 20, 2019
blood = life

Once sin happened, these variables had a new relative.

blood = life = sin

How is this known? The life is the blood. In Genesis, Man received the breath of the true God and became a living soul. The whole man is the soul. The whole man dies from sin. It is our blood that makes atonement for our soul. This is a one to one relationship. The true God has no provision for one sinner's blood to be used to atone, save the life of another. Violating this one to one relationship is a grave sin. The true God requires that He receive all of our blood back.

Paul makes it clear that death entered the world through Adam. That death was by sin. Death was passed to all humanity simultaneously with conception, life, making blood equal to sin.

Your blood does not save life. Christ's blood saved your life. All of our lives. The life of every conceived human being; covered in Christ's sacrifice. The miracles of feeding the crowds to satisfaction with only a few loaves proves this. Since the true God does not use your blood to save life, why should you? Quit banking and selling sin.

Bank Of Sin, God Wants It Back

December 24, 2020

The blood is life.  Since the fornication event in the garden of Eden the blood is also sin.  The true God made it clear, He wants blood returned to Him.  The ancient practice of transfusing blood has been in use since Egypt as a world power.  Animal or human blood from corpses into the living was used to replace lost blood in a wounded individual on battle fields' then.  The true God hated this practice then.  He hates foreign-to-body blood consumption, and all forms of blood ingestion and/or exchange. This is profane blood use.

The Warning to Physicians

You who deal in blood, this is your warning. You will have time to repent as the evidence of the warning mounts. Those that use patient-foreign blood in their medical practice will be buried by medical malpractice (growing exponentially) and be humbled with public servitude and personal poverty unless you terminate patient-foreign blood medicine.

You will be incapable of defending yourself against the suits against you for even routine medical error. You, medic, are to train yourself in replacement surgical methods that do not require blood. If you do not; you will be discriminating against patients that do not have self-blood banked and you as a medic will be eliminated from medical practice over time for this criminal discrimination fed by usury.  This burden of learning falls to all medical technicians and actors that; handle, distribute, share, process, and use: blood in medicine.

The Blood Guilty

This is your penalty for the blood guilt you bear. A soldier obedient in his duties has less blood guilt than one surgeon who practices one foreign-to-patient blood medical procedure. (The general or admiral delivering the order bears it all.  Did you feel that pinch?) If you put foreign-to-patient blood in a body you are committing the sin of blood guilt against the true God. Blood belongs to the true God. He is making a provision for self-blood, a mercy toward those on dialysis and akin treatments of this world.

While all persons have the choice of worshiping Satan, the cost of admission and profanely using blood is going to bankrupt national governments the world over.  You see, the true God will not support you supporting dealing in blood. Shepherd, you exist at the mercy (perhaps patronage) of the true God.  Blood, life, belongs to the true God. Death belongs to Satan. Medicine, understand, you may no longer steal life to profiteer with sin.

Get Off Your Donkey

August 13, 2019

In a local shop window are four tin-wall-posting signs. Each sign is a contemporary message. Each has a vintage ad campaign illustration; or made to look that way.

Advertising is not a bastion of Proverbs. On second thought, a fool speaks all his mind and a wise man holds his speech till after an affair. To advertise is to perpetually play the fool. Assumptions about the reader based on demographic insight are distributed across media to every consumer. Vintage advertising often features demoralizing the consumer with sexism. A wise person would not accuse his consumer. But, a fool's way very often wins campaigns today.

Wine and strong drink are not intended for kings or princes. When drunk they forget the law and pervert justice. Strong drink is intended for those ready to die and wine for those heavy of heart. If it can be a moderate enjoyment, so be it. Enjoy. Excess; the pathway to folly. Try this; before reaching for a mind adjusting beverage say a prayer to the true God about your day and desire for a beverage after announcing your intention to drink, play "How to Get God to Talk to You" don't forget to close your prayer in Jesus name.

Obedience the Seal of a Good Woman

The ways of wisdom are pleasantness with a peaceful pathway. Wisdom, in being pleasant, understands when to enjoy the opinion of her Lord. The woman defending her rightness has lost peace. To be pleasant and promote peace requires making a commitment to leadership and being obedient. In the early 90's my privilege was to work for a former SEAL who served in Korea and Vietnam. He kept his service personal. He simply let me know on day one I was to keep the office "afloat". I stayed on top of revenues and law. We had an agreement; if he walked in announcing, 'the sky is green', I said, "So it is sire. Who of the town subjects needs this message today?" Ridiculous? The only better boss, the true God. Obedience gets a woman the best gigs.

The way of righteousness is life: and in the pathway thereof there is no death.
Proverbs 12:28

The way of the true God is life. He will never die. Those that walk in His path will live in His memory for a resurrection to life. Let's watch out how we are walking. His way is a path. A path requires travel. Travel means movement. Movement means progress. Progress means knowing when to get off our donkey and do according to the righteous way.

Section Three


The true God developed a calendar of weeks for the nation of Israel to follow. In seven year repetitions adjusting years with an added week were cycled to provide alignment with the orbit of the earth around the sun. Israel always synchronized within three days of this orbit in every year.

Link to the true God’s calendar, www.thetruegod.info/examples/israelCalendar.pdf

Years Full Of Weeks

January 1, 2020

The seven day cycle; never broken.  Each day began with the observed moonrise.  Six days of work followed by one day of sabbath.  There were twelve months.  Each month was 30 days and 8 hours long.  Three hundred sixty-four days divided by twelve, 30.33 days.  For most years there were fifty-two weeks in a year and every few years a week was added to the end of Abib in a cycle to keep the nation of Israel in harmony with the season (solar orbit).  The cycle of years were remembered according to the 12 tribes patriarchs' blessing and birth mother.  Never did Israel fall out of time with the solar orbit more than three days when following the true God's calendar. Using the moon was a reminder that no two days would ever be an identical period of time. From one month to the next never would an identical moon be observed in a lifetime.

Make no mistake the Hebrews knew they were marking weeks and observing the moon at each month's beginning on the east horizon when instructed.  After Jerusalem was built the East gate was opened on the first of the month. Build a calendar from the logic puzzle the true God gave in the Torah and it is very easy to see how humanity has been in the dark about time. Assume it was a lunar calendar and you miss the true God's points of His life and earth's future. There is no way to make lunar observations add weeks and be in agricultural agreement with the seasons. You can however observe your moon on the first of the month and say, "It didn't look like that last month". (That must be in a song.)

New Moon

The true God does not indicate the moon phase when He says this is a new moon for you.  He simply told Moses and Aaron, this day is the first day of the year for you.  In two weeks is the passover and your life will follow a seven day weekly cycle.  The festival of unleavened bread that followed was because the wheat had been harvested and ground. It was plentiful.  Following a lunar cycle would have put "new moon's" out of phase with the sabbath occurrence on designated month days.  The true God's calendar of Israel followed weeks to fill years.  If aligning moon phases was so critical, they would have opened that East gate more than on a sabbath and on a new moon, new day of the month, as directed.

The true God was not consulted by NASA when naming a "new moon".  When you stumble on "new moon" in a Bible don't choke on the meaning like christendom.  The odd's of the Christ hanging on a stake by the light of a brilliant full moon, at "passover", when he was the means for deliverance is slim to none.  Your Spring passover celebrations of this earth are an abomination to the true God and prove your alignment with the Southern Cross.

You Don't Know "Weeks of Years" J.W.

Weeks are how each person of the true God set the rhythm of his life.  Here is a simple spreadsheet that illustrates the true God's cycle of weeks coinciding with our Gregorian, solar based, modern calendar.  Think this through, if the true God had ever wanted His people to depend upon a solar calendar they would have written the gold standard of calendars with precision that would baffle NASA.  Did you ever think that weeks could so rhythmically follow the seasons? Imagine the creator of the sun knowing its orbits.  His people mapped their lives in harmony with their father and mother the celestial parents who have promised, honor us and you will live long on this earth.

The Moon's Time?

The true God defined His week of activity.  The moon defined days without ever being identical between calculated intervals.  The allegorical expression "shadow of death" describes the NASA "new moon", shadow of the moon in the bible.  The Israelites would have been reminded of the Christ coming and dying, the shadow, NASA new moon.

Using a clock to map the true God's design is the mark of a sun worshiper.  Not a servant of the true God. The true God's servant looks for His signs of events and conducts their life based on fulfilling the true God's will, word.  Removing acts of sin from their lives by relying on prayer to the true God for their strength to do so.  It is a partnership.

When the true God defines a day, guess what, it is however many solar events of the earth's orbit it takes to complete the events the true God's word has decreed must be accomplished in His day.  This goes for a week too.  Oh, and translates to a year.

What Time Is It?

When was the first of the year for the true God? September 13th moonrise.  When the moon was rising on the horizon on the Southwest U.S. desert.  It was brilliant.  He is calling this year four.  At the end of this year add an adjusting week to be in sync with His calendar.  On the Hebrew calendar the first of the year is about two weeks later.  They are the closest to the day.  (They don't know the true God's year either.)  What time is it?  The seventy weeks have started.

Worship the Son for Death

The Israelites never patterned their lives after the sun.  That is a gateway to sun worship.  Never would Israel have been in possession of a calendar that perfectly coincided with the sun unless the rhythm of the weeks pattern naturally allowed for an adjusting year.  Oh and each day still began at moonrise (so never does hold). The true God's people lived a life in the true God's shoes.  He had a productive week of days.  No two were of identical length and at the end of six productive days He took a sabbath that could not have any sin at its beginning or its end in order for that sabbath day to end.  (The son pun is intentional.)

He will be King when His sabbath is over.  When sin is destroyed, His Sabbath ends.  He is following His holy law.  Mankind contributes to eradicating the practice of sin.  All sin-filled flesh will eventually die after proving how they want to live.  If you want to be a slave to sin, death is waiting for you.  If you want to live a life of repentance from sin's grasp, the true God is waiting for you.

Thirty And A Third

February 11, 2020

Who defines a month to include a third of a day? The one who says there is; a time to work, a time to sleep, a time to laugh, a time to cry, a time to.... Recall Ecclesiastes or the Wisdom of Solomon for every season there is something to do in its time? This is the same oration to Israel that articulated the dead are conscious of nothing. Only the true God is aware of those in His living memory that receive a life of judgement or life, resurrected in His Kingdom.

His is the Kingdom that arrives after the week of Satan's last stand. Satan's last stand is the week after the sixty two weeks and we are in the first seven weeks of the seventy weeks. Ah, the greatness of the true God's wisdom we experience through His generous mighty hands of Holy Active Force. Israel's twelve months of a year were equally divided into thirty and one third days.  Abib, thirty-seven and one-third days on adjusting years.

Yep Equal Lengths

Really, each month was equal.  Trisect a solar day for the eight hours of that third a day. To top it off, Israel's calendar moved with the solar year and measured each beginning and end of a day by moonrise.  The perception of moonrise is imprecise and its occurrence with the sun varies. When the moon rises at midday it reflects the sun and isn't visible in the sky until the sun falls below the horizon. Then, "hello" moon shadow. Well, if the moon is not between the earth and sun we can enjoy that luminary. Evening was used to mark the ending of periods of uncleanness because it's easily perceived.

The critical pattern for Israel was six day's of toil followed by a day of sabbath. While no billable work was done on a sabbath it was always okay to help your neighbor save His ass on the sabbath.  (My Sabbath day is from Thursday moonrise to Friday moonrise.) Of course it was okay to pick your own berries that you ate. Remember the disciples earning a parasitical (my bad, I meant Pharisaical) conniption-fit from gleaning wheat berries? The day's being measured by the moon meant days were never the same number of ticks on Big Ben. You can substitute atomic clock precision with seconds if you like. The key is in defining a day it was an imprecise measure that simply references a period began and ended. Stuff happened during the period. Perhaps menses. Guilty by association, weeks.

The 30-1/3

The twelve months that divided Israel's three hundred and sixty-four day year year were equal. How is that known? The true God deliberately defined the captains of the months as equal in number and of the remnant of persons waited on during Gog of Magog's last stand are equal amounts given to twelve divisions. Don't like that? How about that to have the first and fifteenth days of the seventh month commence on a day of holy sabbath the months must be thirty and one third days in duration or the seventh month does not fulfill that requirement.

Before revving up on the idea that prophecies of months are a precise measure of time. Keep in mind, how did that third of a day get measured and exactly when did it begin and end? As humans making celestial observations between moon and sun we are always proximal unless we are measuring a precise solstice. And where in all of Israel's history did the true God ever ask that an obelisk for solar observation be constructed? Oh, that's right, He didn't.  What is fair is to interpret equality of counts in prophecies defined with months.  Defining a duration?  The false prophets are reading Daniel and Revelation again wringing their hands planning their rise above government after world war three.  F.Y.I.  a third world war is not going to happen.

The Amusement Park

Watch for sign's because the true God's mighty hand is at work.  A smooth as glass transition into Christ's kingdom is our seven week occupation.  False prophets, enjoy that trip to the lake of fire and brimstone. It will be by it's nature a Mr. Toad's ride.  And by the way, your sheep escape you. Satan will have an "E" ticket ride to the Abyss when the angel jails her. We won't even have to wait in line to see that spectacle.

Cut, Banded, And Roasted

January 16, 2020

Nebuchadnezzar's tree has multiple fulfillment periods.  In the "time", the second part of the "times" and the “half a time”.  Greece and Rome amounted to the same empire in the true God's eyes.  Neither was His agent like Babylon.  Babylon dealt with Israel and Judah's inability to provide government.  Medo-Persia was the great silver empire, breast, that; rebuilt Jerusalem. It's walls then house of the true God.

Good Shepherd's of the earth this canst be stressed enough, voluntarily join the Fine Shepherd.  He is calling His sheep bringing about world peace.  The earth is ready for Christ's kingdom when the true God is satisfied that His prophecies have been fulfilled by His definition.  Oh, Christ will ride in and bring about destruction of inequity in government but that is upon finishing off Gog of Magog to make way for the true God's, Fine Shepherd's, Kingdom at the end of the "half a time".  Christ has mastery over Sheol, death.  Sin and death, wiped out last.

Where in Time Are We?

The seven weeks of the "time" have begun.  The "time" is winding to its end.  Only seven weeks remain.  The rebuilding of Jerusalem on earth is certain.  What king or president wouldn't want to boast of being the agent of the true God as Cyrus did?  Greece and Rome, bronze, have Christ's death and the sacking of Jerusalem to their credit.

To date the iron legs include what supported Satan's prophet and beast and exist before Christ's kingdom arrives.  Hence the iron and bronze band on the tree.  This dream applies more than once.  In one application of the dream those feet of iron and clay exist in the second part of the "times".  The first part of the "times" arrive when Christ is installed as king over the earth and assigns princes to rule.  Don't you want to be one of those princes as Daniel was to Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus?

America, Want Help?

The true God's Word is issued.  (Same as done.)  Be a part of His solution.  He rewards generously those who prove their allegiance to Him.  America, we claim to be one nation under "God" and we represent all the kingdom's of the world within our legal boarders.  Defending our boundaries for legal entry is necessary.  If other nations want to reform America's laws for citizenship, they sure can.

A bill and a lobby.  I guess that's so much more red tape than invading us with drugs and trespassers.  They sure save money on printing their own dollars.  And their own citizens are too poor for their own labors.  I guess Henry Ford was just a crazy fool to our southern hemisphere neighbor.  If El President does not like the editorial he needs to understand the warning.  Governments' that treat their poor and their neighbors abusively are going to be dealt first, the whole world over.

For the Barbecue Crowd

If you are thirsty for vengeance to arrive as fire and brimstone raining from the heavens, realize why Sodom and Gomorrah received the verdict they did.  Something to note.  When the poor are leant to treacherously and they cry out to God, He answers for them.  That is in His perfect law.

The true God was listening to the cries of the inhabitants of those two cities.  Abraham absolutely refused to take so much as one shinny penny (lace of a sandal) for defeating the king of Sodom's enemy.  That Sodom king with Gomorrah's were notorious thieves in the true God's eyes.  He destroyed those cities because the poor were crying out to Him.

All of Canaan was full of Ham's offspring.  Their lands promised to Israel under sword.  Abraham learned it would be his son's after refusing payment from that corrupt king.  That king was not going to boast that anything from him made Abraham wealthy.  There was no need to make a special example out of those two cities with a fire shower just for being immoral.  These were all the offspring of Ham to begin with.  That curse was set.

The Smokescreen of Satan

That rape business is a religious smokescreen for the real rage of God with Sodom and Gomorrah.  Lot was a righteous man that cried out.  His chattels competed with Abraham when he settled near Sodom.  That king defrauded Lot no different than the rest of the inhabitants of the region.  Nations that abuse the poor, building poverty, you have just been put on notice.

Predatory fornication.  Rape orgies in the town square.  Marriage, ill regarded by the men engaged to the daughters of Lot.  They abandoned those two women to linger in that perverse city.  They became salt too.  Imagine such a plentiful mineral on this earth being more valuable than human life.  Had ten righteous men existed between those two cities (not predatory rapists) another means to deal with the corrupt, thieving; lenders, was available. This was a case of two birds with one brimstone.

Mexico is a toilet who's sewer drains into Texas.  Texas shit's in the gulf.  It's revenge on Mexico.  Defrauder of the poor: do you want heavenly fire to convert your abode to lugubriousness?  Fire out of heaven comes from vessels.  The true God has armed forces the earth over.  Be the one to join forces America.  Don't let Satan smoke you.

Seventy Weeks

January 1, 2020
"Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and for your holy city: Then transgression will stop and sin will end, guilt will be expiated, everlasting justice will be introduced, vision and prophecy ratified, and a Holy of Holies will be anointed."
"Know and understand: From the utterance of the word that Jerusalem was to be rebuilt until there is an anointed ruler, there shall be seven weeks. In the course of sixty-two-weeks it shall be rebuilt, with squares and trenches, in time of affliction. After the sixty-two-weeks an anointed one shall be cut down with no one to help him. And the people of a leader who will come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.  His end shall come in a flood; until the end of the war, which is decreed, there will be desolation. For one week he shall make a firm covenant with the many; half the week he shall abolish sacrifice and offering;  In their place shall be the desolating abomination until the ruin that is decreed is poured out upon the desolator."

Welcome to the rebuilding of Jerusalem on earth.  Education is here.

The False Prophet of Jehovah

False prophet, the lives lost in WWI are your bloodguilt.  You falsely prophesied that time as; Christ installed as king in heaven and Satan's being cast down to the earth.  You blaspheming deceiver.  You gave Satan her place to manufacture the destruction of government.  Government not religion is the true God's provision.

First century christians, the last followers of Christ as a congregation, were the remnant the true God found when the apostles traveled the earth looking for the scattered sheep of Israel.  These faithfully searched for the sign of the Christ and awaited his presence.  They were resurrected to the heavens.  You have no heavenly followers and your passover is blasphemy against the true God.

The Sign of Jonah

What do you have now? The Sign of Jonah.  Jonah is in your face.  Be Nineveh and repent.  Jonah is explaining to you, members of the false prophet, that you have earned the death sentence you assigned Adam for your profane doctrines.  You gave Satan the gateway she needed to bring destruction against civilization on a global scale and disrupt the boundaries of legal government and install her profane puppet the United Nations.

You Have Stolen the true God's Titles

Worse, you elevated yourself as an institution of true religion and have stolen the title true God for your profane, filth, Jehovah.  Drop the true God's titles from your profane religion.  That you call your self dick's witness is just fine. You are following the "angel of light" that Satan transformed herself into to lead you.  Jehovah is simply Satan's rebranding. The voice of the true God you have ignored.

You are the profanity of Satan.  You are blood guilty on a profound level.  The true God's anger against you is staggering.  Right now He only has one consequence dealt against you.  (All false religion is dealt this blow.)  Repent of your profane use of the true God's titles in all your documentation and it will be enough to separate you and identify you as Satan's servant so the true God's sheep can find their way to their Fine Shepherd who will lead them to their King and High priest just as He led Abraham to Melchizedek.

Seventy Weeks

The seventy weeks has started.  This prophet of the true God, who will be cut down at the end of sixty two weeks, is making a declaration against you.  This time is for repentance.  The wicked; destroyed. Christ's kingdom becomes legal government over the earth. Jerusalem; restored.  Elimination of sin happens after Gog of Magog, Satan's last beastly creation, annihilates itself.  The true God's Kingdom arrives.

Have fun mapping that to the calendar of the Southern Cross (Gregorian).  Understand, that makes you Satan's servant by definition; a sun worshiper.  That was a pun and you false prophet are hated, like your filthy false prophecy about 1914.  You have been blindsided by the requirement of sin's destruction because sin is leading you.

Section Four

False Prophecy

Three prophets on this earth belong to Satan. First is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Second to this “lamb’ish” entity are all the fortunetellers and mystics that flat out decide they know the future and are just blatantly employing any means, including direct divination, to prognosticate. Data “scientists” beware here. Porridge is coming for you. The third is Muhammed.

These three categories include religious organizations. Being a false prophet includes the assurance of being stripped of your robes and all of your doctrines ending up in Gehenna. The individual dawning the robe of false prophecy simply gets a resurrection to judgement in Christ’s kingdom or a chance to repent now, because, wow, they decided to listen to the Fine Shepherd and forge that relationship.

Prophets create the realities for a given period. What the true God brings about is truth. A false prophet has no grasp of the bibles meaning. Their prognostications lack knowledge of the true God. They have no relationship with Him. The true God’s prophet is one who proves the word of the true God true in their own life and He rewards their faithfulness by making their prophetic explanations true. These explanations come from a deep relationship with the true God that includes many hours of dialogue and teaching from Him. The true God Backs His Prophets because from love of fulfilling His word He seeks to bring about what they declare.

Eighth King

January 2, 2020

Don't, fret.  You are not the eighth king of Revelation fame.  Don't go beating up you brother across the ocean thinking world supremacy is yours.  You great shepherds' of this earth with mighty naval forces and armies will be the instruments for world peace and destroying the harlot, religion, is your moment of fame.  Gog of Magog is that infamous eighth king.

We will be taking a break from Satan to give humanity a chance at fair judgement.  In the dust of that precious womb the faithful and wicked will grow alongside one another.  Remember the wheat and darnel illustration of the Christ? The harvest of the faithful can only be known to all when the wicked reveal who they are at the end of Satan's last stand kingdom.  That is when the one hundred and forty four thousand are known.

Peace, The Calm Before the Kingdom

World peace, what would that look like?  Well, every drug lord, human trafficker, agent of pornography, terrorist, and profiteer of sin will be annihilated.  Along with their offspring.  There will be a shift in consumer preferences.  The sheep and goats will be obvious.  Those who seek perversions will still have them.  Those that seek righteousness will find better companions for themselves.

The promise to the righteous; never out of food stores, fuel for their homes, blankets for their beds and the love of true companions.  They will also be fulfilled with either a loving spouse or the magnificent companionship of the true God to help care for them while they are faithfully alone.  (Sadly, some raising half orphans.)  They will have honest work and will never need unsecured debt to provide for their needs.

The goats, sadly neighbor to the sheep, will never be satisfied.  They feed the consumer economy, false religion, unsecured debt, struggle with addictions, never know the meaning of fidelity, and feed every form of gambling and gaming that the weak minded need as a diversion for their adulterated lives in service to Satan.

What Makes A Righteous Person

The righteous are those that are capable of repentance.  They want to repent and are willing to work to save themselves from every form of slavery.  The true God will direct them.  The wicked are adulterated by Satan to to point that they have no means of seeing a need to repent.  They justify and defend all their forms of fornication and perversion and will be a loud voice standing in the way of the shepherds' that are seeking to rid the earth of Satan's forces.  They will be looking to divert money to all endeavors that keep Satan's perverse economy of sin alive and well.  These as well as Satan's economy will be destroyed.

There will be a power play between that Southern Cross and North Star.  The Southern Cross loses in the end.  Read Daniel and Revelation again.  The true God and the Christ are giving visions and interpretations through an angel to John and Daniel.  Two magnificent discrete beings.  One is God, Fine Shepherd, and future King.  One is high priest, redeeming human creation forever, and king.

Those judged as wicked now might be capable of repentance from sin in the absence of Satan.  That is the chance the wicked are being given.  Some that repent now might be given a resurrection, sinless, to life in the true God's Kingdom.  That is what the true God will decide.  Some receive a resurrection to judgement some to life that need never end because they were resurrected without sin into the true God's Kingdom.

When We Can Expect to Live Forever?

It is possible to live through our period of seven weeks and live into Christ's kingdom.  Everyone in Christ's kingdom will still be marked with sin.  We will be capable of dying.  It will be our loyalty to living a life in harmony with the body of the Christ, true Christians, faithful to the true God's will that will determine our longevity, heath and youth, in that kingdom.

You can save your family.  You can watch that fear inspiring day.  It is not possible however to live forever now.  Sin must die.  Then, an only then, will the true God's will for His creation be fulfilled.  His sabbath will be over and His perfect law will be fulfilled.

Gala Or Rome?

February 19, 2020

Because you listened to your wife's voice the earth will not give up its produce for you.  Adam lived this curse against him.  For Adam to enjoy the produce of earth someone other than he and Eve would need to do the cultivating of the ground.  The true God sent out His word that humanity was going to become many and fill the earth prior to that knowledge filled fruiting tree.

This curse served as a provision.  Adam fulfilled the true God's word to know is wife and give her children and ate in ease from their gifts.  In short, when the true God delivers a curse it is so those who fulfill His word are rewarded sooner.  It is built it.

Listen In Bible Terms

Adam "listened."  He believed something and acted on what he believed.  The true God does not control the content of our minds or read them.  What He will do is correct our expectations to match His word when we grown to know Him.  Adam did not have a Romeo and Juliet moment of; "Eve you ate the poison and now you are going to die, so I will take the poison."

Adam ate the fruit believing, because Eve did not drop dead in that instant, the true God's word was not true.  She alive handed him the fruit.  Eve died after hundreds of years of life as did Adam.  Satan made the word of the true God a lie in the mind of mankind. Adam didn't see the alive woman in front of him and realize she was dying.   Eve knew she ate and stood alive.

Adam also did not reach out to the true God.  Adam had a responsibility to do so because his wife, one flesh, carried sin in her blood once she ate of Satan's tree.  We live in a period of knowing good and bad.  We must make the prayer first.

Who Are You Listening To?

Adam listened to the "evidence" of Eve, alive, with the eaten fruit in her hand over the true God's word.  It is our expectations we need to compare with the true God's word.  We are deceived by what we see over what is in the bible.  Satan's agent's, all religious leaders, corrupted the meaning of the word for centuries since the remaining apostles were writing to to the first century congregations.  They also lived a life without any apparent consequence other than living in a world filled will the knowledge of good and bad.

We see people doing evil acts thrive and we forget that they are going to receive judgement.   Do you, clergy, doubt who you are and who you follow?  Make that prayer and find out.  The true God is leading all people who pray to Him to find out who He is.  Once you have found the source of truth He will teach you who you are serving with your religion.

Deceived sheep sucked into Satan's empire believing they were serving the true God will forge a relationship with the true God and flee Satan's empire to the true God's fold.  Goats that chose to live badness, can.  Being born again awaits them.  Satan's agents do not live into Christ's kingdom.

What Judgement Is, Now

Judgement is a resurrection to a wiped clean memory at the time and place of the true God's choosing in Christ's kingdom.  When Christ is king over the earth it is reasonable to believe that he will walk among humanity at times.  There will also be persons, satraps and governors, caring for the Christ's subjects.  The relationship with the true God we develop determines how He can use His sheep: where and over whom, if any, He places them.

Getting Down to the Brass

There is a war before us.  What is it?  It is legal government against Satan's agents.  Nebuchadnezzar's tree tells us for seven periods of time there is a banding of government.  Once is for seven weeks the second time a week.  A week is seven periods of time.  Seven days is how long Gog of Magog (the feet of iron and clay, the second time around) has to learn the true God's Kingdom is coming to power forever.

Good Times

The seven weeks is now and is the conclusion of the first "time" of the "time, times and half a time".  During the "half a time" is when the final week of Gog of Magog's iron and clay feet exist finally crushed by the true God's eternal Kingdom.  In our seven weeks of the times the feet of iron and clay exist after the iron legs.  These feet are crushed under the direction of the true God.

The true God is answering the prayers of humanity with teaching His identity.  Then humanity makes their choice.  Be clay, serve Satan or be iron, serve the true God.  Ignorance from religion ends now.  Stand and fight the gluttonous agents of Satan under the law of iron the clay is grounded to dust of the earth.  The iron continues into Christ's kingdom.

Living leaders of kingdoms of this world, iron, the true God is engaging you.   Humility, banding, is part of the territory.  So is restoration for righteous leaders.  All leaders will learn that the true God is shepherding life-seeking living humanity into Christ's kingdom.

The Triple Tree

Daniel after puzzling over the tree tells Nebuchadnezzar let this dream be for your enemies.  Death is humbling.  Restoration to grandeur in the heavens Christ experienced.  The true God is making His point to those who declare they are under His mighty hand, first.  Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar he would be humble for seven periods of time.  Rulers of this world your humbling during this seven weeks of the "times" is launched.

The banding is the marker on the tree of the "times" beginning and end.  Christ's death and kingship during the Greece-Rome conglomerate marked the "times" beginning.  The "times" end with iron winning over Satan's remaining agents of clay.  Iron legs humility is served.  Restoration occurs when you act under the Fine Shepherd's mighty hand.  Yes, fornication is eradicated when restoration occurs.

The Statue Goes to...

This statue applies twice.  Christ's kingdom, the second time around, head of gold, will end.  This is the end of the first part of the "times."  Then men will come together in new governments, second part of the "times", and Satan, released, wields her influence again.  Gog of Magog (feet) receive the bowls of wrath and know exactly who serves them.  The ancient of days takes His throne after the second time around when the "half-time" is concluded.  And He invented the chain of command.

In fairness to humanity with short memories a fourth occurrence of the tree's prophecy fits.  When the  consequences of disobedience to the true God's laws are veiled by Satan, He delivers reminders again.  The two witness team is still prophesying.  And the true God never delivers judgement without the recipient having full chance to repent.  In that last week of the "half a time", clay agents murder us.

The Award

The only people "under God" are those forging a relationship with Him, learning who He is by reading His word and asking for His help daily.  The keys to understanding our Fine Shepherd, who sent His Lamb, and will provide life to all humanity are in my writings.  My power is in my words and introducing people to the true God through prayer.  The blessing of true God's love, justice, wisdom and power is for every person to learn.

Does War Prove True Religion?

July 5, 2019

Satan immediately obfuscated the God of Jesus, the true God, when cast out of the heavens to earth. Christ resurrected to the heavens at once Satan, cast out. True religion's followers, the remnant of Christ's followers suffered greatly. Recall Christ's faithful forced into skins and blood, put in an arena; devoured by lions? Satan decimated true religion by the end of the first century.

Some proclaim, Satan lingered in heaven until just before WWI, in 1914, then cast down to the earth before that war. This was in harmony with a predicted date revealed in advance by these some.

A greater likelihood is that WWI was stirred up by the zealous mans-layer Satan to manufacture “true religion” from false prophets. Jesus did not assure his disciples of a date. Why would the true God write a critical prophetic date in the Bible to be "discovered" and Jesus not know it? Prediction with a calendar is a tool that empowers Satan. Putting faith in a date and not deeds is a nebulous business.

Satan is the mother of lies and lies bring conflict. What is a better way than war for Satan to stir assurance in a religion? The God of Jesus would never fashion a useless slaughter of mankind to insight faith in His coming Kingdom. We need to flee false religion now. True religion is in the body of the Christ. The requirement is morality. The Shepherd is gathering His flock. Call out to the true God in prayer. He loves you. He will personally shepherd you leading you to the Christ.

Retire Tyre And Her King

July 14, 2019

The very fire that issues forth from the dragon, Satan, is used to devour her. Satan will be gone forever. This prophecy in the Bible we look forward to. Satan, at the outset of Christ's kingdom, is jailed. Then released for a short time of final interaction with mankind before the true God's Kingship.

Satan's Identity

Satan, created a cherub, angel, perfect in her beauty and blameless in her ways. She was also the cherub that guarded Eden. She abandoned the law of the true God. Satan fornicated with spirit fellows across the heavens. The prophecy of Satan cast to the ground (earth), fulfilled. She and her demons; no longer permitted to enter the heavens. She is the preeminent god of our world through our idolatry. Her influence taints government and she is false religion.

Satan is a Shrewd Liar

There is a powerful warning about Satan. She, full of wisdom, debased her wisdom. She uses wisdom to lower the moral character of people. Every form of cunning, deception and enticement to moral turpitude is hers. We must constantly check our conduct against the bible. (The epistle of James is an excellent place to check our behavior.) These are days when constant prayer to the true God is necessary. We are in the final hours of a debased world that is in the claws of a dragon who will not live. Regardless of our sins, can live. Live forever in the true God's Kingdom. Search out the true God, God of Jesus, in prayer.

Religious Leaders You are in Deep

The Prince of Tyre is a religious leader who fancies himself enthroned as a god, infallible, with great treasure, and haughty. This prince is the figurative offspring of Satan leading a vast empire of false religion. This pious one will die in the hands of government. His body; cremated.

The City of Tyre is the hub of false religion. It traffics; propaganda against government, lawlessness of all forms and many fornications. Neither the City of Tyre nor those that depend on her for commerce will survive. The mighty waters, seven seas, will cover Tyre completely. She will never be rebuilt. False religion is ending. Reach out to the true God in prayer. Develop a habit of daily Bible reading. Look for ways to leave the practices of false religion behind. The true God will lead you to true religion, worship of Him, in the body of the Christ.

Time In A Genie

August 15, 2019

Only a pagan god released from a bottle is reckless enough to interpret the true God's calendar on man’s secular calendar. If you are a man, salvation can be yours. Stop patronizing the house of demons by examining the end of days then marking them on modern calendars. Reading numbers in scripture and using those to predict dates is Satan's trap for the arrogant. Formulas for predicting biblical times are a fallacy.

689,472 Years Between Calendar Duplications

The Israelites means of tracking time commenced from the moment they left Egypt. It was on a lunar day basis. Each day monitored as commencing with moonrise. Each new month, day 1, was noted with moon event. The repetition of this calendar is 689,472 years*. There is indeed an object lesson here; no two days were ever to be alike between years. The cycle of repetition is incalculable in man's puny lifetime. Satan's gift.

The marking of days happened by observation. What is the object lesson? One day to the next marking moon rise on the horizon, the moon rise is not an identical event between any two places on the earth. This is because of the earth's natural gyration on its orbital axis. If the true God had wanted a precise marking of time the Israelites would have had it. Time has always been the true God's dimension.

Why give the Israelites a lunar day marker? Women follow a lunar cycle for menses, shedding of the uterine lining of thickened blood. Blood is sin. The Israelites were reminded with the moon that their days of sin were going to be forgiven and they would be saved by means of a woman, the first born of creation. She came to earth as the son of man.

Get Ye In That Book

What about the practice of creating formulas for predicting future dates using biblical events and what for all intensive purposes reads like a biblical equation, i.e. a day to the true God is 1,000 years to a man? Watch out. A day to the true God is also when He spent billions of (our) years mapping the planets and stars and then casting them into orbit with a toss of His hand. And don't forget He used the womb of creation for this. Then He labored over their composition of matter. The orbit of the earth around its axis, (an earth day) has meaning only if you are confined to the earth in some way.

We need to sleep. The moon is a useful luminary for sleep. That said we do not want to fall asleep in death (sin's wage). The unfortunate reality; we live with a death sentence. Again, Satan's gift. Life only comes from being remembered in the true God's book of life. Get ye in that book.

*Hebrew Dating, Dershowitz and Reingold

Jehovah's Days Are Numbered

October 29, 2020

The Request

Take your abominable references out of print and off the internet that define the god of your organization as true God.  All entities referencing the true God (and His other titles) in their organization materials must cease and desist such use.  Remove from your internet assets all use, both in visible print and all coded text, as well as recall from sale and distribution all printed materials by October 31 2019, 8:00 AM Eastern, U.S. that use the true God's titles.  The true God (or true God) is the God who freed Israel, decimated Canaan, and sent the Christ.

The true God has two witnesses with a domain, thetrueGod.info and a powerful ability to defend His name and titles.  All titles that belong to the true God are; God, God of Israel, God of Jesus, Almighty and true God.  He is defending them.  Any entity not belonging to the true God may not use those titles without consequence.  You will know for a certainty you do not have affiliation with the true God because you will live the consequence.  This means your share is with Satan.

Not a Fatal Error

Like every human being on this earth, salvation from the true God's day of wrath can be yours. Please visit the thetrueGod.info At this time be thankful the true God is making certain you are freed from Satan's deception.  All your print materials that steal the true God's title will sit collecting dust like idols until they are gathered into waste recycling sites and disposed of.  The true God has two witnesses.  One is writing this blog.  The other is in service to a shepherd.

The Consequence

Strike the use of the title, the true God, and the other listed titles, from all Internet and print materials by the above deadline.  On October 31 2019, 8:01 AM Eastern U.S. every organism from simple lichen and winged creature to quadruped will be devouring, pulverizing, beating, and shredding the organization namesakes from all your organization signage in every place it stands.  The above is your penalty unless you complete the task of re-branding across the internet and print materials (recalled from sale or distribution) by October 31 2019, 8:00 AM Eastern, U.S..

What organisms don't destroy, wind, rain, ice, sand, dust and lightning will eliminate.  Using the true God's titles requires teaching the truth about who He is, who the Christ was and is, and what will happen to Satan.  It also means zero tolerance for fornication in any form. (That is the short list).  Only one entity in this world is doing that (thetrueGod.info).

This is your wake-up call.  The entire world is going to learn; the true God hates the name "Jehovah."  It will also learn; who is peddling death with His titles.  Your ignorance is not a defense from consequence.  This consequence and others to come will save your life from the cruelty of partial truths Satan has blinded you with if you are humble.

The true God is defending His title.  When He reveals His name you will understand at great expense not to touch it.  Wiping out your Satanism from the true God's titles on your Satanic Halloween, Proverbial.

Glut Glut Glut A Name Of False Religion

July 7, 2019

Triplicated gluttony marks a seven headed beast of Revelation. Six being the excess, glut, fingers of a giant, Goliath. The beast comes out of the sea. Gluttire (Latin), to swallow. To swallow; completely use up, take in and cause to disappear, or believe unquestioningly (google). Seven seas, heads, mapped before John’s day.  Represented in the seven heads, all of mankind; races, nations, groups, languages and genders.

The Mother that Invented Fornication

The religion of Satan, f@#k it! Satan, the mother of fornication. What is our earth abused by? The “f@#k it!” society of gluttons. We swallow down the precious resources of our earth. The ecology of gluttony we have embraced, regardless of our aversion to profanity, will not last. The true God’s Kingdom is the only solution and promise for our future. Align with your creator the true God against fornication. The produce of fornication is gluttony. Satan created this “f@#k you” world.

Governments’ of this world who give voice to peoples’ aching and fighting to save our earth are a good shepherd. She wants you to swallow the lie government is being destroyed. With Satan’s death fornication and being forced to swallow, dies. Governments, you are getting help. The Fine Shepherd is calling His sheep from the seven seas and leading them to escape all fornication over time.

The Beast Gets its Power

The dragon, Satan the devil, gave the beast its power. This beast is worshiped by all those who do not worship the true God. If you are not worshiping the true God, reconsider. He is a Fine Shepherd and wants you you have everlasting life regardless gender or sex. False religion permits fornication. Make no mistake, the true God does not. He knows that fornication has permeated our humanity. Marriage is a provision forming one flesh relationships that bless sexual relations between the married parties. If you are not married pray for the true God’s help to remain celibate till matrimony and to help you find a good mate.

A religion arrives on the world scene from a continent.  Satan dressed as a lamb. Close enough to true religion but with partial truths and wicked reasoning that support clans of men shepherding in place of the Fine Shepherd. Fire came down out of the heavens from a shower of artillery as Satan used a world war she stirred up to sponsor her religion.

That Lamb Beast is in New York

In the wake of two World Wars, a peace time of consumption, Satan dressed as this lamb like beast duplicating false religion when images became easy commodities to produce. The first beast is duplicated in an image.  That image comes to life because of the energy of the lamb like beast that John beheld second.

Everyone fooled into beast worship, false religion, will miss the life promised by the Fine Shepherd. The beast, allowed to survive long enough to saturate the earth but not long enough to kill the surviving generation. Call out in prayer to the Fine Shepherd. He cares for you. He will lead you away from fornication and get your name in His book of life.

Conflict is Ending

Satan is the creator of conflict. What is a better way than war for Satan to stir assurance in a religion? The God of Jesus would never fashion a useless slaughter of mankind to insight faith in His coming kingdom. We need to flee false religion now. True religion is in the body of the Christ. Morality demanded. The Shepherd is gathering His flock. Call out to the true God in prayer. He loves you. He will personally shepherd you leading you to the Christ.

On The Day Of Origin, In The 3rd Month, On The 15th Year

August 18, 2019
“And the rulers knew not whither I went, or what I did; neither had I as yet told it to the Jews, nor to the priests, nor to the nobles, nor to the rulers, nor to the rest that did the work.”
Nehemiah 2:16

Nehemiah made clear that he did not keep a calendar of his activities. His use of time and location was at the true God's discretion. The true God did not use calendars to mark how His profits used their time. The Jewish calendar was followed with lunar observation that marked the days beginning and was noted on the months beginning and the sabbath. It did not include time.

Another example of this is in Ezekiel. Ezekiel by all appearances seems to be marking a calendar faithfully. In truth Ezekiel is not using a calendar in a chronological order between chapters. He does not articulate which calendar he is using, Jewish or Babylonian. When he uses a calendar entry for his first sentence of a verse the chapter exposes fornications and the award from the true God that those activities merit.

In short, using a calendar for prophecy is fornication which is; idolatry in itself. Of course Satan is the mother of idolatry. The true God does not give dates. He watches people and events and delivers outcomes based on people and events. If people are repentant, like Nineveh the true God will reverse His anger and grant forgiveness based on repentant behavior. (What future biblical event might we want to avoid?) Nineveh saved itself by listening to Jonah. If ten righteous men had been found in total between the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah they would have been spared. That is the clemency that Abraham had negotiated. One righteous person can save a world

To use a calendar to predict the dates and times of biblical events is fodder for Satan to manufacture terrorism.

Who takes hours and days and times in the Bible and turns them into prophetic dates? Satan does! Satan has no association at all with the true God nor the king and his heavenly kingdom. Meaning, Satan relies on mankind to derive times for her to act. Satan was cast out of the heavens and has no knowledge of heavenly plans, other than what is written in the bible. And an individual must have a relationship with the true God to understand the bible. When a Bible "scholar" is building a case for what will happen in the future, especially at some time, this is Satan's time to shine and create her godlike proofs.

Visions Key to Times

Case in point. Satan was cast out of the heavens in the 1st century. He was cast out before Jerusalem's second temple was sacked after Christ's resurrection, Revelation. Then the remnant of remaining apostles were brutally under attack. The book of Acts and the epistles attest to the atrocities. John was in prison when he experienced the visions of Revelation. When John was receiving the visions is the key to understanding the times. John was under inspiration of Holy Ghost sustained by visions he wrote in Revelation when Satan waged war against Jerusalem.

Centuries later Satan used the "visionary" understandings of a man that used "biblical formulae", not yet exploited, to pinpoint and prophesy that Satan would be cast down out of the heavens in the then future time, 1914. Congratulations on giving Satan the prophecy she needed to manufacture WWI to hide when he really came down to this earth and destroyed true religion, when Christ became king in the heavens!

Five Hours Nine Minutes, Latitudes; Thirty Nine, Thirty Two Point Five, Twenty Eight, And Thirty Five Degrees

January 9, 2020

What does that title mean?  Is it geographic, coded, personal, or mean more than one thing? Bible prophecy links like keys to a lock.  Think deoxyribonucleic acid here. It is also reasonable to sneer at believing in a creator with the Satanic behavior of religion's agents.  They have an opportunity to revise their doctrines and teach the truth.  The inspiration behind the Bible is the creator.  The belief of an individual does not change that truth nor the execution of His will and fulfillment of prophecy as He deems it has been fulfilled.  Only intimates of the true God have His insights. Why? They are His prophecies.  He inspired prophets to interpret dreams and seal events till a later time.

mac Maps

mac is mapping biblical prophecies to their period of fulfillment.  The periods; the seven weeks, the sixty two weeks, and the one week.  Now the truth is the length of time for the sixty two weeks and the one week in terms of solar orbits of the earth about the sun are similar and the seven weeks would be the shortest of them all.  Why then map seven, sixty two and one week?  The seventy week duration began with announcing Jerusalem's rebuilding. (This started in July.)  It ends when the true God reigns.  The seventy weeks is the visionary time of the end. Visions are being fulfilled in this time.  Some are being fulfilled twice.  That is right, twice.  Once now and once in the one week span of events.

Religion the Harlot

The seven weeks are to bring about the destruction of religion.  All religions of this world are a harlot.  The true God is calling His sheep to Him and teaching them to read the Bible and improve their morals and rely on Him for survival and a good life.  The goats that swallow anything will still have life too.  The goats will have no identity.  Goats, resurrected a blank slate in Christ's kingdom.  The goats, all people unrepentant from fornication at a minimum (repent means stop practicing); annihilated in the true God's exercising of justice.  This justice must happen for Christ's Kingdom to be on earth, Jerusalem.  Why go through the process of annihilation?  There will be no practice of sin in the true God's Kingdom.

Jerusalem's Rebuilding Announcement

The rebuilding of Jerusalem message is a whisper now, the shout will be heard.  The earth over there will not be a sheep that did not learn of the need to repent.  The goats, so defiled in their hearts, they are incapable of repentance.  The true God has read the heart of every human since conception and knows them all, by heart.  Not one sheep is left behind.  The goats will get their chance at being a sheep in Christ's kingdom when Satan is not god of the world.

In the seventy weeks sin exists.  The sixty-two-week interim provides perfect ability to live according true God's law.  This is a growth cycle and time to reap physical benefits associated with serving the true God.  Once Satan is released there is decay.  Humanity that follows Satan will wind down and suffer.  All sin self destruct's in that last week.  Why call an equal period of time such a small amount?  The existence of sin does not have weight in the true God's eyes.  Only its suppression does.

How It Ends

Mapping prophecy is as simple as having a oneness of mind with the true God and seeing how the keyed verses fit together across prophetic books and visions.  The battle between the north and south has been raging since Satan decided to deliver a death sentence against her charges.  The north will win.  The true God has two witnesses and blinded sheep scattered about the earth.  These sheep are ignorant of Him.  But His truth is now in print.  These sheep starved to the brink of death by religions of the world.  Starvation is ending.  He will gather them for deliverance.

A word of warning to those making declarations of knowledge of the true God's fulfillment.  Guess what, His woman is letting you know He will defend His turf.  Using His titles is ending.

Cover Your Mouth And Caught, "Bull Shit"

January 30, 2020

The gluttony of Solomon's kingdom has confused those desiring feminine life as a member of a 144,000 ruling class harem. Solomon, the name of the person that stands for the number of the beast.  False prophet number one, wake up.  You have perverted judgments to believe that the bride of the Lamb followed the pattern of undoing and gluttony that destroyed Solomon.  Concocting a harem for the Christ is a blatant misread of the domestic partner provided by the true God poetically described by the grandeur of heavenly Jerusalem.  The Christ returned to the heavens to his bride, created from the rib of the true God.  Two of one flesh, of one mind, under God.  That is allegiance.

Glutenous fools.  Only one drunk with the teaching's of sin, would create a future of gluttonous perversion from the truth of the true God's word.

The Scroll John Doth Cry Over

The kingdom of the Christ home grows precious servants in his new Jerusalem on earth.  It is built in a time of distress just like in Ezra's day.  Cyrus with gratitude, not a false prophet, funded that.  The true God's Kingdom follows from the map of events delivered when the first five seals of the scroll that only the Lamb of God could open are, guess what? Opened.  The first seal is opened when the first part of the two times period begin.  Christ rides in.  Whoa, to sin's reign on man's behavior.  That's a war horse.

That's right, the other horses are unleashed with Satan and then Christ rides in triumphant, again. In a world full of fornication being nailed by pestilence, famine, and death is inevitable.  (Right, a pun.)  Need we articulate again, death is sin's wage.  It is not eternal life.  Solomon did deliver that great ecclesiastical oration.  He delivered fair judgements over Israel.  But that harem, ruined him.  That seventh seal? What is required to destroy sin.  What SEAL wouldn't want to be a part of destroying God's enemies?

The Vagina Worshipping False Prophet

Back to the false prophet's vagina envy.  Remember, the biblical wife that sought rulership was Jezebel.  After Vashti refused her master's flattering request, deposed as queen.  (The shrew of Shakespeare fame.)  Think about it.  Show the true God, false prophet, where in the Bible is the burden of rulership dished to the feminine one?  There is a; masculine, leader, responsible, accountable, one, and a feminine, submissive, obedient to the leader, one. That invented harem class is a bastardization of headship.  Vagina worshiping, fools. Certainly that obvious truffle the reader found on their own.  That is what defines man and woman.  And yes, these can cross genders in the true God's sheep class.  They had better never cross relationships.

The Thrust

To have relations with your spouse is not a defilement of the flesh.  One is righteously a virgin and holds the tile of virgin even after sexual relations, in worship to the true God, happening during matrimony.  The key, no fornication.  This leads to the point.  A remnant of persons never adulterated by the perversion of fornication, idolatry, false religion after Christ's kingdom ends, enter the book of life.  These never practice sin.  They are first-fruits because they never chose to practice sin; in Christ's kingdom and once the second time of the "two times" begin.  The first-fruits never abandoned faithfulness to the true God's Law, once they learned that Law and righteous way in Christ's kingdom.  These are the virgins of Revelation fame and the select remnant of one hundred forty four thousand.  (Remember an "and" in English fractions an integer.)

Christ's kingdom is a place of distress because sin still exists.  Redemption exists because blood's fingerprint of sin is still present in all of humanity regardless of being resurrected or surviving into Christ's kingdom.  (Exchanging sin is a vile practice.)  Sin is what fingerprints the blood of every human born of Adam and Eve.  It is what corrupts some hearts to self destruction.

Small Number

That remnant number compared to the population, small.  These virgins, resurrected into Christ's kingdom, have no knowledge of their former adulterated hearts.  Hearts perverted living prior to the first part of the time when Satan was the world's god, otherwise called the "time", live a second chance by resurrection to judgement.  Why such a small number?  Because those that chose a life of sin in Satan's presence are not likely to chose the true God's Law even in sin's absence.  These are people that actually need to correct a congenital-spiritual heart defect.

That heart defect is why a population will exist to fill the Gog of Magog self destruction empire.  An individual judged wicked in our time and righteously destroyed, while as capable, with the True god's help, as his other righteous brothers of living righteously, is not likely to chose righteousness.  An individual must first realize they need repentance and want it.  Not everyone see's that need or ask's the true God to help them see it.  No sheep is left behind even when the great innumerable crowd in the true God's book of life are crying out, impatient for His Kingdom.  The remnant; waited for.

The Figurative Integer

A literal number, in leu of referencing Joseph and Benjamin would follow the actual earthly inheritance.  The two eldest son's of Joseph; not listed when naming the tribes containing twelve thousand select persons for each tribe.  The two eldest son's of Joseph inherited lands from Israel with his ten other sons.  Joseph received a separate inheritance from his father.  Lands Jacob (Israel) conquered in his days of vigor.  In his final blessing, Jacob, gave to Joseph a separate land of inheritance to his later born son's.  Israel was already disgusted with Benjamin.

144,000 is a figurative number.  Start writing that number out along with all other numbers in the Bible just like the codex shows.  The Catholic's, while burdened with idolatry's struggles, are lightyear's ahead in preserving the bible.  You didn't see that coming did you false prophet number one?  How you have condemned them and the true God's woman.  How many sentences have you declared against others from your god Jehovah?  Do yourself a favor.  Nothing will save you from the costs of WWI but you can reduce your personal liability by dropping the titles of the true God from your religion entirely.  Happy writing :)

Muhammad Get's Noticed

Hungry to own or be the "virgin" in heaven? Right now there is a vision opening in heaven over false prophet number one.  A priest; in fringe from his shins to his toes, his feet covered in the ashes of the pit outside the holy city, is burning the whole bull, shit and all.

False prophet number three is the crude Texas "tea" sheikh patriarch.  Ah, the shower of fire from heaven against unrepentant terrorists.  More for you later Muhammad.

The Bride, Ribs?

January 29, 2020

You greedily desiring a feminine life as a member of a 144,000 ruling harem are confused by the gluttony of Solomon's kingdom.  Solomon is the name of the person that stands for the number of your mascot's beast.  The true God allowed His opulent home to be built by a once righteous son of David because of the love David proved to God.  David's blood guilt prevented him from building the temple.  This opulent first temple that replaced the tabernacle assured the Christ of the outstandingly beautiful domestic partner that fulfilled the true God's promise for Christ's righteousness.  Perversion believes that the bride of the Lamb is equivalent to the source of Solomon's undoing and gluttony.

The heavenly Jerusalem of Revelation is resplendent.  It is the stated, bride of the Lamb.  We never experience a description other than sublime perfection in a domestic environment.  The true God loves an obedient home maker and a giving grateful provider.

Wedding attendee's know the form and fulfillment the true God created for the Lamb.  This domestic partner was from the rib of the true God.  Created of the true God's rib means the domestic partner and the Christ are of one mind with the true God.  Oh, the unity of God's sublime leadership team.  First century christian's resurrected to the heaven's attended the wedding.  Satan?  Pitched out prior to the event with her demons.  That is one señorita that lizard will never lay eyes on.  Talk about enmity with the woman.

Why A Rib?

The true God declared, ‘let us create humans in our image, man and woman’.  The true God then created Adam and Eve with one mindedness.  Using Adam's rib to create Eve illustrated the Lamb's bride described as the heavenly Jerusalem.  The womb of creation, the first born righteous one, resurrected the Lamb of God, chose her sacrifice.  She give every possible human a chance at life.  Even those with a defective heart that would have otherwise never been born to Adam and Eve had they remained perfect.  The bonus, Satan cast the sentence on sin herself for eternity.  Oh, the chess game of the true God.

Akamai Spirit Parents

Why is now the time for the kingdom of the Christ? Every possible human life can now be saved. That was the gift of the Christ who gave up her womb of creation to be the son of man.  Once resurrected to kingship, the Christ pitched Satan from the heaven's with her retinue.  They suffered from getting away with murder.  The Christ delivered a weighty message to John for angels and humans in the seven assemblies that did not belong to the provision of God's shepherd nor belong anymore to Jerusalem because of apostasy.

Death Rides A Chicken

September 9, 2019

Atop a feisty walloping bantam rooster sits a kamikaze skeleton poised with a lance in a crazed charge against the ordinary. (Who doesn't love a good commercial on a semi tail-gate?) Ah. So, the message from this vendor is, death is an ordinary, expected event, of happy chicken shit. One thing is for certain, skeletons are cartoons. No one should grasp that death happened before the flesh was eaten off the bones. Why?

Occult architect, Satan, has made death; funny, cute, and humorous.  (Like the dragon.)  This is a stark contrast to what Satan's false religion teaches. One boasts you will live forever and never die. (Be born at the right time to march through the two kingdoms.)  Others say, you will live forever because your soul never dies. It will live in one of two realms forever. The true God made it clear that eating from the tree that imparted knowledge of badness would come with a death sentence.  That sadly faces us.

We Can Work Our Way into the Book of Life

What we do get, is an opportunity to demonstrate how much we will love the true God in His Kingdom while living without the influence of Satan and her demons in Christ's kingdom growing to perfection, restoring the earth.  Work?  Yep.  We get work.  Remind you of what Israel did? But we have no warriors destroying Ba'al worshipers and national groups.  Our swords are ploughshares and our spears pruning shears.  We are fighting against sin growing to accurate knowledge of our heavenly parents and being rewarded with a healthier stronger longer life.  A reversal of what happened with Adam and Eve.

The soul born in sin dies. And that is a period. Thank king Solomon for stating it so plainly hundreds of years after the true God stated it in Eden. Living forever happens from being resurrected into the Kingdom of the true God perfect, no sin, or is born in His Kingdom. Christ died a perfect being paying the redemption price for all humanity. Christ never failed to do the true God's will and neither sinned nor was born in sin.  For these the Christ should have never seen death.

The Four Horsemen Mean Much Here

In Christ's Revelation to John; Death with Hell, war (the one that takes away peace), inequity (that get's charged with a commandment), and the heavenly enthroned Christ were riding simultaneously over the earth.  All but the Christ are contributors to the turmoil, disease, famine and causes of death not attributed to old age and accident or recklessness. The Christ is riding against these forces.  At the beginning of Christ's kingdom he extinguishes the horsemen's exogenous causes of death and the evil kingpins running criminal empires. There will still be individuals that die in Christ's kingdom. Why have Christ's kingdom? It restores the earth and humanity sooner while the true God is still bound by the laws of His sabbath saving humanity from Satan sooner.

Sin, however, remains. Even with Satan bound, we will be capable of dying. All the causes of death are not done away with.  Sin is in our blood. Our life span will be increased in Christ's kingdom.  Our longevity will be a function of how well we serve the true God. Not until entering the true God's Kingdom will humanity be capable of living a life without sin.

The SS Salvation

January 27, 2020

Half truths are abundant in religion.  Developing a relationship with the true God is required to free from religion's magnetism to sin, falsehood.  The "half a time" is such because after the decay cycle of the second part of the "times" self destruction of sin is unnoticed by those in the true God's living memory, His book of life.  What remains on the earth; the sorcerers, the unchaste, the murderers, the idol-worshipers, and all who love and practice deceit.  The Christ rides to prevent them from destroying the planet, vegetation, and animal life.  Those pigeons, precious creation too.  The sea of humanity has a Fine Shepherd, a king in heaven, and two witnesses on this earth.  The SS Salvation cruises.

The Helm

Satan has the Watchtower preaching that Jehovah's kingdom is after Christ's Kingdom.  And do you know this is the absolute truth.  That kingdom of Jehovah's starts during the second half of the "times".  That is the kingdom with the rise of Gog of Magog that Satan reigns over as a whore.  The great slut of Babylon the great that is destroyed by, wahoo, government.  See there is a remnant to the last to do the will of the true God.  Then Gog of Magog self destructs.

The paradise of the true God, His Kingdom for humanity, where those written in His book of life are resurrected without sin, has a tree of life blossoming for all humanity fruiting each month throughout the year.  The Kingdom of the true God requires the elimination of sin.  Sin self destructs.  Between Christ's kingdom, first part of the times and the true God's Kingdom. The in-between “week” is that last time for Satan to live.

Satan coaxes the resurgence; the eighth king comes from the abyss and goes into perdition in opposition to the Lamb of the true God (made famous in Revelation) after world peace with the Lamb has been accomplished.  What is the problem?  There is a world of humanity that believes Jehovah is the name of the true God.  Profanity.  The f-word is cleaner than the name Jehovah.

The Engine

The half truths that persist are Satan's adulteration engine of our world we share.  Every religion has truth and lie in this world.  The sheep hate that diet.  The true God leads a prophet because the word of the prophet is the truth.  The responsibility of wagging the God, profound.

You false prophets do not have a clue of how to decode the love letter of the true God to His faithful creation.  One of you at least penned an original profanity to let your neighbor know he was the infidel.  Too many religions write fiction and peddle it above the bible.  While the true God hates the lies of the profane Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, false prophet number one, the teachings of Islam, false prophet number three, and Satan's direct prophets, you can dial your fortune direct, false prophet number two delivers, the true God loves humanity and those who ask to escape Satan's fuel supply.

The Mess

Watchtower, you have starved yourselves on half truth's stumbling across this earth with false reasonings and doctrine reflecting less knowledge of the true God and His Christ than a prophet of Satan publishes about Satan.  Recall how plentiful the Chaldean (Babylonian) religious leaders, magic practicers, spirit conjurers, and fortune tellers were.  I bet there were over one hundred thousand in that society.

False prophet number one, understand this, you have spread your profane diet to the far flung corners of our planet.  You have infiltrated government and government policy to the point that the true God must destroy you first.  World peace is not an option when Satan has such a stronghold in a seat of the true God's provision for humanity.  The true God let you name your religion 'dick's witness' because you named your religion after an anagram concocted by the penis envy lizard, Satan. You however may not use the true God’s titles unless you are stating; “We have no affiliation with the true God, et.al.” in bold magnified print in every document you create, generate or author.

The problem is that now you have deceived too many to be ignored and the true God's Unleashed huntress is after saving those she has love and compassion for first.  Destroy the false prophet to save mother. Are you fed up with the true God’s barbs false prophet number one? Make that a special topic of prayer to your god, Jehovah.

The Ballast

The final place for all humanity to spa day in pure worship to the true God is His Kingdom.  There will be no place for sin to exist.  A death sentence Satan proclaimed for those who choose sin.  Those unwittingly deceived are forgiven.  The thousandth generation of Adam is being saved and beyond because of Adam's love for the true God.  He fulfilled the true God's word by having relations with his wife and filling the earth with people.  She, Eve, bore in temporary pain.  Just as the Christ felt temporary pain and strife.  Satan pronounced her death sentence against herself in condemning all the children of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

The Hull

That lizard is being released from the abyss as a woman adorned with every vanity but without the power of procreation's tools; vagina, uterus, and ovaries.  The flood of Noah's day rid the earth of mutants.  She will employ herself will every deceit she can to rally all would be leaders and money lovers that want nothing to do with worship of the true God into a hornets nest of human superiority.  As humanity degenerates the last remnant of the new Jerusalem on earth will be brought into the true God's living memory.  This is the 144,000 made famous by false prophet number one.

D’Nile Has A Head for You

Head to Egypt watchtower.  The United States does not need the burden of your profanity. Egypt has already paid for you.  The US and all other shepherds need the true God to build a unified and stronger government.  It does not need the supervision of a religious order that preaches the destruction of government.  Beast.  Understand government is the provision for peace and you pay lip service to peace with no ability to effect it because your leader Satan is the architect of anarchy.  The transition into Christ's kingdom will be on a sea as smooth as glass.

Ananias And Sapphira

January 11, 2020

Lie to the true God for a death sentence.  Who did this?  Remember Ananias and Sapphira?  Peter, burdened with confronting them about property they sold, told both of their death.  They promised the entire amount of the sale to the apostles. Money in hand, they lied about the sale amount retaining some funds.  They could have promised any or none of the amount to the sale.  The problem? They made a promise to the true God.  Reneged. They denied God the opportunity of granting them the blessing of provision for their faithfulness.  Recall that is the sin that Moses committed.  He took from the true God His means of granting a blessing.  The true God had means of rewarding that couple for their gift.  That couple became an object of horror.

The woman of the true God; betrayed by her own mother.  After years of servitude to her love of getting other's to wipe her ass; mother promised the total equity from the sale of a piece of property to the true God.  Mother retained three quarters of the property equity and left The true God's woman to starve to death or resort to the means of the poor for survival.  Her theft was aided by the covetousness of one to the false prophets' on this earth, Jehovah's Witnesses.  These are the people blood-guilty for WWI.  Her theft did not stop the true God.  Once His determined barren woman on this earth started birth it happened.  A woman will give her life to deliver her child.

The true God's Woman

Here's the deal people, like it or not; I am the true God's woman.  While my body has been withered for my survival, I am in no way a victim of the pains of the impoverished.  I sit in a suit, beautifully carved from my previous ampleness, in my favorite coffee house this morning on the most beautiful suburban beach the Pacific coast has to offer and am writing faithfully the true God's declarations.  My living quarters provide what I need for shelter and I am in strong spirits against the enemies of my husbandly owner, the true God.  It is true, I have no funds for solid food.  I survive on milk just as the impoverished sheep of the true God.  Meat is served now.

Sheep, your minds and bodies, rebuild in your faithful service to the true God.  Flee this world's religion, fornication.  Rebuilding Jerusalem's walls is now and you have a pasture in the writing of the true God's woman.  My body; soon fortified with meat.  A covenant fulfilled.  A symbol of Jerusalem's arriving on earth after the seven weeks have concluded.  The siege of inequity and injustice is going to be rectified.  No one lie's to the true God and lives.  As far as mother's resurrection along with Ananias and Sapphira don't look for them to have long in Christ's kingdom.  It is the true God who gives life to those whose heart's are complete toward Him.  His sheep are repentant of sin.  They don't steal from Him.

The Announcement

The announcement of Jerusalem's rebuilding, made.  We are in the "seven weeks" of the "times".  Christ prophesied about the sign of the "times".  Those were the "times" of the "times, two-times and half a time" of Daniel.   Christ's kingdom government is established on this earth, when the righteous annihilation of the wicked is performed.  Who would be the first of the wicked to loose their life?  The one who lied to the true God about funding His corporation on earth.  Guess what? That pittance did not stop the kingdom's birth through the barren woman. Jerusalem's rebuilding on earth is during Christ's kingdom.  Bible prophecy is being revealed just as the truth of the true God's Calendar has been published.

The false prophet greedily sought the fortunes of my mother to fund their false-hood.  Condemnation is yours.  They were instrumental in furthering her love of money.  She who knew who her daughter was and hated her.  Did you two have fun being the dragon?  Wave to your mascot.  You don't need a cross.  The mascot is clung at the top of the Wallkill building, a gecko.  That lizard looses in the end.  I am tucked safely away in the wilderness nourished on Truth.  You are reading it.

Eye For An Eye

January 13, 2020

Really?  Eye for an eye?  Do you in your wildest dreams really believe that your wrath does not work the true God's righteousness.  Because if you had an inkling of an idea you would know the latter expression means that the true God learn's from you how He can extract justice for your perversion.  Did you take your fellows only ewe?  Guess what? His prophet will find out from you the sentence.  King David wished death on himself after assaulting Bathsheba.  She obedient to her king, capitulated.  That is a fucking.  And women have suffered much from those fuckings'.  That is how qngmic came to power.  And you king-dick have your sentence.

The true God only exacts an eye for an eye.  If you strike His faithful in the eye He would ask only that from you.  You would be giving that eye of yours when you understood it was the true God afflicting you in retribution.  Retribution and righteousness are here people.  The true God has His prophet and He has power on this earth to take back for the abuses of the wicked.  You puny man may never return in kind.  Got it?  Fools.  Read that Bible with a heart of wisdom.  Read it as if your life, as you remember it, depends on it.  Guess what?  It does.

Amendment for Mother

There is a family matter.  Mother after fitful consideration of the sentence against you; I am making you a deal for your life to be spared by the true God's hand.  You made a commitment to purchase your shares of stock in my corporation.  In my jubilee year the true God took me from your servitude.  You may complete the stock purchase for an additional $50,000.00.  I will be personally discharging your outstanding debt by forgoing personal salary in the years to come.  This settlement means you will be the recipient of the full dividend income from the shares you posses without prejudice.

The stock that you posses are yours in their entirety for the MacDukes Corporation, renamed the true God Corporation in December by board decision after payment in full.  This stock sale was executed for the purchase price of; consideration of all of the debt you considered against me, and the equity from your Kyle Texas property.  Mother, you might decide to sell those shares of stock.  Do not under any circumstance sell them for less than $10.00 a share our you are a fool of fools.

The Deal

I am free of servitude from you mother, legally.  Forgiving my salary means my time will be all the more precious and my resources scare.  You may void your shares.  This you may have already executed.  Voiding the shares means that I will be repaying you dollar for dollar what has been paid by you to date.  The corporation, starved of capital, delay's my physical recovery from the starvation you imposed on me.  It is in your hands to decide how you repay yourself of your investment.  So far you posses stock and have lied to the true God about payment.  You do not own those stock free and clear until you make the final payment of $50,000.00.

Had Ananias and Sapphira had a child to pay Peter at the time of their sentence, they might have lived and that child would have lived a blessing for trusting in the true God.  We have a grand precedent for discharging debt in the Christ.  I am living that sacrifice in my discharge of your debt.

Who I Am

August 31, 2019

In the Beginning

At the base of a dark cobwebbed staircase with shag carpet and resinous pine tongue and grove planking walls stood a five year old terrified that Satan lived on the second floor loft of the A-frame. The home sat on a windy hill on the island of Oahu and the child was home alone. The last words her mother uttered before sliding the door shut behind her; "Be in bed by eight". The terrified child within the span of four months; lost her grandfather, was gang rapped under the Sunset Beach elementary school jungle gym (the day she started kindergarten), and her mother found the false prophet of religions', Jehovah's Witnesses.

That terrified child learned; Jehovah was the name of the true God, the God of Israel, who sent the Christ to save humanity. The only thing that terrified the child more than the threat of Satan was her mother's rage at her being out of bed after eight. The child learned a concept; Satan was afraid of the name of the true God. A secret weapon for survival with demons. (Hawaii is full of demons). Convinced that Satan was on the second floor and that the true God could hear her, the child took her first step up the stairs calling out, "Jehovah." With each step she called out "Jehovah". She reached the top of the stairs and switched the light on, no Satan. The child thanked the true God for His listening to her. She went to bed.

Not Five Anymore

That child possessed the conviction with every prayer that the true God was the antidote for evil, Satan. Meaning the light of the true God had nothing to do with the darkness, Satan. What she had no way of knowing; the name of the true God is not Jehovah.

Jehovah's Witnesses are doing more to damage religion with their; seeking of dates, defacing the Bible with the profane name Jehovah, stripping the Bible of the feminine wisdom in Proverbs, and the blasphemy of ruining John 1:1 with a "clarifying article". This perversion denies the sacrifice the true God made in giving His bride, own flesh, as the Christ. Oh, and yes, using the watered down language of the rest of false religion, "sexual immorality" over fornication. You may hate the word "fornication". You can use fuck instead. (The true God hates that word and the deed).

Chapter 11

The north

Daniel and Revelation famously identify who I AM. Conflict between the north and south is explained figuratively in Daniel. The north is true religion. The King of the north is the true God with a wife from the south. I AM the wife from the south. The King of the north has installed government as His shepherd over people in every nation. His sheep are all those in government service and He would like to do more for His sheep. In this herald I deliver the true God's anger and pleasure. Also, what consequence from Him foul deeds bring. The true God's shepherd is blood guilty over fornication.

Take note; forbidding marriage is wrong. If two soldiers wish to marry, let them. They can practice abstinence in their marriage while on duty. Don't force two people to fornicate when duty free. Do not anger the true God and lose His patronage of your peace keeping efforts by forcing fornication. Also, incase it hasn't been made clear. Fornication comes at a cost. Go to the true God in prayer and beg that you harness your male member (penis) so that only your wife benefits from your manhood or you remain abstinent till marriage. Fornication will cost you the ability to have an erection. Pharmaceuticals will not help you. Only the prayer of your marriage mate, to the true God, will give you the pleasure of an erection to enjoy your marriage mate.

The south

The south is false religion. Home of the Southern Cross. (A cross is a symbol of idolatry the true God hates.) False religion is backed by Satan. The United Nations is the eighth king that the ten horns out of all nations give their power. These horns are the criminal king pins of humanity. Drug and human traffickers along with terrorists who need to hide their fields of perversion on weakling shores of governments who are corrupt accepting bribes and perverting the defenses of honest shepherds by refusing to care for their poor. The true God will not allow dishonest shepherds in government. If you are profiting from terrorism, human traffic and drugs your political and economic empire is going to end.

The United Nations will Fall

Satan will empower her United Nations but its exploits will not prevail. Michael will be standing up against the United Nations and it will not survive waring with such a great power. The true God's king will prevail. Satan will be jailed. Attacks against fine shepherds who care for their poor and sick will not be tolerated. Military might exists in the hands of honest rulers. Only a puppet institution backed by Satan that houses the perverse of humanity foster Satan's house of horrors. Honest shepherds get your troops out of the U.N.. Let the king pins' send in their sons and daughters along with militia profiteers. Of course if the entire world decides to empty out of the United Nations, Satan can be jailed sooner! Why? His dog of war is dead.


I AM one of two witnesses. (The other is whom I am promised, a Navy nurse). Revelation describes the power of the declarations of the two witnesses. My work is proclaiming who the true God is and what the kingdom will bring. At the true God's request divulging the truths of the the prophecies of this time of the end. While maintaining the existing web components, building an online school for anyone to attend and learn how to worship the true God. Those profaned by false religion or worse, Satan's false prophet, the true God will listen to your prayer as readily as any duped sinner on this earth. The desire is to save everyone.


I fought off four members of the qngmic cult who stalked me individually for three years. One man used a common friend. Each man was attempting to seduce me by convincing me he wanted to marry me. Before I would concede to going on even a first date I needed to know marital status. I took 10 months to get man number one to stop stalking me. I met his wife. The second man it took almost three years. He was bold. Weeks before admitting in writing he was married, he attempted to enter the golf club toilet I occupied for sexual congress. A prostitute, an employee (married woman with children), served john's on that golf club property too. She did finally get some discipline, (she kept her job). The toilet served.

In truth these men are only following the example of sexual conquest and marital infidelity condoned and supported by the PGA. I actually wrote that institution of fornicators asking them to improve the industry they define and explained the stalking I was enduring by men smitten by the PGA Tour god's. Three weeks later they announced remarks about good sportsmanship in the industry during a tournament. Hypocrites. Organizations that encourage infidelity you won't stand. Clubs that promote bad sportsmanship, stalking by definition is bad sportsmanship, you will wither away. That curse for fornication, golf's gods will enjoy.

Section Five

Fornication or Not

The three forms of fornication; false religion, sexual relations outside of legal marriage, and sadly, what we are all unwittingly subjected to, the sin in our blood, we inherited. To avoid fornication requires building a relationship with the true God. Only petitioning Him in prayer and being specific about our physical and emotional feelings will prevent our being involved in fornication.

He will reach out with His Holy Active Discipline (previously identified as Force) to prevent all persons from fornicating when they ask for His strength to avoid the unwholesome situation they are faced with and are willing to walk away from the temptation, or turn it off. He will even give you the strength to walk away from fornication when you ask Him.

Keep petitioning Him as you read the Bible and He will lead you to the truth about who He is so you can leave Satan’s lies behind.

Us Perfected

September 8, 2019


Aren't you being denied all the fruit in your garden?(A question in the negative to raise doubt.)


Only the fruit we die from.  We aren't to touch the fruit we die from. Or we die.


You will not die. (If you touch it, unsaid.) Eat it. God knows that you will be like gods knowing good and evil when you eat it. (True statement.)

Adam related the true God's commandment to Eve.  Do not eat the fruit of the tree.  What did Adam add? Adam added an understanding that to touch the tree, you die.  What was Adam saying?  Just don't touch that tree, Eve, and all will be well.  Well meaning council.  Or perhaps Adam simply didn't ask Eve what her understanding was of the command he related.  (He was newly in command of a woman.)

The logic; if she never touches the tree, she can't die from eating it.  Adam exaggerated the consequences in Eve's mind in his explanation of the true God's commandment. Touching might lead to eating.  Exaggerated speech meant to solve the problem of keeping Eve away from the tree.  Satan wrapped throughout the tree touching branches and fruit undermined the threat from touching the tree.*

Earning Command

Did Adam know Eve was going to be asked to touch that tree? No other beast spoke to him outside of the true God and Eve.  The true God would never use idolatry to speak to His creation.  He hates idolatry.  Satan uses idolatry.  Eve was easy fodder for Satan.  His little "white" lie with the truth omitting the essential element; the avenue of seduction to destroy humanity.  For Satan, a spirit being, to know good and evil did not kill them on its own.  Humans, however, are fragile.

Knowledge of evil is enough to end our life.  We have inadequate means to know what truth is when faced with a lie.  Once the true God's knowledge alone fills the earth we will live without dying.  Reading the Bible everyday with prayer is our lifeline to survive sin.

What did Adam still lack with Eve? Credibility.  Satan did not put the fruit in her mouth.  Eve after the lie saw the fruit was desirous.  Why not?  She had already been infected with being told good and evil.  Truth and lies.  She was bound to be intrigued by the tree of good and evil.  Eve did not yet posses the tool to say, "Adam is my Lord and master, I will obey him, go away talking snake".  To gain obedience from one, against the voice of all others, requires earning trust.

Obedience is the Command with a Promise, It Will Go Well With You

Eve did not know who was telling her the truth.  Had Eve been able to be obedient past her concern over who was telling her the truth, no issues.  Had Eve called on Adam before eating the fruit, (and that is assuming she could have, those two lies polluted her) she would have had her curiosity satisfied.  Adam would have learned how he could have given instructions with a clearer understanding. And last but not least, Adam would not have been in the position of realizing his explanation to her effectively left her with the wrong understanding.  That understanding was the wedge to destroy what he loved most, her.

Eve defended her understanding.  She was obedient until challenged.  Satan polluted her thinking.  Had Eve been unswerving in standing behind Adam's request to keep her hands off the tree and waited on him we would be better off.  She decided to trust her judgement and did not obey Adam.

Lies, Even the White Ones are Evil

Adam related to Eve an instruction with a misunderstanding.  Satan told the truth with a critical omission that was in itself a lie. The littler the lie, i.e. an omission, the greater the seduction.  And those little white lies confuse the issue.  Liars will not inherit the true God's Kingdom.  Satan practiced evil and is dying.  Adam and Eve took ownership of knowledge of evil and died.  Just think, humanity can fornicate its wits out if it chooses and has a 'good' life in Satan's world before it dies.  Or you can have the guts to live.  Are you man enough to stop fornicating?

Women, be obedient to your husbands.  Husbands you answer directly to the true God for how you talk to your wife.  In fairness they were not yet one flesh but regarded married.  Had they been regarded one flesh prior to Eve’s eating Adam would not have needed to eat that fruit to die.  Adam and Eve had intercourse after being poisoned with knowledge of evil.  Sin entered our blood from our parents.  Our inheritance from Satan.

Mind, Heart, then Deed

Eating the fruit imparted the knowledge of good and evil.  Eating the fruit meant breaking one of the true God's commandments, evil on its own.  First, the fruit was noticed as good for food, a thought.  Before eating it had to be desirable, involve the heart.  This meant the heart tasted evil.  Obedience would have saved us.  Had Eve walked away once enticed after seeing the fruit was good then desirable, the true God could have helped her.  Both Adam and Eve would have benefited from assistance at avoiding the tree.  Satan would have been at least removed as an Edenic cherub.

For the act to be binding and lead to death, tasting the fruit, a physical act had to happen.  Eating that fruit involved more than a thought experiment.  It involved the act of eating.  Having a thought about the tree did not kill.  Our thoughts are a place of refuge where we sort through the good and bad and then act on, this involves the heart, the good or the bad.  Was this merciful compared to the intolerance for committing wrongdoing in the heart fornicators face?  It was the same.  Someone married has tasted relations, the physical act, and was imagining them on another in their heart.  They were in the act.  (Boom!)

Everyone marred by sin is dead.  To have life means that the true God has deemed us worthy of entering His Kingdom.  At the end of Christ's reign, all humanity is judged by The true God each individual according to their works.  The true God watches what we do and reads our motives, our hearts.

Us Perfected, the true God's Kingdom

What are our minds full of?  Memories and knowledge of the ways evil exists. That knowledge is what is deadly to humans.  The sins we and others have committed, sins we learned about and ways we could have sinned but didn't, are stored.  To have knowledge of evil, opposite good, has a death sentence.  The true God does not allow our memories of what evil is to prevail in His Kingdom.  What knowledge we would have of blood relatives, places we lived, people we knew and the languages we spoke is unknown.  What is certain? The clean slate in the true God's Kingdom is us perfected.

*Jewish Study Bible (Oxford) ed. 2nd.

Right To The Rules

January 30, 2020

It is absolute; garbage, refuse, excrement, and the blindness caused from sin's creator, the man slayer when she began, Satan, that the true God is battling for universal sovereignty.  Handing the Christ a harem bride, perversion.  The rare honesty you announce, false prophet number one, is "Jehovah's Kingdom", appropriate.  You are sin's slave.

Sin's last-stand kingdom (for those hands anxious for death) is what follows the kingdom of the Christ.  You do not understand that the true God's Word fulfilled His righteous law and made way for His Kingdom after sin's destruction.   His final Kingdom for humanity, sinless.  The battle? Destroying sin.

Sin's Way

Satan had her ambition to live forever.  She hatched two plans captivated by her own vanity to effect that ambition.  Humanity is fragile.  Sprit creatures can endure knowledge of what is badness without sin in their spirit bodies.  Knowledge of badness is what put sin in our blood.

The only chance Satan had to introduce sin to humanity was to capitalize on the information that Eve did not have accurately in mind. Eve's perfect heart could not choose death of her own free will. Adam neither. The tree of the knowledge of good and bad served a purpose. Satan could have left the human creation alone and saved herself. She did not. What the tree of the knowledge of good and evil allowed was that individuals conceived with congenitally defective hearts (that never could have been born otherwise) have a chance at life and some will chose life and live! That is the remnant of first-fruits. The precious few that have life when they otherwise could not have ever been conceived.

Sin Destroyed

Sin is in the blood of each of us in its own genetic finger print when life is conceived. The developing fetus of people capable of serving the true God of their own free will are not born with a congenital heart defect rending them genetically incapable of choosing life. With environmental factors in play these can. Individuals born to Adam and Eve with this heart defect all live the chance to chose life in Christ’s kingdom. It is the choice they make of their own free will.

The Bottom Line

Sin is not capable of existing once it has been destroyed. All humanity in existence has no ability to pass on the congenital defect once sin is no longer in the blood.

If there is someone desperate to believe that another Satan can exist you Pharisee forgot the simple truth; liars will not inherit God’s Kingdom.

Perfect Hearts

January 30, 2020
God in the beginning created human beings and made them subject to their own free choice.
If you choose, you can keep the commandments; loyalty is doing the will of God.

Sin Corrupting the Fetal Heart

Perfect humans with no sin in their blood would have never experienced mutated hearts that are defective in serving the true God.  Sin had to occur for human life to be born with the critical heart defect rending its owner disabled toward the true God.  Remember how Pharaoh of Egypt was so obstinate continually going back on his word, loving lying to God to get each plague to quit?  Bibles say the true God let his heart be obstinate.  Those that love a lie have no place with the true God's Laws because these are truth and love and we must worship God who is love in truth.

What letting the heart be obstinate means is the true God did not perform a miracle to correct Pharaoh's corrupted heart mutated by sin in his blood as a fetus. This miracle would have been against Pharaoh’s will. We posses free will to decide as we please. Pharaoh would have needed to ask for the true God to correct his defective heart of his own free will. Guess what, the true God would have made that provision. After all He corrected Nebuchadnezzar of his arrogant heart that became grossly corrupted over time. Solomon’s heart could have been corrected too. Solomon would have needed to ask. Asking is the key. Asking means prayer to the true God in “Jesus name” with specific reference to our heart. Yes, you must name the component of your anatomy explicitly.

That Heart

Even an individual with a heart born corrupted from sin in the blood can be an outstanding faithful servant of the true God, following the Lamb everywhere.  This last remaining remnant will be the instrument in government to wipe out Babylon, the great harlot (Satan).  Regardless of congenital heart defect or not, the heart is a treacherous organism because it is filled will sin.  Really.  It is that simple.  This means that when Satan want's to move people in some profane direction all she has to do is get us to give into the desires of our heart.

The true God communicates with us through our mind and kidneys.  The kidneys filter out impurities in the blood.  The reason the Psalmist spoke of kidneys is because a relationship with the true God is our kidney against living the sin in our blood.  The brain is protected by a blood-brain barrier limiting sin's access to brain tissues.

Language Matters

That said, teach your children the specific anatomic language of their genitals in their native language. Without that they have no way of telling you they are being victimized. There are child development white papers on this subject. You child at any age of the true God must use the language of your genitals to explain your challenges. The slang terms of ignorance are an abomination against the true God’s perfect human creation and you want to be perfect if you are sheep of the true God. While this message will not self destruct, goats can ignore it.

Loin Cloth In Your Hand

December 7, 2020

The temple prostitutes (hated by the true God) were paid sexual actors.  These were brought into the palaces of god's of biblical times to perform erotic sexual acts and titillate and arouse the crowds into satisfying themselves or one another in sexual acts.  A man could beat-off and fancy himself righteous, just like today.

Self gratification with porn is as perverse as fornication.  The man seeking an artificial vagina from the man that had one to offer because that was his lust could find what he wanted in the temple crowd.  Women could chose to please one another with phallic objects or seek other forms of sexual gratification from one another as well as live their life in choice of how they expended their sexual energy, just like today.

The Fig Leaf Fallacy

Porn is old.  Homosexuality is as old as the true God adorning His children with clothes that also covered their anus as well reproductive genitals.  He knew how people would look to justify their appetites as sinless because they did not produce offspring.  Producing offspring was not the sin. It was the command.  The sin is the act a person chooses and the perversion that entered our blood when the knowledge of bad with good perverted humanity.

We have the knowledge of sin.  We must live without acting on it to declare ourselves the true God's servant.

Genitals Include the Anus

The true God made it clear when Adam and Eve concealed only their identifying genital members with leaves that they missed the true exposure to change that had entered humanity.  Rape is a sin.  Fornication, engaging in a sexual act with one who is not your marriage partner, is a sin.  Fornication is also worshiping a false god or attempting to worship the true God without knowing who He is.  With government providing for homosexual marriage this made is possible for the true God to save every honest hearted man and woman who wanted to serve Him without discriminating against sexual preference.  The act of fornication is the condemned act of sin.

A woman in Israel who reached and grabbed the genitals of her husbands assailant lost her hand.  Why, because it was the same as her husband reaching for the genitals of another man.  Rape.  Get it.  A man who chose a wife chose his preference.  Her taking another man's genitals into her hands was the same as her husband reaching for another man's genitals after he had declared himself a heterosexual man. Perversion.  If a man wants another man's genitals he had better marry him first.  Same goes for a woman.

Legal Marriage is the Protection Against Fornication

Find your marriage mate and enjoy not fornicating in the process.  Draw close to the true God in your state of celibacy.  Draw close to the True god in you state of marriage.  Satisfying your mate is an act of holy worship to the true God.  He wants happy marriages.
 What about the breasts?  If breasts were genitals a woman could not nurse without being in a sexual act with her child.  The erotic sensitivity during sexual play is different for every woman and man.  Each partner prior to marriage needs to decide how to defend their own boundaries against being driven to an orgasm prior to marriage.  Some may have low sensitivity others might experience sexual fulfillment with the erotic contact of a partner on their breast.  That fulfillment must be post marriage or you are guilty of fornication.

Jesus Worship Is Fornication

August 10, 2019

Make no mistake. Prior to her, now a masculine-spirit-being king, the Christ was one flesh in union with the true God as His bride and creative partner prior to her death. She gave her life on earth as a son of the true God while walking among the remnant of Israel that had returned to the promised land from exile years earlier. This Christ, Jesus, a man worshiped the true God. Many prayers to the true God, father of the Christ, are recorded in the gospel.

Worshipping Jesus breaks the heart of Jesus and the true God. The humanity that Jesus died for and lost his beloved position as bride to the true God for is now making him the subject of Satan's false religion machine. Praying to Jesus is fornication and will not empower you to accomplish any of the righteous goals you are seeking.

You will find many scapegoats in the consoling words of a Jesus worshiping preacher as you stand before him explaining how your penis jumped out of its pants and spontaneously produced human life at a concert. Because you see; that preacher had no better success in keeping his penis in his pants either and had more money than you to pay off her parents and have an abortion. "I hate fornication", says the true God, father of humanity.

To fight Satan, creator of every possible position of fornication you must pray to the true God in Jesus name! (Satan is at her beginning; fornication. And she ends with death.) Pray to the true God in Jesus name, try it. You may have the habit of praying to God in Jesus name. Now, you are speaking so is that; God or god?

Reach Out in Prayer to the true God

The true God asks, "do this; think of love, justice, wisdom and power. Balanced and perfect are my attributes. Then realize that I am love, (not the sins of the heart) pure love. I live and exist and am incapable of being destroyed and I am the true God. With this thought, begin your next prayer to resist fornication and watch how you will feel as my will is done in your life. Then after you have shared much about your needs and desires, and I want to hear this, close your prayer in Jesus name. If you find yourself faltering throughout the day and into the evening, when a feeling of isolation may be settling on you, just pray again that you say your, "morning prayer again on resisting fornication" in Jesus name. Just a few words each time. But let's have a daily prayer. This is the act of worship you are starting with. Pray to me, the true God, to show you are my sheep.

And of course this is voluntary. Sweet Pea was drafted (it took 28 years for her to answer my letter). She does not always realize others choose to die. She writes in the now (and lives there too). In person she is like Paul, willing to listen to just about any drivel someone unloads on her. Recently she fielded, " we are all just taking different paths to the same place." She listened to that crap the other day with a dumb grin on her face. I took away her ability to vomit (she has some real sea legs). Understand this my sheep, worship me and direct your prayers to me, the true God, in Jesus name. There are many paths to death.

Broad Road Illustration

The path to death is the broad road of gospel fame. Think of the broad road as starting at the port of San Diego, terminating at Ellis Island and 800 miles deep in its middle. Think of the path to life as traveling the I-90 in October. One highway, get it? Can everyone travel that interstate? Yep, mine they can. But you don't need one lick of assistance staying on that broad road. There are so many choices. Now, in case you have an aversion to route 66, Sweet Pea takes it quite often. That my sheep is what is known as an illustration.

If you take I-8 just make sure your car can take that California desert. If you have noticed, sweet pea writes with some strong words, like Paul. She is spelling and grammar challenged. (It's the math brain in her.) She will keep working on that! Because, I am not challenged in communication in any language. If you choose to speak to me in Klingon, you had better have a damn good reason, earthling.

To Fornicate Or Not To Fornicate, That Is The Question?

January 27, 2020

Religion produces helpless men and women with no defenses for protecting their boundaries.  One fornication type begets another.  Fornication has the forms: religious, sexual, and unwitting.  The sacrifice of the Christ redeems us from these three forms but we must demonstrate repentance from religious and sexual fornication or we are judged wicked.

The true God Takes the Hit

The Prophet's Plight

Hosea took a wife of whoredom, twice.  In Hosea's life and children born to him, the true God was illustrating His relationship with Israel and Judah.  Humanity is saved through the Christ.  The Christ; born sinless of parent's on this earth with sin in their blood, unwitting fornication by definition.  (Satan gave us that.)

Man and Woman Defined

The act of sexual relations has a dramatic climax of pleasure leaving actors breathless with the word's, "oh God" for a reason. Catch the significance of the “G” here.  It is a reflex response to orgasm.  The true God intended orgasm's reward in matrimony as an expression of profound appreciation for the sex act of worship that included the true God and occurred between husband and wife.  Husband being the leader, masculine one: hereby known as man.  Wife being the obedient, feminine one: hereby known as woman.  Genitals do not exist in the definition.  The use of male and female define genitals.  A sex act that does not include the willing spouse as the only other participant is fornication by definition.  Post script, masturbating to god is worshiping Satan.

Dick's Last Resort

The true God, the second time around, His last resort, took a gem of whoredom.  The gem, a child raped by her mother's hand of neglect dumping her offspring on the; surfer-dude-pot-head trash of the North Shore.  Waimea Bay pounds the true God's anger over despising His love at conception.  He is profaned by the perverse prayers made to idols and Satan's litany of false god's.  This has occurred over thousand's of years and into our "time".

How do you know the Truth of the preamble?  Just discover that with one prayer.  The power of closeness with the true God will transform your life.  Years we worked together to fit me for my role.  Until our second witness was ready, we were dead in the water.

Keeping Count of the Injury, No No

God ignores the total count of the staggering number of times He has been raped by prayers of the ignorant.  These prayers, tantamount to what produces a whore.  His righteousness can not be perverted.  His righteousness is the future of humanity.  The reason sexual perversion entered religion is because worshiping anything other than the true God, without accurate knowledge of who He is, is religious fornication.

How Religion Fails

Pot: Kettle

Those that hate being in the act of fornication do not learn from religion how to prevent those acts from happening to them.  Not being ashamed of your genitals and person before the true God in prayer is required.  Intimacy like that requires seeking Him in prayer often and when your body is talking to you.  Are you hungry?  What for?  If your penis was responding to exogenous stimulus would you pray for the blood flow to be quelled? Do you understand the basic physiology of your reproduction system?

Penis, Scrotum, Anus, Vagina, Clitoris, and Labial Folds

Reproductive knowledge, not required.  The language of your genitals use when praying to the True god immediately in "Jesus name" before sin victimizes an unwitting person. This is required to eliminate fornication from your life.  That is number one.  Is it your wife arousing that interest?  Find a place of concealment and enjoy.  Next, number two, you must learn the true God's identity.  He will release His name but first He is going to make sure religion, Satan's agents, knows they can't touch it first.  Fucking God must stop.  That is why you can't stop fucking.

Honor to the true God

The Crux

The true God is honored only when individuals go to Him in prayer, seek to know Him, and live their life to improve their knowledge of who He is each day.  A daily Bible reading diet builds you.  Without that you are blind and deaf to the true God.  You must read for yourself and learn to read if you can't.  Yes I realize what I just asked of adults who are illiterate.

What Knowledge Does for The Relationship

Knowledge of who He is prevents you from raping Him in your prayers.  Calling Him "God", "true God", or "God of Jesus" works fine.  So does, "Yahweh" in an effort to use the YHWH (YHVH) of the tetragrammaton.  Praying to god’s; Jehovah, Ba'al, Satan, Mary, or any other "deity" is rape against "God".  The true God saved the mental vehicle of prayer for himself and He saved sexual relations between married persons to be a holy act of worship that blessed humanity with the ecstasy of perceiving His love for His creation for ourselves between husband and wife.  Worship to Him included the sexual act reserved only for lawful marriage.  One vows to lead and one vows to obey.

You Don't Know Smut

The Rare Attention to Women

I can write smut.  But I haven't, yet.  I don't write to appeal to men and women desperate to preserve their false dignity from their hypocritical need to fornicate to get their spouse, or live-in fuck.  These will aways hate the truth about fornication.  I write to grab the leader.  A male; grabbed at his scrotum though his throat.  A female her ovaries, reached orally. (I don't want to loose my hand touching the actual objet d'art.)

My Competition

My competition for a modern leaders' attention is a five-foot-two blonde screaming "fuck me" whilst her head is beaten against a wall-mural headboard in a fucking competition between rapists.  The true God is frothing with rage at the fornication of this world.  Those profiting from fornication with religion or sex earn harsh discipline because you bear the mark of the beast. (How about festering sores for all participants?)  Human traffickers, fornications' profiteers by definition worship the beast, Satan's empire of gluttony.

Mock for A Knock

Do not mock the true God.  He has mercy for repentant one's and those that have lost their conscience over time through rape.  His spirit of correction and righteous judgment pour out on humanity because of His prophet's writings in our ”seven weeks” the sixty two weeks and into the last week.  While not bowls of wrath, those are after everyone on this earth knows exactly who the true God is, the prophet's porridge is served, now.

Repentance In Female

Gametes; Wired to the Heart

A repentant female will seek to build a relationship with the true God to reclaim the feeling of worth her virtue during virginity afforded.  The virtue she lost fornicating with her then not-spouse.  Since sex is part of holy worship, the truffle here is, she was worshiping that not-spouse as a stand alone false god.  Not-spouse, do you know the penalty for being a false god?  Ya'll best start reading that bible, daily.

Sex God designed to honor Him.  The act of sex only honors the true God when a couple is monogamous in honoring one another and their marriage vows.  One is the leader and one in the obedient one.  (FYI, righteous leadership is completely defined in the bible.)  That is the part the true God writes with everything He does.

What a Rebuilt Acts Like

A repentant female, emotionally rebuilt, can focus on satisfying her spouse in love and union with the true God rather than punishing him, the infamous pussy whipping, for the sin's she indulged in under his duress.  Just a note; a female that does not feel duress, discomfort, regret, shame, hurt, or betrayal for pre-marital sex is a whore by definition.  She is not a strong candidate for repentance.  Ah, that man got a gem that will fuck his brains out indefinitely.  Just be sure the bacon is always in your pan.  (God forbid you loose your job.)

We find ourselves desperate to be something other than, "single" or worse condemned for "divorced".  (Every government form is galling.)  A person's capitulation to his assailant, the one pressing him into fornication for the 'pleasure' of company needs to heal.  The assailant owns a judgement against him and must build that relationship with the true God or be judged wicked.  Marriage will not help after fornication without many prayers and acts of repentance.

The Filthy Man

Your Peccadilloes

Males, trust us, not one needs company that; urinates adjacent to the toilet bowl, fails to clean the tissue pocket of his foreskin that accumulates dried urine, uses the shower to "sanitize" his masturbation stealing sexual energy and pleasure from his spouse, uses his spouse's cooking as his excuse for obesity and not his daily binges at fast-food drive-through's or his drunken cart caddied round's of golf (where the entitled bastard has no appreciation for "holding" his liquor), and the coup d'état desiring another partner with, "I could fuck that".  Oh yes, let's not leave out the attitude of ingratitude that has no appreciation for domestic gifts.  Recall the true God provided the personification of homemaking grandeur in the Christ's bride, new Jerusalem.

The Consequence of Filth

Men fornication has adulterated you until you are the cause of humanities problems from your own lusts without Satan's influence.  Abyss Satan today, a thought experiment, without the influence of a relationship with the true God and experiencing the blessing of serving Him, only the abuse of your wife who can take half "your" assets can punish you in away that delivers some righteousness against your lust for fornication.  But an ex-wife still is not enough to get through to you that you are creating whores.  Why? You go out and create wife number two through fornication. You never learned the lesson the law delivered taking half "your" assets.

A second post script.  How you treat that wife or your youth is your saving grace of assets before the true God.  Hurt the obedient one?  Ah, more porridge.

The Three Fornications

The true God hates whore creation.  He is the only one who can keep us free from fornication.  Fornication is from; false religion, sexual relations outside of legal (not common law) marriage, and sadly, what we are all unwittingly subjected to, the sin in our blood, we inherited.

In the true God's eyes common law marriage is fornication.  Harness your manhood with God's blessing and strength or receive His discipline.  False religion means calling on the true God with false knowledge of who He is.  Stop raping Him.  He blesses conduct that is in harmony with His will.  He does not listen to the prayers of the wicked.  The words of the prayer He keeps in mind as documenting who an individual is.  He is not able to build a relationship with those that do not know who He is.  Our unwitting participation in fornication because sin is in our blood, one of the many gifts that the sacrifice of the Christ redeemed us from.  We owe good conduct toward our heavenly parents to prove our repentance.

When we fall, victim to sin; perhaps again, get up.  Make that prayer, rebuild our relationship with the true God recommitting ourselves to keeping His commandments.  He is not a bean counter.  He is a bean provider.  Learn who the true God and the Christ are.  A closer relationship with the true God blesses our lives and leaves us only guilty of what we can not fix, unwitting sin, until we enter His Kingdom resurrected without sin in our blood.

To Fornicate Is To Have Sex With Satan

July 5, 2019

The true God is a living masculine spirit being of the heavens. The first of His creation, that we know on earth as His first born, was a feminine spirit complement. She was one of many beings brought into existence. She was happy before the true God and personified His wisdom. They became one spirit being, married, under a heavenly arrangement of the true God’s law. Humanity on earth was their creation.

She that Deserves Rebuke

Meanwhile, Satan, (an angel of the true God adulterated by vanity) had profaned many spirit being marriages by fornicating her way across the heavens. She banded a brotherhood of demons together in the wake of angelic marriages she adulterated. Satan’s assertion; fornication is better than marriage for creating life. Satan coveted the penis of Adam. She seized on the opportunity to defile humanity.

Was there a test in the Garden of Eden? When the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was planted, it was set apart from the tree of life. The tree of life had no restrictions placed on it. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil had the restriction of a death sentence upon eating its fruit.

It Wasn't Much Till

That tree in the garden with a death sentence was ignored until Satan used the least willful beast of creation to seduce the youngest human. Satan earned an immediate death sentence and ended the marriage of humanities creator when the Christ gave her life as a man and died on the torture stake. The knowledge of good and evil was a provision for any human to choose death, if desired. Christ’s sacrifice was the provision to save all humanity because all humanity had to come from the now sin filled Adam and Eve.

Seducers Beware

Spirit beings possess male and female characteristics without genitals for creation. Intimate partnerships under the true God’s law required marriage. Marriage is the legal creation of family, one flesh. A provision for intimate expression, children and the creative team that produced them.

Seducers that seek to adulterate the marriage of others and marriage partners greedy for sexual conquest of others will not enter the true God’s Kingdom. They earn a death sentence like their exemplar, Satan.

A Perfect Couple

Adam and Eve, perfect, were friends intended for one another without sexual relations when introduced and regarded as married. (The Israelites followed this custom, i.e. Joseph and Mary). They were unaware of nakedness, their genitals. They also had not yet had relations. Eve ate of the fruit first. She gave fruit to Adam and there was no recognition on Adam's part of two things. First, that the fruit he was being given was the fruit from the forbidden tree. Second, Adam had no knowledge of what consequence Eve was facing from that fruit. Once they both took a bite of fornication they had equal knowledge of being naked, that they had genitals. Satan made Adam and Eve ashamed of their genitals before the true God. This shame has been the cause of agony for humanity. Satan is the creator of fornication. Sin will be destroyed for her countless unrepentant fornications.

Their is this assurance from the true God; marital partners who have lost their passion for one another and want to maintain or return to a monogamous marriage can call on the true God individually or as a couple for His shepherding to restore the fire between them and stomp out infidelity.

All persons need to abide by celibacy till marriage to be in harmony with the true God.

The Year Is 2k S*

July 20, 2019

From the true God to His sheep in peril:

Cryptic? How many ways can 2k S* be converted into a meaningful statement? Can you look at 2k S* and say deliverance is near? Is this my cryptic code for saying humanity is now being delivered after 2k years of being left to flounder with a despicable, impotent, bastard-producing lizard running amuck dreaming of stroking himself to nirvana while fooling leaders into believing that the religious institutions of this world have been my instruments of improving humanity?

Garbage. Refuse. S*. I have no affiliation with any religious order! Make no mistake, I love my human creation! Out of any religion; when an individual full of faith that I exist and that I am not in any way affiliated with that dreadful lizard, Satan, I look for every opportunity to answer their prayer. (Regrettably, some prayers are not answerable.) Religion has done nothing to improve society. Individuals that have put faith in my existence have genuinely served others with courage, honor, and integrity with no thought of personal sacrifice.

I despise the teaching of the hell fire! We will herald about that later. Death is that, death. It is not consciousness. I am the only hope for the dead. If an individual has been preserved in my memory for life, like the Christ, a person in the book of life (my life memory) gets resurrected. Living loved ones may always pray for life of those that have died, to be resurrected.

No Torture

The institutions of that hideous lizard are only too busy propagating dogma that I condone, worse, fuel the fires of suffering, hell. Do you have any idea where those doctrines came from? Did you not read about how Israel was required to annihilate, in a religious cleansing, all of the nations that occupied their territories because of the disgusting god's they worshiped? Start making those parallels. As you are reading notice that I have a zero tolerance for; fornication and human sacrifice (this could be a cannibal act or collateral damage in war). There are other things that I hate. All of them are against, love! I am love my sheep, and I am your Shepherd.

I am taking a liberty in referring to the ferocious dragon of Revelation, that is now being animated as a clawless nanny for children to cuddle, as a lizard. Satan is a perverse monster, now. Not so when created. My bride, first born of creation that choose me, and I went all out in creating the most beautiful angelic creation we could. But beauty became the beast because of being puffed up with how easily she could deceive spirit siblings into fornication. I understand minimizing fear by putting a puny face on it. Make no mistake, this dragon's cunning will destroy all of humanity with its rewards from fornication unless my visions of Revelation do not come to pass, now.

The Dragon is Not A Toy

Stop cuddling the dragon! Stop giving your children gifts of that ferocious beast in stuffed toys and entertainment that makes what is murdering all of you a harmless protagonist that saves the day. Satan will not save you. Not through any of her institutions (religions) will you find salvation. You have got to come to me. Pray to me and read the Bible every day. We can make you a healthier individual who enjoys every day of your life more. Even with illness and infirmary I can bring you comfort.

Pray to me and stop cuddling that lizard! That monster is mine to destroy because only I can. That is the first order of business when my Kingdom begins and my sabbath has ended. (Now you know why I was strict about Israel keeping a sabbath. It reminded them of my sabbath.) And fornication will never again be tolerated. Fornication is what destroys life.

Its no wonder a toilet is called the throne. A person's only moment of privacy is when they are relieving themselves of the most foul chemical composition of noxious odors that can be released and no-one else wants to be a part of that. A monarch rarely has a moment that is without audience and they hear all the noxious grievances of this world. Please, come to my throne room in prayer. I can relieve you of the burdens that are keeping you chained to unhealthy habits that make room for that miserable lizard in your life. A caution here, don't disrespect the thrones of your world. Government is my provision to protect humanity. It is law and organization.

The true God


Fancy Breeches

August 3, 2019

Beware; Conceit, Vanity and Haughtiness

In the eyes, a dead-away look that feigns interest in others. That interest is a stare looking through others mapping onto self steady appreciation and admiration. This look is haunting, concerning and unnerving. It reveals conceit, vanity or haughtiness in the bearer. This precarious combination of conceit and vanity begs a new word, "ceitan." Just as you can use seitan in place of meat like tofu, ceitan is also one that replaces.

Ceitan rhymes with its namesake Satan. Life rewarded by laurels and luck is the fruit of a ceitan. Manipulating honest hearted ones and lying with denial are the hallmarks of a young ceitan who perfects denial and manipulation until human trafficking and money laundering are close at hand. Gifts arrive to young ceitan's when no deed is done. The exchange is a smile and wink of a promise of never fulfilled deliverables. Beware of being insatiable.

Gross Sinners Forgiven

That dead-away look after years of insatiable consumption, reaping where you did not sow, and gratuitous fornication seducing virgins and those gullible enough to believe you capable of loving another, when you hate your spouse, yields to a gaze of death. Your pupils sit incapable of responding in your eye sockets. Death is your reward. If you have feeling about your insatiable lusts that beg repentance, the true God will listen. You are bloodguilty just like Satan. That does not mean that you are not capable of receiving the same forgiveness of every other sinner on this earth.

It will not go easy for you, however. Conceit, vanity and haughtiness three qualities, rarely noticed in the narcissist that bears them. If you want to repent of your many fornications; cloak your personality with the qualities of the Christ and serve the true God, you will be loved. Without repentance your eyes' betray your judgement.

Fringe Benefits

January 16, 2020

What was so wrong with the Levite's elongating the fringe of their garments?  These were important men that prepared the sacrifices to the true God.  They handled the medical concerns regarding cleanliness.  Not to mention handling judicial matters to keep the nation of Israel morally clean.  The Levite garment was designed by God for adornment and dignity.

The Fringe

First, pay attention to the purification offering.  They wore white linen garments with a tunic that had a fringed bottom.  In the course of their duties their white linen garments needed to remain free from blood.  That's right, they were required to remain clean while preparing the sacrifices and have profound care in the way animals were bled into the soil.  They could not disrespect their duties by knowingly staining their garments with blood.

A small amount of fringe prevented them from being careless with blood spatter.  When that fringe was elongated it jumped into the line of duty with every move.  Elongating the fringe was a way of shirking from their duties.  Long fringe; an excuse for getting others to do your work for you.  It was the garment of a lover of money.

Loving Money

Ha, this meant there was a group of Levite's that found ways to get others to perform their priestly duties for them.  Then these men who shirked the responsibilities due the true God found themselves in the midst of all the "clean", "judge'y", work.  Bastard's.  That long fringe had absolutely nothing to do with being dressy, flamboyant, or vain.  They were adulterating their dress to avoid the work they were responsible for performing.  That was an abominable abuse of their position.  The inheritance of a Levite; handling blood with sacred care.

Christ set right the laws perverted by the remnant that rebuilt Jerusalem.  In every illustration and utterance, not to mention his examples of unparalleled mercy toward women that pissed off those "judge'y" no end, Christ gave explanations of all the perfect laws Israel perverted over time.  Men let sin prevail.   We know that the Fine Shepherd will make the law perfect within us for drawing close to Him.  A remnant of faithful servants aways existed.  These early Christian's were healed and exalted to heaven.  It was the bastards that got the scolding by Christ whilst the sheep, remnant, received the kind attention they needed.

Be the Serpent

Aaron and his son's had a purification offering made to anoint them in their priesthood.  The requirement; remain clean.  Caution in their duties prevented wittingly, knowingly, contaminating themselves with blood.  Unwitting contamination was inevitable.  Never were they to be careless in their duties.

The order Christ gave, and Christ replaced all sacrifices, be cautious as a serpent and innocent as a dove. To knowingly take risks is a sin against Christ's blood. Daredevil stunts anger the Fine Shepherd. Adorning yourself to shirk your duties also incurs the same anger.  It is not a loophole.  Do you want to wear sequins? Fine.  Conceal the definition of your genitals and do your own honest days work.  If you are Liberace, sequins and fringe work for you.

Money Lover's Dilemma

January 7, 2020

Boothe uttered to the man, "Yeah, I guess I can let a cocksucker like you buy me a drink." Boothe rocked back on his heals then is toes.  Hands set in his pockets.  His steal gaze demanding my undivided attention.  He had it.  Without a word, while raising his brow, he said, "Did you see what I just did?  I called that bastard a cocksucker and he is still buying me a drink."

Only Boothe could pull off listening to some oily ne'er-due-well for five minutes greasing him about how they were such good friends and how he wanted to catch up on ole times.  What Boothe knew was this guy was just looking to create some atmosphere of favoritism.  Ne'er-due-well friends are money lovers that are looking to extort a blind eye to grand larceny in exchange for trinkets.

Keeping the Power

When Boothe was at the bar with is buddies, no one knew who was buying the drinks.  They were all in a hurry to buy for one another.  Bartenders loved him.  We all loved Boothe unless we wanted to own him.  What Boothe taught a young professional in that moment was that there will always be someone looking for you to owe them.  They will look to you to give your life to them for some measly favor.  They are never satisfied that they have been paid back, have given an honest loan, and always want ownership of you in some way.  Give up your power and they win.

Loving money blinds a person to; Love.  In short entering God's kingdom is a challenge for those that love money.  These are people that very often do suffer at the hands of others, especially when a woman has this sickness.  Her mind may give her some sound council but her heart will always chase the dollar or the man who she perceives has the dollar.  She isn't even capable of seeing her own value.

The Never Satiated Alliance Builder

Regardless of men or women being lovers of money, they both look to build alliances of, "You owe me" blank checks with the lives of others.  Nabal was a worthless man who found himself the good fortune of being married to Abigail.  She, a shrewd woman who found favor with the true God and David. She realized the value of opening hospitality to David and his men and feeding them. Nabal, a money lover, hated her generosity and treated David and his men as if they owed him just for being on his family lands.  David and his men had been protecting the sheep when they were far from Nabal's pastures.

How it Works

Abigail saved the entire household from David's wrath at Nabal's ingratitude.  After Nabal was drunk with wine and satiated with an auspicious feast for himself Abigail gave him the news of the blessing she secured from David. In his rage he became catatonic, perhaps from stroke, in an instant.  Ten days later the true God struck Nabal dead.  Abigail and her chattels went to David in marriage.  Nabal thought he was going to leverage the true God's future king.  It does not work that way.


December 27, 2020

Do you know what adultery is?  Didn't the Christ make it clear that if you have relations with someone in your heart you are committing adultery?  What is adultery in the heart?  Having virtual sex with them.  Virtual sex is experiencing your orgasm thinking of or watching sexual relations regardless of being touched yourself.  And let's make this clear; regardless of touching yourself as well.

If you are having an orgasm forced on you, and sadly this can happen to children as well as adults, the perpetrators will have no memory of their life when they are resurrected in Christ's kingdom.  Their destruction is with the wicked unless they have proven a life of repentance to the true God.  People who do this?  They will not exist, because sin will not exist, in the true God's Kingdom.

Just Masturbating? (Not Likely)

If you are mechanically going through the process of masturbation without a thought of another in your mind or a picture (moving or otherwise), this is still unhealthy but it is not adultery or fornication.  Masturbation is meant to be avoided and a habit to eliminate and be the true God's servant.  He will help any person overcome this habit that wants to.

Want and Orgasm?

What is adultery or fornication? When another stimulation other than your legal marriage mate is the cause of your orgasm.  Why?  Marital sex is an act of worship to the true god; made holy by marriage and fidelity of heart and body.

Using other people or images in your sexual act, is committing adultery even when married.  You are simply fornicating if unmarried.  Why simple?  Another person is not party to the sin against the true God you are committing.  This means that individuals participating in pornography would be adulterers and can be divorced by their spouses on the grounds of adultery and be in the true God's favor.

Kind Grounds

What if your spouse does not use adultery on the divorce papers?  Joseph chose to secretly divorce Mary from their engagement even though he accused her of adultery for being pregnant prior to their marriage.  Guess what?  Willingness to be secret in the divorce was regarded as righteous.  He loved her and did not want her to suffer.  The true God's angel stopped him from divorcing her. The Christ was legally and genetically born through the king David line.

qngmic Exchange

July 13, 2019

Exchange happens.  Regardless of the commodity, government printed money or precious metals or other good things, we rely on exchange for necessities, luxuries, and time.  We have repeatedly heard that exchange is the root of evil.  What?  Oh, money is the root of evil.  What?  How can trade be the root of evil? Israel traded as the true God’s people for goods, like horses, from Egypt to Northern nations.  Israel took on slaves from the nations they invaded that served to provide timber for firewood and potable water to their households.  Yes, that would be their utilities.

Loving the Object Matters

The scripture reads, the love of money is the source of evil.  The source of evil is using exchange to supplant God seeking exploitation of people for profit and/or the sex deal.  To chase possession of what is legally not our one flesh is Satanic.  Satisfying that craving for the next sexual conquest is phoning Satan an order to be possessed by any number of her demons.  Gratifying ourselves by occupying a foreign a shore we do not legally posses is giving demons an avenue for sexual gratification through our merciless act of conquest. Beware of being, lucky.  Getting what we don’t work for is in contrast to, reaping where we legally sow.

Is Sex Your Weapon of Mass Destruction?

Perpetrators of serial sexual conquest have common hallmarks.  Hunting with a team member who steals the confidence and identity of the victim to empower the perp for quicker and deeper penetrating conquest.  Often, the victim will be initially flattered as a friend or extraordinarily desirable person, irresistible.  The perp’s code name in his cult for being a masterful dick, qngmic.  This is king-dick with a Q.  The Q is for the perp’s queen who has been extorting sexual favors from her own husband at such a price that he is bankrupt.  King-dick is consumed in the sex deal from neglect by his own flesh.

Unrepentant Wickedness Means Death

Whether you are a man or woman, unrepentant deeds of fornication bring a death sentence.  By your deeds you prove repentance.  Do not be fooled by; modern media, the exploits of peers and a spouse that looks the other way or also indulges in fornication.  While you may have mercifully medically altered your reproductive consequences or employed a safety device to prevent disease for the illegal sex deal, the illegal sex deal will stop.  There is no approved ounce of prevention for fornication.  Those that perverted you will also reap the reward their actions merit.  Satan set in this world a ripple of fornication until all of us has been tainted mercilessly as victim or perpetrator.

Our critical spiritual condition is temporary. Pray to the true God. He will heal the abuses that left us in critical spiritual condition as we learn who He is.  We have a choice.  Just as the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil were in the garden, a choice for life we still possess.  The true God knows how deceptive that serpent, Satan is.  Prayer is not mandatory.  The truth is we are not forced to choose life.

Call on the true God for Life

Please, call on the God of Jesus for life!  He brings healing in His voice and word. We heal with each prayer and Bible verse we read. Closeness to the true God means we will move further from sickness.  Wonderful days are upon us.  The true God is calling for you to unburden the hurt, pain, bleeding, crushed spirit and troubles you bear.  Reach out to Him in prayer, unload every concern.  He will comfort you. Simply, reach out to Him with an honest heart.  He wants your confession and repentance. Every effort you make to follow His scriptural principles He will lead you closer to Him.  Being closer to Him is being closer to perfection and His Kingdom.

We have all; sinned and fallen short.  We have a great blessing in the Christ, forgiveness.  This forgiveness allows us, born in sin, to pray in Christ’s name, Jesus.  The future of exploiting demons is jail.  Prayer to the true God in Jesus name the true God hears.  Our sins may be great.  Recall that the master forgave an enormous debt to his servant in Jesus parable.  The caveat?  Pray for those that hurt us that they find the true God.  Pray that we forgive them.

Hearts And Flowers

August 2, 2019

The heart, an organ rich with human sin is the global symbol of love. Sin, a gift from Satan, author of Greek mythology and fornication. Sin and blood are synonyms of human existence. While our imperfect existence is sustained by our beating heart, our heart can only suffer from the sin it bears. Quit expressing love with sin and fornication. Pure worship of the true God means recognising the Proverbial wisdom that the heart is a treacherous organism. Fortunately the true God reads this organ for us and will steer us away from fornication if we ask Him. He will also make it possible for us to resit what is irresistible to keep His commandments.

This sin rich organ can not contain the ways of the true God without dedicated study of the Bible and prayer to the true God for direction. Even with years of dedication the heart will always be treacherous until sin is no more, in the true God's Kingdom.

There is A Better Way

Are you a courting couple? Have you met someone that you want to know you and be accountable for your life before you have sex? Legal marriage does that. Legal marriage makes persons accountable for one another before the true God. A man must answer for how his wife was treated and a woman to her husband, likewise. When you meet someone you want for a sexual partner, know for certain; the true God, with prayer, will help you conduct a courtship that does not involve fornication.

To remain celibate till marriage, have a direct conversation with your future partner (or date, potential partner) defining your boundaries. Boundaries are where physical attention to one another ends to avoid pushing one another into fornication. Where are your boundaries when close to one another so that you are not teased or teasing your partner?

Talk About It

Our world is heavily exposed to sex. We must discuss our expectations and the sexual activities that are agreeable before marriage. This is a candid discussion. If you do not possess the language of your genitals; penis, scrotum, testicles, anus, vagina, clitoris and labial folds. That is not all that is engaged in a sexual act and care with respect needs to be shown to one another. Its possible that two people would not be compatible based on their libido and personal boundaries for penetration and pleasure. What do you consider objectionable sexual acts? Not everyone enjoys the same types of contact.

The true God is Love

Know this, regardless of your constitution; contact with or penetration into the or with the genitals, without matrimony, that is fornication, sexual fornication (religious fornication exists too). There is a clue here, if you do not want to have this conversation with someone, let them find another friend that would be a marriage mate. And an obvious suggestion, limit time alone. Keep it friendly, playful, happy, joyous and whimsical. If you are not ready to jump into marriage, don't date. The endorphins of love are great for the brain. Fornication has nothing to do with love. Remember the true God is love.

The Dovecoat. A Safe Word.

If you are still reading build a dovecoat. (Mind you I personally don't believe a soul on this earth can be saved if fornication isn't allowed. Men are weak slaves of the genitals from puberty on. If they can't f@#k it first they run. Humanity is dead unless women are garbage. - mac's opinion. I feel distinctly like a kicked dog for making this effort. Because I do not fornicate. Pearls of wisdom before swine. (The true God loves you.))

A dovecoat is a safe word or gesture that does for a couple in a hot kiss what a dovecoat on a building does to give the birds a place to roost. It is a high safe haven to draw a breath but say; I love you, I want to please you but we are not married and I am being pushed past my physical limit. When the air is pulsing with arousal, you had better be calling out that word or making that gesture that means "dovecoat". Take a few minutes to cool down. Get married, end the date on a positive note in that moment or find something to distract yourself with so you can continue together free from fornication. Oh, saying a prayer in that instant to resist fornication is a perfectly good way to remember to say or show your, "dovecoat".

What you are doing, the true God knows. That does not mean He watches fornication, it enrages Him. It means don't doddle about saying a prayer when you are at risk for fornication. He will help you to worship Him. Not fornicating is a required way to demonstrate, you want the true God to shepherd you. The flowers? Each person needs to pray to the true God in Jesus name, read the Bible and life will just keep getting better.

Fresh Out Of Fucks

September 8, 2019

I purchased the towel that read; "Some days I AMAZE myself.  Other days I search for my cell phone while I'm on it." Imagine being the man who is told every time he walks into the kitchen his spouse is fresh out of fucks.  Which spouse is referring to sex with the other as 'hitting that'?  Spooning need not be a sexual gesture.  There are times each partner just needs a good hug.  Spooning is just the ticket.  Why should that come with a promise of sex that one or the other just can't emotionally or physically accommodate.  But that closeness, especially when courting, is needed.

As far as not being afraid to use crazy, it's been done on a biblical scale.  Medication is one component of managing disease.  Saying goodbye to; high fructose corn syrup, excessive alcohol, allergens (including food), insufficient water, insufficient sleep, insufficient exercise, fornication, and unprescribed mind altering substances, are all necessary for a healthy life.  That is a short list.  Each individual can add to that list based on their habits that need to change before they experience an inevitable calamity.  What is the saying about motorcycle riding, "It's not if you have an accident, but when."  It's really a function of use.  That does not mean the severity will be life altering simply adjusting in some way.

Goodbye's Solution

Want that healthy life?  Pray to the true God, read His Bible daily, and do good works.  In my efforts, I may still be searching for my cell phone while I'm on it.  It amazes me when I find it.

He's In Her Cup

September 8, 2019

I can't unsee that.  I mean, I've averted my eyes as men in silk Jersey shorts that could pass for a skirt did the porno prance pushing their pelvic bone to the ceiling with every step to lift their genitals forward.  (By the way shoulders back, chest out, gets the good look, and a nod.)  There is a limerick in alpine ski school that goes, "Push your dicky down the hill, do dah, do dah.  If you do then you won't spill, oh, the do dah day."  In the motion of athletic demand bringing the pelvis forward for balance is essential.  That pelvis is mercifully covered with a jacket.  Yeah, the modesty of cold weather.  The only genitals I want to look at will be hanging from my own husband.

So, what can't I unsee? I now know that so-and-so, when standing at ease, hangs right.  If I were to run up to him with say a tool to measure his manliness, I could put him in a cup.  Is that what women are going to start doing in response to men's pants that have completely abandoned modesty?  So you don't want to wear your pants up above your belly button and want to wear them lower.  Okay.  Regardless of what waistline you are trying to convince yourself you can wear, I better not be able to; pick what side of your crotch seam your genitals rest on, determine whether or not you were circumcised, and oh yes, size what amount 'package' you carry.

The Cup Bearer, not from Egypt

Men, do you want to be measured that way?  Women, did you need to sell your spouse to another?  Mind you if you are the man that can fill a cup.  Women will pull out a three cup measurer and if you don't fill it, she ain't dating.  Or perhaps you will begin to wear codpieces in the future.

A codpiece, the mate to an outside bra.  Two inventions of fashion that let people chase after what matters to them most on site.  Oh, I mean on sight.  The site is the place where the two desperates' just go after each other proud of their conquest until they rip into the extra pairs of socks.  What I am waiting for in fashion is women to begin taking a permanent marker to their yoga pants and mark the opening of their labium.  Oh wait, that has been done by the manufacturer with the prominent contrasting zig-zag seam over the contour of her crotch.  (Classy.)

Being a woman with a cup to fill, what would she be, cup bearer?  Not good.  I bet she gets beheaded by her boss.  Gentlemen, if you are standing at attention; your genitals had better be discretely at ease in your breeches.

In fairness, a man does have a difficult task in concealing his interests.  The antidote to an unwanted moment of erection embarrassment is to say a quick prayer to the true God in Jesus name.  He will ease your blood flow to your male member so your feelings are not betrayed.  The catch 22; don't expect it to be an effective prayer facing of your wife.  She needs and deserves that complement and affection.  So enjoy that package.


August 12, 2019

The true God Beseeches,

On the Madison River below the lake Ennis damn is a remote stretch of wide spilling river popular with floaters and fly fishermen in and below the Lee Metcalf Wilderness. In July the sun barely warms the river above the winter thaw that still trickles through mountain troughs. Sound alluring? It is. There are places in the United States of pristine wild beauty. Places like this exist all over the world because government sees the need to preserve its wild places. I love this protection of earth.

What Are You Wearing?

In a shop window cartoon-printed fishing lures with hooks of odd shapes and colors are gayly arranged in random fashion and coordinating colors on men's bright green trunks. No suggestion here. The greener pasture is an alluring cartoon? Alright, men, really? You want people looking at what you adorn your male member with, your passageway of life and joy, and giggling? Think of the pleasure you experienced when you held your first baby. How you looked at that child an said, "never will I let anything hurt my child." Don't you know how it pained me when Adam tasted mortality? Adam, the one created in my image.

Men, who derailed you into thinking you were less? You are indeed less than me and my king. And in truth humans being flesh are less than angels, spirit beings. But you are not less than a woman, a child, a dog. However, it seems that you have bought into regarding your male member as a joke. Your penis and sperm are not a joke. If you need a joke you wear under your pants, alright. I have a sense of humor. But wearing shorts that make a joke of your manhood for others to gawk at, you had better be a wall against fornication. Otherwise you are making a mockery of my creation, you.

An Invitation, "I Want to Know You"

Men, understand I want to know you like I knew Adam. Who was created first? Adam. He enjoyed many years with me naming my animal creation. Adam studied each animal's characteristics, enjoyed playing with it in the Garden of Eden and then gave it a name. Years I spent with Adam. Then I, in my love, created Him a companion. Adam was lost in the reality of having a companion for him. That humanity was subsequently adulterated is being dealt with. We are in the middle of a process for finding humans who want to fill my Kingdom.

I am asking you men to; please, protect your wild place. You deserve to have a mate who has vowed before me to obey you. That is right obey. It will be easy to cherish her that protects you. Women that are looking to take everything you have to offer without regard to the life you give, need much work to enter my Kingdom. What would Lee Metcalf and other wildernesses be if left to greedy development? Don't get chopped up in a get rich quick scheme.

Pray To the true God, Get Results

Do yourself a favor, call out to me in prayer. I am greater than all of my creation combined and want to hear from you everything that troubles and interests you. Try,

"true God, I struggle with understanding how important it is to you for me to speak with you. I get so distracted. I am concerned about ___ . My sin is great. Please, forgive me. I am grateful that the Christ did so much. How do I begin to pray more often? How do I know that my prayers matter to you? I go to church. They pray there. I listen. This looks like such a little thing to do and you know me already. You know my heart. How can I start to share what is on my mind?
I want to be a __ . My children want __ . My wife wants ___ . How do I become what I want, doing what they want? What do you want of me? If I do your will will my life be better? I have more questions than statements. I will do a Daily Verse now. In Jesus name, please let this prayer be the start for us to know each other, Amen”

Talk To Me

July 17, 2019

From the true God to His sheep in peril:

I know that you need to be paid to work. It is not easy to report to others. There are people who profit from exploitation and injustice. I know how many beverages you drink to wind down. How many times you have missed a DUI that you earned but escaped? Get to know me and that need for a liquid or crystalline coping mechanism we can eliminate. We can also help you and your spouse enjoy each others time more each evening? Doesn't that sound like slightly more fun?

You Are Special to Me

I know you put another piercing on your belly button. The rhinestone is sparkly. What I don't understand is why you needed another piercing? Why didn't you come to me in prayer first? Don't you know how beautiful I think you are without the body art? I know you need to distinguish yourself. That need to feel special and distinct is a part of being human. I want you to spend time with me in prayer. I can promise you, you will feel special and loved for who you are and you will learn how to like yourself more.

Those "Lovers" I Hate

I'm not sure I like that butterfly tattoo on your right cheek. Who demanded that from you? Was it the idea of that despicable lover who simply exhausted your paychecks without ever honoring you with the decency of marriage? Was it that one who simply extracted your precious resources and defrauded your virginity while never satisfied with either themselves or you? I hate that "lover". The one who loves you would never demand that you indelibly scar your skin or swallow their genital fluids without matrimony first. If you love that butterfly, then okay. Keep it. But please, let's spend time together before you make another indelible investment.

Are You Cheated?

I can help you raise your precious children left to your care. Did you give everything you had in service to the government? When your spouse dies with honor in the line of duty, you should be coming to me for the the blessings and intimacy that I can give you. I am here for you. You have much challenge ahead educating your children and putting food on the table in the mean time. I am here for all of my children. You are only alone if you do not speak to me in prayer.

Church is A Fraud

What about that divorce you filed with the county and then the life of fornication you are living because you could never pay a church the outrageous extortion they claim they need to divorce you in my eyes? Garbage. Marriage is a civil, legal, institution. My shepherd is the government that establishes the laws you are to obey. That religious institution does not create nor dissolve legal matrimony unless the government you are subject to has demanded it.

Murderer In Your Heart

When you rolled the SUV to murder your wife and mother in-law because you did not care enough for your own life and decided you would surely survive, I will ask back during my day of judgement much from you. Your wife, she is mercifully free from you.  You were an adulterer and she was innocent. She is free to marry, adulterer, you murdered her in your heart then took an attempt on her life. You owe your ex-mother in-law a car.

I Love You

I love you my human creation. Every life is precious to me. That unborn baby and that aged widow woman are precious to me. I want to hear from all of my creation. If you are pregnant, please as a father I beseech you, come to me in prayer. Are you looking for a mate? Are you about to fornicate? Does a hit off a new drug appeal to you? All of you are precious to me. Come to me so that I can take you into my fold. You will find refreshment for yourselves.

I know; what you eat, where you sleep, who you spend time with, the music you listen to, the movies you watch and who you hang out with. I do not read minds. I do read your heart. Come talk to me so that we can be friends. I want you to enjoy a healthy beautiful life and bring you into my Kingdom so we can be friends forever.

Are You Smoking D'Nile?

August 6, 2019

If you are not smoking denial, then you realize all of the Bible applies to us today and loopholes to perfect Law only exist in Satan's world.  The Hebrew scriptures defined cleanliness and how to follow of the true God. This is repeated in the Greek.  Cleanliness applied heavily to sexual relations.  A perfect offering applied heavily to sacrifices.  The moral; we must be clean people and our being full of sin requires redemption.  The offering made for us, the Christ, was perfect.  We must walk in Christ's way to demonstrate our love for her sacrifice.

There is a constant turn of this herald to use examples from the nation of Israel.  Why is simple, they are valid.  The true God has not changed His personality since dealing with Israel.  Early christians had the complete Hebrew scriptures as their guide as well as the inspiration of the apostles after the Christ was executed on the stake.  At that time the apostles words were not yet compiled into scripture.

The Tribe of Benjamin, Sodom in Israel

The tribe of Benjamin was on it's way to being extinguished.  This was after Israel vowed to never give Benjamin one of its daughters.  "A Prayer for a Porn Lover", expressed an excerpt of faith that the true God would actually bless and help an individual in having a mate so they would not be under pain of living with abstinence while others could indulge.  Members of Benjamin committed a brutal sex crime counted against the entire tribe.

The Law made provision for marriage to occur even when a bride was taken by force.  Her father was paid and the seizing man could never divorce her.  She was to be provided for her entire life.  By this provision of Law, Benjamin got a bride.  When Issac was in need of a wife Rebekah was found.  The point, provision for marriage is made.  Yes, the true God will help you find a mate. This does not mean that Rebekah would be yours.  She was mother to millions as Isaac's wife.  The individual who has many years of seeking the true God past the smoke screen of false religion we are all sentenced with, till now, would be rewarded with another ox like themselves.

How does the proverb say, its cruel to yoke an ox and an ass together.  Each animal is a fine beast of burden but they do not travel under load the same.  A servant of the the true God who has the energy to water 10 camels and demonstrate hospitality to visitors in the same breath, Rebekah,  was blessed with Holy Ghost.  The more work we do to learn who the true God is the happier we will be in waiting for our own ass.

Following the true God's Standards Meant Blessings on Family

To fulfill the true God's purpose and fill the earth with His followers Israel needed to adhere to the true God's standards then they would benefit from multiplying (fruit-fullness) This does require families, man and woman to bear and raise children.  In periods of perversion, when worshiping false God's, Israel experienced many curses. Loss of family integrity was one of the penalties.

We are certainly living in a time of loss of family integrity.  Worse the true God has been unknown to mankind through every religious order down to today.  This alienation is denigrating.  Sheep of the true God; scattered about.  Married couples that make room to heal the family with adopting orphans are lovingly filling a need in being parents.  In paradise earth a man who knows himself to be female in every way  would be restored in paradise to his real gender and sex.  Who makes that decision? The true God and that man who know's who he is.  In that day the true God is opening His hand to perform miracles for His people. This holds true for women.

Genitals Not the Criteria. Masculine and Feminine Is

A person's conviction of themselves as male or female is what governs how they choose a mate.  They must be faithful and they must be abstinent till marriage.  You might be one who has no belief or understanding of yourself as being a different gender than your physical sex.  There are two ways you could practice homosexuality.  How are you a homosexual?

You seek relations with someone of the same sex either by fornicating with a same sex person or a married person.  Fornicating with another man's wife is equivalent to having sexual relations with her husband.  It is tantamount to homosexual rape.  And both persons were to be put to death when caught in the act. This is what the Mosaic Law referred to as "seeing the nakedness of" or "removing the garment of".  One flesh means, one flesh.  Sexual relations with the one in a marriage means sexual relations with the other.  To give clarity to the definition, the person in this paragraph is a rapist like Ham.  This includes a woman who has sexual relations with another woman's husband.  She is the rapist against the man's wife.

Respect Respect Respect

Respect; marriage, your own marriage, and the marriage of others.  Do not engage in sexual relations with anyone who is not your legal marital partner. Doing so brings you bloodguilt.  Because, you see you are guilty of taking your own life, at the very least.  If you believe you are bi-sexual, exercise abstinence and seriously invest yourself in seeking the true God with Bible study and prayer.  Keep petitioning to, find your identity.  When you are confident about your identity you will find a mate.

What about religious fornication? How many gods are there in the bible?  In truth the true God who inspired all of the scripture (God) and whose Holy Ghost empowers its readers and Satan (god).  Satan for her fornications' earned a death sentence and temporary authority to give humanity the right to choose life or her (death).  How do we choose Satan?  Simple, keep living the blind guide life of idolatry and/or sexual immorality that we are doing. A.K.A. keep fornicating.

Fornication is Choosing Satan

To fornicate is to do an act of worship to Satan.  Intentional, free-willed, genital contact with an individual other than your lawful marriage mate is sexual fornication.  Religious fornication, idolatry is prostrating yourself and praying directly to other god's or making things and activities your god by the priorities you choose in your life.  The true God hates fornication.  The word fornication covers every front of worshiping Satan.  In this world you are either making a stand to worship the true God or you worship Satan by not giving a rip (thinking God is dead) or giving a r.i.p. to one of Satan's many causes.

The Egyptians deified everything from frogs to the dead.  When Israel left Egypt, the Egyptians were stripped of their wealth handing it over to Israel.  The Canaanites were predatory homosexuals that did not respect gender, Ham's offspring.  The Israelites slaughtered the Canaanites.  Noah had cursed Ham.  The true God kept Noah's declaration true. The gavel was dropped on many peoples that were worshippers of false gods with their sexual perversion.

Keep the true God's Standards or Parish

Don't smoke denial.  The true God will not allow His standards to be mocked.  If you choose to fornicate you will perish unless you repent.  If you are cruel in your dealings with those in a position of weakness and dependence on you, like human collateral in a war zone, you will perish unless you repent.  Now is your chance to get to know the true God.  You can choose to die.  Fornicators change your behavior or he will have no memory of you and you will not enter His Kingdom.  He has abundant patience for every person that seeks His way by following His example.

Stop Trying Before You Buy

August 10, 2019

A Prayer to the true God

"God of Jesus please be merciful in judging me. I am a product of immorality. There is so little structure or guidance that means a s*. Do you realize that I have never met anyone who practiced abstinence unless it was to punish her husband. And then she was willing to farm herself out to others. Do you realize how aggressive women are in grabbing for a penis? Any penis. It does not seem to matter who is attached to that member. They are looking for any ride they can get that helps them cut the cost of living and buy them some s*.

It's even tough to find a good room-mate. everyone is using sex for leverage. And it feels good! That orgasm is what I live for, just about. I mean its better than; winning at poker, taking victory in sports, booze, drugs (mostly), and __ (place your list of what and orgasm beats here). I don't want to give that up. It seems unfair. I mean if someone is still a virgin, then great they don't know what they are missing.

Going on a couple of dates and not getting something out of the gal I'm out with seems unfair. I mean, I pay for everything (just about). How am I supposed to feel like it was worth my time if I don't screw her? Or at least get a blow job? Well, it's not as if I wouldn't go for more. But I am trying to understand why I and my friends have this death sentence because we are doing what comes naturally. It isn't even hurting anyone, really. I mean we use condoms. I need to understand before I can begin to ask to stop "fornicating". And how am I supposed to replace that feel good feeling of an orgasm? Please in Jesus name, help me."

The true God Replies, I Gave You Your Orgasm Ability

Who do you think gave you that male member of pleasure and that fabulous release of an orgasm in the first place? I engineered that apparatus and hooked it to the pleasure centers of your brain for a reason. That reason was so that you would be hooked on delivering pleasure to your mate. My intention was for everyone to have one mate that they were faithful to and have everlasting life to enjoy that fabulous pleasure, among others.

Don't you enjoy eating too? You need to do it every day as well as drink. You didn't need tastebuds per-se, I mean you could have every meal taste like manna (remember the manna provided to the Israelites in the desert?) The problem? No problem, but I like, prefer, favor, and delight giving my creation what they can enjoy. Man, humanity, but man specifically was created in my image. I am not fond of public flatulence and belching. But guy's, some things just seem to be guy things, like the out-doors, firearms, a cigar and beer. Men have certain things that are just appealing to them. Now. when those things get out of balance you face consequences that are a product of Satan's world.

Satan Has Violated You

That dreadful lizard that I am going to destroy, and it will take more than nukes, has run amuck violating my precious man. I am most concerned with men finding their happiness in restraint and discipline. Then finding that perfect mate to enjoy. That one who does not grab at your penis as if you are some week minded bastard without discipline. One who can be bought to take on her miserable fits, pouting, tantrums and disobedience, after marriage, for a pre marital blow job, needs work not you.

Men, don't you want a partner who literally regards your word as law? When you use her like a tool, guess what, you are two tools with no master builder. All you can ever accomplish together is putting the male and female ends together and lay in a drawer. And eventually that is the drawer that gets dumped out and never organized. Tools that can't be put to use get tossed.

The person that never allows themselves to be a tool is not giving themselves up for quick gratification, they are drawer organizers. They get to the gym to burn off that sexual energy, or get a round of golf in, or take a run in the hills or on the beach for miles. They find hobbies and things to interest them and stay distracted and when they just can't take it, they pray to resist the hottie in front of them they would love to mount. And that is a period.

The Reward Goes To?

Who do you think I am going to reward with mind blowing sex and an obedient partner? The yo-yo who can't make a commitment to living clean and give up temporarily (because help with finding mates I can do) an orgasm or the drought tolerant brahman who is so disciplined in his activities that they pray to avoid thinking to much of even those that are available until the right person comes their way.

And how about that try before you buy? The truth is under mosaic law, there was a provision for someone so overcome by a virgin that they just took her. Guess what, he paid her father a bride price, married her and never, and I mean never could divorce her. If he failed to satisfy her, he was in trouble with Me. That is how important sex is.

Answer to the true God Some Questions

Sex is the great pleasure of a marriage. That is how it was intended. That is where sex is blessed.

Answer me some questions. In a prayer answer; what is the first word that comes to your mind when you think of your last date? Why that word? Do you want a partner who saves their sexual energy for you or do you want them to screw anything that pleases them if you are sick? How about a partner who dumps you if you loose your job and can't pay up with trinkets and snacks for the head they give?

Do you want to worry for nine months whose children she is carrying? Do you want a partner who goes on a business trip and picks up sex partners on the road? Explain to me what benefit comes from a person having sex with someone who is not their marriage mate? Put a price on that for me. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being priceless 1 being worthless what is the price of that benefit you described?

Think Differently

Now, answer this; how likely are you, with the try before you buy philosophy, to be a good marriage mate?

Now say a prayer and ask for help to keep your male member concealed. Ask this prayer often. You will find out which partners are not worth a plug nickel because they will be the ones demanding that you whip it out! Now, treat yourself like you were a king. I mean it, a king. That sperm of yours regard as the most valuable commodity in this world. It is precious and only a person who would answer for your life before me, the true God, should get a whiff or a sniff of that elixir. Got it?

Blow Me Down

July 23, 2019

Dear At Risk Sheep,

Sweet Pea is far more tolerant than she should be.  The one thing I can count on from her is she does not give up on people.  She is worried about you.  The cocaine use at your tender age is concerning.  Beyond concerning.  What angers me is that men have for centuries raped and pillaged youth for their own selfish gain masquerading as my servants.  I have a problem.  I want to destroy every man and woman that ever laid a finger against a child's virginity whether in body or heart.  Sweet Pea on the other hand wants to save “everyone”.  Her theory is that everyone is so screwed up from generations of inbreeding with imperfection, no one could possibly be culpable and we all just need to forgive one another and have a clean slate in Christ’s kingdom.  Here’s the thing, that is crap!

The reality is, I have found an individual to work long hours for me and give up her life to my service. She has the burden of reaching almost 8 billion souls. I am willing to save every repentant individual who proves by works in my just court that they serve me with their deeds and never want to return to the mire of their former lives.

Tobacco products are legal (at age only). In some states marijuana is legal in some form and amounts (at age). I never want an illegal substance in my sheep either for their age or geography. Most forms of sexual sacrifice (fornication) are aided with mind altering substances. If you can live without them, I can reward the life you live far more than if you choose to engage in holding onto risky habits. The consequences of any habit you will experience in your life. What defiles the flesh that I worry about more than any other is what leads to fornication. Raped children end up in the high risk category for serial fornicators that don't stand a chance. And for that, I never want a child rapist to spend so much as one day in paradise. (Touch a child sexually, you are a rapist!)

I have my own ethnic cleansing to do. People that refuse to come serve me can't enter my Kingdom. There really are two types of people, sheep and goats.  Neither Sweet Pea nor myself want to loose you, my sheep.  When you read your Bible from now on pray to me.  Unburden your heart.  You have fine qualities but you need to learn to defend your boundaries.  Protect yourself!

That wanting to feel alive feeling? I can and will give you that!  Pray to me, the true God, God of Jesus or Almighty Father (if you wish).  Let go of prayer to other deities.  Together, you will get that “I’m alive” feeling you now use blow for and you will stop wasting money on that altogether.  Quit taking such big risks.  I love you.  If you start to care for your life the way you wish you could rather than how you have been shown, you will be a happy individual.

I love my sheep.

Beating Off Pornography

August 3, 2019

Pornography, the virtual reality of f@#king. What is virtual reality in the biblical sense? Doing it in your heart. Pornography is engaging your heart in a sexual act. If an individual commits a sexual act in their heart it is the same as committing the sexual act with another person.  Jesus made this clear.  Wait, there is more.

More, Judah and A Widow

Judah asked his son to give his brother children through his brother’s widow.  The man would spill his sperm and not give her his seed.  The first born son from these relations was not counted in the inheritance of Israel as his. It went to his brother.  This man the true God removed from among Judah's offspring (took his life).  Refusing offspring to your brother was a sin against a widow.  Under Mosaic Law the stranger, the fatherless and the widow were to be cared for always. These were people at a disadvantage.

Also, under Mosaic Law adulterers caught in the act were put to death. Not to mention bestial relations. The human and beast were destroyed. (Livestock jokes still that funny?) Porn stars are in the act. The porn watcher is lusting after a deed worthy of death. This reasoning gets better.

Go Easy on Getting Wasted

To watch a sexual act is to watch the "nakedness" of another.  When Noah was drunk and uncovered in his tent; Ham, his son, entered and raped him.  Seeing his fathers nakedness is what describes the sex act. To see nakedness is to experience nakedness in biblical terms. The experience of nakedness is sex relations if married, fornication if unmarried.

Ham took a man who did not have a desire to be a feminine companion. He raped a man, his father, who loved his female wife.  Seeing a man's nakedness came with a curse.  Ham became father to Canaan.  The Canaanites descendants of Canaan the true God conducted ethnic cleansing against through Israel's conquest of their lands.

Big Deal A Naked Man

Really, looking at a naked man and woman is that big a deal? No.  Saul lay naked all day and all night.  Big deal. A naked man. This was a prophetic gesture in Israel. Saul was questioned as a prophet.  The distinguishing feature is the act of f@#king in any form.  After raping his father, Noah, Ham waltzed out and boasted to his brothers his act.  Shem and Japheth walked in backwards with a cloth on their backs to cover their father.  They would not look at their father post f@#king.  Get it?  These men would not look at their father after he had been f@#ked.  Let alone watch while it was happening.

Among the clans of Reuben were great decisions of heart.  What did Ruben do?  Had sex with his fathers woman.  That sexual act regarded one as seeing the nakedness of his father.  What is a decision of the heart, a decision of passions. Sin, blood, fills the heart. Ultimately Israel, when he lay dying and sharing his last words with his sons, cursed Reuben.  Judah a younger son won the genetic line for the true God's king to be born from. Reuben had even stopped his brothers from killing Joseph. This good deed did nothing to stop his curse for seeing the nakedness of his father.

Tidy is Not Enough

There are scriptures in the Mosaic Law about the uncleanness of an emission and the sexual act of married persons.  Anyone can read those and say, eh, I will wash my sheets and shower in the morning. Really, okay, good for you at keeping tidy.  Uncleanness is not why porn is unclean.  In the eye's of the true God porn is experiencing the nakedness of others, not your spouse.  You are fornicating.  You know what the true God thinks of fornication.  He hates it. That does not mean He hates you.  (Others might.)

Only with the true God you can stop that perverse habit. Its not too late. If pornography has crippled you, you can enjoy a sexual relationship with your spouse again.  A curse you can expect for not beating off pornography is regarding sexual relations with your spouse as rape against you. End the habit to get a connected sex life back with your spouse.

The Happy Ending

If you have a conscience about ending this habit, you have the most powerful ally possible. Reach out to the true God in prayer and ask for His help in quitting this habit.  You will beat off pornography because it is part of Satan's wheelhouse of hate against life. The true God will make it possible for you to skip into His Kingdom with other sheep who have overcome their lamenesses too.

A Prayer For A Porn Lover

August 4, 2019

Open with, “true God” or “God of Jesus”

"true God, you blessed humanity, your creation, with the life of your precious bride, your flesh.  I am no more deserving of mercy nor her sacrifice as any other individual fighting sins tendencies.  Of my many struggles you are well aware.  While you do not watch fornication, filling your heart with the badness of sin's way, you know when each sheep is faltering.  I want to be your sheep.  You turn your back to my badness just as you did to Israel waiting for us to return to you asking for help to do your righteous way.

Define Your Problem in Terms of What You are Learning

When we ask you give generously and without reproach to all those asking with faith that you are and that you are seeking those whose heart is complete toward you.  I have faltered many times in my life.  I have also lacked direction to the right way to act.  Masturbation and pornography are condoned allowances or even righteous substitutes for false religions' shepherds.  When was I told different?  Now.  "Beating off Pornography" condemns the act as fornication. This habit that brings me much release I am told is abhorrent to you.

It has never occurred to me, nor many others, that my genitals exist to give pleasure to my marriage mate and are to be in neutral when not married.  I am alone.  I imagine I hurt no one with this pornography practice.  It does not occur to me that with serving you I would be restored as an individual able to give pleasure to a mate that you would help me find.

So few major decisions in my life do I come to you for.  I give thanks for some meals.  I say a daily prayer asking for your forgiveness of my sins.  But building a relationship with you to build an everlasting future for myself, I never knew that was an option.  I need to be a better person at bridling my sexual needs and shielding myself from the things you hate such as; fornication.

Define Things About You

Right now I am _ years of age.  I have sexual partners I am juggling.  I feel that to be satisfied I need to indulge in sexual relations with the TV and myself or with another times a _ (day, week, month…time period here).  I do not feel giving up who I am is justified, to know you.  After all, I am no different than my peers.  Some of them are worse than me and are cheating on their mate.

It's time to test this theory that it matters to you about my sexual habits.  I want to know for a certainty that if I give up my habits you will care enough about my seeking you out by cleaning up my life that I will indeed be rewarded.

I don't like being alone but the available pool of partners is despicable.  Others my age that are single have indulged in acts of moral turpitude so low that I have no potential companions.  Your prophets had spouses.  Well, Ezekiel lost his and Hosea had a whore for a wife and they still had the reward of a relationship with you.  Giving up fornication on my part will require my constant supplication of you.  Please don't throw me away and abandon me in my efforts.  I will falter but I want my heart to be complete toward you.

What Do You Want for Yourself that Agrees With the Will of the true God?

My desire is to be one you love and remember.  I don't want to be counted as a person resurrected to judgement.  I want life.  More than that I want a life that you are happy to count as living for you.  My effort can't be hypocritical.  I can't imagine finding sexual companionship in a spouse.  Have you any idea how much neglect happens in a marriage and I am being cut off, with no porn, from what gives me release if my marriage partner (hypothetical) rejects me.

I think it is fair that my work in serving you should lead to having a good marriage partner that delivers sexual fulfillment, if that is the only way I can get sex.  We enjoy one another.  Better than that, we revel in one another.  We are triumphant in our enjoyment of our sexual relationship.  I want to have the pleasure of using my body for the pleasure of one who would love me until death do us part.

Phase A Test, Close in On Letting Go

My petition is bold.  I have a life of serial masturbation. It was a good substitute, right? What I learned from "Beating off Pornography", I don't like.  I don't want to give up what I deemed harmless.  I am willing to test this information. Please if you want me to relinquish this habit give me a 24 hour relief from the craving to satisfy my body and heart with this habit.  This is one day and one step in the process and one effort on my part.  In Jesus name I submit this prayer, Amen.”

At Coffee

August 2, 2019

Innocent, really, she is my neighbor. Her and her husband, a real douche, moved in a few years ago. She reminds me of Becky, my wife. We sit at the corner afternoons over coffee. I actually don’t drink coffee, she doesn’t know that. I just munch on a donut so she thinks I’m there for food.

Sin Is Crouching At Your Door

Today I finally figured out how I was going to get that piece of ass. The douche and my Becky are both out of town this week. I have been putting my lips on her breasts and teasing those nipples with my tongue holding them in my teeth for months now. That’s not all I see. What I’m going to do with that round ass. Finally. She’s letting me in tomorrow.

I’m not really a bad guy. I work hard. I should have a woman I can f@#k. There is no point asking my wife anymore. But she cleans and cooks for the checks and I don’t want to give up my life to community property.

Dick, you may or may not have a problem here. If you want to die and enjoy all the misery that adultery will get you (because you will get caught) f@#k your neighbor. I guarantee you, with this warning to all the Dicks out there, your life won’t be noticed when gone. Your children can beg for you to receive a resurrection of judgement (if you die young enough). Now you may have a conscience. Given that you have pondered your neighbors nipples and ass for months now, conscience is unlikely.

The Guarantee

There is a guarantee. Don’t fornicate! Sit down with your wife and lead a prayer together to the true God make clear in that prayer that you want to enjoy one another sexually again. Then go to work on your wife’s nipples and do what you remember from your youth. Many happy hours the two of you will spend together as long as you keep honoring your marriage and include the true God.

Section Six


I am the one in Revelation who shuts up the heavens and delivers the true God’s prophetic messages to everyone on this earth. He instructs me about what acts, laws, and interpretations He wants addressed. The bowls of wrath of Revelation are served when Gog of Magog are in the act of devolving into self-destruction. The earth is filled with a population who know who the true God is, they simply choose to ignore Him and His standards for as long as they can get away with it. Why, they are so corrupted by sin they have absolutely no way of choosing life for themselves. Only the path to death can they follow.

When this last populous is dealt with each person knows the source of the wrath and destruction that they face. At this time of the seven weeks humanity would be blindsided by correction for wrong-doing that they were incapable of avoiding. Why? They have no means of understanding and following the Holy Active Force of the true God. We call what I write, porridge. Mine is a message of correction and education. Humanity will not experience these bowls of wrath until the final week of the seventy weeks.

Tie That Knot

August 24, 2019

Men, you have abused the moral sensitivities of women until they hate you to the brink of extinction. Do you realize that marriage is your gateway to having an obedient servant? Did you catch that, obedient. Now, when you fornicate before marriage you have stripped a woman of every shred of dignity she possesses. In her fear that you won't want her (and she is better off without most of you) she will concede to sex. She will even demand the act so that she is in control of the sexual experience.

Heart Matters

That does not mean her heart is in the act. It simply means that she is going though an act of capitulation and dominance in a dance of conscience so she can endure your conquest. I created a woman with a moral compass that seeks me. She very often is dismissed and hated. Understand she is simply experiencing a day in my existence. I endure a great deal of profane behavior from you men. I feel exceedingly for the strategies women have developed to adjust to the profanity of men who seek conquest. Does your wife, the one you fornicated with for years, reject you? Right, well, I can help you get your power back. I can help the two of you heal that breach you earned.

An obedient wife happens when you do not rape a woman prior to marriage. That's what I said, rape. After repeated abuse a woman will simply give up on her own identity. Young girls that are trafficked by family, friends, and mature 'suiters' are the most at risk of sexual rebellion. Once a woman crosses that line she needs time to heal. I will help her. Now, however, I am focussed on men. Men, you are going to be the ones to feel my wrath and the women will feel my mercy. Had the morality of my woman been respected and appreciated the world of humanity would not be in this place of fornication in the first place.

You Will Struggle

Men if you are capitalizing on women, I will be sure to correct you carefully so that you teach your antecedents (Yes, those who taught you your perversion you will teach in the 1,000 year reign of my Christ, if you live.) how to be abstinent till marriage.

Clean up your act. I will be teaching our successors. (Why are they ours?) You king Dick (qngmic cult members) I am going to make things very hard for you. You have used sexual conquest to dominate in business and religion to create a mask of piety while searching for child prostitutes your low wages created. Understand, I hate you for your fornications.  In your business dealings your fornications are going to brand you and honest business persons will avoid you.  You see, sheep are honest.  And you fornicator are a goat.  The dividing is happening now.

Your children (those that wish to be members of your cult) will have many difficulties, they will struggle to find me and you will be blood guilty for them. Just as I extended an invitation to Israel; if you petition me, the true God, I will listen and you can entice me to examine you and care for you provided you end your fornications.

Marriage (with fidelity) or abstinence those are your choices men. Start reaching out to me and I will be sure to help you find that obedient, magnificent, beautiful feminine bride.  Are you abused by that once perfect bride?  I will help you get that flame back.

Solomon's 666 A Year

January 26, 2020
"The gold that came to Solomon in one year weighed six hundred and sixty-six gold talents"

But wait.  Tolls on travelers, merchant traffic, and tribute from governors and regents all over Arabia, more income for Solomon.  It is no coincidence that a beast of wanton gluttony was given a man's name with a Jeopardyesque clue that one who understands "wisdom" will understand.  The name that stands for the number six hundred and sixty six, Solomon.

John, a child of Israel, knew exactly the recorded gold, in what we know as the book of Kings, for Solomon's landmark wealth.  We are a world of gluttons.  Two billion consumers itching to come on line from the east grab at affluence corporate globalism promises.  Our profligate waste of the earth and sea are ending.  Our game changing "seven weeks".  The true God is on the move.  Sheep, let's rock this without rolling into the abyss.  The true God has made clear His hatred of fornication, blood guilt, and the destruction of His earth is not allowed.  Christendom preaches it.  They just just have no way of walking it.

Wisdom’s Gold

The irony of Solomon's wealth, it scarcely lasted beyond his lifetime.  He set Israel and Judah's stage for fornication with false gods.  There is so little evidence of his kingdom that archeologists and anthropologists question whether Solomon's kingdom actually existed.  That is not a coincidence.  Pervert wisdom and justice with fornication and viola, oblivion.  Just imagine how quickly enemies to globalism could wipe out this world's economy of glutton's in just a few decades.

After thirty years the only evidence of the water bottling industry is in land fills along with chemical manufacturers, and petroleum dependent giants. Automobiles sitting along-side the road, so plentiful.  The homeless choose between a Jag convertible or a Mercedes SLK for repose.  The window had been busted out a few years before for the gold on the computer mother boards scavengers harvested.

Do you like petroleum products?  Do you like your wealth from them?  Corporate profits are not going to be allowed favor over the cost to the earth. Do you think the true God took possession of those lands on accident? They are for His people not terrorists or gluttons raping His earth and impoverishing the masses in slavery with Sodomizing wages.  Yes Middle East, you are on notice.  Roll a fat one and commiserate with the president of Mexico.

The Serpentine Misfortune

Iron legs supporting the golden head of Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom under the bronze bodice of Greece and Rome, scrutiny with provision is here. The industrial revolution that transformed the western world must be dealt the full costs of production, negative externalities and all.  This from the days of your company founders; forward. Do you have one hundred years of pollution to account for?  For every ounce of material you use in production and expend impacting the environment including consumer packaging in land fills, you will indemnify the nation under “God”. This is the true God’s free market solution to the dilemma you did not know you possessed beyond the lies you serpentined onto EPA permits.

Pass these to the consumer or stockholder. You may not take so much as one nickel from your employees. They are slave’s enough to your greed even now.  Do you understand this notice king’s of Sodom (a.k.a. corporate presidents)? Under the true God, every corporation selling so much as one good on US soil participating in global markets the world over makes monetary reparations to the United States government or moves its entire legal and physical holdings to a nation that wishes to continue atheism as its national religion. Your goods may not be peddled on US soil without sanctions meaner than those on a Cuban cigar.

The Story of the Profit

Corporate America is a wanton glutton of epic proportions in her lust for profits. She will enjoy the consequence of the free market she profits by. Bare your total costs, leave the American market, or close your doors. As an entity on the soil of the nation under “God” be exemplary in caring for the true God’s earth. A good steward. That nation under “God” has a choice to make. Exploiters, gluttons, of the true God’s “nation” feel His anger.

Corporate America on April 15 2020 before midnight eastern time you are to make a payment of 0.5% of your previous years total revenue to the national debt of the United States.  This is a beginning of reparations.  If you fail to make this payment sheep of the true God will make a personal commitment to boycott your brand beginning April 16 2020 12AM Eastern time.  His sheep will not be able to take your merchandise from the shelf because they are seeking His help ending gluttony in their homes and bodies.

The East

Pollution is not the only offender.  Corporations globalized to China and India these eastern 'shepherds' are under discipline.  You bear the mark of a glutton as well.  Not one molecule or millisecond from these two nations may contribute to goods sold on US soil.  If Hong Kong does not achieve complete autonomy from China as an independent nation, leave Hong Kong. Oh, why? The privilege and burden of our time is the plagues against gluttons of this world.  These plagues correct gluttonous behavior.  Clean-up and labor restructure keep you nestled in the land of the free long term.  Again the US can change its stand to one nation under 'god' on all documentation the world over.

Life for A Life

The Satanic perversion of China forcing abortions as a government and the perversion of India’s fornications is an abomination to the true God. These governments are blood guilty. Consumerism these can accomplish on their own with their own work force diverted from their military and their impoverished.

Relax Rising Sun

China does not earn the right to destabilize their neighbors after condoning murdering females to curb its population and fuel its military with males.  That China steals western technology, unfortunate. You iron legs may not defend commercial enterprise with government assets and identify yourselves as a force under “God”. China is now under the mighty hand of the true God for their murders, all of them. Note, the moment of conception defines life’s beginning.  Why? Conception is tantamount to the true God giving His word to that new life. You did not make Him a liar you simply committed murder. The true God is accounting for those lives.

China's Porridge

China, for your blood guilt you are no longer allowed a dictatorship of one voting party.  Legalize a completely democratized government determined by popular vote with no partially distributed between peoples by February 12, 2021, Noon Beijing time.  The warning against you falls on February 12 2020, Noon Beijing time.  Draft a legal commitment terminating communism and institute the popular vote demanded by the 2021 new year.  On the date and time of warning your naval forces will become the laughing stock of the seven seas.  The true God will target ranking naval officers of every command.  They benefit from His personal correction with dumbfounding confusion.  Completely befuddled in the commencement of even their mundane duties docks China's navy.  Confusion is only the beginning.  Ah, what Pharaoh of Egypt witnessed.  How many did you murder China?

Also on the date and time of warning, China, banking data transmissions from financial institutions that have so much as one affiliate on US soil will be inexplicably interrupted in each direction at the true God's hand.  The only reliable means of data transmission for those transactions selected by Him will be paper and person to person.  Capital river, drying.

India Legalizes Jaw Dropping Fornication

India your hypocrisy of fornication is staggering. You legalize the act of fornication and prevent the protection of marriage.  Open legal marriage for same sex couples or make the act of fornication illegal.  The affluence of trading with the nation under "God" is ending.  July 4 2020 at 6:01 AM Eastern Time, U.S. India your river of technology is drying up.

Like an aquifer valve the true God will terminate your electron conduit suppling data to corporations and government agencies on US soil at His choosing.  You will not be able to harvest, store, manage, 'cloud', mine, or exchange data under the hand of discipline from the true God.  This will worsen until marital rights are equal between homosexual and heterosexual couples or fornication for both bares the same legal sentence.  Enjoy writing parliament. You India have legalized the perversion of the true God's sheep within your boarders and loosing your technology contracts is the first plague to come online.

The only reliable means of data transmission for those transactions selected by Him will be paper and person to person.  That certainly takes longer than milliseconds.

Tail Does Not Wag The God

January 4, 2020

You Don't Wag the God

What was wrong with; deliverer, prophet, ark and tabernacle builder, and judge, Moses, saying, 'should I get water from this rock?'  Not one damned thing.  The trouble?  Pandering to that angry crowd and letting them dictate the miracle the true God was going to perform.

The Chariot

Four things are simultaneously accomplished when the true God moves.  His timing is dead on perfect.  The four simultaneous accomplishments: love is felt, justice is accomplished, wisdom is accounted, and His power is demonstrated: all though His servants.

The Miracle is the true God's Choice

To stay out of trouble Moses needed to tell that crowd; the true God does not dance for your fits.  We know this because the Christ made it clear that the generation he was speaking to was a fitful wad that had the self discipline of children in a market place screaming, we played music and you didn't dance, we don't like you.

'I perform the true God's miracles as He deems they are beneficial', a good follow up to help Moses situation.  It is because Moses did not let God have that moment of deliverance the way He wanted to give it that Moses was in trouble.  It is a serious thing to take from the true God His moments.  Moses basically stood in the way of a form of deliverance.

Credit is Up for Grabs

Understand the true God gives latitude to people that He had given authority to.  A king will declare what is righteous and wrong in his name.  Is that wrong? No.  The law might be imperfect and that law will get fixed if it stands in the way of the true God's will.

We have many laws in this world.  Some laws feed; terrorism, drug cartels, and human trafficking.  What is abused will be amended.  Does that happen overnight? No.  The true God is patient.  Make progress and He holds back His anger.  Make no mistake, He is angry at wrong doing.  This is the precious time for repentance and eradicating ignorance.

When the Chariot Moves

Governments pandering to illicit lobby interests will get replaced.  How does that happen? Are not most of you elected?  What if every sheep of the true God all voted at once?  What in hell do you think would happen to corrupt law makers?  Good luck getting even McDonalds to hire you.  They find hard working people like Walmart.  Those that listen to the true God's voice will be sitting in government.  Bye, bye, Satan.

Were you replaced in Government?  Make petitions to the true God.  Read your Bible and build that precious relationship.  Voting is by choice.  The true God loves the neutral too.  Understand when you step in that ballot box He will count on you to pray.  His chariot will be on the move.

Section Seven

The Ark, Prophet, and Like Minded One

mac Dukes is one of the two witness team. These articles are explanatory in nature of the relationship, concerns, and work of mac Dukes.

Raise Your Heads Erect

January 30, 2020

What is the prophet of the true God? She is the advocate for world peace that the true God has on this earth to teach leaders how to transform their agencies into leaner departments for eliminating the burdens of Satan’s world. Raise your heads erect.  Your deliverance is nigh.  This includes streamlining costs and eliminating programs that are a front for Satan’s profiteer empires. These are agencies draining government resources under the guise of being a ‘steward’ of peace or eliminating poverty while draining government resources faster than disability and tax frauds.

World Peace, the true God is Making it Happen

The Fine Shepherd is collecting His scattered sheep by correcting the perversions plaguing government.  I am the King over Israel, Secretary of Righteous Warfare in the Church of Christ.  My writings put on notice the corrections the true God is using, to whom and why.  Fornication, blood guilt and deceit are the first problems to be corrected with the true God's sheep.

Understand this, if you are a blood thirsty religious leader looking for God to destroy the wicked, just wait.  That comes when God of Magog rally under Satan's last stand.  Why? After the 1,000 year kingdom of the Christ not so much as one conceived human being will miss knowing who the true God is.  Every person on this earth is the victim of ignorance about the true God.  Not one being has received correction from God and not been made aware that they are receiving correction.  It is through the two witness team, husband and wife, that the true God is revealing who He is to His creation for a smooth as glass transition to world peace under Christ's heavenly kingdom.

Make the Move

Increase your budget and efficacy of every strike with the assistance of the true God. His ark is His tool for moving His Holy Active Discipline (previously identified as Force) about the earth. Armies that travel with His blessing because they have eradicated fornication from their midst and seek righteousness are empowered. Imagine with days of dry lightning and a blackened sun striking terror into cave dwellers crying out to Allah for protection. Then with a siren rounding up a disarmed gorilla militia in the land of Canaan and the Philistines. True prophecy.

That is an inkling of the power of traveling with the two witnesses of the true God. The morale of your forces at an all time high without a narcotic. Every soldier moving with confidence striking with caution and innocence. Blood guilt, eliminated. Imagine you, working out the righteous victories of the true God over Satan’s empire and transforming the world for growing to perfection with your family in the kingdom of the Christ.

Read Ye Bible

Remember the unbelievable victory of Gideon and his three hundred men? Read Judges again. Read; Samuel, Kings, Chronicles and Maccabees. Ah, then read Revelation seeing yourself as the true God’s instrument for raining fire at Satan’s false prophets’, after plundering their every asset the world over.

The proof you need over those despicable agents will be handed to you by the true God. You will legally seize every asset for the acts of war they have perpetrated inside your boarders and conjured the earth over on Satan’s behalf.

All Legal Government Has Equal Access

Legal government you are the shepherd the Fine Shepherd is entreating to call on Him for assistance in defeating your mutual enemy. The true God is on the move on earth through His ark and you can destroy the waste and corruption of the Kings of Sodom that are infesting your nations.

We are living in the “seven weeks”.  At its conclusion every living sheep demonstrating repentance, daily, will walk into Christ’s kingdom triumphant over Satan.  This sheep; faithfully calls on the true God, learns who He and His Christ are, reads His Bible daily, prays to the true God in “Jesus name” asking for forgiveness of sins and to do God's will.  Watch the spectacle of that dragon being dragged into the abyss when the seven weeks end.

No sheep will miss witnessing that incarceration the earth over. That miracle is no challenge for the true God. Satan’s human organizations destroyed.  Goats, sleep in death for their resurrection to judgement in Christ’s kingdom at a time of the true God’s choosing to provide them the greatest chance at life. The second chance for their corrupted hearts.

People that are engaged in felonious actions and who have declared war against a shepherd are at risk of loosing their life in righteous warfare or finding themselves prisoners of war.  These captives at least earned their captivity as opposed to the first century Christians that served sentences to Rome.  Had Satan left alone those first century Christian's, guess what? Her agents on this earth would be left alone.  No more.  The ark is on the move.

UN Don’t Waste the Dime

This herald posts who and what the true God is targeting and why.  To understand the communication clues the true God is sharing with you as a leader, reach out.  I am His contractor for all legal government entities the world over.  The United Nations is by definition Satan's agent.  Satan also has three false prophets.  The greatest offender to the true God in achieving world peace and preventing world war III is the Jehovah's Witnesses.  Contact MacRae Dukes ark and prophet for the true God.  Discuss how you align your objectives with the true God for world peace and defeat Satan, together. Ah, the brothers of the earth over. Those under the North Star against Satan’s Southern Cross alliance. Christ’s kingdom is on the horizon.

My Daily Prayer, An Example

December 1, 2020


true God, you gave us the Christ. He is our high priest and redeemer the one who is reigning in the heavens and awaiting His time to reign over the earth. His kingdom filled with your sheep will be in Christ's congregation, His body.

A world that is filled with your knowledge follows Christ's kingdom. In your Kingdom, true God, the earth will be devoid of sin, like the heavens are now. May I and our second witness be resurrected, welcomed by you in heaven, after service till death at the hand of Gog of Magog.

Kingdom Pleading

I intreat you to bring forth your kingdom as promised by the prophets of Israel and as fulfilled by the gifts of the Christ.

It is of course your will that must be fulfilled for life and not death to reign. Satan is the architect of death. We are permeated with her half truths. Through moments and glimmers of relief in our relationship with you we become perfected in our faith, strong against Satan's rule. Please let your will be to search out the earth in this time of the end and seek out your sheep who are thirsting for the life you offer and want to be rid of the death sentence Satan has saddled your human creation with.

A Human Has Needs

Your will is wisdom beyond all your creation. I beg, keep me in health so that my deeds can fulfill your word as you direct me, as a witness. Please let your will be known openly so your sheep can survive the annihilation of wickedness because they are far removed from it.

As a fleshly being of this earth, money meets a response today just as it did when Solomon built your temple, Jerusalem. While Jerusalem is now in the heavens and I have no grand reason to glorify you with money, my feeble existence requires care that is met by money. My flesh needs to share expressions of love and is starved.

Poverty is a Concern

Please do have mercy on my efforts and bless the work of my hands so that I can avoid becoming desperately poor physically and emotionally. Just as Solomon said, the ruin of a person is their poverty. I need wisdom to avoid being a stumbling block to others. And courage to hide a face starved of food. I need to be reminded of your love so that I can endure when there is no prosperity for me and trust that I will never need to resort to the tools of the desperately poor for food and shelter.

Thanks Gives Way to Concern

I give thanks that the sacrifice of the Christ is great enough to cover my short comings but I rarely feel confident in that. Don't let me in my worries about my failings, while I faithfully keep your commandments, let my thinking so little of myself steer me into sin.

I am grateful for your protecting me from Satan and her demons. When I am faced with an agent of Satan embodied in the vile conduct and seductive cruelty of an individual doing Satan's bidding, please let me prevail in correcting and walking away from this agent. Let me live this day cautious as a serpent and innocent as a dove as the Christ admonished his disciples.

My heart is imperfect and pumps sin. The love I offer is with a partial understanding filtered though an imperfect mind. In Jesus name I close this prayer with my love to you true God. Your gifts are superlative.

Plea Of The Woman Of True Religion

August 9, 2019

true God, “I Beseech You”

true God, giver of perfect; gifts, wisdom, discernment, and happiness. You are the father of all living who gave His most precious blood to save humanity. Humanity that in ignorance rakes at your heart with the tines of a trident during every act of fornication.  This includes prayers fed with the misunderstandings of idolatry. Humans invent gods of wood; penile, driver, carved, standing dead and forest: in a desperate need to identify with you.

Your word, both your precious blood (your word in fulfillment of the promise to Israel) and your bible, are the subjects of Satan's war against truth, you. In your judgements, please, see through the veil of deceit that Satan has architected across the true religion of first century Christian's. The content of your word endures but your name is profaned and the meaning of your word is polluted. We simply make prayers in blindness of you.

My Petition

This prayer is a petition for you to show mercy toward me and favor my work in your service.  I cry out at intervals of stress concerned.  Don't let me be one more trick in Satan's bag of whores against you and your sheep.  All of humanity has been indoctrinated with some form of Satanism since birth. As your sheep seek you out please lead them in a way that assures them they are moving away from death and toward life. You have made me personal promises that are coming to fruition. Mercifully, I survive under extraordinary circumstances. I live each day faithful to you as a spouse.

We move between strongholds of United States power surveying the shepherd.  I am your ark and prophet.  From my location you reach those proximal in power.  You search their hearts with kidneys to read their hearts in the absence of the sin in the blood.  Some predators have recently been removed from naval command.  Are you house cleaning your shepherd because of where you move me? When do we move back to Washington? How about Arlington? When do we head to Moscow and Beijing?

I Struggle to Accept My Grandeur as Spouse

Watching humanity skip by me as if on an Easter parade; sucking, fucking, and stroking one another to ecstasy with lies mayhem and every pleasure that fucking your neighbors daughter while in Waikiki, letting your wife load up on the buffet can get you, is an outrageous slap in the face to a servant who has no source of comfort or pleasure.

Are you teaching me that you are going to sustain me through sleeplessness, loneliness, isolation, poverty, and want that not even the bonds of a prison cell can explain? Is this you, true God, supporting me because nothing else can explain my survival? Are we, a force of two (awaiting the third)? Am I indeed a boast to you? (That is my desire.) Am I pleasing you? (That is my effort.)

Service Should Come with Blessings

Who does not want to serve God?  (Service to a deity is meant to reap rewards.)  Biblical accounts record a sample of the perverse acts the Israelites would do against their bodies to please their gods' they adopted from the nations around them.  They cut themselves, marked, pierced, scarred, and mutilated their own bodies including their genitals not to mention human sacrifice and sexual orgies that would happen in the Ba'al temples to please Satan.  I posses none of these marks but many of your sheep do and their past will be their past once they come to you.  You have no mechanism for holding the past against a repentant individual.

Am I Enduring A Punishment?

Have I sufficiently begged for forgiveness for my fornications of the past, being brought up in the perversion of a false prophet religion, Jehovah's Witnesses? I beg again. I realize I need to regard our work as a privilege. Certainly my relationship with you a magnificent gift with a double edged sword of duty.  I walk a path unabashedly ridiculed by fornicators because no judgement of yours has met them yet.  They declare their sins approved by you.  Please, true God, grant me the language of your heart to correct these wicked fools before they know the power of your righteous destruction of them to end their deeds on this earth.  My duty is to deliver word of your coming judgements and how.

I sit and watch the warships cruise in and out of the shipyard. We are at a harbor with the tools of one shepherd on this earth. Will this shepherd be humble in accepting your invitation to side with you? Will your shepherd recognize that you have been blessing their resources and employees to do a body of fine work at keeping the peace?  (In spite of their many sins against you.) Will this shepherd recognize that you have other shepherds the world over and brother will not be allowed to slaughter brother in world war III? Would not Satan beam with joy at accomplishing this perversion against your creation?

Government Needs to Connect

Please let your shepherd find you. Give this shepherd guidance to find peace and join you in annihilating the wicked. There are kingpins of sexual trafficking with small militias and a brotherhood of chemists that are sheltered by the avarice or their family who is sitting in the place of your shepherd in governments around the world.  These are not good shepherds.  These are the wicked.  Don't let those wicked make a mockery of your good shepherds, imperfect but caring for the masses.

Will you rid the fornications of your shepherds?  Will you correct those in power so that they understand their roll is to make known your greatness as Nebuchadnezzar once did?

Who Will Listen?  Do I Even Have and Ounce of Credibility?

How is it possible to believe that there are men and women who will listen to you through me? You drafted me under extraordinary times in my life. We worked for years training me for my years as an ark for humanity. Who, without being blown away by heavenly wonder and signs, will turn to the Bible and look for you?

I am fed up with awareness of self-satisfied-happy fornicators with each other in public places without so much as room between them for a grain of sand.  I wonder how did a bitch that dumb get a guy that hot and then, oh, yeah, men like dumb women.  (Apparently, to a week minded man, those are the obedient ones.  Dumb ass bastard.  It takes education to grow the intelligence necessary to possess integrity enough be obedient to a commander.)

You have driven me between coasts to save three men of one shepherd.  One will be my husband because he listens to your voice.  The other two in service to you when you call.

Tough Object Lessons

Does not Satan support evil doers through a network of sinners that listen to their hearts (pumping sin) for direction?  Like the four stalking bastards at my former golf club.  My luck to move into the qngmic cult, and false religion center, central Texas.  The drug kingpin we turned in.  Was that the object lesson to learn your seeds of truth and hatred for fornication so I could enter your service? For the most part I sip fine pure lemonade from these lemons and I am happy. You do sweeten many moments of my life with the way you keep me alive. You are after all are the ultimate navy nurse caring for your sheep on your figurative ark.  I do know I am loved by you.  I am frustrated with our anonymity.

Just Board and Be Good

A thought experiment among my fears. If everyone on this planet is in a hurry to be the lowest common denominator they can't all die, right?  Can everyone in humanity be a fornicating piece of shit and just suck Satan with every immoral act they perform and be in Christ's kingdom? After all it is the place of learning in the absence of Satan's influence. (But the presence of sin.) Are people going to be allowed to fornicate and self mutilate their way there?

Well, all conceived life will be resurrected in Christ's kingdom and there will be no survivors of this world if this happened.  Clean slates with no memory, every one.  None of my petitions for others will allow the wicked to escape the judgement and annihilation they earned. But I don't see how anyone will make effort one to serve you, true God.  You know how to lead your sheep and the Christ would be faithful to you even if there were no sheep in his kingdom.  (Refusing bread when starving.)

Are my efforts just a mockery of your existence? true God, if you never declare yourself in any way to your sheep, nay to this world of humanity, you have simply paraded me like a rapeable Godiva through the streets of the entire world. Being a laughing stock, even to the end, don't make me Noah without the proof of the flood. Don't let me be the only person who survives this world. You have billions of prodigal sons and their children to save. My life is in no way worth Christ's sacrifice. Please, I have never asked of you to prove yourself to me, personally. I ask, prove your existence your your sheep.

It's Too Much to Watch the "Good" Evil Doer

If I haven't made it clear that I am torn by humanity because my nose is pressed up against the glass watching hypocrite after hypocrite flounce by delirious with their Satan filled lives.  I cry for the grave some nights because I am fed up with cold and deprivation in-spite of keeping your commandments.  Hypothetically to improve my life at this point if you desert my plea; run to a psychiatrist and convince him to institutionalize me for life because I talk to the true God.

The truth is you talk to me.  It is for the most part nonstop.  I look for reasons to say nice things to everyone instead of anything that smacks of the true misery I am trying to endure while being deprived of every aspect of life that makes me a woman.  I await your correcting the slander that was delivered against me by the anxious hands that sought to steal our corporations monetary seeds owed me for the years I served as a slave to my mother.  Please defend our share and deliver a righteous judgment in this matter.

Who in Modern Day 'Listens' to God

The day we live in heightens my insecurities further.  Who has listened to the voice of the true God.  We have confessions of Satan's seed claiming to listen to you.  How about the drug crazed mad man with a homemade bomb to blow up a beautiful city of benevolent people, salt of the earth, interested in doing good work and being fine people?  In a shower of insecticide they are annihilated while the militia outsider that lives in a cave claiming to listen to you (an outrage!) is drudged with marijuana, cocaine, heroin, opium, alcohol, or what ever induces an altered mind.  How am I supposed to be believed?

Channeling is demonic ownership and use of an individual without their sane awareness of themselves. To be in the hands of your Holy Active Force keeps an individual completely aware of their faculties and place. I know my own thoughts from yours, true God.

There was a time Bible kings, not religious pious-baby-raping-scum bags but kings called out to men like Daniel because they knew they had a dream that you, true God, gave them and the kings clergy including witch doctors couldn't come close to interpreting the dream.  Kings were spoken to by you and given dreams.  They were also humbled.  Who does He talk to now?  Me? A woman with no husband, no home, no family and friends that are acquaintances at best, and penny-less from robbers?  (Yeah, that is the mark of credibility in this world.)

I Admit to Being Wounded

I have fiercely fought back against the men that wanted to rape me.  Your hand was strong in revealing their motives and the perversion of their wives.  These men would have relished forcing me to suck their dicks in the golf course parking lot in front of their own wives.  Satisfying the criminal lust of those women who gave off sucking their own husbands so they could relish the pleasure of screeching with orgasmic ecstasy while their husbands kicked victims in the head with steel toed boots after giving them a belly full their cum?

You wives who refuse to satisfy our own husband are responsible for the women your husbands rape in acts of adultery.  You send him after victims with your pussy whipping.  Does your husband get you a mink coat or a new diamond for setting him up with an underaged virgin?  Yeah, I hate women that do not satisfy their husbands.  Did you capitulate to fornication to get your husband and now you want virtue back?  Tough Shit.  You won't get that.  But you can learn to love your husbands dick in you again.  Then, and only then, will you be a good wife.

My Faith

true God, I am angry over being stalked, no one believed my cries for help. I also did not end up raped.  It still cost me thousands of dollars. Not raped, a mercy I credit you with, thank you. I just shadow boxed with four perverted men at a golf club for three years and then ran home to Washington anxious for my home in Virginia. Who would believe the true God listens to me? Or speaks to me?

My faith I publicly post. I am obedient to the instructions I am given by you but at what point do you simply turn me over to the hands of a shepherd? What are you using me for true God? I am not particularly cared for and I see no benefits like those enjoyed by others for the work I do. It's like I went from an imaginary prize fight with the sick obsessed men of Central Texas and now am shadow boxing the entire world.

Listening to “You” is the Mark of the Insane

No one with any credibility has boasted a conversation with you (John, on Patmos) since the last of the Christians' were executed or survived in caves hidden from Rome (which, wow did it fall).  Those executed Christian's were the last to poses the key to, who is the true God.

I have been faithfully reading the bible, enduring insult and pressing you with gut wrenching prayers that exposed every hurt, wound, challenge, sin and trouble in my life since I was four.  Guess what, I was special.  Really? That will be believed?  Ultimately, all I am is fodder for some asshole sheriff or doctor to say, "you are crazy."  "God ain't taking to you."  And guess what? If it does not rock your world, true God, to defend my ass, all this like everything else in my life, is for nothing.  Well, "hey y'all" sounds like "hee-haw" and I did live in Texas.  Only you can shield me as I walk this earth delivering your messages.

Vulnerability Begets Rage

At times, I am enraged at the position of vulnerability I am in.  Please prove yourself to the world.  I have no leverage to make that happen.  I am powerless.  If I ask for proof, how the fuck do I know what act of proof would bring glory to your name? Humanity does not know your name.  Humanity has some enduring titles and a base set of Hebrew characters that have been bastardized all over the Hebrew scriptures with the obfuscating misery continuing into Greek.  If you wanted your name known; all would have it to call on you.  Humanity has reaching out to you in titles and hoping, just hoping that is enough.

Just A Whisper

I can make all kinds of declarations but all I am is some pathetic Barney Fife being laughed at for wanting to stop, not the spitting on the sidewalk, but the mimicking of Satan in the streets in celebrations of fertility, death, lust and animalistic pleasures that seduce the weak and prominent into believing that because they were not left in a dumpster after being gang rapped all night in an alley, it was just good fun.  Wink-wink, nod-nod.

Please, true God, without your might, all I am is whispering, "Hey why not look at your bible".  And why the fuck should they?  Didn't their priest rape them?  Didn't the community have the audacity to tell the victim; "well the priest has needs too."  "You are just God's gift to the priest."  Yeah, that is the sick fucked up world we live in.

The person who starts shouting out on a global platform, "Hey, the true God will care about you and develop a personal relationship with you" is simply a drama queen who deserves ridicule because who really wants to know God?  Satan is such a good fuck.  Keep fucking, people.  I have a lance to send through both your genitals and the strength to do it.  My rage alone will pierce your bone.  Pun intended.

The Prophets Plight

I'm a good cook.  I hate eating out.  Then I was forced to fast at the demand of those anxious greedy hands for over forty days.  Thank you for my new body.  (Kinda hot, slim but hot.)  I have no bed to sleep in unless I drag myself up the Gas Lamp district sighting the homeless with pity and despising those whose conduct will render their rape victims homeless.  Then it is a hostel bunk that I repeatedly thank you for hoping, in vein, that I will have a mattress and shower another night.  I learn to live without.

That is my life.  Learning to live without.  You have shown me little reward or condescension beyond bestowing on me what I hope is scriptural understanding and being alive when I should be dead.  That I am thank-full for as you know with my hole body.  But again, I am so heretic in my writings that unless you, true God, bestow a gesture that proves to the masses or that proves to each individual that falls on our site that the true God's truth lives at thetruegod.info I am abandoned to insanity.

I know I have produced the truth as I can attest.  I have no human witness to my truth.  That is a rare situation that makes me suspect for being crazy.  Moses had Aaron.  The prophets of Israel all had multiple contemporaries or protégées and spouses and the Christ had 12 apostles.  (Granted they were still alone with you.  Sometimes in caves.  But you proved their faith to your sheep.)  Merciful Shepherd my perspective is myopic and needs your glass.  In Jesus name, I submit these words and my gratitude if you read them.

The "Treasure" The true God Got

January 3, 2020
There are foreskins under my eyes.  My skin is thick, brittle, dull, wrinkled, pitted, and haggard.  Hag, perhaps a "sea hag" fits me best.  The haole shit from Oahu.  The priceless title second only to the childhood monicker, cunt.

The Truth of Hawaii

Ah, the eloquence of Hawaiian youth of the seventies.  How many times did that child hear his mother called that?  Those are some tough women.  Imagine having to live your life capable of beating up your massive Polynesian blood husband to get some respect.


Concealing myself is the best I can do.  Hiding my hideousness in corners.  Why, true God, did you chose for yourself a raped piece of hideous "treasure" as a bride on this earth?  Was it because my ugliness entitles me to ample portion of your bad spirit?  That harsh correction forcing confusion and anger until my mind is set you your direction?

The Beautiful; Protected

Could you have never afflicted a beautiful woman?  Petite with ample breasts who's life reflected the love of a man even if she earned him through countless fornications?  She is rewarded with youthful eyes that cheer with every smile, breasts that fill a man's mouth with pleasure and that he lusts to sink his manhood between.  Warm skin that glows with health and vitality.  A tiny frame that never challenges his leadership and hides her shrew disposition of many abuses he endures in bed.
The bed of fornication, I don't pity.

The Average Man

The no man's land is my domain. I, tall enough to challenge but not tall enough to reward a man of stature.  I look like the average man.  Never would I allow myself to be used like one.  Women tolerate anal use.  For reaching for my anus I would rip open an man's scrotum and feed him his own testicles.  My nails are too weak for that now, fantasy speech of self defense.  Brittle, broken, and pealing.  The mark of stress.  My body stores are deteriorating.  I was ugly to begin with.  I have always been hated but never allowed myself to be used like a man.  Men have men for that lust.  Let the dominate man find his feminine man if he lusts for an anus.
A woman's genitals including my own are the most abhorrent things in the world to see.  Thankfully there are labial folds to conceal that ugly place of stimulus.  No wonder we are ashamed of speaking openly about our sexual needs and feelings in prayer.  Sadly, it is the only thing that can save us from fornication.  You, true God, can't quell our desires if we are not articulating our struggles.  How would you receive credit for the act of deliverance?  Again the genitals are; penis, vagina, anus, scrotum, clitoris, and labial folds.

I Cry For You

The Christ, flawless, loving your wisdom. Never have I shrunken from it.  The Proverbs I knew by heart in childhood.  She was abused on earth but never hated by you.  My ugliness makes me hated.  She, perfect, everything that was you and feminine with her own mind.  Your greatest creation.  I have cried hours for your loss.
How can I not look at myself and see your hatred.  I have deteriorated beyond the genetics of my parents.  No woman is uglier.  I offer humor and kindness to deflect peoples shock at my repulsion.  Hoping they forgive me for standing in their view.


There are days of sun ahead, warmth to break the cold.  You received many tears in your palm from me and curses as I struggled to reveal these words.  Are there women, jealous to be me?  Fools.
Does she understand the physical stamina required to endure hours of your Holy Active Force?  Is it possible she covets, starvation?  Does she covet the poverty of a shepherd?  Is one so stupid to believe that the imperfect human mind is no barrier to our mutual understanding of when you are teaching me?  Can that bitch stand before a king, stoic, in respect, an equal, and deliver your message? Ah, a test for that covetous eye.

Postscript note, the word “treasure” replaced the original “trash”. God was not happy with me calling myself "trash".

Love Story

December 28, 2019
With two hands lusting for your own twig intoxicated with virtual Ba'al you abandoned; love, truth, occupation, and eternity.  Eleven years your were given to repent of your adultery.  One turn and two and half a turn ended your reign over the true God's woman when slaughtering her fed your greed.
The true God cared for her in seven years of slavery to death.  She was delivered into her place as woman of the true God, ark and prophet on this earth.  She, obedient to her owner, awaits being united with her earthly husband.  Both will have the reward of being united with the true God at the end of their service.  Many will be their years on this earth.  His reward, a feminine spirit being all his own.  Hers, united with her husbandly owner, the true God, her Shepherd lover of Solomon's song.
A timber of righteousness that listens to the voice of the true God will only penetrate her and move this ark.  Others that touch her will die.  They will desire and touch no others. In one penetrating glance of flame I knew I had been mercifully delivered from the ineptitude of a fraudulent witness that took the gift of the true God and ran from his duty to care for the woman.
A Jonah.  He served.  But he will loose his bottle gourd plant.  He can recapture his relationship with the true God.  His idolatry he will abandon, he will supplicate the true God as all others must and just as I did.  The intimacy of one purpose he lost.
One gaze of flame released eternity, two lives in Love found.  Timber knows in an instant she is the key to his achieving all of his ambitions and fulfilling his Godly purpose on this earth.  It is from the obedience a man earns from his wife: his love and protection of her; the true God elevates man to afford many fine things and respect on this earth.
This beautiful timber I await. Feeling anticipation; a hind ready to leap into a field of spring grass.  Under the shield of his boughs I will graze.  From his nourishment and love billions will be fed.  All may dine and live righteously.
Regardless of those that choose to heed, this man will be richly blessed in his career and his ambitions and achievements will bring nations into conformance with the Fine Shepherd and orchestrating world peace, annihilating the wicked, until the earthly kingdom of the Christ dawns.


World Peace, the true God is Making it Happen

The Fine Shepherd is collecting His scattered sheep by correcting the perversions plaguing government.  I am the King over Israel, Secretary of Righteous Warfare in the Church of Christ.  My writings put on notice the corrections the true God is using, to whom and why.  Fornication, blood guilt and deceit are the first problems to be corrected with the true God's sheep.

Understand this, if you are a blood thirsty religious leader looking for God to destroy the wicked, just wait.  That comes when God of Magog rally under Satan's last stand.  Why? After the 1,000 year kingdom of the Christ not so much as one conceived human being will miss knowing who the true God is.  Every person on this earth is the victim of ignorance.  It is through the two witness team, husband and wife, that the true God is revealing who He is to His creation for a smooth as glass transition to world peace under Christ's heavenly kingdom.

"I shall give power unto my two witnesses...the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth."
"These have the power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will."
Revelation 11 (KJV)

Come to the Fine Shepherd

The Fine Shepherd is the true God who directed the steps of the nation of Israel, sent Christ in fulfillment of His promise and is made famous by scriptural account. He loves His human creation. In the Bible He preserved His words for humanities' salvation. By reading the Bible and praying to the true God, the God of Jesus in "Jesus name", and asking Him for His direction about how we make decisions, we will have life.

The Gift of the Christ

Serve the true God proving that we love Him by our deeds.  We prove our repentance for sin. In this way we work for our salvation.  Forgiveness exists.  There is no way to earn forgiveness, just daily ask.  Our righteousness we must prove.  Righteous acts prove we love the gift of the Christ.

The Prophetic Message of the true God

Declaring the prophetic messages of the true God against false religion, the false prophet, and all human conduct that will earn destruction is the purpose of this blog.  It is the relevant news of this day declaring the true God's actions against wickedness to prepare those who will heed.  These are the sheep of the true God.  Those that heed the warnings and correct their conduct will enjoy the mercy of the true God.  This herald is the work of the true God's faithful witness and prophet.

False Religion and False Prophets?

"true God, the God who delivered Israel out of Egypt and provided your own flesh, the Christ, to save humanity.  Please defend yourself against false prophets and false religion on the www so your sheep can find you and not the profanity Satan is clearly creating.  In Jesus name, Amen."

Being A Prophet

These articles are written by mac Dukes during inspiration from the true God. The companion site has a school under development. It is a tool for all of humanity to develop the ability to listen to the true God as their Shepherd. Prayer, Bible reading and wise decisions are required of us to know our Shepherd and have life. Not one agent on this earth, until now, is directing billions of sheep to their Shepherd. He is their creator who loves them. He sacrificed His own flesh for our salvation, the Christ. We have forgiveness. Now we must act. This corporation will teach you how to act; www.thetruegod.info.

From the Blog

These herald entries are Psalms from and to the true God. As such, they are said Jesus name because an imperfect human being desperately in need of the true God's mercy and the perfect sacrifice of the Christ is sharing them.

This herald is replicated without comments and commercials at herald.thetruegod.info.

This Herald is for Leaders and the Masculine Partner; those Accountable for Headship

This herald discusses Satanism. This includes sexual relationships outside of marriage, addiction, criminal pursuits and idolatry. These topics are written to adult men. Topics that do not include textural edits as stated below or that are regarding petitioning the true God in prayer or learning about what the true God approves of are not age restricted.

Masculine one, the true God is calling on you to take the lead in eliminating fornication from you and your loved ones lives.  The partner that is accountable for headship, leadership, in the relationship to who the feminine one submits, you are being burdened with bringing righteousness into your family.  It starts with your headship and eliminating fornication.

Not an Easy Read

This herald uses the word fuck and a replacement for fuck as f@#k. Why? It forces the reader to stumble over the @#. F@#k replaces fornication as both are the same vulgar act but fornication is biblical and fuck is the common vernacular intended to remind the reader that sexual relations with one other than your marriage mate is an abomination to the true God.  (And that was a period.)  It is also a reminder that using fuck as a word whisker is detestable loathsome speech at any age.

mac Dukes

MacRae Dukes is the author under inspiration of the true God writing Herald of the Fine Shepherd part of thetruegod.info www. She is the King over Israel, Secretary of Righteous Warfare in the Church of Christ. Find mac at www. macdukes.com.

Brokering for peace means signing articles with the true God. mac is His signatory on earth. She writes the penalties and times for shepherds (legal governments) that are being brought into correction. The United States for it's "one nation under God" declaration is called on in the herald to prove its allegiance first.

The invitation is extended to all legal government to broker for peace with the true God. Contact mac to arrange an investigation period to learn how your government will prosper by hosting His ark and prophet in your gates. Providing for the ark strengthens your hand against the enemies you hold in common with the true God. Subversive entities that traffic corruption and lawlessness attempting to destabilize your nation will be subdued by the true God.

Eradicate incentives to worship Satan from public policy and enforcing the true God's laws improves your budget and military accuracy. As knowledge of the true God spreads throughout your nation your people will prosper.

You will defeat homelessness, bloodguilt, fornication, and deceit with the true God's hand. When the kingdom of the Christ arrives your government will enjoy stability and be recognized as legal agent over your boundaries.

mac Dukes is the economist and EIT who was born into God's service as His woman. Her secular aptitudes are engineering, economic theory and research, and computer programming. mac writes in object oriented languages and the web. Occasionally she writes in English but words are often camelCase or invented spellings. She is one of the two witness team.

© 2020 MacRae Dukes all rights reserved.

Photos taken by author.

Humanity Built Themselves A Ba'al -- Jehovah
Heaven Needed A New King to Save You
God Says,
“Ask No More What I AM Can Do for You: but, What You Can Do for I AM”

H. L. MacRae "mac" Dukes serves the United States presently as a General in the U.S.M.C. Special Forces. Her office as High Priest is under the USMC Commandant. She reports directly to the Senior Joint Chief. Her military campaign handles the Pentagon Field Office of Senior Joint Chief. The Secretary of Defense answers to Her.

mac holds Her PhD in Theological Studies from Harvard University. Her undergraduate education was in engineering, economics, and animal science. She holds an Engineer in Training Certification from the State of California, and is qualified to sit for professional engineer examination.

All Pages Directory

Reading mac Dukes writings grants God permission to access your mind as stated in the Consent to Shepherding by Apathy, Implication, and/or Interest.

This website has text entries that are Psalms to the true God. Those born of Adam need the true God's mercy, and the perfect sacrifice of the Christ. This note encapsulates these entries in "Jesus' name".

mac Dukes Awarded the Christ
May 12, 2012

mac Dukes Kingdom was established in the Heavens August 21, 2021. mac Dukes leads Holy warfare on earth. Without consulting through mac Dukes directly all global governance and military operations are subjected to the full and total consequences of the Ba'al humanity built.

The Lamb and the LORD back mac Dukes as Their earthly agent. mac is the earthly signatory of TeamGOD of Heaven. Herald article of relevance.

Active Duty Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force: Your Personal Forgiveness. Terms of existence. God Almighty's guarantee is H. L. MacRae Dukes of Corpus Christi is the Christ. mac is presently revising macdukes.com to accommodate global services and offerings for salvation from the Pentagon under Her Holy office as Pentagon High Priest.

Looking for a past post announcement of shock and awe from Heaven? It was moved to our proclamations directory. These are the nigger -- in the Biblical sense -- of the world condemnation notices.

|©2018 mac Dukes - All Rights Reserved. Pillar template purchased from themeforest, used with permission and adapted. | H. L. MacRae Dukes' home is in Corpus Christi, Texas. | The Pentagon maintains mac's office in the Joint Staff Pentagon Complex | 9999 Joint Staff Pentagon | Washington D.C. 20318-9999 | Contacting mac Dukes is consent to Shepherding as defined in the Consent to Shepherding by Apathy, Implication, and/or Interest. Insincere or data minned inquiries are subject to discipline by God according to the Consent to Shepherding by Apathy, Implication, and/or Interest. Contact welcome@macdukes.com. | Contract rates are in gold. | Graphic images purchased from iStock, Getty Images Library. | Photos credited to photographers from unsplash. | www.macdukes.com is hosted by HostGator.